In Joe Biden America Got A Throwing Quarterback When We Needed A Solid Fullback!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
America's current President Joe Biden isn't a very good match for the current challenges the country faces; American needs a financial whiz, a Chief Financial Officer type, an executive that can lead the organization away from the bankruptcy it is careening towards and stabilize its finances and put it on a path of long-term financial health. America now needs a President that knows the value of a dollar, that is thrifty, not stingy or tightfisted that will spend money with good reason but is careful about spending money that knows America must be prudent about spending money that she is at a dangerous crossroads that unless she gets off her present path America will permanently lose its prosperity potential with higher interest rates across the board, higher borrowing cost and a lower value dollar. Joseph Biden is a terrible fit for the job of President he spent thirty-five years in the U.S. Senate mostly on the Foreign Affairs committee and the Judiciary committee after his first year in the Senate which would be 1974 he joined the Budget Committee because there was no better plum committee seats available but after ten years a plum committee seat opened up and he jumped at it, abandoning Budget, and never looked back! Not only is President Biden's experience not in the area of the country's finances but his heart isn't in the subject either he is as happy as a kid in a candy store talking and dealing about foreign affair matters and judiciary matters but when it comes to budget matters dealing with the issues couldn't end fast enough.

Joseph Biden in one of the books he authored wrote "I do not have absolute faith in the judgment and wisdom of the American people. We're all human and we can all be mislead. When leaders don't level with citizens we can't expect them to make good judgments". Well Joe you and your Congressional Democrat leader allies are guilty of this transgression here because you are misleading the American People about this America's Rescue Act you're not telling them that it has a lot of unnecessary and imprudent spending in this bill which is very very dangerous and wrong for the country at this time. Not only is this $1.9 trillion debt going to have to be paid by our children and grandchildren and their offspring which morally calls for it to be really needed spending but also this debt our nation is piling up is really risking causing and pushing forward the day to two financial earthquakes which would have dramatically negative if not devastating effects on the American economy actually this Rescue Act could really precipitate the first. The first financial earthquake is when Credit Rating Agencies downgrade U.S. Treasury debt, America's risk profile has changed now it is significantly possible they could default on their debt, the wealthy and powerful in America who have a gun to the rating agencies head so to speak may temporarily stop them from doing their duty and recognize the red flags behind this Act which indicate that America now has a different standard for spending, deficit spending is no longer a real meaningful concern for the American government, which means that deficit spending for the foreseeable future will grow at the rate that significantly increases the risk that America will default on its debt in the foreseeable future. As referenced power players in America will obstruct the downgrade to protect their and their allies financial interest but the problem is too deep for them to hold back the downgrade beyond the short term. Sovereign debt buyers know America has added $4 trillion to their national debt already because of the pandemic now they see the U.S. government is spending another two trillion dollars they know when interest rates normalize the interest expense alone on this debt will top one-hundred billion dollars a year with yearly budget deficits already predicted to indefinitely top one trillion dollars a year and have an upward trajectory they know that these factors warrant them to receive additional compensation in buying America's sovereign debt because of America's changed risk profile which means a higher interest rate which will force the credit rating agencies to downgrade U.S. treasury debt from AAA which means that there will be a lot less buyers of U.S. Treasury debt because by law many debt purchases are restricted to buying only AAA debt which will cause. Less buyers of U..S treasuries means higher interest rates for those bonds and because various interest rates throughout our economy are directly and indirectly, vis-a-vis competition, are directly related to U.S. Treasuries means higher interests rates throughout our economy will result!

The second financial earthquake won't occur during the Biden administration assuming only a one-term Presidency but will happen in the foreseeable future after the nation is put on a path of unstoppable dramatically escalating yearly budget deficits by the Democrats "deficits don't matter spending" when it begins to break the threshold of 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars a year there will begin a populous groundswell in America to default on the national debt. The hundreds of billions of dollars of interest expense that could be saved per year it could be argued could be used for things like education, health care, long term care for the elderly, etc.; this populous movement will become unstoppable because the national debt's interest expense will be so large and growing and most ordinary Americans won't be significantly directly impacted by the default. This second earthquake, the default on America's debt, will not only bring higher permanent interest rates in America but will cause a destructive Tsunami wave thru the financial and banking industry which significantly hold U.S. treasuries that will spill over to significantly long term hurt the balance of America's economy! Joseph Biden writes in one of the books he has authored that "Middle Class concerns had been central to my entire forty-five year career in public office.". Well Joe they're not central to your first year as President of the United States because you are poised to wreck the country's finances with your American Rescue Act which will ultimately permanently saddle America's middle class families with higher interest rates which leave them with higher mortgage payments, higher auto loan payments less job opportunities with less wage income opportunities as America's businesses are also constrained by the higher interest rates in America!

Senator Joe Biden used to lament about the new faces that came into the Senate that they had less respect for the old ways of the Senate less respect for the decorum of the Senate which had valuable utility. I wish to God President Joe would take notice that a lot of veteran Senators wish the President would stop leading this juggernaut to steam roll a valuable precedent in the Senate that emergency spending bills aren't done through reconciliation where only fifty-one Senate votes are needed to pass a bill the long-term consequences stemming from future emergency spending reconciliation bills will leave a groan of pain whose sound will never cease! For heaven sake why doesn't this guy do what old hands in American politics expect it is a win-win for everyone; find yourself a good negotiator like Secretary Mnuchin or President Obama's Joe Biden to negotiate for you and do a typical relief bill. President Biden can almost certainly get provisions from the Republicans where they agree to the $1400 checks as long as the eligibility cutoff is $60 k for individuals and $100 k for families. With Mnuchin the Republicans were going to agree to $150 billion state and city aid in a prior bill so considering 2021 is mostly a lost economic recovery year because of the vaccine distribution challenge it is readily foreseeable Republicans could sign on to your $350 billion state/city aid just agree to distribute $200 billion this year and $150 billion starting February of 2022, for the enhanced unemployment cut the difference down the middle make the Federal assistance be $350 per week thru July and adjust the amount downward through September based on the unemployment rate actual and people that dropped out of the job market because the economy is not fully open many liberal economist like this statistical based standard, moderate Republicans already signed on to your expenditure proposal to get and distribute more vaccines. Bottom line President Joe Biden that a Bipartisan Relief Bill is absolutely definitely doable it doesn't take any great insight to see this even most fairly knowledgeable students of American politics can readily see this!
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America's current President Joe Biden isn't a very good match for the current challenges the country faces; American needs a financial whiz, a Chief Financial Officer type, an executive that can lead the organization away from the bankruptcy it is careening towards and stabilize its finances and put it on a path of long-term financial health.
That certainly isn't Trump. He's legendary for leading organizations INTO bankruptcy.
America's current President Joe Biden isn't a very good match for the current challenges the country faces; American needs a financial whiz, a Chief Financial Officer type, an executive that can lead the organization away from the bankruptcy it is careening towards and stabilize its finances and put it on a path of long-term financial health. America now needs a President that knows the value of a dollar, that is thrifty, not stingy or tightfisted that will spend money with good reason but is careful about spending money that knows America must be prudent about spending money that she is at a dangerous crossroads that unless she gets off her present path America will permanently lose its prosperity potential with higher interest rates across the board, higher borrowing cost and a lower value dollar. Joseph Biden is a terrible fit for the job of President he spent thirty-five years in the U.S. Senate mostly on the Foreign Affairs committee and the Judiciary committee after his first year in the Senate which would be 1974 he joined the Budget Committee because there was no better plum committee seats available but after ten years a plum committee seat opened up and he jumped at it, abandoning Budget, and never looked back! Not only is President Biden's experience not in the area of the country's finances but his heart isn't in the subject either he is as happy as a kid in a candy store talking and dealing about foreign affair matters and judiciary matters but when it comes to budget matters dealing with the issues couldn't end fast enough.

Joseph Biden in one of the books he authored wrote "I do not have absolute faith in the judgment and wisdom of the American people. We're all human and we can all be mislead. When leaders don't level with citizens we can't expect them to make good judgments". Well Joe you and your Congressional Democrat leader allies are guilty of this transgression here because you are misleading the American People about this America's Rescue Act you're not telling them that it has a lot of unnecessary and imprudent spending in this bill which is very very dangerous and wrong for the country at this time. Not only is this $1.9 trillion debt going to have to be paid by our children and grandchildren and their offspring which morally calls for it to be really needed spending but also this debt our nation is piling up is really risking causing and pushing forward the day to two financial earthquakes which would have dramatically negative if not devastating effects on the American economy actually this Rescue Act could really precipitate the first. The first financial earthquake is when Credit Rating Agencies downgrade U.S. Treasury debt, America's risk profile has changed now it is significantly possible they could default on their debt, the wealthy and powerful in America who have a gun to the rating agencies head so to speak may temporarily stop them from doing their duty and recognize the red flags behind this Act which indicate that America now has a different standard for spending, deficit spending is no longer a real meaningful concern for the American government, which means that deficit spending for the foreseeable future will grow at the rate that significantly increases the risk that America will default on its debt in the foreseeable future. As referenced power players in America will obstruct the downgrade to protect their and their allies financial interest but the problem is too deep for them to hold back the downgrade beyond the short term. Sovereign debt buyers know America has added $4 trillion to their national debt already because of the pandemic now they see the U.S. government is spending another two trillion dollars they know when interest rates normalize the interest expense alone on this debt will top one-hundred billion dollars a year with yearly budget deficits already predicted to indefinitely top one trillion dollars a year and have an upward trajectory they know that these factors warrant them to receive additional compensation in buying America's sovereign debt because of America's changed risk profile which means a higher interest rate which will force the credit rating agencies to downgrade U.S. treasury debt from AAA which means that there will be a lot less buyers of U.S. Treasury debt because by law many debt purchases are restricted to buying only AAA debt which will cause. Less buyers of U..S treasuries means higher interest rates for those bonds and because various interest rates throughout our economy are directly and indirectly, vis-a-vis competition, are directly related to U.S. Treasuries means higher interests rates throughout our economy will result!

The second financial earthquake won't occur during the Biden administration assuming only a one-term Presidency but will happen in the foreseeable future after the nation is put on a path of unstoppable dramatically escalating yearly budget deficits by the Democrats "deficits don't matter spending" when it begins to break the threshold of 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars a year there will begin a populous groundswell in America to default on the national debt. The hundreds of billions of dollars of interest expense that could be saved per year it could be argued could be used for things like education, health care, long term care for the elderly, etc.; this populous movement will become unstoppable because the national debt's interest expense will be so large and growing and most ordinary Americans won't be significantly directly impacted by the default. This second earthquake, the default on America's debt, will not only bring higher permanent interest rates in America but will cause a destructive Tsunami wave thru the financial and banking industry which significantly hold U.S. treasuries that will spill over to significantly long term hurt the balance of America's economy! Joseph Biden writes in one of the books he has authored that "Middle Class concerns had been central to my entire forty-five year career in public office.". Well Joe they're not central to your first year as President of the United States because you are poised to wreck the country's finances with your American Rescue Act which will ultimately permanently saddle America's middle class families with higher interest rates which leave them with higher mortgage payments, higher auto loan payments less job opportunities with less wage income opportunities as America's businesses are also constrained by the higher interest rates in America!

Senator Joe Biden used to lament about the new faces that came into the Senate that they had less respect for the old ways of the Senate less respect for the decorum of the Senate which had valuable utility. I wish to God President Joe would take notice that a lot of veteran Senators wish the President would stop leading this juggernaut to steam roll a valuable precedent in the Senate that emergency spending bills aren't done through reconciliation where only fifty-one Senate votes are needed to pass a bill the long-term consequences stemming from future emergency spending reconciliation bills will leave a groan of pain whose sound will never cease! For heaven sake why doesn't this guy do what old hands in American politics expect it is a win-win for everyone; find yourself a good negotiator like Secretary Mnuchin or President Obama's Joe Biden to negotiate for you and do a typical relief bill. President Biden can almost certainly get provisions from the Republicans where they agree to the $1400 checks as long as the eligibility cutoff is $60 k for individuals and $100 k for families. With Mnuchin the Republicans were going to agree to $150 billion state and city aid in a prior bill so considering 2021 is mostly a lost economic recovery year because of the vaccine distribution challenge it is readily foreseeable Republicans could sign on to your $350 billion state/city aid just agree to distribute $200 billion this year and $150 billion starting February of 2022, for the enhanced unemployment cut the difference down the middle make the Federal assistance be $350 per week thru July and adjust the amount downward through September based on the unemployment rate actual and people that dropped out of the job market because the economy is not fully open many liberal economist like this statistical based standard, moderate Republicans already signed on to your expenditure proposal to get and distribute more vaccines. Bottom line President Joe Biden that a Bipartisan Relief Bill is absolutely definitely doable it doesn't take any great insight to see this even most fairly knowledgeable students of American politics can readily see this!
We got him because he was infinitely better than the other guy who didn't even really know what the game is about and tried to stack the front line with his pals regardless of their abilities or knowledge.all while robbing the concessions.
America's current President Joe Biden isn't a very good match for the current challenges the country faces; American needs a financial whiz, a Chief Financial Officer type, an executive that can lead the organization away from the bankruptcy it is careening towards and stabilize its finances and put it on a path of long-term financial health. America now needs a President that knows the value of a dollar, that is thrifty, not stingy or tightfisted that will spend money with good reason but is careful about spending money that knows America must be prudent about spending money that she is at a dangerous crossroads that unless she gets off her present path America will permanently lose its prosperity potential with higher interest rates across the board, higher borrowing cost and a lower value dollar. Joseph Biden is a terrible fit for the job of President he spent thirty-five years in the U.S. Senate mostly on the Foreign Affairs committee and the Judiciary committee after his first year in the Senate which would be 1974 he joined the Budget Committee because there was no better plum committee seats available but after ten years a plum committee seat opened up and he jumped at it, abandoning Budget, and never looked back! Not only is President Biden's experience not in the area of the country's finances but his heart isn't in the subject either he is as happy as a kid in a candy store talking and dealing about foreign affair matters and judiciary matters but when it comes to budget matters dealing with the issues couldn't end fast enough.

Joseph Biden in one of the books he authored wrote "I do not have absolute faith in the judgment and wisdom of the American people. We're all human and we can all be mislead. When leaders don't level with citizens we can't expect them to make good judgments". Well Joe you and your Congressional Democrat leader allies are guilty of this transgression here because you are misleading the American People about this America's Rescue Act you're not telling them that it has a lot of unnecessary and imprudent spending in this bill which is very very dangerous and wrong for the country at this time. Not only is this $1.9 trillion debt going to have to be paid by our children and grandchildren and their offspring which morally calls for it to be really needed spending but also this debt our nation is piling up is really risking causing and pushing forward the day to two financial earthquakes which would have dramatically negative if not devastating effects on the American economy actually this Rescue Act could really precipitate the first. The first financial earthquake is when Credit Rating Agencies downgrade U.S. Treasury debt, America's risk profile has changed now it is significantly possible they could default on their debt, the wealthy and powerful in America who have a gun to the rating agencies head so to speak may temporarily stop them from doing their duty and recognize the red flags behind this Act which indicate that America now has a different standard for spending, deficit spending is no longer a real meaningful concern for the American government, which means that deficit spending for the foreseeable future will grow at the rate that significantly increases the risk that America will default on its debt in the foreseeable future. As referenced power players in America will obstruct the downgrade to protect their and their allies financial interest but the problem is too deep for them to hold back the downgrade beyond the short term. Sovereign debt buyers know America has added $4 trillion to their national debt already because of the pandemic now they see the U.S. government is spending another two trillion dollars they know when interest rates normalize the interest expense alone on this debt will top one-hundred billion dollars a year with yearly budget deficits already predicted to indefinitely top one trillion dollars a year and have an upward trajectory they know that these factors warrant them to receive additional compensation in buying America's sovereign debt because of America's changed risk profile which means a higher interest rate which will force the credit rating agencies to downgrade U.S. treasury debt from AAA which means that there will be a lot less buyers of U.S. Treasury debt because by law many debt purchases are restricted to buying only AAA debt which will cause. Less buyers of U..S treasuries means higher interest rates for those bonds and because various interest rates throughout our economy are directly and indirectly, vis-a-vis competition, are directly related to U.S. Treasuries means higher interests rates throughout our economy will result!

The second financial earthquake won't occur during the Biden administration assuming only a one-term Presidency but will happen in the foreseeable future after the nation is put on a path of unstoppable dramatically escalating yearly budget deficits by the Democrats "deficits don't matter spending" when it begins to break the threshold of 1.5 to 2 trillion dollars a year there will begin a populous groundswell in America to default on the national debt. The hundreds of billions of dollars of interest expense that could be saved per year it could be argued could be used for things like education, health care, long term care for the elderly, etc.; this populous movement will become unstoppable because the national debt's interest expense will be so large and growing and most ordinary Americans won't be significantly directly impacted by the default. This second earthquake, the default on America's debt, will not only bring higher permanent interest rates in America but will cause a destructive Tsunami wave thru the financial and banking industry which significantly hold U.S. treasuries that will spill over to significantly long term hurt the balance of America's economy! Joseph Biden writes in one of the books he has authored that "Middle Class concerns had been central to my entire forty-five year career in public office.". Well Joe they're not central to your first year as President of the United States because you are poised to wreck the country's finances with your American Rescue Act which will ultimately permanently saddle America's middle class families with higher interest rates which leave them with higher mortgage payments, higher auto loan payments less job opportunities with less wage income opportunities as America's businesses are also constrained by the higher interest rates in America!

Senator Joe Biden used to lament about the new faces that came into the Senate that they had less respect for the old ways of the Senate less respect for the decorum of the Senate which had valuable utility. I wish to God President Joe would take notice that a lot of veteran Senators wish the President would stop leading this juggernaut to steam roll a valuable precedent in the Senate that emergency spending bills aren't done through reconciliation where only fifty-one Senate votes are needed to pass a bill the long-term consequences stemming from future emergency spending reconciliation bills will leave a groan of pain whose sound will never cease! For heaven sake why doesn't this guy do what old hands in American politics expect it is a win-win for everyone; find yourself a good negotiator like Secretary Mnuchin or President Obama's Joe Biden to negotiate for you and do a typical relief bill. President Biden can almost certainly get provisions from the Republicans where they agree to the $1400 checks as long as the eligibility cutoff is $60 k for individuals and $100 k for families. With Mnuchin the Republicans were going to agree to $150 billion state and city aid in a prior bill so considering 2021 is mostly a lost economic recovery year because of the vaccine distribution challenge it is readily foreseeable Republicans could sign on to your $350 billion state/city aid just agree to distribute $200 billion this year and $150 billion starting February of 2022, for the enhanced unemployment cut the difference down the middle make the Federal assistance be $350 per week thru July and adjust the amount downward through September based on the unemployment rate actual and people that dropped out of the job market because the economy is not fully open many liberal economist like this statistical based standard, moderate Republicans already signed on to your expenditure proposal to get and distribute more vaccines. Bottom line President Joe Biden that a Bipartisan Relief Bill is absolutely definitely doable it doesn't take any great insight to see this even most fairly knowledgeable students of American politics can readily see this!
The relief is only controversial in congress, most people support it.

Amazing to think that relief for those suffering during a pandemic should be deemed ‘controversial.
I'm 89 years old. We haven't had a good leader during my entire lifetime.
Uh you were obviously on a deserted Island when jfk was president.He was a true patriot,He was our last REAL president we had.Real sense he was not a puppet for the establishment.He was stepping on some very powerful toes in Washington and was on the verge of returnig us to the constitution of the United States where the people had control over the government instead of all these corporations that do now.

He signed an executive order five months before his assassination where had he lived,the fed would have been abolished because our money was backed by something of value,silver,the money we have now is not backed by anything so it is as worthless as Monopoly money? He was also planning to get rid of the CIA once he got elected a second term.The CIA and the fed are the reason the world is in the mess it is. Because of that,he paid the deadly price for it on nov 22nd 1963.

Now if you believe the fairy tale magic bullet lone gunman theory of the Warren commission that oswald was shot jfk,you are beyond help and I can see understand how you forgot that kennedy was our last great president we had. The last one who served the people instead of the establishment.

I had hopes that trump was differerent sense he was not a career politician and he would be our next real president but he did not lift one finger to get rid of the CIA or fed or open up a new independent investigation into the jfk assassination but he is just like all the rest so he turned out to be as phony as all the rest sense LBj as well.
America's current President Joe Biden isn't a very good match for the current challenges the country faces; American needs a financial whiz, a Chief Financial Officer type, an executive that can lead the organization away from the bankruptcy it is careening towards and stabilize its finances and put it on a path of long-term financial health.
That certainly isn't Trump. He's legendary for leading organizations INTO bankruptcy.
Good description of obozo there.:auiqs.jpg::lmao:

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