I'm shocked- ex-reagan-adviser-fox-news-is-self-brainwashing-republicans-into-a-radical-fringe-party

Perhaps you should try understanding that facts and truth have some bearing, Pub dupe. You don't get them, stupid.

Oh so every left leaning news agency is factual and truthful??

Dem hater dupe. Yep that's you a Dem hater dupe who thinks only the news he listens to is honest and truthful.

An idiot you truly are and a Dem hater dupe as well.
They're real news outlets, not propaganda, dingbat. And not leftist, chump. Your party is a worldwide laughingstock and horror.

Oh they are real news outlets because they tell you what you want to hear.

Got it.
You are a brainwashed functional MORON. Breaking for YOU: PP shooter was a hater dupe, every Obama "scandal" is pure Pubcrappe, ACA is working and helps YOU, GW is real, Booosh was a world catastrophe, we have the best economy in the world now, Fox/Rush/Heritage etc etc is bought off BS, not news.

Speaking of brainwashed functional MORONs. That would be you. Dem hater dupe.
I only hate RW lies, chump. See sig, last line. Tell me a lie I believe.
Freedom for the greedy idiot megarich GOP to keep robbing the nonrich...
too stupid and liberal by 100000%!!! the non rich are 100% free to stop buying from Jobs, Gates, and Bezos!! HOw could the rich be robbing if the non rich are freely buying from them.

See why we say you are are 100% stupid and liberal??
Freedom for the greedy idiot megarich GOP to keep robbing the nonrich...
too stupid and liberal by 100000%!!! the non rich are 100% free to stop buying from Jobs, Gates, and Bezos!! HOw could the rich be robbing if the non rich are freely buying from them.

See why we say you are are 100% stupid and liberal??
Are they free to stop paying the same rate in all taxes and fees as the bloated megarich, and stop having to get crap Pub jobs? Idiot.
It's a simple fact that both parties have been radicalized. After all, an openly socialist candidate is giving the Democrats a run for their money. Meanwhile, a bigoted and ignorant nazi wannabe who lies as if unadulterated bullshit becomes fact through repetition is at the head of the Republican pack.

Two thirds of eligible voters stayed home in 2014. Two thirds.

The time is ripe for a new major party to swoop up those two thirds of voters.
Are they free to stop paying the same rate in all taxes.

dear too stupid!! yes, the top 1% pay 40% of all Fed and State taxes do you want the non rich to pay the same for govt as the rich???

100% stupid????
Just as long as you count only income tax, dupe. Payroll tax, mainly the nonrich, is now more than that, and state and local tax rate is much higher for the nonrich, ditto fees.
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