IMPORTANT MUST READ! Former Asst. U.S. Attorney Takes Apart Trump Case and Raises Some Important Questions

The DOJ case led by Special Counsel Jack Smith is going to be completely annihilated. Trump will walk. Have a look at this and for God sakes, pay attention when you read it WITH AN OPEN MIND USING LOGIC.

Ok. There is ten minutes I’ll never get back.

First. Attorney Client Privilege does not apply to illegal acts. Your Lawyer can’t claim privilege and neither can you if you involve him in anything illegal or unethical.

Second. If it is shown he had the aide Naruta move boxes so the lawyer checking to comply with the subpoena as is alleged, then that shows willful intent and conspiracy.

Shall I continue?
Ok. There is ten minutes I’ll never get back.

First. Attorney Client Privilege does not apply to illegal acts. Your Lawyer can’t claim privilege and neither can you if you involve him in anything illegal or unethical.

Second. If it is shown he had the aide Naruta move boxes so the lawyer checking to comply with the subpoena as is alleged, then that shows willful intent and conspiracy.

Shall I continue?
What is your legal profession compared to the former assistant US Attorney?
here's what I wrote you chop up bitch
You keep saying read the indictment? I ask you why should I read fiction? You turds shot your wad on Trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory. You've thrown everything up to the kitchen sink at Trump and had nothing but fake news. So tell me what about this fiction is real this time ?
Trump is toast. Biden kicked his fat white arse in 2020.
Trump is not the antichrist. Get real.
santos gobble 2.jpg

of course he is -- the comb over hides 666
I most certainly take the opposing position to that and claim that most Americans know better and are of

average or above intelligence and aren't Commie ShitLords.

Trump supporters love Putin. You are the commie shitheads and fascists as well.
All true. Just remember that the real primary intent is not to convict and imprison Trump for a heinous crime, but to instead make Trump just APPEAR as a criminal and unelectable to the 99.9% of the vast public out there who don't know anything about the law, don't follow the details, and all they know is what they read on the front page of some newspaper!

Is that why Trump is asking GOP hopefuls to commit to pardoning him.
They were his documents, retard.

"TRUMP: This was done by the military and given to me. Uh, I think we can probably, right?"

Now fuck off and die. The absurdity of this bullshit is unknown territory in America because people generally have sense.

Apparently that fails to apply to you.

They were not his documents retard. Those documents belong to the US. Why don't you fuck off.
Trump is not the antichrist. Get real.

Trump: 'Why Do I Have to Repent or Ask for Forgiveness If I Am Not Making Mistakes?'​

Those are the words of someone who thinks he is perfect. God is perfect, no mortal human is perfect.
Those are the words of someone who feels he is at least as good as God. That is a disrespectful antichrist. I see people worshiping Trump more than God.
Trump is not the antichrist. Get real.
If he is not the antichrist he is horribly disrespectful to God. Pence's morality is base on his belief in God.
Trump was telling Pence to ignore his moral compass and do not certify the election. Trump was saying ignore God and listen to me, in my opinion.
I feel Trump will tell anyone to ignore God if God's inspiration is not what Trump.
What is your legal profession compared to the former assistant US Attorney?
There are many assistant US attornys and attorneys who misinterpret the Constitution and the law.
Here are a few that are looking at being disbarred for violating professional rules of their profession
Rudy Giulani
John Eastman
Stefan Passantino
Jeffrey Clark
Sidney Powell

And guess what, they are all Trump lawyers who tried to have the 2020 election overturned or advised clients to lie in front of the Jan 6th hearings.
Is that why Trump is asking GOP hopefuls to commit to pardoning him.

Anyone not committing to pardoning him is just opening the door for their own eventual persecution, but then, the GOP is famous for being the same spineless jellyfish who signed off on BLM, signed of gay pride month, signed off on Juneteenth and 50 other things hoping to gain love and acceptance from the left only to get spit on and kicked in the teeth ever time instead, and they're still out proving how no one can beat the GOP like the GOP can beat themselves. The GOP even signed off on forgiving Schiff for embroiling the nation and countless innocent individuals for years and millions of dollars spent pursuing the great russian LIE.

The democrats don't even need to campaign against Trump---- if he runs, enough republicans are already working 24/7 to defeat Trump and keep him from winning all by themselves despite him being the only hope for the party and the country to get us out of the hell Joe Biden has driven America into.

Who needs democrats when we already have the GOP to fuck America up the ass?
Trump was not indicted because of the Russian investigation.
One of his biggest defender against charges from the Russian investigation was his Attorney General Bill Barr.

Bill Barr thinks differently about the current federal indictment.

“If Even Half of It Is True, He’s Toast”: Bill Barr on Trump Indictment​

Dumb ass the same people who push the trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory is now pushing another conspiracy theory and you are believing that one also. Speaks volumes of you TDS mental state.

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