Impeach Biden

Unless you want Kamala Harris as president, are we going to impeach her as well? Shades of Spiro Agnew. He finally gets his revenge.

The Libs will never vote to convict Brandon, so he will continue to stay in office.

Unlike the GOP, the Democrats march in lockstep and would never stab their president in the back.
Oh bullshit.

Watergate was a shit show from the start. But it was thirty years with only average to light political nonsense opposition for the sake of opposition between.

Clinton was the start. After that it became a game of tit for tat.

The other side became the enemy.

Look. Reagan had an opposition Congress and still got tax cuts and Star Wars through.

But it was Clinton. Clinton’s impeachment was the start. It has escalated since then to litmus tests for party purity. RINO and DINO didn’t exist for Carter, Reagan, HW Bush. They exist now. Because anyone on the left who didn’t oppose Bush’s wars was a DINO. The group Move On primaries their own Vice Presidential Nominee. He was a DINO because he didn’t hate W. That was because the Republicans won the midterms.

Any electoral defeat is intolerable to both sides. The Right could never tolerate Obama. And hatred increased the idiotic lies told by both sides. The Left swore that Bush knew there were no WMD’s in Iraq. The truth was we had reason to believe there was. We were wrong. But being wrong is something that happens to everyone.

The Right furious that Bush lost and they had lost the previous midterms spent eight years swearing that Obama was creating secret FEMA camps to use for reeducation centers. It was a lie. It was absolutely bullshit. But they did it. And the left was furious.

Right wing idiot invades a pizza parlor because he believed they were keeping kids in the basement for Clinton’s sex desires. Left wing idiot opens fire at a baseball practice. Sexist idiot tried to kill Gabby Giffords.

While both sides ramp up the rhetoric neither side takes responsibility for the results.

Clinton was the start. And the end is near. Maybe we will finally meet our doom with a giant meteor. I’d prefer that. It would be quick and painless. Just a small popping of the ears and poof.

I’m not saying a civil war is coming. I’m astonished it hasn’t already happened.

It wasn’t watergate. Watergate was seen as a disaster by both sides. Watergate was used by pundits to predict Clinton resigning before the trial in the senate. I remember. I was alive and an adult.

All that matters to both sides is getting them. Destroying the enemies.

We are not a Constitutional Republic. We are a broken marriage and neither side is willing to accept half. They want to strip the other side of everything and make them pay.
No need to get testy. You have your opinion and I have mine. I saw the whole Watergate production unfold, did you? Nixon's paranoia is the hook the Democrats needed and they took full advantage. Furthermore Woodward and Bernstein poisoned journalism with Watergate. The news started becoming more partisan after Watergate and now we have no news. We have 100 percent polarization left and right and it all began with Watergate. Of course that's just my opinion.
You can’t convict and remove without the votes, so explain to me how you do it?

Even if the GOP retakes the Senate you will not have the majority needed to do what you want and if you believe you do then learn the rules…
You did notice I said when the Republicans take back the house and Senate? There should be enough votes to do that.
Yes they always resign or get acquitted in the Senate. But when Republicans hold the Senate it's a done deal.
Republicans will need to gain 17 Senate seats in November. Good luck with that. They may need even more as all of the GOP Senators haven't been voting lockstep lately. I realize that you don't want to wait 2 1/2 years to get trump back into the white house, but that's really the only option as I see it.
Again, how do you figure?

You do know how many votes you need to convict and remove?

It is not like the House and you need more votes you will win in November…
How do I figure? Do the math how did the democrats impeach Trump over nothing?
Republicans will need to gain 17 Senate seats in November. Good luck with that. They may need even more as all of the GOP Senators haven't been voting lockstep lately. I realize that you don't want to wait 2 1/2 years to get trump back into the white house, but that's really the only option as I see it.
I feel your concern just don't give a fuck.
Yes they always resign or get acquitted in the Senate. But when Republicans hold the Senate it's a done deal.
in particular after the “evidence” is collect in the house and they admit their impeachment r us based on parody
They impeached him in the damn House and couldn’t get the Conviction in the Senate because they lacked the votes!

Again, do you know how this works?

You lack the votes in the Senate and another poster pointed out you need 67 votes to remove!
Well they'll get the votes. Hell son democrats some of them are ready for Jo to go.

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