I'm shocked the lefty "fact checkers" are calling Biden a liar for his Presser today.

When even Politi"fact" calls a lefty a blatant liar you know he is full of shit.

Joe Biden
stated on March 25, 2021 in press conference
“We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”

I love how you cherry pick the shit you want to believe is true when it comes to Politifact. You people reason like children.

I think he was pointing out that if EVEN Politifact, the percieved lap dogs of the left, call this a lie.....

You can be pretty sure that is the case.

No, politifact is not an impartial entity.
Don't make to much out of that the so called fact checkers much like the media throw something like this out every now and then to try and maintain the pretense they are unbiased.
Here you go little Billy. It's your left fact checks telling a story how your left women really didn't mean it ruling "Mostly False". They revised content & context to suit their preferable opinions, how about MOSTLY TRUE?

called for "unrest in the streets" in an Aug. 15 interview with Tiffany Cross on MSNBC’s "AM Joy" show. But PROG-CHECK says mostly false, wasn't provoking violence.

Kamala said " This is a movement, I’m telling you, they’re not going to stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not going to stop after Election Day," she said. "And everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they’re not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not." But PROG-CHECK says mostly false, wasn't provoking violence.

Waters said "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere." But PROG-CHECK says mostly false, wasn't provoking violence.

Nancy Pelosi said I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. And maybe there will be, when people realize that this is a policy that they defend. Look up the term uprising, but PROG-CHECK says mostly false, she didn't really mean it.

Lol I love how you’re just proving my point. Now you’re randomly googling shit. How about you post the link to Trump’s profile? You won’t of course. That is the part of the website that doesn’t coddle you.

Seriously, you sound like a turnip with "I love it". You're just like Richard, he likes to declare he's a winner too with nothing behind it. What do you mean randomly googling, I think that's code you had nothing else to add. Do us a favor and post the link to Trump's profile you pretend I'd like to avoid. Don't mistake me for a coward, that's your dance not mine.
When even Politi"fact" calls a lefty a blatant liar you know he is full of shit.

Joe Biden
stated on March 25, 2021 in press conference
“We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”

That's because the real media tells the news, not the comforting lies the RWNJ media tells you.
When even Politi"fact" calls a lefty a blatant liar you know he is full of shit.

Joe Biden
stated on March 25, 2021 in press conference
“We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”

I love how you cherry pick the shit you want to believe is true when it comes to Politifact. You people reason like children.

Saying you love it makes you look petty & thoughtless.

You see (no you don't) some people know how to read between the lines and comprehend CONTEXT & REASON, so it's easy to see who pays these fact checks. Then there are BLUNT & important lies of which the left can't tell a difference. In Biden's case this is a blunt and important lie, and what do snowflakes do? You blame the other guy because you're a dishonest coward.
You can’t even explain why you pick and choose these fact checks. We both know you only believe the shit that coddle your tender narrative.

You know that when a left leaning platform is even willong to call Biden a liar....Biden is in big trouble. He lied over and over in that joke of a Dog and pony show today.

When even Politi"fact" calls a lefty a blatant liar you know he is full of shit.

Joe Biden
stated on March 25, 2021 in press conference
“We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”

That's because the real media tells the news, not the comforting lies the RWNJ media tells you.

The 'real' media has not existed for a long time. All the major outlets are little more than political mouthpieces for their chosen ideology.
I heard the figure is about 13% sent back.

So, either Veggie Joe is a vegetable or he is a lying sack.......................................or both.
This week only. Mexico can't take families at the moment, they haven't got available facilities open either. We're overflowing, and over 70% are being turned back. So imagine what Mexico's side looks like.
Here you go little Billy. It's your left fact checks telling a story how your left women really didn't mean it ruling "Mostly False". They revised content & context to suit their preferable opinions, how about MOSTLY TRUE?

called for "unrest in the streets" in an Aug. 15 interview with Tiffany Cross on MSNBC’s "AM Joy" show. But PROG-CHECK says mostly false, wasn't provoking violence.

Kamala said " This is a movement, I’m telling you, they’re not going to stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not going to stop after Election Day," she said. "And everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they’re not going to let up, and they should not, and we should not." But PROG-CHECK says mostly false, wasn't provoking violence.

Waters said "If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere." But PROG-CHECK says mostly false, wasn't provoking violence.

Nancy Pelosi said I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. And maybe there will be, when people realize that this is a policy that they defend. Look up the term uprising, but PROG-CHECK says mostly false, she didn't really mean it.

Lol I love how you’re just proving my point. Now you’re randomly googling shit. How about you post the link to Trump’s profile? You won’t of course. That is the part of the website that doesn’t coddle you.

Seriously, you sound like a turnip with "I love it". You're just like Richard, he likes to declare he's a winner too with nothing behind it. What do you mean randomly googling, I think that's code you had nothing else to add. Do us a favor and post the link to Trump's profile you pretend I'd like to avoid. Don't mistake me for a coward, that's your dance not mine.
Lol okay sure. What’s your explanation for this mountain of bullshit? Go ahead. I’ll wait.

The media is turning on Biden because their role has lessened with him winning. Things have simmered down with no witch hunt.
So media wants back in spotlight and expect them to exert themselves on him.
Luckily, I got a transcript of the press conference Chairman Xiden gave

Reporter: Mr. President, how are you going to address the dastardly Republican party that wishes to destroy the world with global warming and kill us all with guns? Will you end the filibuster?

Xiden: My first goal is to address the Covid crisis. I have personally vaccinated millions of Americans and intend to vaccinating millions more with the vaccine I produced. I am not here to divide the county with such talk of ending the filibuster, I’m here to unite.

Reporter: Mr. President, is it true that illegal immigrants are now coming to the border in record numbers because they know you are a decent and loving man whom I am madly in love with?

Xiden: Yes.

Reporter: Mr. President, do you intend on supporting ending the filibuster and how will you address the immigration crisis?

Xiden: First of all, the border crisis was all created by Trump and his Neanderthal supporters, not me. Second, the filibuster when I was a Senator 120 years ago was used for good, but now it’s being abused and used for evil. Like I said, I’m here to unite the country against the dastardly evil Republicans and crush their skulls into dust before they destroy the world and universe. We are here to get things done and I am here to get things done and we……….um………….(incoherent speech) Wait, were am I?

Reporter: Sir, I was at the border and talked to a woman who said she was sending her children to the border alone because she heard you say you would not turn children away. So are you not encouraging parentless children to swarm across the border?

Xiden: First of all, who let this Nazi insurrectionist reporter in here? Secondly, I am certainly not going to let children starve to death in cages like Trump did. And lastly, reporters are no longer welcome at the border and will be shot on site if they try to report the fake news going on there right now.

Reporter: Are you going to withdraw from Afghanistan like Trump was going to do or stay?

Xiden: First of all, Trump started that war like all the wars in the Middle East just like the one in Libya, so someone has to stay and make sure they end right. Trump was Hitler after all. What a warmonger he was.

Reporter: Mr. President, Mitch McConnell says you have given up on bipartisanship? Have you?

Xiden: What a load of crap from the Nazi party. See, this is why we need to end the filibuster

Reporter: It has been said that the filibuster rule is rooted in racism and Jim Crow? Is this true? Will you save us from having to work the plantations on the chain gang by destroying the filibuster?

Xiden: Yes.

Reporter: God bless you Joe Biden!!!

Xiden: Yes.

Reporter: Are you going to run for reelection in 2024?

Xiden: Come on man! Yes, I will run for the Senate again.

Reporters chant together: Kill the filibuster!!! Kill the filibuster!!!! Kill the filibuster!!!!

Xiden: Yes.
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Here's a fun fact check, I accidentally came across it.

Claim: The longest filibuster in U.S. history was 75 days and “took place in 1964, when Democrats tried to block the Civil Rights Act.”

Fact-Check: Mostly false, based on the twist "It wasn't Democrats but Southern Democrats who caused the filibuster".

How about mostly true? And nobody ever said all Democrats.

Fraud Check Check:
If the term mostly is used it means their determination is mostly bias.

When even Politi"fact" calls a lefty a blatant liar you know he is full of shit.

Joe Biden
stated on March 25, 2021 in press conference
“We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”

That's because the real media tells the news, not the comforting lies the RWNJ media tells you.

The 'real' media has not existed for a long time. All the major outlets are little more than political mouthpieces for their chosen ideology.
Lol,.that's why they are being critical of President Joe's actions, right?
I heard the figure is about 13% sent back.

So, either Veggie Joe is a vegetable or he is a lying sack.......................................or both.
This week only. Mexico can't take families at the moment, they haven't got available facilities open either. We're overflowing, and over 70% are being turned back. So imagine what Mexico's side looks like.

That's a lie and you KNOW it!
Here's a fun fact check, I accidentally came across it.

Claim: The longest filibuster in U.S. history was 75 days and “took place in 1964, when Democrats tried to block the Civil Rights Act.”

Fact-Check: Mostly false, based on the twist "It wasn't Democrats but Southern Democrats who caused the filibuster".

How about mostly true? And nobody ever said all Democrats.

Fraud Check Check:
If the term mostly is used it means their determination is mostly bias.

Part of this messy fact check blog omits the fact that Robert Byrd was always a Democrat from the late 1940's to the day he died in 2010 (only 63 years), he was Senate Majority leader for the democrats, for around 15 years.
When even Politi"fact" calls a lefty a blatant liar you know he is full of shit.

Joe Biden
stated on March 25, 2021 in press conference
“We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”

That's because the real media tells the news, not the comforting lies the RWNJ media tells you.
Other than the WSJ not sure what “real media” is these days. Please elaborate.
I heard the figure is about 13% sent back.

So, either Veggie Joe is a vegetable or he is a lying sack.......................................or both.
This week only. Mexico can't take families at the moment, they haven't got available facilities open either. We're overflowing, and over 70% are being turned back. So imagine what Mexico's side looks like.

That's a lie and you KNOW it!
The fact checkers didn't dispute it. 70/97 is 72%
In February, for example, the majority of migrants encountered at the US-Mexico border were immediately turned back -- and some of those tried to cross again. Numbers had started to steadily climb last summer.
Of the nearly 97,000 migrants who crossed the border illegally in February, around 70,100 were turned away, according to US Customs and Border Protection data. Those numbers may reflect some repeat crossers. If not for that Trump-era policy, they would generally be processed and come into US custody.
That is similar to how the border was operating over the last year under Trump, except for one difference -- unaccompanied migrant children aren't being expelled.


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