In America, why are Asian-Americans so much more successful than African-Americans?

They are taught personal responsibility at an early age and Asians are not just successful in America--they are successful worldwide
I think that many people in say India or Bangladesh or the Philippines would disagree.
So you are saying that there are no intelligent, successful, educated Indian, Philipino or Bangladeshi people? Gee, how totally racist of you. And WRONG!
Of course there are. But somehow they are unable to build prosperous societies on their own.
Be careful--they have less than stellar governments--something that we are experiencing right here. In the next couple years, I fear that the American freedoms that we have known and love will become a memory and we will live in a dictatorship as well.
They are taught personal responsibility at an early age and Asians are not just successful in America--they are successful worldwide
I think that many people in say India or Bangladesh or the Philippines would disagree.
So you are saying that there are no intelligent, successful, educated Indian, Philipino or Bangladeshi people? Gee, how totally racist of you. And WRONG!
Of course there are. But somehow they are unable to build prosperous societies on their own.
Be careful--they have less than stellar governments--something that we are experiencing right here. In the next couple years, I fear that the American freedoms that we have known and love will become a memory and we will live in a dictatorship as well.
Every society has a government which it deserves.
This numbnut knows that if your health insurance premiums are much larger if you make constant claims, you don't have health insurance, you have to a health savings plan.
Your clumsy sentence makes no sense as written, kid. Try again.
Hope this helps your understanding:
This numbnut knows that if your health insurance premiums are much larger if you make constant claims, you don't have health insurance, you have to a health savings plan.​
This numbnut knows that if your health insurance premiums are much larger if you make constant claims, you don't have health insurance, you have to a health savings plan.
Your clumsy sentence makes no sense as written, kid. Try again.
Hope this helps your understanding:
This numbnut knows that if your health insurance premiums are much larger if you make constant claims, you don't have health insurance, you have to a health savings plan.​
Better from a grammatical standpoint, but incorrect from a truth standpoint. High premiums are not the same thing as a HSA.
This numbnut knows that if your health insurance premiums are much larger if you make constant claims, you don't have health insurance, you have to a health savings plan.
Your clumsy sentence makes no sense as written, kid. Try again.
Hope this helps your understanding:
This numbnut knows that if your health insurance premiums are much larger if you make constant claims, you don't have health insurance, you have to a health savings plan.​
Better from a grammatical standpoint, but incorrect from a truth standpoint. High premiums are not the same thing as a HSA.
Wow, I guess the extra 'to' made it incomprehensible. If your health insurance premiums increase because you've used them, you don't have insurance. You can call it what you want but insurance should spread costs to everyone in it, regardless of how often it is needed.
Wow, I guess the extra 'to' made it incomprehensible.
You guessed wrong again, kid. I said it made it clumsy, not incomprehensible. Pay attention.
If your health insurance premiums increase because you've used them, you don't have insurance.
Yes you do. It's just more expensive because your claims are costing more.
You can call it what you want but insurance should spread costs to everyone in it, regardless of how often it is needed.
Well, considering words have meanings, insurance is not called welfare. It's a voluntary risk pool people pay to join in an attempt to mitigate costs of certain situations.
In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center
The African Americans who suffered
1. History of being treated as property and having a genocidal induced phobia against "property and govt laws" as enabling white dominance have less experience in property ownership. While Asian immigrants and their families who came to America to own their own homes and businesses have advantages of education and experience without the stigma against "white man's laws" they see as a benefit compared to oppression where they came from

2. Genocidal effects of both slavery and high incarceration have broken the family lines of minority Black and Latino/Native Americans that we see in our culture. While Asians suffering from genocidal trafficking are largely still in Asia and counted as victims there, not here. When Asians in America invest in their own banks and businesses, that is seen as normal based on language preferences; but if Blacks invest in their own enterprises, and especially if they identify as 'Conservative' they get attacked and undermined as "selling out for commercial privilege" attributed to "white dominant systems". So this keeps Black audiences segregated from "white class privilege" (again, due to phobic avoidance of laws/govt seen as white oppression) while Asians are rewarded for becoming independent in business (because they don't have this social stigma but see benefits of the US Capitalist system).

3. Asian and African Americans placing high priorities on education and "respect for elders and authority" exceed well in America. Look at the African American charter and private schools that have broken the cycle of poverty and crime by higher focus on education and faith.

Like the poor Black and Latino communities that fall to gangs and drugs, the poor Asian communities also suffer this scourge.

These patterns affect people of any color.

The percentages may differ, but if you look at populations worldwide, the Chinese have more of both extremes of poverty and oppression, and educated people and business leaders.

If you only focus on a certain subsection, you may get a biased sampling.
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In my opinion, it's this:

% of children living in a one-parent household:

Asian - 13%

White - 24%

Hispanic - 36%

Black - 58%

It's no surprise Asian-Americans have the highest standard of living in the U.S.

And just think, one of BLM's cornerstones of their platform is an anti-nuclear family concept.

About one-third of U.S. children are living with an unmarried parent | Pew Research Center
The African Americans who suffered
1. History of being treated as property and having a genocidal induced phobia against "property and govt laws" as enabling white dominance have less experience in property ownership. While Asian immigrants and their families who came to America to own their own homes and businesses have advantages of education and experience without the stigma against "white man's laws" they see as a benefit compared to oppression where they came from

2. Genocidal effects of both slavery and high incarceration have broken the family lines of minority Black and Latino/Native Americans that we see in our culture. While Asians suffering from genocidal trafficking are largely still in Asia and counted as victims there, not here.

3. Asian and African Americans placing high priorities on education and "respect for elders and authority" exceed well in America. Look at the African American charter and private schools that have broken the cycle of poverty and crime by higher focus on education and faith.

Like the poor Black and Latino communities that fall to gangs and drugs, the poor Asian communities also suffer this scourge.

These patterns affect people of any color.

The percentages may differ, but if you look at populations worldwide, the Chinese have more of both extremes of poverty and oppression, and educated people and business leaders.

If you only focus on a certain subsection, you may get a biased sampling.

"2. Genocidal effects of both slavery and high incarceration have broken the family lines of minority Black..."

There was no genocide, and Republicans pried the slaves away from the Democrats some eight generations ago.

Between that time and when Democrat LBJ destroyed the black family,......
. If we could reverse one factor alone, the one responsible for the poverty and crime in the folks under discussion, it would end all talk of “racism.”

That factor is impregnating and then the abandoning of black women by black men.

“The biggest problem facing the Black community today, says Elder, is the absence of fathers. In the 1960s, most Black children were raised in two-parent households. That changed when our government’s War on Poverty began.”
John Stossel: Anti-racist racists

In 1950, 17 percent of African-American children lived in a home with their mother but not their father. By 2010 that had increased to 50 percent.

In 1965, only eight percent of childbirths in the Black community occurred out-of-wedlock. In 2010 that figure was 41 percent; and today, the out-of-wedlock childbirth in the Black community sits at an astonishing 72 percent.

The number of African-American women married and living with their spouse was recorded as 53 percent in 1950. By 2010, it had dropped to 25 percent."

President Lyndon B. Johnson 1964 Legacy to Obama - History Matters - My Oval Office

President Barack Obama will attend a major summit on Lyndon Johnson’s civil rights legac...
. If we could reverse one factor alone, the one responsible for the poverty and crime in the folks under discussion, it would end all talk of “racism.”
Just the opposite. If we could reverse one factor alone, it would be to make racism a criminal offense.

It would immediately return prison populations to their representation in the general population.

Tell me i'm wrong.
. If we could reverse one factor alone, the one responsible for the poverty and crime in the folks under discussion, it would end all talk of “racism.”
Just the opposite. If we could reverse one factor alone, it would be to make racism a criminal offense.

It would immediately return prison populations to their representation in the general population.

Tell me i'm wrong.

Please don't post to me.

You are low-life scum, guilty of altering my posts.

Find someone else to haunt.
Could be many things. Primary things I can reasonably reason is. And granted it's mostly black and white people where I live, with a few Asians here, but nearby in a more expensive area is a lot of Asians and I know a fair amount.

Asians in general put importantance on education and learning.

Asians spend little time blaming others for their problems or trying to use excuses as to why they can't get ahead. They get ahead because they work for it.

They have fewer children to spend time, money, child support, and effort on because they don't run around trying to fuck everything constantly.

They are less emotional to the extremes. They are more even tempered and not letting their feelings control them. So they tend to be more focused.

They arent very selfish. Asians take care of their family and close friends and will help eachother. And from what I've seen of black people around here it's pretty much all "what can I get".

Asians also have willpower, desire, and ambition. They want to improve their lives and will work to improve it.
Has anyone noticed that there is no relationship between the accomplishments of Asians and the fact that there are fewer elected Asian elected officials than there are of any other group?

Maybe folks shouldn't count on government largesse, provided by their 'folks,' and take their futures into their own hands.

Zora Neale Hurston, (born January 7, 1891, Notasulga, Alabama, U.S.—died January 28, 1960, Fort Pierce, Florida), American folklorist and writer associated with the Harlem Renaissance who celebrated the African American culture of the rural South, said ““All your skin folks ain’t your kin folks. And all your color ain’t your kind!” Hurston was a Republican.
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