In hindsight of these attacks


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Can we agree that it's not a good idea to finance Egypt so they can buy submarines?
Can we agree that it's not a good idea to finance Egypt so they can buy submarines?

Oh come now, the left is to AFRAID of Muslims to actually DO anything. I mean they may actually hurt them if they exert their rights and all. Much easier to deny rights to returning vets and conservatives.
How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.
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How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.

The government hasn't. But how are we supposed to stop individuals exercising their free speech? How the heck does anyone engaging in free speech justify them in attacking us?
How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.

What's this "we" shit? You got a mouse in your pocket?

How about you get your head out of your leftist keester and make an attempt to understand that these TERRORISTS are using their religion as a convenient EXCUSE to commit MURDER?

How about your Obama administration stop APOLOGIZING to appease the sub-human scum in the middle east who have no regard whatsoever for human life?

Kill them all. Let Allah sort them out!
How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.

The government hasn't. But how are we supposed to stop individuals exercising their free speech? How the heck does anyone engaging in free speech justify them in attacking us?

We that said, "we" the people should not, I repeat...SHOULD NOT support those that do. That is only making things worse.
How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.

Who in the hell said that in this thread? Worse, far worse has been said about Jesus and Christians with no violence. If you wish to defend intolerance and theocracy go ahead just don't lie about it.
How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.

Appeasement is perceived as WEAKNESS. There's nothing difficult to understand about that. What's more, this incident happened on 9/11. It's completely naive to believe that there's no connection there.

We can't appease these people anyway. Putting limits on Free Speech wouldn't be enough, even if we were all cowards enough to agree to it. What they want is our conversions or our deaths. THAT is what is meant by Islamic Extremism.
How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.

The government hasn't. But how are we supposed to stop individuals exercising their free speech? How the heck does anyone engaging in free speech justify them in attacking us?

Because radicals are irrational. They view something like that and assign that viewpoint to our entire society....MUCH LIKE THE VIDEO DID TO THEIR SOCIETY.

Radicalism and irrationality isn't just an Islamic trait.

Believe me, I am not defending these attacks...not by any means. But actions have consequences....and just because we are a free society with freedom of speech does not mean that other nations have to recognize that freedom. In fact, these extremist ideologies could start yet another fucking war over there.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of us being over there spending hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of American lives, and countless Middle Eastern lives that really, only serves as another express route of money flowing out of our country like a seive, never to return.
How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.

Appeasement is perceived as WEAKNESS. There's nothing difficult to understand about that. What's more, this incident happened on 9/11. It's completely naive to believe that there's no connection there.

We can't appease these people anyway. Putting limits on Free Speech wouldn't be enough, even if we were all cowards enough to agree to it. What they want is our conversions or our deaths. THAT is what is meant by Islamic Extremism.

Appeasement is weakness? So, we double down on fucking STUPID and defend the film? You're a moron.
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Because radicals are irrational. They view something like that and assign that viewpoint to our entire society....MUCH LIKE THE VIDEO DID TO THEIR SOCIETY.

Radicalism and irrationality isn't just an Islamic trait.

Believe me, I am not defending these attacks...not by any means. But actions have consequences....and just because we are a free society with freedom of speech does not mean that other nations have to recognize that freedom. In fact, these extremist ideologies could start yet another fucking war over there.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of us being over there spending hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of American lives, and countless Middle Eastern lives that really, only serves as another express route of money flowing out of our country like a seive, never to return.

How do you propose we stop individuals from exercising their right to free speech which allows them to be complete and utter morons.

I am tired of spending money period. Im tired of being in debt. Im tired of being dependent on the middle east for oil when we have tons in our own back yard we arent exploiting. Im tired of politicians and bureaucrats who apologize to radical nutjobs for something most of us have nothing to do with.

This was an act of war. We now have 50 marines heading over there for security purposes. Boots on the ground in Libya. I think much of this could have been avoided if we had simply not interfered in the Libyan civil war last year and bombed the nation when we really had no reason to.

But i dont control the nation. All I can do is pray, serve others, speak out against this stupid nonsense our government is doing and vote.
How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.

What's this "we" shit? You got a mouse in your pocket?

How about you get your head out of your leftist keester and make an attempt to understand that these TERRORISTS are using their religion as a convenient EXCUSE to commit MURDER?

How about your Obama administration stop APOLOGIZING to appease the sub-human scum in the middle east who have no regard whatsoever for human life?

Kill them all. Let Allah sort them out!

Great, be the first fuckhead off the plane.
Can we agree that it's not a good idea to finance Egypt so they can buy submarines?

Oh come now, the left is to AFRAID of Muslims to actually DO anything. I mean they may actually hurt them if they exert their rights and all. Much easier to deny rights to returning vets and conservatives.

What rights have been denied to returning vets? Were the rights denied to liberal returning vets as well?

What rights were denied to conservatives?
Because radicals are irrational. They view something like that and assign that viewpoint to our entire society....MUCH LIKE THE VIDEO DID TO THEIR SOCIETY.

Radicalism and irrationality isn't just an Islamic trait.

Believe me, I am not defending these attacks...not by any means. But actions have consequences....and just because we are a free society with freedom of speech does not mean that other nations have to recognize that freedom. In fact, these extremist ideologies could start yet another fucking war over there.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of us being over there spending hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of American lives, and countless Middle Eastern lives that really, only serves as another express route of money flowing out of our country like a seive, never to return.

How do you propose we stop individuals from exercising their right to free speech which allows them to be complete and utter morons.

I am tired of spending money period. Im tired of being in debt. Im tired of being dependent on the middle east for oil when we have tons in our own back yard we arent exploiting. Im tired of politicians and bureaucrats who apologize to radical nutjobs for something most of us have nothing to do with.

This was an act of war. We now have 50 marines heading over there for security purposes. Boots on the ground in Libya. I think much of this could have been avoided if we had simply not interfered in the Libyan civil war last year and bombed the nation when we really had no reason to.

But i dont control the nation. All I can do is pray, serve others, speak out against this stupid nonsense our government is doing and vote.

WE didn't....The United Nations did. WE helped....Remember? Obama's a coward for "leading from behind"?
How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.

Appeasement is perceived as WEAKNESS. There's nothing difficult to understand about that. What's more, this incident happened on 9/11. It's completely naive to believe that there's no connection there.

We can't appease these people anyway. Putting limits on Free Speech wouldn't be enough, even if we were all cowards enough to agree to it. What they want is our conversions or our deaths. THAT is what is meant by Islamic Extremism.

Appeasement is weakness? So, we double down on fucking STUPID and defend the film? You're a moron.

We go forth into the world standing by our principles. The U.S. government position on Islam isn't represented in that film. But we DO NOT persecute citizens for exercising their free speech. To equivocate on what our exact position is in regard to our values or who are friends are... IS weakness. Worse, it's cowardice.

Moron? Only a moron would overlook the date of the attack, would fail to notice that it happened on 9/11. To think that ordering people to clam up and tread carefully lest they offend some mouth-foaming Jihadist would somehow appease these people is simply stupid.
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How about we stop calling their religious figurehead a pedophile and other shit like that? Might be a good place to start.

Appeasement is perceived as WEAKNESS. There's nothing difficult to understand about that. What's more, this incident happened on 9/11. It's completely naive to believe that there's no connection there.

We can't appease these people anyway. Putting limits on Free Speech wouldn't be enough, even if we were all cowards enough to agree to it. What they want is our conversions or our deaths. THAT is what is meant by Islamic Extremism.

Appeasement is weakness? So, we double down on fucking STUPID and defend the film? You're a moron.

Who is defending the film? Free speech on the other hand...
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WE didn't....The United Nations did. WE helped....Remember? Obama's a coward for "leading from behind"?

No. Obama's a coward for completely different reasons.

Our military had no business bombing Libya. Congress never authorized it. We had no reason to interfere in their civil war.

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