In parades there are people who follow horses and clean up the horses mess.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
In parades there are people who follow horses and clean up the horses mess.
Vance is that person but he is following Trump trying clean up his messes.
Vance is much more articulate than Trump.
He does a better job of making Trump's messes sound better. But they are still messes.
It is like putting lipstick on a pig.
:eusa_doh:Yeah, lower taxes and 1% inflation, no war, no Zelensky was just too hard to take.
He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.

*Eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. He did not have 8 years but he increased the national debt more than any President in 4 years

And you wonder why he did not get reelected.


Insulting our military many times

Very fine people on both sides, one side are white supremacists and nazis

Calls countries of the world "shit holes"

Trump does not honor our dead soldiers in France because it was raining.

Told Putin he can attack NATO countries who have not paid all of their dues.

Trump calls Putin a genius and savvy for invading Ukraine.

5 kids with 3 wives, affairs with porn star

Buried one of his wives in one of his golf course

5 bankruptcies, his charity shut down because the money was going to him

Trump University shut down and fined for fraud

On and on


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