I'm Thinking About Voting for Trump

I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
In 2 years Trump has done more good for America than any President in over 160 years.
2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.
Terrible how North Korea is no longer threatening to nuke America.

Nobel Peace Prize worthy? Absolutely!

Gonna get ? Oh no!
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
[Double checking to make sure this isn’t in Political Satire…]

‘The left’ isn’t running for president, ‘the left’ won’t be nominating anyone for president.

The Democratic Party, on the other hand, will be nominating a mainstream, middle-of-the-road corporate lapdog as they always have, someone funded by corporate America, someone beholden to corporate America, and someone whose policies will benefit corporate America.

And someone far more fit and capable than Trump to be president.

Well said.

I have said many times, if Socialism seems like such a good deal to young people, it's because for most folks in this country, Capitalism is such a shit sandwich.

The beautiful thing about that is young people grow up
Yea but if they grow up and don’t find a job with good employer provided healthcare they might vote for socialized medicine.

We don’t want it because we have good employer provided healthcare.

And if college is unaffordable they might vote for affordable community colleges funded by the government or taxpayers.
In 2 years Trump has done more good for America than any President in over 160 years.
2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.
Terrible how North Korea is no longer threatening to nuke America.

Nobel Peace Prize worthy? Absolutely!

Gonna get ? Oh no!
Maybe Trump should make public he’s 1/1024 African.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!
In 2 years Trump has done more good for America than any President in over 160 years.
2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.
Terrible how North Korea is no longer threatening to nuke America.
What deal did he make with Kim jong un? I would love to see those transcripts. He didn’t do so well with Mexico. They told him fu
In 2 years Trump has done more good for America than any President in over 160 years.
2 years tRump has done more harm to America than any president in over 200 years.

Such as-?
Tax receipts dropping, diplomacy faltering, allies turning their backs, tariffs, rampant racism, not to mention destroying our national credibility, the list is really to long to type at the moment.
Terrible how North Korea is no longer threatening to nuke America.
What deal did he make with Kim jong un? I would love to see those transcripts. He didn’t do so well with Mexico. They told him fu
You can read about the two years of diplomacy after its declassified.

Where’s the documentation on Obama’s peace negotiations with whover he was supposed to bring peace to. Starting two wars was icing I know.
I am a #NeverTrumper. Donald Trump is the most unqualified individual to ever be elected President.

But the Left is going Full Retard.

The policies that the Left are now promoting will make us look like France.

And that is unacceptable.

If we follow the far left turn of the Democrats, then we will become France but with bad food!

It's an intentional plan to destroy the nation and initiate their NWO.

I thought you already knew this? You always tell us you are the resident Illuminati?

Obama: "This is the Syrian red line."


What a fucking moron!
It is smart for you trump lions to go out and lie. Say this.

“I was a Hillary supporter but now I’m voting to give trump a second term. He deserves it”

And then list all his accomplishments

That’s a brilliant lie
I had some ..of something like that..3 weeks ago. Ol' boy comes over with this like..$36/ 1 pint whiskey.

It tasted good!

I tend to shy away from whiskey, because I'm allergic to handcuffs and love freedom!
Obama: "This is the Syrian red line."


What a fucking moron!
It is smart for you trump lions to go out and lie. Say this.

“I was a Hillary supporter but now I’m voting to give trump a second term. He deserves it”

And then list all his accomplishments

That’s a brilliant lie


Trump sucks.

But you leftists suck even more!

Long Live The Establishment!
The Democratic Party, on the other hand, will be nominating a mainstream, middle-of-the-road corporate lapdog as they always have, someone far more fit and capable than Trump to be president.

Good one.

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We have to stick together with Republican votes to put a stop to this craziness. No matter who is on the Republican ticket, we have to stick together.

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