Impeach Biden

A few years ago I would have agreed with you. But taking the high road when the Democrats are slogging around in the gutter has not worked. I believe we need to impeach Biden and Myorkas as well as fire the heads of the FBI and CIA, and relieve General Milley of his duties.
I understand that. I guess it’s almost like: “when they go low, we can go as low?”

Maybe instead of an impeachment, we can set up a “select” committee to “investigate” the whole “10% for the big guy thing?” Maybe we can investigate all manner of illicit things this malAdministration has been doing. And maybe, in the process, we will discover a valid basis for an impeachment inquiry.
Biden must be impeached. Whether or not he can be removed via impeachment is irrelvant.

His actions warrant impeachment like 10 times.

- Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine for $1B.
- Afghanistan withdrawl
- Border policies
- Corrupt DOJ
- Getting money from China and Russia and Ukraine
- Using AF2 for his son to close business deals
- Baby food shortage
- Oil shortage
- Selling oil to China through Hunter’s company
- Dementia

The Democrats made a complete mockery of the Constitutional intent of "Impeachment". Get real.

I’ve been fortunate. Or perhaps it is unfortunate to be alive for the descent into this idiocy.

It began with the impeachment of Clinton. After that it has been a never ending effort to get them for whatever. Each side wants and needs revenge over what they did last time.

Back and forth. As each side manages to seize power the other side immediately begins demanding something to remove them.

We used to believe in ideals and principles. Now we believe in destroying them. If the Republicans came out in favor of Abortion the Democrats would be in opposition before the day was out. We don’t want to win. We want them to be punished. To suffer. And you are dumb enough to go along with it.
I understand that. I guess it’s almost like: “when they go low, we can go as low?”

Maybe instead of an impeachment, we can set up a “select” committee to “investigate” the whole “10% for the big guy thing?” Maybe we can investigate all manner of illicit things this malAdministration has been doing. And maybe, in the process, we will discover a valid basis for an impeachment inquiry.
If we could have a real investigation, sure. My concern is it would drag out for years when the proof is right there for all to see.
If we could have a real investigation, sure. My concern is it would drag out for years when the proof is right there for all to see.
Understood. But if we believe in “due process” even for politicians, then maybe spending some of the time — to be fair — is worthwhile.
It began with the impeachment of Clinton. After that it has been a never ending effort to get them for whatever. Each side wants and needs revenge over what they did last time.
I disagree that it began with Clinton. I do agree that was nonsense and probably political payback. But It began with Watergate, politicians spying on politicians that was blown up to ridiculous proportions. It is the Democrats with Watergate and their insatiable attacks on Donald Trump who have made a mockery out of Impeachment and investigations. The most recent example of a joke proceeding is the J6 movie production.
OThe Democrats made a complete mockery of the Constitutional intent of "Impeachment". Get real.
Do not forget there is the “Never Trump” faction of the Republican Party. This group is composed of Swamp critters who love the corrupt environment and its gravy train.

Never Trump movement​

The Never Trump movement, also called the #nevertrump, Stop Trump, anti-Trump, or Dump Trump movement,[1] began as an effort on the part of a group of Republicans (known as Never Trump Republicans) and other prominent conservatives to prevent Republican front-runner Donald Trumpfrom obtaining the Republican Party presidential nomination. After he was nominated, this shifted into an effort to prevent him from obtaining the presidency in the 2016 United States presidential election. Trump remained unsupported by 20 percent of Republican members of Congress in the general election.[2] Following Trump's election in November 2016, some in the movement refocused their efforts on defeating Trump in 2020.[3]
ANY Republican who refuses to Impeach should be kicked out ASAP. Biden won't be removed but it will be the perfect opportunity to open the eyes of Americans who are still willing to hear the truth. The evidence of his failure at the southern border along with his obvious corruption with China through his addicted son should be enough to finish the message that he is trying to destroy America.
How are you going to do that? You have no clue, do you?
This is not the time to impeach Biden wait until after the Republicans take the house and Senate then impeach him and Harris afterwards. But before that when the Republicans take the house nominate Trump as speaker of the house. Trump becomes president.
That took a few tricky back flips, but you did get there!
Biden must be impeached. Whether or not he can be removed via impeachment is irrelvant.

His actions warrant impeachment like 10 times.

- Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine for $1B.
- Afghanistan withdrawl
- Border policies
- Corrupt DOJ
- Getting money from China and Russia and Ukraine
- Using AF2 for his son to close business deals
- Baby food shortage
- Oil shortage
- Selling oil to China through Hunter’s company
- Dementia


Why waste time and tax dollars to impeach the Potato of the United States if you know he will not be removed? That's what the Democrats did twice to Trump.

BTW, learn to spell "irrelevant" and "withdrawal".
I disagree that it began with Clinton. I do agree that was nonsense and probably political payback. But It began with Watergate, politicians spying on politicians that was blown up to ridiculous proportions. It is the Democrats with Watergate and their insatiable attacks on Donald Trump who have made a mockery out of Impeachment and investigations. The most recent example of a joke proceeding is the J6 movie production.

Oh bullshit.

Watergate was a shit show from the start. But it was thirty years with only average to light political nonsense opposition for the sake of opposition between.

Clinton was the start. After that it became a game of tit for tat.

The other side became the enemy.

Look. Reagan had an opposition Congress and still got tax cuts and Star Wars through.

But it was Clinton. Clinton’s impeachment was the start. It has escalated since then to litmus tests for party purity. RINO and DINO didn’t exist for Carter, Reagan, HW Bush. They exist now. Because anyone on the left who didn’t oppose Bush’s wars was a DINO. The group Move On primaries their own Vice Presidential Nominee. He was a DINO because he didn’t hate W. That was because the Republicans won the midterms.

Any electoral defeat is intolerable to both sides. The Right could never tolerate Obama. And hatred increased the idiotic lies told by both sides. The Left swore that Bush knew there were no WMD’s in Iraq. The truth was we had reason to believe there was. We were wrong. But being wrong is something that happens to everyone.

The Right furious that Bush lost and they had lost the previous midterms spent eight years swearing that Obama was creating secret FEMA camps to use for reeducation centers. It was a lie. It was absolutely bullshit. But they did it. And the left was furious.

Right wing idiot invades a pizza parlor because he believed they were keeping kids in the basement for Clinton’s sex desires. Left wing idiot opens fire at a baseball practice. Sexist idiot tried to kill Gabby Giffords.

While both sides ramp up the rhetoric neither side takes responsibility for the results.

Clinton was the start. And the end is near. Maybe we will finally meet our doom with a giant meteor. I’d prefer that. It would be quick and painless. Just a small popping of the ears and poof.

I’m not saying a civil war is coming. I’m astonished it hasn’t already happened.

It wasn’t watergate. Watergate was seen as a disaster by both sides. Watergate was used by pundits to predict Clinton resigning before the trial in the senate. I remember. I was alive and an adult.

All that matters to both sides is getting them. Destroying the enemies.

We are not a Constitutional Republic. We are a broken marriage and neither side is willing to accept half. They want to strip the other side of everything and make them pay.
This is not the time to impeach Biden wait until after the Republicans take the house and Senate then impeach him and Harris afterwards. But before that when the Republicans take the house nominate Trump as speaker of the house. Trump becomes president.

Exactly what would you impeach Harris for? She may be an airhead that talks in word salads, but I know of no impeachable offenses.
Oh bullshit.

Watergate was a shit show from the start. But it was thirty years with only average to light political nonsense opposition for the sake of opposition between.

Clinton was the start. After that it became a game of tit for tat.

The other side became the enemy.

Look. Reagan had an opposition Congress and still got tax cuts and Star Wars through.

But it was Clinton. Clinton’s impeachment was the start. It has escalated since then to litmus tests for party purity. RINO and DINO didn’t exist for Carter, Reagan, HW Bush. They exist now. Because anyone on the left who didn’t oppose Bush’s wars was a DINO. The group Move On primaries their own Vice Presidential Nominee. He was a DINO because he didn’t hate W. That was because the Republicans won the midterms.

Any electoral defeat is intolerable to both sides. The Right could never tolerate Obama. And hatred increased the idiotic lies told by both sides. The Left swore that Bush knew there were no WMD’s in Iraq. The truth was we had reason to believe there was. We were wrong. But being wrong is something that happens to everyone.

The Right furious that Bush lost and they had lost the previous midterms spent eight years swearing that Obama was creating secret FEMA camps to use for reeducation centers. It was a lie. It was absolutely bullshit. But they did it. And the left was furious.

Right wing idiot invades a pizza parlor because he believed they were keeping kids in the basement for Clinton’s sex desires. Left wing idiot opens fire at a baseball practice. Sexist idiot tried to kill Gabby Giffords.

While both sides ramp up the rhetoric neither side takes responsibility for the results.

Clinton was the start. And the end is near. Maybe we will finally meet our doom with a giant meteor. I’d prefer that. It would be quick and painless. Just a small popping of the ears and poof.

I’m not saying a civil war is coming. I’m astonished it hasn’t already happened.

It wasn’t watergate. Watergate was seen as a disaster by both sides. Watergate was used by pundits to predict Clinton resigning before the trial in the senate. I remember. I was alive and an adult.

All that matters to both sides is getting them. Destroying the enemies.

We are not a Constitutional Republic. We are a broken marriage and neither side is willing to accept half. They want to strip the other side of everything and make them pay.

You need a new calendar. Yours is broken! It is not 2004. It is 2022, and that's 48 years since Nixon resigned.
Its time, This clown destroyed our economy, he's a pawn of Soros and foreign nationals, he and the democrats are CANCER. Name one positive thing these democrats have accomplished in the last year.
Even if you win the House and are able to Impeach Biden you will lack the votes in the Senate to Convict and Remove, so knowing this what is the point except wanting revenge?
This is not the time to impeach Biden wait until after the Republicans take the house and Senate then impeach him and Harris afterwards. But before that when the Republicans take the house nominate Trump as speaker of the house. Trump becomes president.
You do understand you will lack the votes in the Senate to Convict and Remove, so knowing this what is the point of this fruitless exercise except to have you day of revenge…?
Exactly what would you impeach Harris for? She may be an airhead that talks in word salads, but I know of no impeachable offenses.
You don't need a reason. Interesting you must be one of those forgive and let's not do what the democrats did kind of guy. Me I say get just as nasty or worse with the bitches as humanly possible.
You do understand you will lack the votes in the Senate to Convict and Remove, so knowing this what is the point of this fruitless exercise except to have you day of revenge…?
Nope people have had enough of the bullshit the democrats have done.

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