In only 10% of counties in the US can a worker afford a 2 bedroom apartment working 40 hours a week

Right, the off-shoring of jobs had nothing to do with it. LOL

WHY did they move offshore?

And if you say, "Wages" you're too stupid to talk to.

They moved offshore because of Unions, they moved offshore because of regulations, they moved offshore because of the EPA, they moved offshore because corrupt politicians (80% dimocrap scum, 20% Republicans) kept wanting a kickback and...... They moved offshore so they could sell their product there and in that region.

If you think it was wages, you're just a brain-washed dupe

When I was visiting my brother in Ohio, Fisher body was on strike fighting for a paid vacation day. Meanwhile, at the Honda Plant in Maryville workers were setting up a council help improve production and lower costs.

Guess which Auto maker is more successful today? (Hint, Honda could buy Generic Motors with its petty cash)

Guess which workers have far more job stability? Guess which workers have nicer homes and live in nicer neighborhoods?

Every notice that none of the Foreign Auto makers that build cars in this Country are Union? Ever look to see where we rank in auto manufacturing?

And guess what political party is the paid servant of Unions in this country.... dimocrap scum

dimocraps SUCK. They are the scum of the Earth.

They do not know how to be constructive or restorative, they only know how to lie, cheat, steal, destroy and take what they haven't earned.

Fifty years ago, (actually 51) they were a good and decent party. Not great, but good and decent.

Today, they are the scum of the Earth.
For the ten billion time the minimum wage was never intended be something you could raise a family on or buy a home with it is the minimum starting pay for low skill or entry level jobs.

What it was intended to be is no longer what it is.
It's still what it was intended to be despite some wanting to change that for political benefit.

Driving down wages to as close to minimum wage as possible is now the goal.
Right, the off-shoring of jobs had nothing to do with it. LOL

WHY did they move offshore?

And if you say, "Wages" you're too stupid to talk to.

They moved offshore because of Unions, they moved offshore because of regulations, they moved offshore because of the EPA, they moved offshore because corrupt politicians (80% dimocrap scum, 20% Republicans) kept wanting a kickback and...... They moved offshore so they could sell their product there and in that region.

If you think it was wages, you're just a brain-washed dupe

When I was visiting my brother in Ohio, Fisher body was on strike fighting for a paid vacation day. Meanwhile, at the Honda Plant in Maryville workers were setting up a council help improve production and lower costs.

Guess which Auto maker is more successful today? (Hint, Honda could buy Generic Motors with its petty cash)

Guess which workers have far more job stability? Guess which workers have nicer homes and live in nicer neighborhoods?

Every notice that none of the Foreign Auto makers that build cars in this Country are Union? Ever look to see where we rank in auto manufacturing?

And guess what political party is the paid servant of Unions in this country.... dimocrap scum

dimocraps SUCK. They are the scum of the Earth.

They do not know how to be constructive or restorative, they only know how to lie, cheat, steal, destroy and take what they haven't earned.

Fifty years ago, (actually 51) they were a good and decent party. Not great, but good and decent.

Today, they are the scum of the Earth.

Why? Shareholder value. Those who did not do a day of work to produce anything demanded more and more.
Don't work for minimum wage... problem solved.
Well gee, that’s a brilliant solution. Okay so let’s pretend everyone did that despite such a thing being mathematically impossible. Who would be left behind to work those minimum wage jobs? I mean we are also talking about service jobs that pay more than minimum wage but still very much south of a live able wage.

the premise of your thread is flawed. Minimum wage is not for middle aged people raising a family. It is for teens working part time and people just starting out with no education or training. If you reach middle age and are still making minimum wage then you are either very stupid, untrainable, or just plain lazy.
There are quite a few very stupid people in this country. They need work just like everyone else. Salary shaming is for judgmental snots.
Why? Shareholder value. Those who did not do a day of work to produce anything demanded more and more.

I don't mind too much that you're a socialist.

What really annoys me is that you're stupid
Don't work for minimum wage... problem solved.
Well gee, that’s a brilliant solution. Okay so let’s pretend everyone did that despite such a thing being mathematically impossible. Who would be left behind to work those minimum wage jobs? I mean we are also talking about service jobs that pay more than minimum wage but still very much south of a live able wage.

Take a job, for a wage is, at least until Communism is installed in the US, a voluntary act.

There will always be those too lazy or unskilled to work for anything but the lowest wages. But, by agreeing to a wage that somehow doesn't provide you with enough weed or che t-shirts, you've lost the moral right to demand more.

If you aren't satisfied with your low wages, go do something else.

Otherwise, take what you agreed to take when you took the job and like it.
Okay you say this shit despite the statistic I quoted in my OP. Are ALL of those workers lazy with the exception of those in the 10% of counties?

Im not responsible for sorry ass people that do nothing with their life and then wonder why they are 30 making minimum wage. How about you start a thread calling them out and not us hard working Americans?
For the ten billion time the minimum wage was never intended be something you could raise a family on or buy a home with it is the minimum starting pay for low skill or entry level jobs.

They know.....but too many Americans don't...... that is how they get away with saying that lie over and over again.....
For the ten billion time the minimum wage was never intended be something you could raise a family on or buy a home with it is the minimum starting pay for low skill or entry level jobs.

What it was intended to be is no longer what it is.
It's still what it was intended to be despite some wanting to change that for political benefit.

Driving down wages to as close to minimum wage as possible is now the goal.
Wages have been going up.
Why? Shareholder value. Those who did not do a day of work to produce anything demanded more and more.

I don't mind too much that you're a socialist.

What really annoys me is that you're stupid

Boeing killed nearly 350 people because they put "shareholder value" over safety. Their plane still can't fly because they still insist on doing the same.
For the ten billion time the minimum wage was never intended be something you could raise a family on or buy a home with it is the minimum starting pay for low skill or entry level jobs.

What it was intended to be is no longer what it is.
It's still what it was intended to be despite some wanting to change that for political benefit.

Driving down wages to as close to minimum wage as possible is now the goal.
Wages have been going up.

Indeed they have been going up for sure. A lot of employers are raising wages to get qualified people on board.
For the ten billion time the minimum wage was never intended be something you could raise a family on or buy a home with it is the minimum starting pay for low skill or entry level jobs.

What it was intended to be is no longer what it is.
It's still what it was intended to be despite some wanting to change that for political benefit.

Driving down wages to as close to minimum wage as possible is now the goal.
Wages have been going up.

Wages stalled but costs haven’t .........

Families Go Deep in Debt to Stay in the Middle Class
Why? Shareholder value. Those who did not do a day of work to produce anything demanded more and more.

I don't mind too much that you're a socialist.

What really annoys me is that you're stupid

Boeing killed nearly 350 people because they put "shareholder value" over safety. Their plane still can't fly because they still insist on doing the same.

That's bullshit.

Boeing is losing their asses since a few jets dropped out of the sky. Its doing nothing for shareholder value.

That shit doesn't go well will customers, and right now Boeing is trying to rectify this.
Used to be if someone digging ditches or working as a janitor was able to support a family

Now they have to work full time and supplement with welfare
Used to be if someone digging ditches or working as a janitor was able to support a family

Now they have to work full time and supplement with welfare

When was that?

Most janitors have needed to lived with their mums, employed old ladies or live in SRO type facilities in America. The myth that a man was a Middle Class and dealing with high school tuition invoices and orthodontic bills, and insuring/gassing up their SUV, based upon the wages they get for mopping up, is revisionism.

He also TRIED to...
He TRIED to take good used cars off the market. Cash for Clunkers! And succeeded!

Who did that fuck!?

It was a full frontal assault on the poor and lower middle classes. Obama and the Democrats were obviously trying to make jobs less available to certain classes of people.

In most parts of the USA, if you do not own reliable transportation, you are not eligible for a good job because you are less free than somebody who does own reliable transportation to go wherever the fuck they want whenever the fuck they want.

It was part of the keep the poor, poor program. Just a part of the OED (Obama Economic Depression) fuck Americans program.

Paying people to destroy material wealth is not sound economic policy.

Cash for Clunkers was intended to help the UAW. Government subsidized automobile purchases to strengthen the UAW.

/——/ It caused many working class poor to give up perfectly serviceable older cars with new ones that required full insurance. Yet another Prog failure because they don’t understand the free market. The Obama administration accidentally accelerated the Corolla conquest of American roads

The Cash for Clunkers didn't take cars from the low income household. It gave middle and upper income households the opportunity to unload the second or third car in the family, get a huge trade in and a brand new car.

That took millions of perfectly good used cars off the market which drove up the cost of used cars penalizing low income households for many years.

/----/ "drove up the cost of used cars penalizing low income households"
The unintended consequences of Liberalism.
Why? Shareholder value. Those who did not do a day of work to produce anything demanded more and more.

I don't mind too much that you're a socialist.

What really annoys me is that you're stupid

Boeing killed nearly 350 people because they put "shareholder value" over safety. Their plane still can't fly because they still insist on doing the same.

That's bullshit.

Boeing is losing their asses since a few jets dropped out of the sky. Its doing nothing for shareholder value.

That shit doesn't go well will customers, and right now Boeing is trying to rectify this.

They refused to do what the engineers were telling them needed done because they determined that doing the right thing would be too expensive.

Putting "Shareholder value" above safety and everything else.
'A national problem': U.S. housing affordability is out of whack with minimum wage

Obviously this should bother republican voters, but they have this fantasy mindset that Trump will turn this country into some kind of utopia despite the fact that he had two years to do so with a republican Congress. Their only response when presented with this is the usual pathetic deflection of “well Obama didn’t do it! Derp, derp, derp!”

Now granted Obama achieved little in improving the lives of the middle class and poor besides a few policies. These policies include 1) helping to reverse the Great Recession he inherited from Bush 6 months into his presidency and producing job growth EVER SINCE. 2) Expanding OT pay eligibility for thousands of US workers 3) guaranteeing people receive healthcare from pre-existing conditions, 4) passing the biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan

He also TRIED to invest education and raise the minimum wage but was blocked by republicans.

The point I am making is that republicans do fucking NOTHING to help the poor and middle class but democrats at least make an attempt despite failing on a significant scale. This nuance matters whether you like it or not.

You should read your own sources. The last two paragraphs, it clearly states increasing the minimum wage is not a solution because the cost of everything else also increases, and then you draw a full circle. You are no better off at the new wage than you were the old one.

During the Clinton administration, his goal was to increase minority home ownership. Because many blacks don't have the same qualifications as whites to buy homes, the answer was simple: lower the qualifications to buy homes.

And that's what they did. Of course at the time, there was no home buying frenzy as the tech bubble bursted. But after 911 when Bush got the economy going again, home ownership took off like a rocket.

You can't lower standards for just one group of people. You have to lower them for everybody. Before you knew it, everybody was jumping on the bandwagon buying houses they couldn't afford or barely afford.

The housing bubble burst and tens of millions found themselves being foreclosed on. Afterwards, they were either unable to secure a loan because of the bad credit score, or they got disgusted with home ownership entirely.

So now everybody is renting. Between the credit damage done via foreclosures and the millennials who don't want to own anything because of the responsibility, rents soared like we've never seen before in this country. It's pure supply and demand, not minimum wage.

I've been in this business over 25 years now, and I"ve never seen the demand for apartments so high. The last apartment I advertised was over three years ago. I didn't get the unit ready until February. Usually when I put out an ad in the middle of winter when nobody intends to move, it takes a few days to get a reply, and many times not a serious one.

The next day after placing the ad, I had over a dozen replies. I don't get that many in the spring. People were making me offers to pay several months of rent in advance, taking the apartment sight unseen, or even offering to pay me higher rent than I was asking.
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