IMPORTANT MUST READ! Former Asst. U.S. Attorney Takes Apart Trump Case and Raises Some Important Questions

From Scharf's bogus argument:

Section 793(e) requires the government to prove that the Defendant KNEW he had National Defense Information (NDI) in his possession, and also that the Defendant KNEW that there was a government official entitled to receive the Information, and also that the Defendant then WILLFULLY failed to deliver it to that official.

Trump knew he had national defense information and he is on tape saying it.

Trump knew he was supposed to turn over the documents to NARA, and he instead chose to hide them. He knew he was supposed to turn them over because he turned SOME over and hid the rest.

He WILLFULLY failed to deliver the documents.

He's toast.

TRUMP: This was done by the military and given to me. Uh, I think we can probably, right?

STAFFER: I don’t know, we’ll, we’ll have to see. Yeah, we’ll have to try to –

TRUMP: Declassify it.

STAFFER: – figure out a – yeah.

TRUMP: See, as president, I could have declassified it.

STAFFER: Yeah. [laughter]

TRUMP: Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.

STAFFER: Yeah. [laughter] Now we have a problem.

TRUMP: Isn’t that interesting?"

Here's Trey Gowdy, conservative hero, Benghazi hearings chairman, former federal prosecutor:

“Well, the most damning piece of evidence to me is the audiotape. I mean, you want to talk about consciousness of guilt? You want to talk about knowledge and intent? I mean, those are the darlings of a prosecutor’s nursery, and that came from President Trump’s own mouth.”


The presidential records act says that all documents belong to the president. He can release what he wants to. This is going nowhere. Mark Levin already pointed this out. Other presidents have not released any documents or kept some if they wanted to and they weren't prosecuted. Why? Because the presidential records act has no enforcement mechanism. You can't abide by one law and then say he violated another, like the espionage act. It's all foolishness. The espionage act is 106 year old law. We didn't even HAVE classified material 106 years ago so there is no way that law pertains to this.
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They were his documents, retard.

"TRUMP: This was done by the military and given to me. Uh, I think we can probably, right?"

Now fuck off and die. The absurdity of this bullshit is unknown territory in America because people generally have sense.

Apparently that fails to apply to you.

They are the countries documents, the POTUS works for us, remmber.
The presidential records act says that all documents belong to the president.

You can't abide by one law and then say he violated another, like the espionage act. It's all foolishness. The espionage act is 106 year old law. We didn't even HAVE classified material 106 years ago so there is no way that law pertains to this.

Of course one can abide by one law and then violate a different law.

The Rosenbergs were convicted using the Espionage Act, for giving away classified material. I guess that was wrong also using your "logic"

The president IS the executive branch of government.

In 2001 Clinton refused to release tapes of his discussions about firing a former CIA director. If what you say is true Clinton violated the PRA by not giving up those tapes. Why was he not prosecuted?

Even an Obama appointed judge agrees with me:

"Judge Amy Berman Jackson – an Obama appointee whom Trump notably ridiculed prior to her sentencing of his longtime political ally Roger Stone – ruled that a president is "completely entrusted with the management and even disposal of presidential records during his time in office."

Jackson reportedly added it is hard to argue Congress would want him to have less authority with records he deems to be personal."

Applying the same logic to Hillary's email scandal:

"Hillary Clinton had her own run-in with the mishandling of classified information – on a private server in her Hudson Valley home, which eventually led then-FBI Director James Comey to recommend against charging her, unlike Trump.

"[Berman Jackson] says the responding agency, the National Archives -- the tapes were Mr. Clinton's personal records, therefore not subject to the Presidential Records Act or the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The government's position was that Congress had decided the president and the president alone decides what is presidential record and what isn't.""

So why the double standard with the Clintons and Trump?
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In 2001 Clinton refused to release tapes of his discussions about firing a former CIA director. If what you say is true Clinton violated the PRA by not giving up those tapes. Why was he not prosecuted?

I suppose the same reason Trump is not being prosecuted for violating the PRA.

I was just pointing out that you are wrong about what the PRA states.
The presidential records act says that all documents belong to the president. He can release what he wants to. This is going nowhere. Mark Levin already pointed this out. Other presidents have not released any documents or kept some if they wanted to and they weren't prosecuted. Why? Because the presidential records act has no enforcement mechanism. You can't abide by one law and then say he violated another, like the espionage act. It's all foolishness. The espionage act is 106 year old law. We didn't even HAVE classified material 106 years ago so there is no way that law pertains to this.
The presidential records act states clearly that all presidential records belongs to the govt, we The people.

The president has sole access at NARA, with few exceptions, for the first 5 years to prepare for his presidential library etc, after 5 years they become public records with access by FOIA requests.

PRA was created because Nixon claims the Presidential Records were his, and refused to turn over taped evidence.

The PRA took all ownership of presidential records AWAY from all presidents, from Reagan onwards.
The president IS the executive branch of government.

In 2001 Clinton refused to release tapes of his discussions about firing a former CIA director. If what you say is true Clinton violated the PRA by not giving up those tapes. Why was he not prosecuted?

Even an Obama appointed judge agrees with me:

"Judge Amy Berman Jackson – an Obama appointee whom Trump notably ridiculed prior to her sentencing of his longtime political ally Roger Stone – ruled that a president is "completely entrusted with the management and even disposal of presidential records during his time in office."

Jackson reportedly added it is hard to argue Congress would want him to have less authority with records he deems to be personal."

Applying the same logic to Hillary's email scandal:

"Hillary Clinton had her own run-in with the mishandling of classified information – on a private server in her Hudson Valley home, which eventually led then-FBI Director James Comey to recommend against charging her, unlike Trump.

"[Berman Jackson] says the responding agency, the National Archives -- the tapes were Mr. Clinton's personal records, therefore not subject to the Presidential Records Act or the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The government's position was that Congress had decided the president and the president alone decides what is presidential record and what isn't.""

President Clinton and his chosen Historian and personal biographer met frequently in the oval office to go over the biography being written....those convos were recorded between the two as they worked on it....

These were Clinton's and the biographers personal tapes for the Book.

Judicial watch wanted those tapes, and lost in court.

Trump claiming national defense documents as his own personal papers, is ludicrous.
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The presidential records act states clearly that all presidential records belongs to the govt, we The people.

The president has sole access at NARA, with few exceptions, for the first 5 years to prepare for his presidential library etc, after 5 years they become public records with access by FOIA requests.

PRA was created because Nixon claims the Presidential Records were his, and refused to turn over taped evidence.

The PRA took all ownership of presidential records AWAY from all presidents, from Reagan onwards.

It doesn't matter what the tapes were. He was discussing very private things as President. That means they belonged to the people as much as those documents do, if you say they do. But instead, the judge ruled that POTUS and POTUS alone decides what is presidential records and what isn't.

You can't violate a law that has no provisions for enforcement. That would be because they had no intention on criminalizing document retention issues. Obama judges have stated that the president has the ultimate authority to decide. Not the national archives. Are you going to argue with Obama appointed judges?

The PRA is an act, not a law. You need to stop taking your legal advice from so said "legal scholars" simply because they have a law degree and spent most of their lives chasing ambulances.

The prosecutor going after Trump has a long history of losing cases. Trump's got this one in the bag. He's trying to save face from his embarrassing losses in the past. He thinks joining the "Get Trump" bandwagon will further his career. He's actually had one of his convictions overturned by the supreme court. This supposedly "fair" prosecutor has created a documentary about Michelle Obama. This whole thing is a joke.

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You can't violate a law that has no provisions for enforcement. Obama judges have stated that the president has the ultimate authority to decide. Not the national archives. Are you going to argue with Obama appointed judges?

The PRA is an act, not a law. You need to stop taking your legal advice from so said "legal scholars" simply because they have a law degree and spent most of their lives chasing ambulances.
Trump is not being prosecuted for breaking the PRA, silly one....just like Biden and vp Pence are NOT.
Trump is not being prosecuted for breaking the PRA, silly one....just like Biden and vp Pence are NOT.

But you lefties KEEP SAYING Trump kept those documents illegally. You said it two replies up ON THIS THREAD. That's all PRA stuff. So either you think he violated it or not. Make up your mind. You can't say he kept documents illegally (PRA) and so we're going after him on the espionage act. It doesn't work like that.
But you lefties KEEP SAYING Trump kept those documents illegally. You said it two replies up ON THIS THREAD. That's all PRA stuff. So either you think he violated it or not. Make up your mind. You can't say he kept documents illegally (PRA) and so we're going after him on the espionage act. It doesn't work like that.
NARA instigated this whole thing.
The presidential records act says that all documents belong to the president. He can release what he wants to. This is going nowhere. Mark Levin already pointed this out. Other presidents have not released any documents or kept some if they wanted to and they weren't prosecuted. Why? Because the presidential records act has no enforcement mechanism. You can't abide by one law and then say he violated another, like the espionage act. It's all foolishness. The espionage act is 106 year old law. We didn't even HAVE classified material 106 years ago so there is no way that law pertains to this.
Exactly correct
But you lefties KEEP SAYING Trump kept those documents illegally. You said it two replies up ON THIS THREAD. That's all PRA stuff. So either you think he violated it or not. Make up your mind. You can't say he kept documents illegally (PRA) and so we're going after him on the espionage act. It doesn't work like that.
Oh, I know he violated the PRA, but that is not why he is being charged. He is being charged for obstruction of justice and for willfully retaining National Defense plans and not returning them...and lying under oath that he had no more of them after a subpoena.

National Defense and Top secret documents are not his personal stuff or momento for him to retain.
Oh, I know he violated the PRA, but that is not why he is being charged. He is being charged for obstruction of justice and for willfully retaining National Defense plans and not returning them...and lying under oath that he had no more of them after a subpoena.

National Defense and Top secret documents are not his personal stuff or momento for him to retain.
Possession is 9/10 of the law. I was told that by a lawyer.
Oh, I know he violated the PRA, but that is not why he is being charged. He is being charged for obstruction of justice and for willfully retaining National Defense plans and not returning them...and lying under oath that he had no more of them after a subpoena.

National Defense and Top secret documents are not his personal stuff or momento for him to retain.
Anyone not committing to pardoning him is just opening the door for their own eventual persecution, but then, the GOP is famous for being the same spineless jellyfish who signed off on BLM, signed of gay pride month, signed off on Juneteenth and 50 other things hoping to gain love and acceptance from the left only to get spit on and kicked in the teeth ever time instead, and they're still out proving how no one can beat the GOP like the GOP can beat themselves. The GOP even signed off on forgiving Schiff for embroiling the nation and countless innocent individuals for years and millions of dollars spent pursuing the great russian LIE.

The democrats don't even need to campaign against Trump---- if he runs, enough republicans are already working 24/7 to defeat Trump and keep him from winning all by themselves despite him being the only hope for the party and the country to get us out of the hell Joe Biden has driven America into.

Who needs democrats when we already have the GOP to fuck America up the ass?
The spineless jellyfish Republicans are those who are scared to stand up against what he has done.
God bless the many Republicans who are standing up to him.

The vast majority of evidence, in the document investigation that resulted in an indictment, came from Republicans.

Republicans stopped Trump from overturning the 2020 election.
Dumb ass the same people who push the trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory is now pushing another conspiracy theory and you are believing that one also. Speaks volumes of you TDS mental state.
Please explain the one indivdual that was most responsible for Trump not being indicted on the Russian evidence says this about the document evidence.

“If Even Half of It Is True, He’s Toast”: Bill Barr on Trump Indictment​

Explain why almost nobody from his White House staff and cabinet are standing up for him.

His biggest advocate is the Pillow Man.
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