In need of some objective posters…

Nothing was found? You mean they didn't find confidential and classified email on that server? She didn't erase those emails after they were subpoenaed by Congress?

When Lynch said she would follow the recommendations of Comey, how did she know Comey was going to give her any recommendation in the first place? FBI directors never do that. Yes, she said that just a few days after her meeting with Bill Clinton on her plane when they discussed........... ahem....... golf and grandchildren. But she didn't recuse herself either.

THIS THREAD IS NOT about fast & Furious........Start a thread about your own hatred of Obama.......and stay on the fucking topic of this thread ......or, again, go play with your pistols.

Who said anything about Fast and Furious? You hearing those voices in your head again?
His parents were Mexican immigrants which very well might taint his decision making when judging a person who was running for the presidency with the platform of stopping Mexicans from entering the country.

"Brilliant"......does that also means that Trump will show too much favoritism to Scotland because his mother was born there??? Will Trump don a kilt or take up the bagpipes?
I'm moronic? I didn't ask you my question, I asked you to answer your own. You can't figure that out yet.

I stated a post asking a question......

You and your half brain could have:

Chosen to answer it
Chosen to say I don't have an answer
Skipped the fucking thread altogether

(.....or, of course, keep playing with your water guns quietly)

Who said anything about Fast and Furious? You hearing those voices in your head again?

Well, sorry, it must have been one of your fellow moron...Its hard to tell you apart since you're so closely bound together by your stupidity....LOL
there is NO objectivity or unbiased person available to either do this investigation or offer a your question

.....but, but....but, Trump was supposed to bring us all together under a happy orange umbrella...LOL
His parents were Mexican immigrants which very well might taint his decision making when judging a person who was running for the presidency with the platform of stopping Mexicans from entering the country.

"Brilliant"......does that also means that Trump will show too much favoritism to Scotland because his mother was born there??? Will Trump don a kilt or take up the bagpipes?

Why do you ask? Did Trump take a job as a judge and about to hear a case from Scotland?
I'm moronic? I didn't ask you my question, I asked you to answer your own. You can't figure that out yet.

I stated a post asking a question......

You and your half brain could have:

Chosen to answer it
Chosen to say I don't have an answer
Skipped the fucking thread altogether

(.....or, of course, keep playing with your water guns quietly)


Yes, because what you did is ask a question you refuse to answer yourself.

Should the judge have recused himself? Perhaps. He does have a personal interest in Trump's plans.

Should anybody recuse themselves in the stupid Russia thing? No, because hiring outside people cost the taxpayers a lot of money, and we can't keep wasting money every time you leftists dream up some other phony charge against Trump, especially when there is no evidence but false accusations.
By "challenge" do you mean where I asked you to answer my question first, and then promised I would answer your question second"?

Cause I did that, and you ran instead of answering my question.

I NOT ONLY addressed your question by asking OTHERS to "judge"......I stated a whole thread to show what a moron you are........LOL

You did not answer my question. You can't.

THat would require you to honestly admit something.

And you can't do that, and be a liberal.
On another thread, I pointed out that Trump deemed a judge of Mexican descent UNQUALIFIED to render judgment on his Trump U. fraud case because…….well, because Mexicans don’t like his hair.

Conversely, right wingers feel that a former campaign acolyte and friend of Trump, Jeff Session, who Trump nominated and advocated for the AG spot, is AMPLY OBJECTIVE to investigate Trump’s ties with Russia.

A right wing poster on here offered a challenge as to whether judge Curiel or AG Session should recuse themselves from their respective positions to render some “judgment” on our beloved Trump.

So, let's see let's where logic takes us and llet OTHERS be the arbiters......

A judge who is of Mexican descent in bright red Indiana, born in the U.S. CANNOT render judgment on the orange clown candidate on an issue that has NOTHING to do with immigration or race and on an issue of wide-spread fraud regarding trump university........


A crony of Trump who was an active member of his campaign, from another bright red state, with a history of racial biases, who barely was appointed as AG, and a close friend of the Trumpster, will lead the investigation on Trump's dealings with russian oligarchs and "spies"......Shit, what could go wrong here?

I rest my case....and let others be the arbiters....

why would judge curiel recuse himself? he has no extra judicial relationship to any case he is hearing.

on the other hand, sessions has to recuse because he would be "investigating" his own campaign.
On another thread, I pointed out that Trump deemed a judge of Mexican descent UNQUALIFIED to render judgment on his Trump U. fraud case because…….well, because Mexicans don’t like his hair.

Conversely, right wingers feel that a former campaign acolyte and friend of Trump, Jeff Session, who Trump nominated and advocated for the AG spot, is AMPLY OBJECTIVE to investigate Trump’s ties with Russia.

A right wing poster on here offered a challenge as to whether judge Curiel or AG Session should recuse themselves from their respective positions to render some “judgment” on our beloved Trump.

So, let's see let's where logic takes us and llet OTHERS be the arbiters......

A judge who is of Mexican descent in bright red Indiana, born in the U.S. CANNOT render judgment on the orange clown candidate on an issue that has NOTHING to do with immigration or race and on an issue of wide-spread fraud regarding trump university........


A crony of Trump who was an active member of his campaign, from another bright red state, with a history of racial biases, who barely was appointed as AG, and a close friend of the Trumpster, will lead the investigation on Trump's dealings with russian oligarchs and "spies"......Shit, what could go wrong here?

I rest my case....and let others be the arbiters....

You are asking for Objective Posters when your entire premise is biased.
Yes, because what you did is ask a question you refuse to answer yourself.

You might (probably not) have heard of a Greek philosopher Socrates of whom Plato wrote various dialogues.....In those dialogues, Socrates ALWAYS asks a question but never answers directly...

Now, had you graduated from junior high, you too might have heard of that pedagogical style.

Just address the original post with...."I have no fucking idea because I'm a right wing nitwit..."
Should anybody recuse themselves in the stupid Russia thing? No, because hiring outside people cost the taxpayers a lot of money, and we can't keep wasting money every time you leftists dream up some other phony charge against Trump, especially when there is no evidence but false accusations.

Now THAT is too fucking funny......This from the party lap dogs who had hoe MANY Benghazi hearings, how MANY Whitewater hearings,how MANY attempts to repeal the ACA......LOL

You may be an idiot, but you're one of the funnier ones.
on the other hand, sessions has to recuse because he would be "investigating" his own campaign.

....and THAT little tidbit above, goes right OVER right wingers' half brains.....LOL
On another thread, I pointed out that Trump deemed a judge of Mexican descent UNQUALIFIED to render judgment on his Trump U. fraud case because…….well, because Mexicans don’t like his hair.

Conversely, right wingers feel that a former campaign acolyte and friend of Trump, Jeff Session, who Trump nominated and advocated for the AG spot, is AMPLY OBJECTIVE to investigate Trump’s ties with Russia.

A right wing poster on here offered a challenge as to whether judge Curiel or AG Session should recuse themselves from their respective positions to render some “judgment” on our beloved Trump.

So, let's see let's where logic takes us and llet OTHERS be the arbiters......

A judge who is of Mexican descent in bright red Indiana, born in the U.S. CANNOT render judgment on the orange clown candidate on an issue that has NOTHING to do with immigration or race and on an issue of wide-spread fraud regarding trump university........


A crony of Trump who was an active member of his campaign, from another bright red state, with a history of racial biases, who barely was appointed as AG, and a close friend of the Trumpster, will lead the investigation on Trump's dealings with russian oligarchs and "spies"......Shit, what could go wrong here?

I rest my case....and let others be the arbiters....

You are asking for Objective Posters when your entire premise is biased.

what is biased about it?
I'm moronic? I didn't ask you my question, I asked you to answer your own. You can't figure that out yet.

I stated a post asking a question......

You and your half brain could have:

Chosen to answer it
Chosen to say I don't have an answer
Skipped the fucking thread altogether

(.....or, of course, keep playing with your water guns quietly)


Yes, because what you did is ask a question you refuse to answer yourself.

Should the judge have recused himself? Perhaps. He does have a personal interest in Trump's plans.

Should anybody recuse themselves in the stupid Russia thing? No, because hiring outside people cost the taxpayers a lot of money, and we can't keep wasting money every time you leftists dream up some other phony charge against Trump, especially when there is no evidence but false accusations.

did you not understand the question?

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