In Case You Missed Jessie William...

Don't break the law black people. Stay outta jail. See how easy that concept is?
Gotta better one for you, break the law white people, the judge will understand.
  • About 14 million Whites and 2.6 million African Americans report using an illicit drug
  • 5 times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites
Don't break the law black people. Stay outta jail. See how easy that concept is?
Gotta better one for you, break the law white people, the judge will understand.

    • About 14 million Whites and 2.6 million African Americans report using an illicit drug
    • 5 times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites
What kind of stupid mofo's actually report using illicit drugs? Are you fucked up or what?
(Like I did since I rarely watch TV) My man made a statement that upset a lot of people it seems. Here is a Black brother that is risking his career to speak the truth about the racist system Blacks deal with on a daily basis.

ironically he's first few seconds he's talking about the system dems built.

And the rest of it is the system white people still support.


only white dems support keeping blacks dumb and poor. It's how you keep them voting for your party.

Oh boy, that old tired strawman :rolleyes:

it's neither

you just can't admit it.

ok, lets pretend it is, and you leftist actually did make it better.

from 1970, wtf have the dems done to make life better for black people?

schools are much worse, thanks to you.
75% of black kids are born w/o fathers, thanks to you
their choices in life are welfare or hustle, thanks to you
and black that works their way out is shit on, thanks to you

is this your idea of better?

Got some new bullshit data for you.....80% birracial negroids born to white mops end up without fathers. White women who mess with black men, are more likely to end up on welfare, unemployed and in poverty. Since nigga's prefer mops these days, I see a trend that will surpass us black women and I love it.....oh and by the way...thank you white mops for releasing the black community of nigga trash!!
ironically he's first few seconds he's talking about the system dems built.

And the rest of it is the system white people still support.

only white dems support keeping blacks dumb and poor. It's how you keep them voting for your party.

Oh boy, that old tired strawman :rolleyes:
it's neither

you just can't admit it.

ok, lets pretend it is, and you leftist actually did make it better.

from 1970, wtf have the dems done to make life better for black people?

schools are much worse, thanks to you.
75% of black kids are born w/o fathers, thanks to you
their choices in life are welfare or hustle, thanks to you
and black that works their way out is shit on, thanks to you

is this your idea of better?
Got some new bullshit data for you.....80% birracial negroids born to white mops end up without fathers. White women who mess with black men, are more likely to end up on welfare, unemployed and in poverty. Since nigga's prefer mops these days, I see a trend that will surpass us black women and I love it.....oh and by the way...thank you white mops for releasing the black community of nigga trash!!

Man I bet a white MOP looks awesome pregnant. Do you have a picture?
Godboy thinks it's ok to judge all blacks by a few but gets super mad when you say whites supported slavery. Then suddenly he realizes how unfair that is...

when they're white.
QUOTE any post of mine where I said anything like that. Go ahead, I'll wait
Don't break the law black people. Stay outta jail. See how easy that concept is?
Gotta better one for you, break the law white people, the judge will understand.

    • About 14 million Whites and 2.6 million African Americans report using an illicit drug
    • 5 times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites
What kind of stupid mofo's actually report using illicit drugs? Are you fucked up or what?
Or what!!
Don't break the law black people. Stay outta jail. See how easy that concept is?
Gotta better one for you, break the law white people, the judge will understand.

    • About 14 million Whites and 2.6 million African Americans report using an illicit drug
    • 5 times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites
What kind of stupid mofo's actually report using illicit drugs? Are you fucked up or what?
Or what!!
Or go to jail.
And the rest of it is the system white people still support.

only white dems support keeping blacks dumb and poor. It's how you keep them voting for your party.

Oh boy, that old tired strawman :rolleyes:
it's neither

you just can't admit it.

ok, lets pretend it is, and you leftist actually did make it better.

from 1970, wtf have the dems done to make life better for black people?

schools are much worse, thanks to you.
75% of black kids are born w/o fathers, thanks to you
their choices in life are welfare or hustle, thanks to you
and black that works their way out is shit on, thanks to you

is this your idea of better?
Got some new bullshit data for you.....80% birracial negroids born to white mops end up without fathers. White women who mess with black men, are more likely to end up on welfare, unemployed and in poverty. Since nigga's prefer mops these days, I see a trend that will surpass us black women and I love it.....oh and by the way...thank you white mops for releasing the black community of nigga trash!!

Man I bet a white MOP looks awesome pregnant. Do you have a picture?
Don't break the law black people. Stay outta jail. See how easy that concept is?
Gotta better one for you, break the law white people, the judge will understand.

    • About 14 million Whites and 2.6 million African Americans report using an illicit drug
    • 5 times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to prison for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites
What kind of stupid mofo's actually report using illicit drugs? Are you fucked up or what?
Or what!!
Or go to jail.
Dildo, its people like you that makes america great.....great enough to vomit. Child you need a hug, snake anyone?
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.

Keep telling your self the 3rd world african crap holes stay 3rd world african crap holes.....
I am reminded of that everyday I post on this forum. White people have a serious inferiority complex due to that fact. If not for Blacks you probably would have gone the way of your close relatives the neanderthals.
Like you, I'm often wondering, who could the white man blame for all his troubles on this earth, were it not for blacks. They should get down on their knees and thank God for having us around to blame their plight of adversity on....otherwise they may have to find a mirror, and God forbid any white person find fault there!
Ur right many whites are at fault for horrible things, past n present. But how could such a great dominant(as acspelias describes the black race) people not rise up again n overcome the white mans rule?
And you can ask that question with a straight face and actually mean it? How could blacks over come adversity? Less then 50 years ago, nigga's was being hung for just smiling at a white woman, today a smile will get you 2 birracial kids with one on the way. 50 years ago just the idea of my black ass being a home owner, let alone living in a diverse neighborhood was something you saw in cartoons. 50 years ago, jobs, housing and opportunities were a nil to people of color, let alone having a seat in politics and finally the white house, so clearly my friend, the white man's rules went in one ear and out the other. The problem with whites, is that all black people are judged by the actions of short, you watch to much Fuck News!!
Lmao, fuck news good one, at least we agree on that. Shouldn't have such a genetically superior race already taken over? What's the hold up?
What are you talking about? Excuse what?
how do you excuse it's use today?

black American not bowing to the system is called a house nigga or an uncle tom.
First off I dont excuse things. Secondly be specific. Are you talking about calling someone a house nigga or an uncle tom or both?
Black doctor is an uncle tom, black conservative is a house nigga.

It's excused when they don't bow to leftist slavery and you excuse and have used it.
Doesnt really matter what their profession is or what political arena they reside in. If you shuffle and dance for the approval of white people then you are a uncle tom. You can be a democratic garbage man and be a uncle tom. If you disapprove of that sentiment then too MFing bad cave monkey.
so any black person that's tired of being the stereo type.

gotcha, porch monkey
Not many Blacks are the stereo type you slightly pink cave gibbon.
And the rest of it is the system white people still support.

only white dems support keeping blacks dumb and poor. It's how you keep them voting for your party.

Oh boy, that old tired strawman :rolleyes:
it's neither

No its only one thing...A strawman. There isnt two options unless you top it will BS.

you just can't admit it.

ok, lets pretend it is, and you leftist actually did make it better.

from 1970, wtf have the dems done to make life better for black people?

What has republicans done except stand on the sideline and offer no solutions and only condemnation for other peoples solutions? You think being part of the peanut gallery is a virtue or you're less culpable? How?

schools are much worse, thanks to you.
75% of black kids are born w/o fathers, thanks to you
their choices in life are welfare or hustle, thanks to you
and black that works their way out is shit on, thanks to you

is this your idea of better?

No you have to list things that are better. But you cant because to you America is shit, everything is bad, nothing is cool but....You LOOOOVE America. :rolleyes:

Look I understand. America is shitty from top to bottom and there is no good from it. Go with that....its just a pretty sad existence and hopefully you'll decide to not end it yourself from this bleak outlook on everything everywhere all the time:itsok:
We offer solutions, but scum like you just call it racist b/c you claim minorities must have your help.

so whats more racist, thinking minorities have to have your help or thinking they can make it on their own?

never mind, you're just to fucking dumb to figure it out.
We? Who the fuck is we? You cave chimps cant keep your own shit straight so what makes you think Black people are actually dumb enough to accept solutions from you? :laugh:
Lol...he explained it and right below you the explanation you say "You haven't explained anything". How does that work?
Okay. If you're willing to insist that his concise dictionary definition of racism, i.e., "One race feeling superior to another," as an explanation I will concede and accept that -- with tongue in cheek.

But it is a weak attempt at explaining a rather complicated and substantial social issue. For one thing, there is no nation, no sports team, no school, no religion, no breakfast cereal which does not express the belief that it is superior to all others. And to push the same weak notion even further it may be said that members of some races are indeed superior to others in some specific areas -- basketball for one example.

But if you think that's funny I challenge you to choose a more substantive criteria of comparison and have at it. Provide an explanation rather than a weak, dismissive comment.
No stupid that defines "racist" which I also defined in the same post you need to have an adult read to you since youre reading comprehension seems to be out to lunch.
You were never strong. You were always weak, recessive, and inbred. Did you mean how did you become so imperialistic and violent? Simple. You were at odds with nature and the people around you. Due to your weakness you concentrated on becoming an expert at war and violence. Thats pretty much the only thing you guys have excelled in.
So silly not whites the Great Africans. Ur claims of such a great people but there lies no evidence of that here in present day.
What evidence were you looking for? Africans have always been a strong people. If it werent for us Africans, whites would still be in the caves of europe eating each other. We educated you whites twice as a matter of fact and brought you civilization.
U can cherry pick a small percentage of blacks that have done great things to help mankind progress. But as a whole the truth is ur people have been a disappointment. Without help the average black will only bring more disappointment to all of mankind.
I know Blacks have disappointed you cave monkeys. We havent rolled over and gone the way of your close relatives the neanderthals. We are still here and will always be here simply by virtue of our dominant genes while you are on schedule for extinction due to your inbred recessive ones.
Blacks don't disappoint anyone but themselves, take some ownership instead self pity then maybe u can help ur people become proud again. Again for such a dominant people why are u constantly at the back of the pack?
Youve contradicted yourself again cave chimp. You just said Blacks were a disappointment to...

"Without help the average black will only bring more disappointment to all of mankind."

Now I am going ot give you an option. Either you fucked up as is the norm, or you agree you are a monkey and not included in mankind. Take your pick. :laugh:
Godboy thinks it's ok to judge all blacks by a few but gets super mad when you say whites supported slavery. Then suddenly he realizes how unfair that is...

when they're white.

Goofyboy is an autistic cave chimp. He just runs around hooting and scratching his fleas. He never makes any sense. :laugh:
I already explained what racism means. Racist is just having the belief that one race is superior to another. Racism is the system that is implemented by racists with the resources.
You haven't explained anything.

Why are you trying to tell me what I believe? I never said Chinese were superior to whites. Even if I did what does that have to do with me saying no race is superior to the Black race?
The problem with paranoid delusions is you lose track of the webs you weave with them.
You may not have understood due to lack of intellect or context but i did explain. I'm not responsible for your inability to understand the explanation. I thought I put it so simply that a 6 yr old could understand.

It seems you are the one that is having delusions. :laugh:

Please show me where I said the Chinese were superior to whites. If you cant...i understand. Also you cant seem to explain what that had to do with me saying no one was superior to Blacks. Why is that difficult for you to do?
Ace, you should know by now, anytime you confront a conservative with facts or request get the sound of crikets.....these people are so use to lies and propaganda bullshit, truth and providing facts are simply nil. I wouldn't waste my time, these clowns are strickly used for comedic relief and that's it.
I just like fucking with their heads. With repetition it will sink in and cause cognitive dissonance. I think if they are forced to deal with their feelings it will only help in the long run.

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