CDZ Impeach or Censure

Will the House Democrats vote to impeach Trump
Yes, they will, they must. If they follow the law and the Constitution their hands are tied.

The republicans in the senate may go for the censure option in an attempt to save face.

It will fail, they have no face left to save. It's all buried deep in tRump's ass.

You haven't figured it out yet...have you, Crepitus! That show trial that Adam Schiff just put on over in the House? He got to call all the witnesses. The GOP weren't allowed to call any. Despite that kind of a stacked deck, Schiff still failed miserably at proving Trump did anything wrong.
Now if this goes to the Senate and the GOP gets to call who THEY want for's going to get ugly in a hurry for the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi knows that. It's why she will NEVER allow an impeachment vote!
Impeachment is certain at this point. The Senate trial will reveal how little regard the GOP has for the law. Though republican voters have not cared about that thus far. It will be up to voters to decide whether criminality should be punished or not in the elections. Pardons will be coming for Stone, Giuliani, and Manafort as well, we must assume.
Will the House Democrats vote to impeach Trump? Seems risky if they do, assuming enough Dems in red or purple states vote 'YES'. For in doing so, they open themselves up for criticism from the GOP for trying to invalidate the 2016 election with no actual evidence. AND, then the issue goes to the GOP-controlled Senate, who can and will subpoena their own witnesses, including the Bidens and others that will make the Dems look very bad indeed. Not to mention others, such as Schiff and the whistleblower himself.

In an election year next year, would the Dems want their Senators running for re-election or for president stuck in the Senate chambers attending the trial? Would they instead not attend, opening themselves up for criticism from their own hard left? What are all the moderates and independents going to think about the Dems who promised to work on other issues that were important to the voters, but instead wasted their time trying to impeach Trump knowing full well the GOP-controlled Senate is not going to remove him from office?

It's hard to see that happening IMHO. I think instead we'll see the House Dems vote to censure Trump for trying to use the foreign aid to the Ukraine as leverage to get them to provide dirt on Joe Biden. Never mind that they really don't have a solid case, or the fact the Biden himself is guilty of essentially the same damn thing, or that 3 Dem Senators are also guilty of the same thing too. Are they (Dems) that stupid, to hold an impeachment vote? Maybe it boils down to how much control (fear) the Democrats have for their far left.
Primaries aren't that far away.
#1) I hear the first person they plan to subpoena in the Judiciary Committee hearings is Adam Schiff. For having the guts to bring the President's criminality to light.
#2) The Dems are not trying to invalidate the 2016 election. Trump has earned his just desserts all on his own.
#3) The impeachment trial won't make any big changes in the polls; you are dreaming to think that a large part of this country's voters will switch in retaliation or disgust.

In Ancient Greece one of the rules of their democracy was that any voter was able to offer up a suggested law. If it was voted down, however, he could be hanged. It seems to me that is what is happening here.

Now why would Adam Schiff have a problem testifying under oath for the Senate, Old Lady? Because he's going to be asked questions he doesn't want to answer?
We can't have that....because lies and deception are the only thing keeping this scam going.
Impeachment is certain at this point. The Senate trial will reveal how little regard the GOP has for the law. Though republican voters have not cared about that thus far. It will be up to voters to decide whether criminality should be punished or not in the elections. Pardons will be coming for Stone, Giuliani, and Manafort as well, we must assume. about someone being delusional! There is ZERO chance of the GOP controlled Senate impeaching Donald Trump! If Pelosi sends this to the Senate she'll hand the election to the Republicans.

What a Senate trial will reveal is how little regard Democrats have had for the truth in their zeal to force Trump from office.
They have no good options left. They've painted themselves into a corner. If they vote to impeach, they'll lose in the Senate and in 2020.
If they vote to censure, everyone will know they don't have anything for which to impeach him.
Either way they're screwed.
America is screwed "either" way, yeah, and we all participated in the demise.
Speak for yourself. I support the guy who is actually doing something for the country. What have the Democrats done besides try to drive Trump out of office?

I'm sorry, I'm not part of the "lessor of two evils" duopoly paradigm. Don had two years with majorities in both houses. See any immigration legislation? Of course you didn't. Obama had the same in his first two years.

You "speak for yourself" by glomming onto the party you deem "least corrupt" if ya like.
I AM speaking for myself and I disagree that we all participated in the demise. I'm glad YOU admit to yours but the left has yet to prove ANY of their allegations that Trump has committed an impeachable offense so I don't see this as "we all", I see it as "you all". And I'm still waiting for you to tell me what the Dems have done besides try to drive Trump from office. Trump has given us a great economy (with no help from Dems). Now you tell me what Schiff, Schumer, and Pelosi have done.
Just asking this question shows that the democrats have lost their balls :laughing0301:

They know what horrors await them in the senate...but they started this war & now they don't know how to finish it.

IMPEACH democrats impeach!!!

If the nutless filth wont do it I hope the repub's will...I want to see this go to the senate :banana:

You've painted yourselves into a corner...NOW BRING IT ON! :auiqs.jpg:
They have no good options left. They've painted themselves into a corner. If they vote to impeach, they'll lose in the Senate and in 2020.
If they vote to censure, everyone will know they don't have anything for which to impeach him.
Either way they're screwed.
America is screwed "either" way, yeah, and we all participated in the demise.
Speak for yourself. I support the guy who is actually doing something for the country. What have the Democrats done besides try to drive Trump out of office?

I'm sorry, I'm not part of the "lessor of two evils" duopoly paradigm. Don had two years with majorities in both houses. See any immigration legislation? Of course you didn't. Obama had the same in his first two years.

You "speak for yourself" by glomming onto the party you deem "least corrupt" if ya like.
I AM speaking for myself and I disagree that we all participated in the demise. I'm glad YOU admit to yours but the left has yet to prove ANY of their allegations that Trump has committed an impeachable offense so I don't see this as "we all", I see it as "you all". And I'm still waiting for you to tell me what the Dems have done besides try to drive Trump from office. Trump has given us a great economy (with no help from Dems). Now you tell me what Schiff, Schumer, and Pelosi have done.

Sorry, I don't participate in your partisanshithead duopoly delusion. For what you wish to do here you'll need to find someone else who does. And we all did indeed participateate in this society's demise. That's why all anyone can do is blame someone else. Blame is for escaping responsibility.
Just asking this question shows that the democrats have lost their balls :laughing0301:

They know what horrors await them in the senate...but they started this war & now they don't know how to finish it.

IMPEACH democrats impeach!!!

If the nutless filth wont do it I hope the repub's will...I want to see this go to the senate :banana:

You've painted yourselves into a corner...NOW BRING IT ON! :auiqs.jpg:
Will we be locking her up now?
Will the House Democrats vote to impeach Trump? Seems risky if they do, assuming enough Dems in red or purple states vote 'YES'. For in doing so, they open themselves up for criticism from the GOP for trying to invalidate the 2016 election with no actual evidence. AND, then the issue goes to the GOP-controlled Senate, who can and will subpoena their own witnesses, including the Bidens and others that will make the Dems look very bad indeed. Not to mention others, such as Schiff and the whistleblower himself.

In an election year next year, would the Dems want their Senators running for re-election or for president stuck in the Senate chambers attending the trial? Would they instead not attend, opening themselves up for criticism from their own hard left? What are all the moderates and independents going to think about the Dems who promised to work on other issues that were important to the voters, but instead wasted their time trying to impeach Trump knowing full well the GOP-controlled Senate is not going to remove him from office?

It's hard to see that happening IMHO. I think instead we'll see the House Dems vote to censure Trump for trying to use the foreign aid to the Ukraine as leverage to get them to provide dirt on Joe Biden. Never mind that they really don't have a solid case, or the fact the Biden himself is guilty of essentially the same damn thing, or that 3 Dem Senators are also guilty of the same thing too. Are they (Dems) that stupid, to hold an impeachment vote? Maybe it boils down to how much control (fear) the Democrats have for their far left.
Primaries aren't that far away.
#1) I hear the first person they plan to subpoena in the Judiciary Committee hearings is Adam Schiff. For having the guts to bring the President's criminality to light.
#2) The Dems are not trying to invalidate the 2016 election. Trump has earned his just desserts all on his own.
#3) The impeachment trial won't make any big changes in the polls; you are dreaming to think that a large part of this country's voters will switch in retaliation or disgust.

In Ancient Greece one of the rules of their democracy was that any voter was able to offer up a suggested law. If it was voted down, however, he could be hanged. It seems to me that is what is happening here.

#1) I hear the first person they plan to subpoena in the Judiciary Committee hearings is Adam Schiff. For having the guts to bring the President's criminality to light.

So you are sure of criminal activities on his part? Based on what? All I've so far is hearsay, supposition, innuendo, and personal guesses. And I don't Schiff it takes much guts to do what Schiff is doing, considering his re-election is not in doubt.

#2) The Dems are not trying to invalidate the 2016 election. Trump has earned his just desserts all on his own.

So you think Trump deserves impeachment? Look, the guy is a rat bastard, his personality and character sucks, but those things are not impeachable offenses. And if you believe the Dems haven't been trying to get Trump removed from office for any reason whatsoever then I don't know what to tell you. Everything they've done since Nov 2016 has been to show his election was based on illegalities or at least unacceptable actions. To me, that is the definition of invalidation.

#3) The impeachment trial won't make any big changes in the polls; you are dreaming to think that a large part of this country's voters will switch in retaliation or disgust.

Maybe. An impeachment trial in the GOP-controlled Senate is not going to go down well for the Dems. And BTW I do not trust the polls one bit to reflect what the country is feeling or thinking about all this folderol. I think there are a significant number of voters who voted for the Dems in 2016 and 2018 that will not do so in 2020. They might not vote for Trump, although I do hear that his numbers are rising among black voters. A lot of folks expected things to get done but the Dems are instead focused too much on Trump. And it ain't working out for them IMHO.

In Ancient Greece one of the rules of their democracy was that any voter was able to offer up a suggested law. If it was voted down, however, he could be hanged. It seems to me that is what is happening here.

Not getting the reference here. Are you referring to Adam Schiff and the string of accusations he and others have leveled against Trump without any actual evidence? There's a difference between suggesting legislation and trying to impeach a president.
They have no good options left. They've painted themselves into a corner. If they vote to impeach, they'll lose in the Senate and in 2020.
If they vote to censure, everyone will know they don't have anything for which to impeach him.
Either way they're screwed.
America is screwed "either" way, yeah, and we all participated in the demise.
Speak for yourself. I support the guy who is actually doing something for the country. What have the Democrats done besides try to drive Trump out of office?

I'm sorry, I'm not part of the "lessor of two evils" duopoly paradigm. Don had two years with majorities in both houses. See any immigration legislation? Of course you didn't. Obama had the same in his first two years.

You "speak for yourself" by glomming onto the party you deem "least corrupt" if ya like.
I AM speaking for myself and I disagree that we all participated in the demise. I'm glad YOU admit to yours but the left has yet to prove ANY of their allegations that Trump has committed an impeachable offense so I don't see this as "we all", I see it as "you all". And I'm still waiting for you to tell me what the Dems have done besides try to drive Trump from office. Trump has given us a great economy (with no help from Dems). Now you tell me what Schiff, Schumer, and Pelosi have done.

Sorry, I don't participate in your partisanshithead duopoly delusion. For what you wish to do here you'll need to find someone else who does. And we all did indeed participateate in this society's demise. That's why all anyone can do is blame someone else. Blame is for escaping responsibility.
In other words, you can't name anything Dems have done for the country. I understand. Thank you.
Will the House Democrats vote to impeach Trump? Seems risky if they do, assuming enough Dems in red or purple states vote 'YES'. For in doing so, they open themselves up for criticism from the GOP for trying to invalidate the 2016 election with no actual evidence. AND, then the issue goes to the GOP-controlled Senate, who can and will subpoena their own witnesses, including the Bidens and others that will make the Dems look very bad indeed. Not to mention others, such as Schiff and the whistleblower himself.

In an election year next year, would the Dems want their Senators running for re-election or for president stuck in the Senate chambers attending the trial? Would they instead not attend, opening themselves up for criticism from their own hard left? What are all the moderates and independents going to think about the Dems who promised to work on other issues that were important to the voters, but instead wasted their time trying to impeach Trump knowing full well the GOP-controlled Senate is not going to remove him from office?

It's hard to see that happening IMHO. I think instead we'll see the House Dems vote to censure Trump for trying to use the foreign aid to the Ukraine as leverage to get them to provide dirt on Joe Biden. Never mind that they really don't have a solid case, or the fact the Biden himself is guilty of essentially the same damn thing, or that 3 Dem Senators are also guilty of the same thing too. Are they (Dems) that stupid, to hold an impeachment vote? Maybe it boils down to how much control (fear) the Democrats have for their far left.
Primaries aren't that far away.
#1) I hear the first person they plan to subpoena in the Judiciary Committee hearings is Adam Schiff. For having the guts to bring the President's criminality to light.
#2) The Dems are not trying to invalidate the 2016 election. Trump has earned his just deserts all on his own.
#3) The impeachment trial won't make any big changes in the polls; you are dreaming to think that a large part of this country's voters will switch in retaliation or disgust.

In Ancient Greece one of the rules of their democracy was that any voter was able to offer up a suggested law. If it was voted down, however, he could be hanged. It seems to me that is what is happening here.

Adam Schitt is immune from subpoena. Congress doesn't follow the laws they impose on the peasants. BUT his staff is NOT immune. Adam Schitt has undermined our Constitution and the Republic. He should be expelled from Congress. The Marxist democrats are a stain on this nation, just as they were the last time they waged civil war against us.

There will never be an impeachment trial, the traitor dims would be slaughtered and they know it.
Censure? I have not heard of this before, for a President. A statement saying "Bad boy?"" After how many days and weeks and months of work and effort to compile evidence, they are going to say "That wasn't nice?"

I mean, okay, but I wish if that was going to be the outcome that they had discussed it for a day or two in chambers and done it two months ago.

Yet that is what Piloshiti is floating. IF the Stalinists do, I think the President should issue an executive reprimand of Nadler, Piloshiti, and Schitt. Actually, I think he should either way.
Will the House Democrats vote to impeach Trump? Seems risky if they do, assuming enough Dems in red or purple states vote 'YES'. For in doing so, they open themselves up for criticism from the GOP for trying to invalidate the 2016 election with no actual evidence. AND, then the issue goes to the GOP-controlled Senate, who can and will subpoena their own witnesses, including the Bidens and others that will make the Dems look very bad indeed. Not to mention others, such as Schiff and the whistleblower himself.

In an election year next year, would the Dems want their Senators running for re-election or for president stuck in the Senate chambers attending the trial? Would they instead not attend, opening themselves up for criticism from their own hard left? What are all the moderates and independents going to think about the Dems who promised to work on other issues that were important to the voters, but instead wasted their time trying to impeach Trump knowing full well the GOP-controlled Senate is not going to remove him from office?

It's hard to see that happening IMHO. I think instead we'll see the House Dems vote to censure Trump for trying to use the foreign aid to the Ukraine as leverage to get them to provide dirt on Joe Biden. Never mind that they really don't have a solid case, or the fact the Biden himself is guilty of essentially the same damn thing, or that 3 Dem Senators are also guilty of the same thing too. Are they (Dems) that stupid, to hold an impeachment vote? Maybe it boils down to how much control (fear) the Democrats have for their far left.
Primaries aren't that far away.
#1) I hear the first person they plan to subpoena in the Judiciary Committee hearings is Adam Schiff. For having the guts to bring the President's criminality to light.
#2) The Dems are not trying to invalidate the 2016 election. Trump has earned his just desserts all on his own.
#3) The impeachment trial won't make any big changes in the polls; you are dreaming to think that a large part of this country's voters will switch in retaliation or disgust.

In Ancient Greece one of the rules of their democracy was that any voter was able to offer up a suggested law. If it was voted down, however, he could be hanged. It seems to me that is what is happening here.

Now why would Adam Schiff have a problem testifying under oath for the Senate, Old Lady? Because he's going to be asked questions he doesn't want to answer?
I don't believe I said he has a problem with it. I do have a problem with the line of questioning that the Republicans have in mind. It's a lot of imaginative horseshit, that the Dems somehow masterminded all this. Can we please keep in mind that the problem is what the President did, by all accounts? No, of course we have to take the spotlight off that; let's start making up a bunch of crazy bullshit rumors that will suck all the veracity out of the proceedings and make it seem like the whole thing is a fairy tale.
But what the President did is STILL THERE.
So no, I'm paying no attention to you and I am hoping that Schiff mops the floor with buddy boy Collins.
Censure? I have not heard of this before, for a President. A statement saying "Bad boy?"" After how many days and weeks and months of work and effort to compile evidence, they are going to say "That wasn't nice?"

I mean, okay, but I wish if that was going to be the outcome that they had discussed it for a day or two in chambers and done it two months ago.

In 1834, the US Senate censured President Andrew Jackson, for withholding documents relating to his actions in de-funding the Bank of the United States. During the waning months of Jackson's term, his Democratic allies succeeded in expunging the censure. In this case, the House can do the same thing, but the problem is that for all this time the Dems have been hell-bent on impeachment. Certainly the far left wing of their party is, and those who are not supporting impeachment will likely face a serious challenge in the upcoming Dem primaries. As will IMHO those who do support impeachment if they are from a red or purple district.
Will the House Democrats vote to impeach Trump
Yes, they will, they must. If they follow the law and the Constitution their hands are tied.

The republicans in the senate may go for the censure option in an attempt to save face.

It will fail, they have no face left to save. It's all buried deep in tRump's ass.

You haven't figured it out yet...have you, Crepitus! That show trial that Adam Schiff just put on over in the House? He got to call all the witnesses. The GOP weren't allowed to call any. Despite that kind of a stacked deck, Schiff still failed miserably at proving Trump did anything wrong.
Now if this goes to the Senate and the GOP gets to call who THEY want for's going to get ugly in a hurry for the Democrats. Nancy Pelosi knows that. It's why she will NEVER allow an impeachment vote!
What witnesses will they call?
My guess is Piloshiti and the vermin of the Stalinist party will censure. Sending this to the Senate would be a disaster for the Communists. The Republicans will tear them to shreds. If the vermin traitors censure, they can ensure the affair never leaves the house, which they control until Jan. 2021.
"Stalinist party"?

Dude, you're hilarious.

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