In need of some objective posters…

As I said, and every one of you know this is true, if the shoe was on the other foot, the pseudocons would be screaming non-stop for an investigation. Fox News, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Infowars, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh. It would be all they would be talking about.
A lot of Democrats especially Sanders voters voted for Trump and they didn't care about the Russian Allegations.

Hillary Clinton, Obama & The DNC could have stopped that and saved their election if they just turned over The DNC Server and showed America The Evidence.

When The DNC forks over their server and shows America their Evidence to back up their Seditious Accusations then you'll get more objective posters.
So you agree we need a federal investigation.

Into what ?
Into the hacking of our election. Duh.

If the shoe was on the other foot, the pseudocons would be screaming every five minutes for one.
How many people have you met who switched their vote from Clinton to Trump because of "Russia"?
It could be because 90% of their platforms was identical.
I was going to vote for Sanders or Trump.
I've posted on here several times examples of Trump's Chumps bragging about the damage the leaks were doing all last summer and fall.

Now they are trying to pretend the leaks had no impact. They don't realize this massive flip-flop is an open admission they know the Russians were behind them and that Putin helped Trump get elected.

They only unknown is how much the Russians made a difference.
As I said, and every one of you know this is true, if the shoe was on the other foot, the pseudocons would be screaming non-stop for an investigation. Fox News, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Infowars, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh. It would be all they would be talking about.

As I said, I really respect you.

I don't like Trump.

However, I can't help but laugh at the left and their butthurt.

At the same time, I don't see how hacking the DNC equates to hacking our election.
When The DNC forks over their server and shows America their Evidence to back up their Seditious Accusations then you'll get more objective posters.
So you agree we need a federal investigation.

Into what ?
Into the hacking of our election. Duh.

If the shoe was on the other foot, the pseudocons would be screaming every five minutes for one.
How many people have you met who switched their vote from Clinton to Trump because of "Russia"?
It isn't about switching votes, retard. It's about turning off Clinton voters enough to make them stay home.

All summer and fall, the pseudocon tards were bragging how much the leaks were destroying Clinton. Now you same fucking tards are trying to claim they had no impact at all!

No one is fooled by your idiocy except yourselves.
You are such a partisan chump...Hillary got THREE MILLION more votes than Trump.
Now tell us EXACTLY who stayed home.
The accusation by The DNC is that Russia affected the outcome of our election despite the fact Hillary Clinton won the Popular Vote and that accusation was based entirely on The DNC's allegation that Russia hacked their server.

If this was actually true why didn't The Obama Admin subpoena The Server? Why didn't The DOJ subpoena The Server? Why didn't The FBI subpoena The Server? Why didn't the CIA subpoena The Server.

America deserves to see The So Called Evidence!

The Democrats are basing their entire So Called Resistence on this so called evidence. Their entire next election cycle is based on this.

The American People want to trust them and believe in them and there is no greater way for them to show America how trustworthy they are by turning over that server and showing us all their evidence.

And if they showed us the evidence and what they allege is true it would be a turn of fortune for The DNC and they'd take The House, The Senate & Presidency by storm.

It'd be the equivalent of dropping the A bomb on Japan.

So why are they refusing to pull the trigger on that?

When The DNC forks over their server and shows America their Evidence to back up their Seditious Accusations then you'll get more objective posters.
So you agree we need a federal investigation.

Into what ?
Into the hacking of our election. Duh.

If the shoe was on the other foot, the pseudocons would be screaming every five minutes for one.


I've always had a lot of respect for you so I'll ask before I respond.

You are equating hacking the DNC to hacking our election ?
The DNC Server Stayed Home.

The DNC would have won The Election had they just showed America The Evidence they had of Russian Hacking.

Turn over the server and show America the evidence and they'd take The White House by storm, The Senate, The House.

They could have it all if they'd just turn over the Evidence.

Give Us The Server.

So you agree we need a federal investigation.

Into what ?
Into the hacking of our election. Duh.

If the shoe was on the other foot, the pseudocons would be screaming every five minutes for one.
How many people have you met who switched their vote from Clinton to Trump because of "Russia"?
It isn't about switching votes, retard. It's about turning off Clinton voters enough to make them stay home.

All summer and fall, the pseudocon tards were bragging how much the leaks were destroying Clinton. Now you same fucking tards are trying to claim they had no impact at all!

No one is fooled by your idiocy except yourselves.
You are such a partisan chump...Hillary got THREE MILLION more votes than Trump.
Now tell us EXACTLY who stayed home.
Even Darrell Issa agrees Sessions needs to recuse himself and a special prosecutor should be assigned to look into the Russian hacking and the Trump campaign's communications with the Russians last year.

There are only 3 ways that this little investigation will proceed:

1. Session conducts the inquiry and it turns out to be a complete farce and cover up
2. Session TURNS of the Trumpster and implements a legitimate investigation (highly unlikely)
3. GOp'ers in congress agree on a special, independent prosecutor and Trump will then be in serious trouble.
All The DNC needs to do is turn over The DNC server and show America The Evidence they claim they have and they would be able to Impeach Trump and win The Senate, take back The House and presidency in a few short years.

So That is the first thing Sessions should do is Subpoena The DNC server.
All The DNC needs to do is turn over The DNC server and show America The Evidence they claim they have and they would be able to Impeach Trump and win The Senate, take back The House and presidency in a few short years.

So That is the first thing Sessions should do is Subpoena The DNC server.
They need to turn over their server to a special prosecutor. You aren't bright enough to determine if the server was hacked by Russia, dumbass.
As I said, and every one of you know this is true, if the shoe was on the other foot, the pseudocons would be screaming non-stop for an investigation. Fox News, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Infowars, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh. It would be all they would be talking about.

As I said, I really respect you.

I don't like Trump.

However, I can't help but laugh at the left and their butthurt.

At the same time, I don't see how hacking the DNC equates to hacking our election.
Don't pretend the leaks did not have an impact. Don't be that guy.
So you agree we need a federal investigation.

Into what ?
Into the hacking of our election. Duh.

If the shoe was on the other foot, the pseudocons would be screaming every five minutes for one.
How many people have you met who switched their vote from Clinton to Trump because of "Russia"?
It isn't about switching votes, retard. It's about turning off Clinton voters enough to make them stay home.

All summer and fall, the pseudocon tards were bragging how much the leaks were destroying Clinton. Now you same fucking tards are trying to claim they had no impact at all!

No one is fooled by your idiocy except yourselves.
You are such a partisan chump...Hillary got THREE MILLION more votes than Trump.
Now tell us EXACTLY who stayed home.
Ask Trump's Chumps. They were howling with joy all summer and fall how much damage the leaks were doing.

It's a FACT the Russians interfered in our election. It is simply astonishing you tards are okay with that.
Into what ?
Into the hacking of our election. Duh.

If the shoe was on the other foot, the pseudocons would be screaming every five minutes for one.
How many people have you met who switched their vote from Clinton to Trump because of "Russia"?
It isn't about switching votes, retard. It's about turning off Clinton voters enough to make them stay home.

All summer and fall, the pseudocon tards were bragging how much the leaks were destroying Clinton. Now you same fucking tards are trying to claim they had no impact at all!

No one is fooled by your idiocy except yourselves.
You are such a partisan chump...Hillary got THREE MILLION more votes than Trump.
Now tell us EXACTLY who stayed home.
Ask Trump's Chumps. They were howling with joy all summer and fall how much damage the leaks were doing.

It's a FACT the Russians interfered in our election. It is simply astonishing you tards are okay with that.

Can you share that fact?
Last summer, some tards were posting videos on this forum which they claimed were evidence of Democrats committing fraud during the primaries.

I know you goldfish have been trained to forget all the claims by Trump of the election being "fixed" and how you all blindly parroted that claim and worked very hard to prove his bullshit was true.

Trump was front loading all of you so you would not accept the election results if he lost.

But look at you now. Just sitting there with your thumbs up your asses, perfectly content that a hostile foreign power interfered in our election.

By the way. It took me less than five minutes to prove those videos the tards were posting were actually videos of RUSSIAN poll workers committing fraud. Trump's Chumps blindly copied and pasted the lies without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking.

This is what hucksters and demagogues like Donald J. Trump absolutely depend on. Willful stupidity and ignorance and blind allegiance.

For the record, I didn't vote for either one of the shitbags. I can't stand either one of them. But I will NOT abide a hostile foreign power interfering our election to rig the system in favor of the crook they want at the helm of our country the most. And if you dumb fucks had any sense of honor or integrity, you would be outraged.

Your meek acceptance of this interference speaks massive volumes about your character.
Psuedocon tards have parroted the most idiotic lies for years and years and years on end on this forum. To hear them decry "fake news" and try to debunk the Russian interference in our election is the epitome of high comedy.

Fool Me A Thousand Times : See posts 1 and 3.
On another thread, I pointed out that Trump deemed a judge of Mexican descent UNQUALIFIED to render judgment on his Trump U. fraud case because…….well, because Mexicans don’t like his hair.

Conversely, right wingers feel that a former campaign acolyte and friend of Trump, Jeff Session, who Trump nominated and advocated for the AG spot, is AMPLY OBJECTIVE to investigate Trump’s ties with Russia.

A right wing poster on here offered a challenge as to whether judge Curiel or AG Session should recuse themselves from their respective positions to render some “judgment” on our beloved Trump.

So, let's see let's where logic takes us and llet OTHERS be the arbiters......

A judge who is of Mexican descent in bright red Indiana, born in the U.S. CANNOT render judgment on the orange clown candidate on an issue that has NOTHING to do with immigration or race and on an issue of wide-spread fraud regarding trump university........


A crony of Trump who was an active member of his campaign, from another bright red state, with a history of racial biases, who barely was appointed as AG, and a close friend of the Trumpster, will lead the investigation on Trump's dealings with russian oligarchs and "spies"......Shit, what could go wrong here?

I rest my case....and let others be the arbiters....
Trump has a problem with the judiciary because it will not let him break the law. He might use racial bigotry to justify his opinion of the Latino judge but everyone knows the real reason.

Similarly, he has a problem with the press who report on him which he deems to be falsehoods. The media which presents Trump only in an uncritical positive light (such as Fox News) he proclaims to be truthful.

The man is off his rocker but his supporters are even more so for rewarding his brash grandstanding.
On another thread, I pointed out that Trump deemed a judge of Mexican descent UNQUALIFIED to render judgment on his Trump U. fraud case because…….well, because Mexicans don’t like his hair.

Conversely, right wingers feel that a former campaign acolyte and friend of Trump, Jeff Session, who Trump nominated and advocated for the AG spot, is AMPLY OBJECTIVE to investigate Trump’s ties with Russia.

A right wing poster on here offered a challenge as to whether judge Curiel or AG Session should recuse themselves from their respective positions to render some “judgment” on our beloved Trump.

So, let's see let's where logic takes us and llet OTHERS be the arbiters......

A judge who is of Mexican descent in bright red Indiana, born in the U.S. CANNOT render judgment on the orange clown candidate on an issue that has NOTHING to do with immigration or race and on an issue of wide-spread fraud regarding trump university........


A crony of Trump who was an active member of his campaign, from another bright red state, with a history of racial biases, who barely was appointed as AG, and a close friend of the Trumpster, will lead the investigation on Trump's dealings with russian oligarchs and "spies"......Shit, what could go wrong here?

I rest my case....and let others be the arbiters....
Any you call your opinion of the 2 judges as objective.
Your boy is democrat hack.
Geeze nat, got a lying problem or what.
They didn't even need to do that. That accusation was their Magic Bullet. "Russian Hacking" Equals a Political Atomic Bomb for The Dems!

It would have won them half the elections they lost and vaulted Clinton to The Presidency in a LANDSLIDE if they'd have just dropped it!

They could have went Directly To The People! This evidence is so damning right.. that they could have finished installing their Liberal Dystopian Globalist Paradise!

No questions asked. The Dems could have had Total Power.

Hell even now They Could Impeach Trump with this so called Evidence!

So if there is actual evidence, why did they refuse to use it?

Why did they refuse to drop the A Bomb on the GOP?

All The DNC needs to do is turn over The DNC server and show America The Evidence they claim they have and they would be able to Impeach Trump and win The Senate, take back The House and presidency in a few short years.

So That is the first thing Sessions should do is Subpoena The DNC server.
They need to turn over their server to a special prosecutor. You aren't bright enough to determine if the server was hacked by Russia, dumbass.
Last edited:
Psuedocon tards have parroted the most idiotic lies for years and years and years on end on this forum. To hear them decry "fake news" and try to debunk the Russian interference in our election is the epitome of high comedy.

Fool Me A Thousand Times : See posts 1 and 3.
You hacked bernie
You hacked Indiana
You hacked Israel

When you go to heaven hopefully you'll drag all us idiotic, lying tards in. You are a hoot
I'll tell you who is off their rocker! The DNC who claimed they had evidence of Russian Hacking, A Political Nuclear Weapon that would have vaporized the GOP.

They refused to show it, refused to drop the ultimate super weapon that would have won them The White House in a single night!

They "Allegedly" had Super Double Secret Evidence that would have wiped out The GOP forever and they don't even use it?

They don't even share one shred of it?

They don't even show us a picture of their Doomsday Weapon?


On another thread, I pointed out that Trump deemed a judge of Mexican descent UNQUALIFIED to render judgment on his Trump U. fraud case because…….well, because Mexicans don’t like his hair.

Conversely, right wingers feel that a former campaign acolyte and friend of Trump, Jeff Session, who Trump nominated and advocated for the AG spot, is AMPLY OBJECTIVE to investigate Trump’s ties with Russia.

A right wing poster on here offered a challenge as to whether judge Curiel or AG Session should recuse themselves from their respective positions to render some “judgment” on our beloved Trump.

So, let's see let's where logic takes us and llet OTHERS be the arbiters......

A judge who is of Mexican descent in bright red Indiana, born in the U.S. CANNOT render judgment on the orange clown candidate on an issue that has NOTHING to do with immigration or race and on an issue of wide-spread fraud regarding trump university........


A crony of Trump who was an active member of his campaign, from another bright red state, with a history of racial biases, who barely was appointed as AG, and a close friend of the Trumpster, will lead the investigation on Trump's dealings with russian oligarchs and "spies"......Shit, what could go wrong here?

I rest my case....and let others be the arbiters....
Trump has a problem with the judiciary because it will not let him break the law. He might use racial bigotry to justify his opinion of the Latino judge but everyone knows the real reason.

Similarly, he has a problem with the press who report on him which he deems to be falsehoods. The media which presents Trump only in an uncritical positive light (such as Fox News) he proclaims to be truthful.

The man is off his rocker but his supporters are even more so for rewarding his brash grandstanding.

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