In America, why are Asian-Americans so much more successful than African-Americans?

In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center
They have strong family bonds and a work ethic that says if you work hard you will succeed.

If a slave worked hard he was never going to succeed so why bother and it never became part of their culture.

Black families have traditionally been torn apart by forces that were often beyond their control. First by slavery then by a society that refused to let them succeed. Then by emigration. Then by a welfare culture.

Had the black family kept plugging away, they would be very successful today.
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
There are a lot of ways that history could have been different.
  1. No Jim Crow laws
  2. No Black Wall Street Massacre
  3. No Red Lining
  4. No mass incarceration of young Blacks
you forgot no democrat party
Some cultures are just superior to others. Black culture is the root of ALL their troubles. Those who reject black culture do better than those who dont
In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center
Studying to succeed (as opposed to idiotic degrees that are worthless in the real world) is strong in the Asian family unit and failure is seen as an embarrassment, not just to the student, but to the family as well. In Japan for example, the suicide rate is the second highest among the industrialized countries. Because of their collective societies and pressure to succeed by their families and peers, they out-perform whites, blacks and Hispanics.
As for blacks, well, there are three basic problems:
1. Single parent households are a definite contributor. The single parent is generally trying to hold down two jobs to cover the cost of living and raising how ever many children he/she has. Thus, the single parent is rarely present to advise and assist the students in their studies. That doesn't eliminate the fact that there are just some parents that shouldn't be parents (age, negative-culture, criminality). But, that's a whole other issue.
2. Educational systems in Democrat run large metropolitan communities. Their initial response to encountering black students who had difficulty learning subjects, was to do a "knee-jerk" reaction and just "dumb-down" the material, not realizing that everybody learns in different ways and that such students don't generally have parental assistance after school. Teaching has to be done, tailor-made to how each students learn.
3. Culture. It may offend some and there are those that will even say, it's racist, but here's the fact. It's not! No matter what nation you live in (Botswana, Tunisia, Rwanda, China, Japan, Norway, Russia, et cetera), to succeed, you have to have a fluent grasp of the nation's language, more than one language preferably, put in your best effort to learn the material while in school and on a job, Don't be afraid to ask. Get some assistance where and when you can and have a bit of good luck. So, if your particular culture doesn't advocate a strong work ethic, study and personal growth, it's betraying you and ensuring you will fail, unless you just happen to have some talent that people will pay to watch.
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
In all fairness, that shit program has ruined many white people as well. Nothing breeds unambitious failures like an official government program that subsidizes them.

Yes I agree, anyone who looks to the government for social programs has their motivation and self pride ripped away.
In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center
They have strong family bonds and a work ethic that says if you work hard you will succeed.

If a slave worked hard he was never going to succeed so why bother and it never became part of their culture.

Black families have traditionally been torn apart by forces that were often beyond their control. First by slavery then by a society that refused to let them succeed. Then by emigration. Then by a welfare culture.

Had the black family kept plugging away, they would be very successful today.
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
There are a lot of ways that history could have been different.
  1. No Jim Crow laws
  2. No Black Wall Street Massacre
  3. No Red Lining
  4. No mass incarceration of young Blacks
you forgot no democrat party
I didn't forget, I remembered it was Dem presidents who integrated the US military and made racial discrimination illegal.
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
In all fairness, that shit program has ruined many white people as well. Nothing breeds unambitious failures like an official government program that subsidizes them.

Yes I agree, anyone who looks to the government for social programs has their motivation and self pride ripped away.
Does that apply to unemployment insurance, medicare, and social security?
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
In all fairness, that shit program has ruined many white people as well. Nothing breeds unambitious failures like an official government program that subsidizes them.

Yes I agree, anyone who looks to the government for social programs has their motivation and self pride ripped away.
Does that apply to unemployment insurance, medicare, and social security?
It's the system weve been given and we paid into it through our working lives, so it is wise to use the resources we have
I will say that where I live there are many homeless encampments, mostly what I see are White, Black and maybe hispanic looking people but not as many of those..... but rarely do you see an asian being homeless. I think maybe I had once or twice, so it leads me to believe it is just their
culture which does not allow failure. They have tremendous family pressure to be successful or at least be self sufficient.
They are taught personal responsibility at an early age and Asians are not just successful in America--they are successful worldwide.
In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center
They have strong family bonds and a work ethic that says if you work hard you will succeed.

If a slave worked hard he was never going to succeed so why bother and it never became part of their culture.

Black families have traditionally been torn apart by forces that were often beyond their control. First by slavery then by a society that refused to let them succeed. Then by emigration. Then by a welfare culture.

Had the black family kept plugging away, they would be very successful today.
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
There are a lot of ways that history could have been different.
  1. No Jim Crow laws
  2. No Black Wall Street Massacre
  3. No Red Lining
  4. No mass incarceration of young Blacks
No perpetual victims. Asians have endured racism in this country--they just didn't let the past define them. Asians got off their butts and went to work and persevered. The black folks who are failing laid around and blamed every other reason on earth for their shortfalls instead of looking within. No sympathy for the lazy black folks of this gimme generation. Take note--lazy, not all black folks fall into this category but the ones who are constantly in the news are.
In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center
They have strong family bonds and a work ethic that says if you work hard you will succeed.

If a slave worked hard he was never going to succeed so why bother and it never became part of their culture.

Black families have traditionally been torn apart by forces that were often beyond their control. First by slavery then by a society that refused to let them succeed. Then by emigration. Then by a welfare culture.

Had the black family kept plugging away, they would be very successful today.
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
There are a lot of ways that history could have been different.
  1. No Jim Crow laws
  2. No Black Wall Street Massacre
  3. No Red Lining
  4. No mass incarceration of young Blacks
you forgot no democrat party
I didn't forget, I remembered it was Dem presidents who integrated the US military and made racial discrimination illegal.


In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center
They generally come to the US with masters or get a master while in the US..Why are the Asians earning more than white people?
In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center
They have strong family bonds and a work ethic that says if you work hard you will succeed.

If a slave worked hard he was never going to succeed so why bother and it never became part of their culture.

Black families have traditionally been torn apart by forces that were often beyond their control. First by slavery then by a society that refused to let them succeed. Then by emigration. Then by a welfare culture.

Had the black family kept plugging away, they would be very successful today.
However, once LBJ put his signature to his "Great Society" programs, their fate was set for a catastrophic future.
There are a lot of ways that history could have been different.
  1. No Jim Crow laws
  2. No Black Wall Street Massacre
  3. No Red Lining
  4. No mass incarceration of young Blacks
No perpetual victims. Asians have endured racism in this country--they just didn't let the past define them. Asians got off their butts and went to work and persevered. The black folks who are failing laid around and blamed every other reason on earth for their shortfalls instead of looking within. No sympathy for the lazy black folks of this gimme generation. Take note--lazy, not all black folks fall into this category but the ones who are constantly in the news are.
There are wealthy black people in the USA why do you try to act like there are not?

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