In America, why are Asian-Americans so much more successful than African-Americans?

Maybe this could just be the way that the cards ended up falling. Some people may not even realize that they are in a contest to begin with and its because they are focused on the most important thing and that is living their lives and not paying so much attention to whatever everyone else is up to.

God bless you and them always!!!

They generally come to the US with masters or get a master while in the US..Why are the Asians earning more than white people?

Why do you posit that Asians earn more than any other race in our country?
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
In all fairness, that shit program has ruined many white people as well. Nothing breeds unambitious failures like an official government program that subsidizes them.

Yes I agree, anyone who looks to the government for social programs has their motivation and self pride ripped away.
Does that apply to unemployment insurance, medicare, and social security?
It's the system weve been given and we paid into it through our working lives, so it is wise to use the resources we have
Do they rip away your motivation and self pride?
In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center
They have strong family bonds and a work ethic that says if you work hard you will succeed.

If a slave worked hard he was never going to succeed so why bother and it never became part of their culture.

Black families have traditionally been torn apart by forces that were often beyond their control. First by slavery then by a society that refused to let them succeed. Then by emigration. Then by a welfare culture.

Had the black family kept plugging away, they would be very successful today.
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
There are a lot of ways that history could have been different.
  1. No Jim Crow laws
  2. No Black Wall Street Massacre
  3. No Red Lining
  4. No mass incarceration of young Blacks
you forgot no democrat party
I didn't forget, I remembered it was Dem presidents who integrated the US military and made racial discrimination illegal.


Good historical summary but why does it stop in 1965? Hasn't the GOP done anything for Civil Rights since then?
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
In all fairness, that shit program has ruined many white people as well. Nothing breeds unambitious failures like an official government program that subsidizes them.

Yes I agree, anyone who looks to the government for social programs has their motivation and self pride ripped away.
Does that apply to unemployment insurance, medicare, and social security?

SS and Medicare are for people who are towards the end of their lives and who were forced to pay into the system.

I'm referring to those who choose to have kids out of wedlock, and start down this merry-go-round of government handouts that keep them in chains forever, and promotes children who end up with no fathers or supervision, and are at a much higher risk of becoming criminals.
In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center

The single (no pun intended) greatest factor in children's success.

Guess who said this:

You and I know how true this is in the African-American community. We know that more than half of all black children live in single-parent households, a number that has doubled – doubled – since we were children. We know the statistics – that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and twenty times more likely to end up in prison. They are more likely to have behavioral problems, or run away from home, or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundations of our community are weaker because of it."

Where are any of those conditions attributable to 'white privilege'?
Culture is the correct answer.

The Asian culture is one of succeeding without the need of aid from Whity or the left.

First is a cultural trait that has become a cliché in the model-minority discussion: a zealous focus on education. .... education for the next generation is close to a religion..... One recent college graduate, now a public school math teacher, told me that his mother would wake him at 5 AM to go over math problems—when he was in the first and second grade. ..
.... one kindergartner’s mother said, in faltering English: “My son must go Harvard.”

No matter how poor they are, parents find a way to get their fourth- or fifth-graders into test-prep classes. WNYC found one Sunset Park family who put aside $5,000 for classes for their three sons out of a yearly household income of just $26,000.
Brooklyn's Chinese Pioneers by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Spring 2014
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
In all fairness, that shit program has ruined many white people as well. Nothing breeds unambitious failures like an official government program that subsidizes them.

Yes I agree, anyone who looks to the government for social programs has their motivation and self pride ripped away.
Does that apply to unemployment insurance, medicare, and social security?
It's the system weve been given and we paid into it through our working lives, so it is wise to use the resources we have
Do they rip away your motivation and self pride?
The misconception you have is that these programs that you listed are social programs--they are not. They are insurance policies (in the cases of unemployment, disability and medicare) and SS is a savings account that we paid into during our employment. Your auto insurance is not a social program.
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Kind of takes the whole 'systemic racism' theory, with its underlying tenet that the system favors whites and holds others down and blows it right to shit.....
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
In all fairness, that shit program has ruined many white people as well. Nothing breeds unambitious failures like an official government program that subsidizes them.

Yes I agree, anyone who looks to the government for social programs has their motivation and self pride ripped away.
Does that apply to unemployment insurance, medicare, and social security?
It's the system weve been given and we paid into it through our working lives, so it is wise to use the resources we have
Do they rip away your motivation and self pride?
The misconception you have is that these programs that you listed are social programs--they are not. They are insurance policies (in the cases of unemployment, disability and medicare) and SS is a savings account that we paid into during our employment. Your auto insurance is not a social program.
So I guess welfare is poverty insurance?
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
In all fairness, that shit program has ruined many white people as well. Nothing breeds unambitious failures like an official government program that subsidizes them.

Yes I agree, anyone who looks to the government for social programs has their motivation and self pride ripped away.
Does that apply to unemployment insurance, medicare, and social security?
It's the system weve been given and we paid into it through our working lives, so it is wise to use the resources we have
Do they rip away your motivation and self pride?
The misconception you have is that these programs that you listed are social programs--they are not. They are insurance policies (in the cases of unemployment, disability and medicare) and SS is a savings account that we paid into during our employment. Your auto insurance is not a social program.
So I guess welfare is poverty insurance?
Welfare is insurance for keeping lazy and fat people voting Democrat.
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
In all fairness, that shit program has ruined many white people as well. Nothing breeds unambitious failures like an official government program that subsidizes them.

Yes I agree, anyone who looks to the government for social programs has their motivation and self pride ripped away.
Does that apply to unemployment insurance, medicare, and social security?
It's the system weve been given and we paid into it through our working lives, so it is wise to use the resources we have
Do they rip away your motivation and self pride?
The misconception you have is that these programs that you listed are social programs--they are not. They are insurance policies (in the cases of unemployment, disability and medicare) and SS is a savings account that we paid into during our employment. Your auto insurance is not a social program.
So I guess welfare is poverty insurance?
You don't pay premiums into a welfare fund, dumbass. Quit being an obtuse troll.

If a slave worked hard he was never going to succeed so why bother and it never became part of their culture.

Black families have traditionally been torn apart by forces that were often beyond their control. First by slavery then by a society that refused to let them succeed. Then by emigration. Then by a welfare culture.

We haven't had slavery in this country in over 150 years. We haven't had legalized segregation and discrimination in almost 60. The time for excuses passed a long time ago.

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