In Defense of God

I didn't think you had ever actually researched it.

Uh, yeah, actually, I have. And I basically rejected it as unacceptable and not a valid excuse.

Also, it strikes me that your moral God did a pretty shitty job of teaching morals if a righteous man thought handing his daughters over for gang rape was ever a good idea.

It will never be said that you allowed your lack of knowledge to hold you back.
It will never be said that you allowed your lack of knowledge to hold you back.

You Funditards and Wingnuts usually spend a lot of time pointing out how certain misogynistic cultures just show how backwards the middle east is...

...and yet you are defending offering two women up for gang rape.

Incidentally, there is a paralel for the Genesis 19 story in Judges 19. Once again, a mob from the Tribe of Benjamin demands that a Levite be handed over to them, and the offer the man's concubine instead. the woman was raped to death, and the Levite cut her body into 12 peices and sent them off to the other tribes of Israel, demanding genocide of the Tribe of Benjamin. All but 600 of them were killed.

So, yeah, that's pretty fucked up. So where is God when this was going on?
God made beings that die, sometimes horrible deaths. God has therefore purposely killed every being he ever made. So I guess it just depends on your definition of "mass murderer". :cool:
It will never be said that you allowed your lack of knowledge to hold you back.

You Funditards and Wingnuts usually spend a lot of time pointing out how certain misogynistic cultures just show how backwards the middle east is...

...and yet you are defending offering two women up for gang rape.

Incidentally, there is a paralel for the Genesis 19 story in Judges 19. Once again, a mob from the Tribe of Benjamin demands that a Levite be handed over to them, and the offer the man's concubine instead. the woman was raped to death, and the Levite cut her body into 12 peices and sent them off to the other tribes of Israel, demanding genocide of the Tribe of Benjamin. All but 600 of them were killed.

So, yeah, that's pretty fucked up. So where is God when this was going on?

Well, if you really had any capacity for understanding, you would realize that Man turned his back on God so God is allowing Man to make his own way until Man reaches the point of almost destroying himself and the planet. Christ will return.
God made beings that die, sometimes horrible deaths. God has therefore purposely killed every being he ever made. So I guess it just depends on your definition of "mass murderer". :cool:

Yes. He even saw fit in His mercy to cut their miserable lifespans to 120 years after the flood.
It will never be said that you allowed your lack of knowledge to hold you back.

You Funditards and Wingnuts usually spend a lot of time pointing out how certain misogynistic cultures just show how backwards the middle east is...

...and yet you are defending offering two women up for gang rape.

Incidentally, there is a paralel for the Genesis 19 story in Judges 19. Once again, a mob from the Tribe of Benjamin demands that a Levite be handed over to them, and the offer the man's concubine instead. the woman was raped to death, and the Levite cut her body into 12 peices and sent them off to the other tribes of Israel, demanding genocide of the Tribe of Benjamin. All but 600 of them were killed.

So, yeah, that's pretty fucked up. So where is God when this was going on?

Well, if you really had any capacity for understanding, you would realize that Man turned his back on God so God is allowing Man to make his own way until Man reaches the point of almost destroying himself and the planet. Christ will return.
He already did. But they sent him back to Mexico because they didn't recognize him. The rapture already happened, you were left behind. :lol:
Even when Christ returns and sets up His earthly Kingdom and creates the utopia described in Isaiah 35, there will be Liberals who will rebel against Christ's rule. There will be many who simply will not comply with His rules.
Even when Christ returns and sets up His earthly Kingdom and creates the utopia described in Isaiah 35, there will be Liberals who will rebel against Christ's rule. There will be many who simply will not comply with His rules.
Jesus has rules? Who knew? :dunno:
Even when Christ returns and sets up His earthly Kingdom and creates the utopia described in Isaiah 35, there will be Liberals who will rebel against Christ's rule. There will be many who simply will not comply with His rules.
Jesus has rules? Who knew? :dunno:

Almost everyone. You're just one of those low-info folks.
Jesus preached, but did not order people around with rules. Please try again.
Even when Christ returns and sets up His earthly Kingdom and creates the utopia described in Isaiah 35, there will be Liberals who will rebel against Christ's rule. There will be many who simply will not comply with His rules.
Jesus has rules? Who knew? :dunno:

Almost everyone. You're just one of those low-info folks.
Jesus preached, but did not order people around with rules. Please try again.

I said you were low-information. If you had understood my post, you might have understood that I was speaking of His coming Kingdom upon the earth.
Even when Christ returns and sets up His earthly Kingdom and creates the utopia described in Isaiah 35, there will be Liberals who will rebel against Christ's rule. There will be many who simply will not comply with His rules.
Jesus has rules? Who knew? :dunno:

Almost everyone. You're just one of those low-info folks.
Jesus preached, but did not order people around with rules. Please try again.

I said you were low-information. If you had understood my post, you might have understood that I was speaking of His coming Kingdom upon the earth.
Jesus never had any rules and never said that he had rules for when he returned. You lose.
Even when Christ returns and sets up His earthly Kingdom and creates the utopia described in Isaiah 35, there will be Liberals who will rebel against Christ's rule. There will be many who simply will not comply with His rules.
Jesus has rules? Who knew? :dunno:

Almost everyone. You're just one of those low-info folks.
Jesus preached, but did not order people around with rules. Please try again.

I said you were low-information. If you had understood my post, you might have understood that I was speaking of His coming Kingdom upon the earth.
Jesus never had any rules and never said that he had rules for when he returned. You lose.

Wrong !
Matthew 5:17-19King James Version (KJV)

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Jesus has rules? Who knew? :dunno:

Almost everyone. You're just one of those low-info folks.
Jesus preached, but did not order people around with rules. Please try again.

I said you were low-information. If you had understood my post, you might have understood that I was speaking of His coming Kingdom upon the earth.
Jesus never had any rules and never said that he had rules for when he returned. You lose.

Wrong !
Matthew 5:17-19King James Version (KJV)

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
That was made up and written several generations after the facts. Please try again.
Almost everyone. You're just one of those low-info folks.
Jesus preached, but did not order people around with rules. Please try again.

I said you were low-information. If you had understood my post, you might have understood that I was speaking of His coming Kingdom upon the earth.
Jesus never had any rules and never said that he had rules for when he returned. You lose.

Wrong !
Matthew 5:17-19King James Version (KJV)

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
That was made up and written several generations after the facts. Please try again.

Nice that you think Jesus lied.
Jesus preached, but did not order people around with rules. Please try again.

I said you were low-information. If you had understood my post, you might have understood that I was speaking of His coming Kingdom upon the earth.
Jesus never had any rules and never said that he had rules for when he returned. You lose.

Wrong !
Matthew 5:17-19King James Version (KJV)

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
That was made up and written several generations after the facts. Please try again.

Nice that you think Jesus lied.
Someone put words in his mouth to control you.
Well, if you really had any capacity for understanding, you would realize that Man turned his back on God so God is allowing Man to make his own way until Man reaches the point of almost destroying himself and the planet. Christ will return.

What does that have to do with the point I made about how God allowed one of his tribes to be exterminated by other tribes over a gang rape one of his priests allowed?

Jesus isn't coming back because he never existed to start with. I'm so sorry to break that to you.

Even when Christ returns and sets up His earthly Kingdom and creates the utopia described in Isaiah 35, there will be Liberals who will rebel against Christ's rule. There will be many who simply will not comply with His rules.

Christians don't comply with his rules now. When was the last time you stoned your neighbors for working on Sunday?
I cannot post this enough about the nature of God.

God could have easily created the world so we didn't have sin (and thus any reason for all the pain that comes from sin) but didn't. He's all knowing, all seeing, all wise, all wise, all beneficent...but has to torture us for our physical lifetimes with all kinds of ailments and pain and war and loss but didn't. He wants us to hurt and what kind of loving being wants his creations to suffer?

You do realize this God character is imaginary, right? He is simply imagined in the minds of humans.

And the story has many holes in it. Clearly made up by superstitious men thousands of years ago.
God Loves Us To Death!

Yes, you're going to die. I know the Democrats have promised us all a Utopia but even the Democrats haven't promised you eternal life. Only God has provisionally made us that promise.
Eternal life is the lie. Religions are lies. Make your life here better because its the only one you get.

What was eternity like for you before you were born? That's what it'll be like when you die.

Your soul didn't exist for billions of years. Who told you you go to heaven? Other humans who also hope they're going to heaven too.

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