In only 10% of counties in the US can a worker afford a 2 bedroom apartment working 40 hours a week

40 grand starting today is a pittance and it's difficult to rent, much less but, on that little bit.
Used to be if someone digging ditches or working as a janitor was able to support a family

Now they have to work full time and supplement with welfare

Then don't dig ditches or become a janitor. Find s line of work that pays a wage to raise a family on.
For the ten billion time the minimum wage was never intended be something you could raise a family on or buy a home with it is the minimum starting pay for low skill or entry level jobs.

What it was intended to be is no longer what it is.
It's still what it was intended to be despite some wanting to change that for political benefit.

Driving down wages to as close to minimum wage as possible is now the goal.
Wages have been going up.

Indeed they have been going up for sure. A lot of employers are raising wages to get qualified people on board.

And a lot of Democrats are still trying to get more foreigners into the country to keep those wages down.
What it was intended to be is no longer what it is.
It's still what it was intended to be despite some wanting to change that for political benefit.

Driving down wages to as close to minimum wage as possible is now the goal.
Wages have been going up.

Indeed they have been going up for sure. A lot of employers are raising wages to get qualified people on board.

And a lot of Democrats are still trying to get more foreigners into the country to keep those wages down.

Business is. Business supports both parties. No argument there.
40 grand starting today is a pittance and it's difficult to rent, much less but, on that little bit.

Aw bullshit.

There are plenty of lower priced units out there, including in larger cities like Youngstown, Ohio and smaller metropolises like Sharon PA

If someone wants to live on the East Side in a deluxe apartment in the sky, they are going to have to work for bigger money for the UN or own a chain of dry cleaners.
When I was visiting my brother in Ohio, Fisher body was on strike fighting for a paid vacation day. Meanwhile, at the Honda Plant in Maryville workers were setting up a council help improve production and lower costs.

That's funny because I've delivered to both places. We had a customer that used a company that operated in that old plant. What a dump it is now. It was eventually condemned because the roof was in such bad shape and dangerous.

Maryville plant has several buildings with over 100 docks. It seems that people can't work fast enough over there. I don't like driving out that far for a delivery, but they have me unloaded in not time at all.
Don't work for minimum wage... problem solved.
Well gee, that’s a brilliant solution. Okay so let’s pretend everyone did that despite such a thing being mathematically impossible. Who would be left behind to work those minimum wage jobs? I mean we are also talking about service jobs that pay more than minimum wage but still very much south of a live able wage.

the premise of your thread is flawed. Minimum wage is not for middle aged people raising a family. It is for teens working part time and people just starting out with no education or training. If you reach middle age and are still making minimum wage then you are either very stupid, untrainable, or just plain lazy.

Actually you missed the number one reason: drugs.

Drugs are responsible for people not seeking better employment because most good paying jobs randomly drug screen their employees. These people opt to live poor because their drugs are more important than money and convenience.

So they work a lot of hours to keep their drug activity going, and some even go on social programs to fill in the blank spots.

It's a serious issue that affects this country. Parents don't kick their kids out of the house at 18 anymore like they did when I was younger. In fact, some kids stay with their parents well into their 30's.
Wages have stagnated since the 80s. The cost of living rises. The Gap is widening between the two. Yet we are critical of 24 year olds living at home. If their wages are average what do we expect?
So? Work more than 40 hours. Most people do anyway.

When I was younger, me and most of my friends had more than one job, or a job that worked six or seven days a week with a lot of hours.

Our priorities were different than today though. Number one was a roof over your head, then food, and of course utilities.

Today I think people would rather be homeless than to give up their smart phone. We spend a lot of money buying fast food, taking vacations, much of it on technology for entertainment and convenience, late model cars that most lease today.

I moved from my parents home at the age of 20 back in 1980. I paid less for my first apartment back then than I do my cable/ cell phone bill today. Actually a hundred dollars less.
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.
Why didn't black jesus fix it, huh liar?
Wages have stagnated since the 80s. The cost of living rises. The Gap is widening between the two. Yet we are critical of 24 year olds living at home. If their wages are average what do we expect?

WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS??? Prove it as I'm proving YOU A LIAR!!!

Subject Matter Index : The Economics Daily : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Look at these FACTS you un-substantiation idiot!
Median weekly earnings INCREASED by 3.7%!
Real average hourly earnings INCREASED by 1.5%
Real average hourly earnings up 1.3%
I could go on... but I know you are too f..king lazy to see you are WRONG... Why when it is so simple
to get the FACTS do you make such dumb ass comments??? Proving your ignorance!
Screen Shot 2019-08-03 at 10.30.00 AM.png
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.
Why didn't black jesus fix it, huh liar?

The same reason your orange jesus is not fixing it.
As your tidal says 2 bed apt. get a one bed or a room mate or grow up a get a rill job.


If you can't afford a large apartment, there are more popularly priced options out there. If someone can't afford a 2 br apartment, they probably can't afford the utilities for a 2 br either, and they probably don't have the furniture to fill all that space.
Don't work for minimum wage... problem solved.
Well gee, that’s a brilliant solution. Okay so let’s pretend everyone did that despite such a thing being mathematically impossible. Who would be left behind to work those minimum wage jobs? I mean we are also talking about service jobs that pay more than minimum wage but still very much south of a live able wage.

Comrade, what percentage of adults work at minimum wage? 90%? 70%?
In the early 60's in california, a guy could buy a car and rent an apartment in a decent neighborhood on wages from working in a gas station or restaurant. And his wife could stay home and take care of the baby. What changed? A great part of it is the inequality of wealth between those at the top and those at the bottom. Lots of posters will say that those jobs at the bottom are only meant for people starting out in careers. Not so. There are many Americans that aren't capable of going beyond minimum wage jobs. Then there's the cost of education as a means to a higher paying career. Way higher than before.
When I was visiting my brother in Ohio, Fisher body was on strike fighting for a paid vacation day. Meanwhile, at the Honda Plant in Maryville workers were setting up a council help improve production and lower costs.

That's funny because I've delivered to both places. We had a customer that used a company that operated in that old plant. What a dump it is now. It was eventually condemned because the roof was in such bad shape and dangerous.

Maryville plant has several buildings with over 100 docks. It seems that people can't work fast enough over there. I don't like driving out that far for a delivery, but they have me unloaded in not time at all.

Honda pays a good wage. My mom worked at the Fisher Body plant when I was young. Many of the cars she sewed sunshades for are now built offshore.

By the way, she was paid based upon piece work.

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