In Case You Missed Jessie William...

No one asked you to try and think. We already know its hard for you. You messed it all up when I explained racism and racist to you so I wasnt exactly expecting much intelligent output once you alerted me you were attempting to think.
Again, you didn't explain racism. You went to a dictionary and borrowed a thumbnail definition which does not account for the innate conflict that exists between some ethnicities (Negro/Caucasian) but not others (Asian/Caucasian).
LMAO...So you think every slave that existed was captured by blacks only? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Bye dummy
Historical accounts hold that, because of the power of such African tribes as the Zulu, Masai, Ibo, et al, the only foreign entity capable of moving within the African continent to capture slaves was the British Empire -- which was not tolerant of slavery. So who else can you show was responsible for capturing the Black African slaves who ended up in America?
Do you think COPS is really a legitimate source to base your argument on? :laugh:
Why wouldn't it be?

In case you've never watched COPS, it is a series of actual "ride-along" sequences in which a television camerman films live police activities as they happen. So what is the basis of your dispute?
That is sooo true, however, think about what you asked. 2 drugs users, one white one black, guess who goes to prison and guess who gets probation. 2 rapist, one black one white, guess who goes to jail for a couple of months, if that and guess who goes to prison. Burglery, a nigga steals he gets prison time, the white guy was just trying to feed his family. And lets not even discuss the death penalty.......67% of all blacks are in prison on drug charges.....28% of whites. You do the math. Blacks are more likely to be imprisoned than whites doing the same exact crime.....So to come here and throw shade on the black community when we have a just-US system that forgives white criminals and punish blacks....isn't a fair conversation and I think you know this.
Any time you pass an active drug corner do you ever see a White dealer doing curb service? The answer is never -- and it's not because there are no Whites who wouldn't be doing that if they could. The fact is the business is dominated by Blacks, which in large measure accounts for the imbalanced national prison census.

Another cause of the higher percentage of Blacks sentenced to prison is the repeat offender factor. I can tell you for certain that many Black first and second offenders walk with probation.
I've seen plenty of white drug dealers on corners and a number of other places. Basically you are proving the point that if someone gives you a stereotype you are not intelligent enough to resist it.
This man is insane, visit Ky or Indiana or Ohio...white boys every where selling....clearly he doesn't get out much. Hell my white neighbor sells the shit. Never saw a day he nor his wife works.....yet they always got a bunch of nigga's at the house. Meth dealers are prodominately white boys, he needs to visit Indiana, they have a epidemic here.
No one asked you to try and think. We already know its hard for you. You messed it all up when I explained racism and racist to you so I wasnt exactly expecting much intelligent output once you alerted me you were attempting to think.
Again, you didn't explain racism. You went to a dictionary and borrowed a thumbnail definition which does not account for the innate conflict that exists between some ethnicities (Negro/Caucasian) but not others (Asian/Caucasian).
Of course I explained what I felt racism was. I cant help it if the dictionary says the same thing. If I took it from the dictionary I would have provided a link or indicated in another manner I got it from somewhere else. Innate conflicts between other races is not what you asked. You asked what I thought racism was. Have you confused yourself this much that you dont even remember what you asked?
Do you think COPS is really a legitimate source to base your argument on? :laugh:
Why wouldn't it be?

In case you've never watched COPS, it is a series of actual "ride-along" sequences in which a television camerman films live police activities as they happen. So what is the basis of your dispute?
Its a TV show for starters. It also happens to be televised in predominantly Black or Hispanic areas. Like I told you before you dont have to accept your brain washing that easily and you definitely dont have any credibility after telling me your source is the TV show COPS.
LMAO...So you think every slave that existed was captured by blacks only? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Bye dummy
Historical accounts hold that, because of the power of such African tribes as the Zulu, Masai, Ibo, et al, the only foreign entity capable of moving within the African continent to capture slaves was the British Empire -- which was not tolerant of slavery. So who else can you show was responsible for capturing the Black African slaves who ended up in America?
Who's historical accounts? If it is from white peeps I dont lend it much credence. White historians have been caught in too many lies to count.
LMAO...So you think every slave that existed was captured by blacks only? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Bye dummy
Historical accounts hold that, because of the power of such African tribes as the Zulu, Masai, Ibo, et al, the only foreign entity capable of moving within the African continent to capture slaves was the British Empire -- which was not tolerant of slavery. So who else can you show was responsible for capturing the Black African slaves who ended up in America?

None of what you said is backed by anything. So I can't really answer your question based on a phony foundation.
That is sooo true, however, think about what you asked. 2 drugs users, one white one black, guess who goes to prison and guess who gets probation. 2 rapist, one black one white, guess who goes to jail for a couple of months, if that and guess who goes to prison. Burglery, a nigga steals he gets prison time, the white guy was just trying to feed his family. And lets not even discuss the death penalty.......67% of all blacks are in prison on drug charges.....28% of whites. You do the math. Blacks are more likely to be imprisoned than whites doing the same exact crime.....So to come here and throw shade on the black community when we have a just-US system that forgives white criminals and punish blacks....isn't a fair conversation and I think you know this.
Any time you pass an active drug corner do you ever see a White dealer doing curb service? The answer is never -- and it's not because there are no Whites who wouldn't be doing that if they could. The fact is the business is dominated by Blacks, which in large measure accounts for the imbalanced national prison census.

Another cause of the higher percentage of Blacks sentenced to prison is the repeat offender factor. I can tell you for certain that many Black first and second offenders walk with probation.
I've seen plenty of white drug dealers on corners and a number of other places. Basically you are proving the point that if someone gives you a stereotype you are not intelligent enough to resist it.
This man is insane, visit Ky or Indiana or Ohio...white boys every where selling....clearly he doesn't get out much. Hell my white neighbor sells the shit. Never saw a day he nor his wife works.....yet they always got a bunch of nigga's at the house. Meth dealers are prodominately white boys, he needs to visit Indiana, they have a epidemic here.
To white people thats simply unbelievable. However, they are not just the low lying drug dealers. Go up the ladder high enough and there is always a white boy there. They are also the invisible faces behind drugs being brought to the US. Like my boys used to say back in the hood, "we aint got no planes and boats to fly the shit in so somebody is bringing it."
That is sooo true, however, think about what you asked. 2 drugs users, one white one black, guess who goes to prison and guess who gets probation. 2 rapist, one black one white, guess who goes to jail for a couple of months, if that and guess who goes to prison. Burglery, a nigga steals he gets prison time, the white guy was just trying to feed his family. And lets not even discuss the death penalty.......67% of all blacks are in prison on drug charges.....28% of whites. You do the math. Blacks are more likely to be imprisoned than whites doing the same exact crime.....So to come here and throw shade on the black community when we have a just-US system that forgives white criminals and punish blacks....isn't a fair conversation and I think you know this.
Any time you pass an active drug corner do you ever see a White dealer doing curb service? The answer is never -- and it's not because there are no Whites who wouldn't be doing that if they could. The fact is the business is dominated by Blacks, which in large measure accounts for the imbalanced national prison census.

Another cause of the higher percentage of Blacks sentenced to prison is the repeat offender factor. I can tell you for certain that many Black first and second offenders walk with probation.
I've seen plenty of white drug dealers on corners and a number of other places. Basically you are proving the point that if someone gives you a stereotype you are not intelligent enough to resist it.
This man is insane, visit Ky or Indiana or Ohio...white boys every where selling....clearly he doesn't get out much. Hell my white neighbor sells the shit. Never saw a day he nor his wife works.....yet they always got a bunch of nigga's at the house. Meth dealers are prodominately white boys, he needs to visit Indiana, they have a epidemic here.
To white people thats simply unbelievable. However, they are not just the low lying drug dealers. Go up the ladder high enough and there is always a white boy there. They are also the invisible faces behind drugs being brought to the US. Like my boys used to say back in the hood, "we aint got no planes and boats to fly the shit in so somebody is bringing it."

Its the perception too. White Meth dealers aren't considered "thugs". They need help. They're good kids! Heroin? Mental and drug addiction that needs counseling.

Now many white people will say they don't agree and they call them the same as blacks. Unfortunately that's not reflected in everyday conversations or reports. Some of the GOP candidates have heroin addiction in their family and pleaded for understanding and compassion.

Black person tho? They were never good and never will be to whites. So treating then differently through the justice system is kinda their hands off approach while still understanding the bias and sitting by silently
That is sooo true, however, think about what you asked. 2 drugs users, one white one black, guess who goes to prison and guess who gets probation. 2 rapist, one black one white, guess who goes to jail for a couple of months, if that and guess who goes to prison. Burglery, a nigga steals he gets prison time, the white guy was just trying to feed his family. And lets not even discuss the death penalty.......67% of all blacks are in prison on drug charges.....28% of whites. You do the math. Blacks are more likely to be imprisoned than whites doing the same exact crime.....So to come here and throw shade on the black community when we have a just-US system that forgives white criminals and punish blacks....isn't a fair conversation and I think you know this.
Any time you pass an active drug corner do you ever see a White dealer doing curb service? The answer is never -- and it's not because there are no Whites who wouldn't be doing that if they could. The fact is the business is dominated by Blacks, which in large measure accounts for the imbalanced national prison census.

Another cause of the higher percentage of Blacks sentenced to prison is the repeat offender factor. I can tell you for certain that many Black first and second offenders walk with probation.
I've seen plenty of white drug dealers on corners and a number of other places. Basically you are proving the point that if someone gives you a stereotype you are not intelligent enough to resist it.
This man is insane, visit Ky or Indiana or Ohio...white boys every where selling....clearly he doesn't get out much. Hell my white neighbor sells the shit. Never saw a day he nor his wife works.....yet they always got a bunch of nigga's at the house. Meth dealers are prodominately white boys, he needs to visit Indiana, they have a epidemic here.
To white people thats simply unbelievable. However, they are not just the low lying drug dealers. Go up the ladder high enough and there is always a white boy there. They are also the invisible faces behind drugs being brought to the US. Like my boys used to say back in the hood, "we aint got no planes and boats to fly the shit in so somebody is bringing it."

Its the perception too. White Meth dealers aren't considered "thugs". They need help. They're good kids! Heroin? Mental and drug addiction that needs counseling.

Now many white people will say they don't agree and they call them the same as blacks. Unfortunately that's not reflected in everyday conversations or reports. Some of the GOP candidates have heroin addiction in their family and pleaded for understanding and compassion.

Black person tho? They were never good and never will be to whites. So treating then differently through the justice system is kinda their hands off approach while still understanding the bias and sitting by silently
This is why I have written white people off as a race. They have this inferiority complex that causes them to view Blacks as monsters. Some can talk a good game and there are a few that understand but they are small in number as we are seeing.
This man is insane, visit Ky or Indiana or Ohio...white boys every where selling....clearly he doesn't get out much. Hell my white neighbor sells the shit. Never saw a day he nor his wife works.....yet they always got a bunch of nigga's at the house. Meth dealers are prodominately white boys, he needs to visit Indiana, they have a epidemic here.
This area of discussion began with the question of why Blacks dominate the national prison census. I believe one leading reason for it is the drug war and the fact that I have never seen a drug corner on which curb service was provided by a White dealer. Always Black, and they are frequently arrested.

I didn't suggest there are no White drug dealers. But I've never seen one standing on a corner. What you've just said implies your White neighbor is a dealer who works out of his house, which means his potential for being arrested is considerably less than that of a street-corner dealer. There are plenty of those and they are harvested by roving narc squads every night in every major city in America.

If you watched the excellent HBO series, The Wire, which was factually based on drug-dealing activity in the city of Baltimore you will have seen exactly what I'm talking about. If you do not live in a well populated city it is likely there is no street-corner dealing in your locality. But I can assure you street-corner dealing is extremely common in most cities and the practice is dominated by Blacks.

If the wholly counterproductive War on Drugs were ended our insane national prison census would be reduced by at least two thirds.
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Its the perception too. White Meth dealers aren't considered "thugs". They need help. They're good kids! Heroin? Mental and drug addiction that needs counseling.

Now many white people will say they don't agree and they call them the same as blacks. Unfortunately that's not reflected in everyday conversations or reports. Some of the GOP candidates have heroin addiction in their family and pleaded for understanding and compassion.

Black person tho? They were never good and never will be to whites. So treating then differently through the justice system is kinda their hands off approach while still understanding the bias and sitting by silently
Are you saying Whites are never sentenced to prison for drug dealing?
I think BET should have its piece of shit awards program that nobody watches in North Korea next year.
Blacks and Hispanics watch the BET awards. And guess what? with over one trillion dollars of spending power by Blacks alone, commercials supporting the BET awards are worthwhile. Money talks BS walks,,,so,,,get to steppin'
Its the perception too. White Meth dealers aren't considered "thugs". They need help. They're good kids! Heroin? Mental and drug addiction that needs counseling.

Now many white people will say they don't agree and they call them the same as blacks. Unfortunately that's not reflected in everyday conversations or reports. Some of the GOP candidates have heroin addiction in their family and pleaded for understanding and compassion.

Black person tho? They were never good and never will be to whites. So treating then differently through the justice system is kinda their hands off approach while still understanding the bias and sitting by silently
Are you saying Whites are never sentenced to prison for drug dealing?
Where do you see that? You really need to work on your reading comprehension. First you fucked up and misunderstood a post a 6 year old could understand and now this.
So silly not whites the Great Africans. Ur claims of such a great people but there lies no evidence of that here in present day.
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.
U can cherry pick a small percentage of blacks that have done great things to help mankind progress. But as a whole the truth is ur people have been a disappointment. Without help the average black will only bring more disappointment to all of mankind.
I know Blacks have disappointed you cave monkeys. We havent rolled over and gone the way of your close relatives the neanderthals. We are still here and will always be here simply by virtue of our dominant genes while you are on schedule for extinction due to your inbred recessive ones.
Blacks don't disappoint anyone but themselves, take some ownership instead self pity then maybe u can help ur people become proud again. Again for such a dominant people why are u constantly at the back of the pack?
Youve contradicted yourself again cave chimp. You just said Blacks were a disappointment to...

"Without help the average black will only bring more disappointment to all of mankind."

Now I am going ot give you an option. Either you fucked up as is the norm, or you agree you are a monkey and not included in mankind. Take your pick. :laugh:
Ohhhh u got me, another big win for acspelias.:rolleyes: still thinking small, u have to stay focused on the big picture, how will u n ur race ever take over focusing on nobody's like me. :itsok:
I think BET should have its piece of shit awards program that nobody watches in North Korea next year.
Blacks and Hispanics watch the BET awards. And guess what? with over one trillion dollars of spending power by Blacks alone, commercials supporting the BET awards are worthwhile. Money talks BS walks,,,so,,,get to steppin'
Why was it on three channels? Race and PC. Regular programming could of went on as usual on VH1 and MTV. But, because we do not have music anymore in this country both of those channels have went to shit.
I think BET should have its piece of shit awards program that nobody watches in North Korea next year.
Blacks and Hispanics watch the BET awards. And guess what? with over one trillion dollars of spending power by Blacks alone, commercials supporting the BET awards are worthwhile. Money talks BS walks,,,so,,,get to steppin'
Why was it on three channels? Race and PC. Regular programming could of went on as usual on VH1 and MTV. But, because we do not have music anymore in this country both of those channels have went to shit.
Why are you still confused. I thought I explained it explicitly. BTW a lot of White kids like hip hop and Black gansgta music too. You should pay more attention to your kids…they are not country western fans or blue grass aficionados these days. They are becoming increasingly Negritized :lol: and there is nothing you can do about it! The advertisers are selling too many related products via commercials associated with BET to stop because of your concerns. Heh heh heh!
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.
U can cherry pick a small percentage of blacks that have done great things to help mankind progress. But as a whole the truth is ur people have been a disappointment. Without help the average black will only bring more disappointment to all of mankind.
I know Blacks have disappointed you cave monkeys. We havent rolled over and gone the way of your close relatives the neanderthals. We are still here and will always be here simply by virtue of our dominant genes while you are on schedule for extinction due to your inbred recessive ones.
Blacks don't disappoint anyone but themselves, take some ownership instead self pity then maybe u can help ur people become proud again. Again for such a dominant people why are u constantly at the back of the pack?
Youve contradicted yourself again cave chimp. You just said Blacks were a disappointment to...

"Without help the average black will only bring more disappointment to all of mankind."

Now I am going ot give you an option. Either you fucked up as is the norm, or you agree you are a monkey and not included in mankind. Take your pick. :laugh:
Ohhhh u got me, another big win for acspelias.:rolleyes: still thinking small, u have to stay focused on the big picture, how will u n ur race ever take over focusing on nobody's like me. :itsok:
I can out think you in my sleep and still concentrate on the big picture. I am a talented king and you are cave chimp.
I think BET should have its piece of shit awards program that nobody watches in North Korea next year.
Blacks and Hispanics watch the BET awards. And guess what? with over one trillion dollars of spending power by Blacks alone, commercials supporting the BET awards are worthwhile. Money talks BS walks,,,so,,,get to steppin'
Why was it on three channels? Race and PC. Regular programming could of went on as usual on VH1 and MTV. But, because we do not have music anymore in this country both of those channels have went to shit.
Why are you still confused. I thought I explained it explicitly. BTW a lot of White kids like hip hop and Black gansgta music too. You should pay more attention to your kids…they are not country western fans or blue grass aficionados these days. They are becoming increasingly Negritized :lol: and there is nothing you can do about it! The advertisers are selling too many related products via commercials associated with BET to stop because of your concerns. Heh heh heh!
Hell. Gangsta rap would have been dead long ago if it wasnt for white kids. They are the largest demographic buying it.

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