I'm trying to understand

Ouch....social experiment gone horribly wrong

A female Air Force officer who was one of the first openly gay U.S. service members to get married was identified on Tuesday as one of the six U.S. troops killed by a suicide bomber near Bagram air base in Afghanistan.
Gay or not...why was it necessary to send a field grade officer on such a mundane mission?

I wasn't referring to the gay so much as I was it was the female in leadership role. Sorry, I don't think they belong in combat situations, you can thank my dad for my thoughts on that
The lesbian was one of the plaintiffs that got don't ask don't tell overturned.

It's a shame that she took five others with her.
And a 45 year old enlisted man...

I wonder more about this than the female. Have you seen those Kurdish chicks? They can be badass. A 45 year old man? Not to take anything away from his bravery and service to the country, but after a certain age you should be sitting behind a desk.
Grunts fresh off the plane were assigned point duty in Nam.

On the job training Military style.
All of the above...and OSI are investigators not combat/patrol resources. Odd use of personnel...,will try to get info from my acquaintances...
If they tell you Route Irish is owned by ISIS, don't believe them.
Obama praises US troops killed in Bagram suicide bombing...

Obama praises US troops killed in suicide bombing
Sun, Dec 27, 2015 - US President Barack Obama called the six US troops killed in Afghanistan on Monday “outstanding” and “brave” as he thanked American service members on Friday during a Christmas Day visit to Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kanoehe Bay.
“Even though we have been able to reduce the number of folks we’re deploying to places like Iraq and Afghanistan, there are still folks over there every single day and it’s still dangerous as we saw this past week with the outstanding, brave men and women who were killed,” Obama said. The six American troops were killed when a suicide bomber on a motor bike struck their patrol near Bagram air base, marking the deadliest attack on US forces this year. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Christmas Day remarks were the first time Obama had addressed the attack. He did not mention it when he made an appearance for reporters while playing golf the day of the attack. Obama and his wife, Michelle, made their annual visit to the US Marine base’s Anderson Hall dining room to deliver Christmas wishes to troops and their families. “So many families are serving tirelessly and it’s not just those of you in uniform who serve,” Obama said in a brief address to the troops, adding that spouses and children of service members also make sacrifices.


US first lady Michelle Obama, left, listens while US President Barack Obama speaks to members of the US Marine Corps, during Christmas Day at Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kanoehe on Friday.​

Obama used the workout facilities at the base during his family’s two-week vacation in Hawaii. “The only problem I’ve got when I’m here is that I’ve got to work out next to Marines in the gym,” Obama joked. “I generally feel like your commander in chief is in pretty good shape. Then I get next to some guy curling 100 pounds [45kg] and it makes me feel small.”

The US president and first lady then spent time talking to the troops individually and taking pictures with them and their families. The White House said the Obamas spent Christmas morning opening presents and singing carols. On Wednesday, Obama called military service members from the army, navy and air force who are stationed around the world to thank them for their service, the White House said.

Obama praises US troops killed in suicide bombing - Taipei Times

See also:

Obama: We Never Take US Troops for Granted
Dec 26, 2015 -- In a Christmas Day gesture of gratitude, President Barack Obama told US troops that "we never take for granted" what they do to keep Americans safe and free.
Obama spoke a few days after six American service members were killed this week in a suicide attack at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan, the largest US facility in the country. "As we know, when you're deployed overseas, it's tough," Obama said. He said that although his administration has been bringing home troops from Iraq and Afghanistan, "there are still folks over there every single day and it's still dangerous, as we saw this past week where we had some outstanding, brave men and women who were killed." "So we never take for granted what all of you do for the American people," Obama said. "You help keep us free. You help keep us strong. Whatever service you're in, whatever branch, we are extraordinarily grateful for everything you do every single day."


Marines listen to and record President Obama as he speaks to them and their families at Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe Bay on Friday, Dec. 25, 2015​

The Christmas visit to Marine Corps Base Hawaii in Kaneohe Bay has become an annual tradition for Obama and his wife, Michelle, during the family's yearly vacation in his native Hawaii. The first lady and Jill Biden, the wife of Vice President Joe Biden, head a nationwide initiative to rally public support for active-duty and retired service members and their families. Obama said the visit is one of his and Michelle's favorite things to do "because not only are we in Hawaii for Christmas, but we're also able to say thank you on behalf of the American people." He said it isn't just the people in uniform who serve, but also the spouses and children.

Before visiting the base on Friday afternoon, Obama opened Christmas gifts and sang carols with his family at their vacation rental in nearby Kailua, about a half hour from downtown Honolulu, the White House said. Obama also spent part of Christmas Eve placing telephone calls to US service members from each branch of the military who are stationed around the world, the White House said. He thanked them and their families for serving and sacrificing for the country. The president's quiet holiday morning followed a busy Christmas Eve in which he also exercised at the Marine Corps Base gym, took his daughters Malia and Sasha on a hike on a hike and to the beach. He capped the evening with a three-hour dinner with family and friends.

That's a hell of a price to pay for being stylish.
Gay or not...why was it necessary to send a field grade officer on such a mundane mission?

I wasn't referring to the gay so much as I was it was the female in leadership role. Sorry, I don't think they belong in combat situations, you can thank my dad for my thoughts on that

Yeah, because no male in a leadership position has ever been killed in Afghanistan.
Gay or not...why was it necessary to send a field grade officer on such a mundane mission?

I wasn't referring to the gay so much as I was it was the female in leadership role. Sorry, I don't think they belong in combat situations, you can thank my dad for my thoughts on that

Yeah, because no male in a leadership position has ever been killed in Afghanistan.

You get a katyusha for that one
Gay or not...why was it necessary to send a field grade officer on such a mundane mission?

I wasn't referring to the gay so much as I was it was the female in leadership role. Sorry, I don't think they belong in combat situations, you can thank my dad for my thoughts on that

Yeah, because no male in a leadership position has ever been killed in Afghanistan.

You get a katyusha for that one

Does it come with cream?

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