In Regards To DACA, what Should Be The Priority?

What takes precedence?

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...We are talking about DACA here....
Which is profoundly and inextricably interwoven with the problem of Illegal Aliens... give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile... so... no inch... no DACA.

Sets a terrible precedent against American interests and sends the wrong signal to prospective future waves of invaders.

The correct signal is: "Your unlawful entry into our country will not be rewarded with your children being allowed to stay."

A long-overdue and harsh lesson, as one tactic in a bag of tactics used to repel the invasion of 11-12,000,000, and to discourage future invasions.

Who knows? Perhaps a Republican-controlled Congress, or Herr Build-A-Wall, will let them stay, eh?

How do you think these DACA supporters feel about the sons and daughters of criminals who are sent to prison...who lose everything because their father was a criminal and now they can't go to the college they planned on going because their father lost all of their money....because he was a criminal and sent to they want these kids to keep the money the father stole?
I don't think the kids need to give back the sneakers their dad bought them and I surely don't think they should be kick out of our country for their parents crimes. Bad analogy man, nice try though
...We are talking about DACA here....
Which is profoundly and inextricably interwoven with the problem of Illegal Aliens... give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile... so... no inch... no DACA.

Sets a terrible precedent against American interests and sends the wrong signal to prospective future waves of invaders.

The correct signal is: "Your unlawful entry into our country will not be rewarded with your children being allowed to stay."

A long-overdue and harsh lesson, as one tactic in a bag of tactics used to repel the invasion of 11-12,000,000, and to discourage future invasions.

Who knows? Perhaps a Republican-controlled Congress, or Herr Build-A-Wall, will let them stay, eh?

How do you think these DACA supporters feel about the sons and daughters of criminals who are sent to prison...who lose everything because their father was a criminal and now they can't go to the college they planned on going because their father lost all of their money....because he was a criminal and sent to they want these kids to keep the money the father stole?
I don't think the kids need to give back the sneakers their dad bought them and I surely don't think they should be kick out of our country for their parents crimes. Bad analogy man, nice try though
So if I rob a bank and give the money to my kids they should be able to keep the money while I go to jail right?
...We are talking about DACA here....
Which is profoundly and inextricably interwoven with the problem of Illegal Aliens... give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile... so... no inch... no DACA.

Sets a terrible precedent against American interests and sends the wrong signal to prospective future waves of invaders.

The correct signal is: "Your unlawful entry into our country will not be rewarded with your children being allowed to stay."

A long-overdue and harsh lesson, as one tactic in a bag of tactics used to repel the invasion of 11-12,000,000, and to discourage future invasions.

Who knows? Perhaps a Republican-controlled Congress, or Herr Build-A-Wall, will let them stay, eh?

How do you think these DACA supporters feel about the sons and daughters of criminals who are sent to prison...who lose everything because their father was a criminal and now they can't go to the college they planned on going because their father lost all of their money....because he was a criminal and sent to they want these kids to keep the money the father stole?
I don't think the kids need to give back the sneakers their dad bought them and I surely don't think they should be kick out of our country for their parents crimes. Bad analogy man, nice try though
So if I rob a bank and give the money to my kids they should be able to keep the money while I go to jail right?
...We are talking about DACA here....
Which is profoundly and inextricably interwoven with the problem of Illegal Aliens... give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile... so... no inch... no DACA.

Sets a terrible precedent against American interests and sends the wrong signal to prospective future waves of invaders.

The correct signal is: "Your unlawful entry into our country will not be rewarded with your children being allowed to stay."

A long-overdue and harsh lesson, as one tactic in a bag of tactics used to repel the invasion of 11-12,000,000, and to discourage future invasions.

Who knows? Perhaps a Republican-controlled Congress, or Herr Build-A-Wall, will let them stay, eh?

How do you think these DACA supporters feel about the sons and daughters of criminals who are sent to prison...who lose everything because their father was a criminal and now they can't go to the college they planned on going because their father lost all of their money....because he was a criminal and sent to they want these kids to keep the money the father stole?
I don't think the kids need to give back the sneakers their dad bought them and I surely don't think they should be kick out of our country for their parents crimes. Bad analogy man, nice try though
So if I rob a bank and give the money to my kids they should be able to keep the money while I go to jail right?
Why not, DACA kids get to profit from their parents crime. Are you discriminating?
Indeed... it's possible to both flush-out the present invasion-wave of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, and take strong measures to prevent a future wave.

Yes... he could have... fortunately, he did not; quite the opposite, in fact... one of the few actions of his that merits broad approval.

That is your interpretation.

It is not the interpretation of vast numbers of your fellow Americans.

Au contraire... a quick, forceful fait accompli... without giving your side a lot of time to kvetch and bitch and moan and whine and cry... was exactly what was needed.

The move was a cold, precise, accurate calculation.

Your side has been dividing America for decades, standing alongside Illegal Aliens rather than your fellow Americans.

You found out just HOW angry the rest of America was about your stance, on November 8, 2016...

Not that your side is bright enough to learn from its mistakes and resurrect that long-slumbering pragmatism that you'll need to return to political power anytime soon.

You are now sitting on the sidelines as the minority party, and are out of power in all branches of government, on several levels - and - you have just been out-flanked.

Payback's a bitch.

So how do you feel about Trumps recent comments about living the dreamers and wanting congress to pass DACA into law? How does that fit into your calculation?
Drumpf has lied so many times and broken so many promises that most folks have lost count, and he'll say damned-near anything that moves the ball forward, any given day.

I don't trust him any more than I trust your side, in this matter, but he did set the stage to make your side whine and howl and piss themselves with fright and rage.

That, by itself, is worth a good belly-laugh or two.
Ok buddy :cuckoo: Way to take the conversation down to the gutter. Says a lot about how strong a point you have
That was nowhere near the gutter, chum... just rubbing some well-deserved (on the part of your side) salt in the wounds... and having fun doing it.
Good for you. Come back once you've grown up a bit, you're acting like a child
Lord-have-mercy, but I DO love it when I hit the mark, and the Lefties have nothing but invective and ad hominem remaining in the bottom of their pathetic ammo-pouch...
...We are talking about DACA here....
Which is profoundly and inextricably interwoven with the problem of Illegal Aliens... give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile... so... no inch... no DACA.

Sets a terrible precedent against American interests and sends the wrong signal to prospective future waves of invaders.

The correct signal is: "Your unlawful entry into our country will not be rewarded with your children being allowed to stay."

A long-overdue and harsh lesson, as one tactic in a bag full of tactics, used to repel the present invasion of 11-12,000,000, and to discourage future invasions.

Who knows? Perhaps a Republican-controlled Congress, or Herr Build-A-Wall, will let them stay, eh?
Don't get your hopes up
If you really believe that a Republican-controlled Congress or Mister Build-A-Wall is going to act to explicitly let them stay, may that belief comfort you.

For another 5 months and 24 days...
Which is profoundly and inextricably interwoven with the problem of Illegal Aliens... give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile... so... no inch... no DACA.

Sets a terrible precedent against American interests and sends the wrong signal to prospective future waves of invaders.

The correct signal is: "Your unlawful entry into our country will not be rewarded with your children being allowed to stay."

A long-overdue and harsh lesson, as one tactic in a bag of tactics used to repel the invasion of 11-12,000,000, and to discourage future invasions.

Who knows? Perhaps a Republican-controlled Congress, or Herr Build-A-Wall, will let them stay, eh?

How do you think these DACA supporters feel about the sons and daughters of criminals who are sent to prison...who lose everything because their father was a criminal and now they can't go to the college they planned on going because their father lost all of their money....because he was a criminal and sent to they want these kids to keep the money the father stole?
I don't think the kids need to give back the sneakers their dad bought them and I surely don't think they should be kick out of our country for their parents crimes. Bad analogy man, nice try though
So if I rob a bank and give the money to my kids they should be able to keep the money while I go to jail right?
Why not, DACA kids get to profit from their parents crime. Are you discriminating?
No they are completely different situations. I shouldn't have to explain that to you
So how do you feel about Trumps recent comments about living the dreamers and wanting congress to pass DACA into law? How does that fit into your calculation?
Drumpf has lied so many times and broken so many promises that most folks have lost count, and he'll say damned-near anything that moves the ball forward, any given day.

I don't trust him any more than I trust your side, in this matter, but he did set the stage to make your side whine and howl and piss themselves with fright and rage.

That, by itself, is worth a good belly-laugh or two.
Ok buddy :cuckoo: Way to take the conversation down to the gutter. Says a lot about how strong a point you have
That was nowhere near the gutter, chum... just rubbing some well-deserved (on the part of your side) salt in the wounds... and having fun doing it.
Good for you. Come back once you've grown up a bit, you're acting like a child
Lord-have-mercy, but I DO love it when I hit the mark, and the Lefties have nothing but invective and ad hominem remaining in the bottom of their pathetic ammo-pouch...
You haven't hit any nails. Look at the last few messages you've posted. No substance just petty insults to try and instill some false sense of victory. You are doing exactly what you are trying to accuse me of. They call that hypocritical
...We are talking about DACA here....
Which is profoundly and inextricably interwoven with the problem of Illegal Aliens... give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile... so... no inch... no DACA.

Sets a terrible precedent against American interests and sends the wrong signal to prospective future waves of invaders.

The correct signal is: "Your unlawful entry into our country will not be rewarded with your children being allowed to stay."

A long-overdue and harsh lesson, as one tactic in a bag full of tactics, used to repel the present invasion of 11-12,000,000, and to discourage future invasions.

Who knows? Perhaps a Republican-controlled Congress, or Herr Build-A-Wall, will let them stay, eh?
Don't get your hopes up
If you really believe that a Republican-controlled Congress or Mister Build-A-Wall is going to act to explicitly let them stay, may that belief comfort you.

For another 5 months and 24 days...
Have you been listening to Trump at all the past few days. "I love these kids" I want congress to pass DACA and protect them. If they don't I'll take another look at the situation...
A president made a promise to these "Dreamers!" All Congress had to do was ratify his EO by doing their damn job and passing a bill! They were too concerned about screwing him over, not giving a damn about precedent! How soon they forget Reagan forgave "immigrants" and Carter gave amnesty to "draft dodger!" Obama was perfectly within his rights to pass that temp. fix! The problem was with Congress who knew what they needed to do, but they're so dysfunctional they can't do much of anything with their majorities in both HOUSES! It's pathetic, but what else can be said about these Neanderthal "on the right!" Not like I have much sympathy for us since we've given Republicans total control! I just wonder when these losers will stop blaming everything on our downfall! :blahblah: :bang3: :argue: :cuckoo: :dunno:

To be fair, when Democrats controlled the House, Senate and Presidency, they did NOTHING for the Dreamers or any other immigrant group.

That defense of Republicans doing nothing the last few years is lame! How soon we forget the economy was on life support those 2 years and Obama was in a constant warfare with them filibustering just about everything! It was taking 60 votes to get the simplest pieces of legislation passed! Come on; you know this already! Take responsibility for being a-holes on the right! "W" tried and he had a Republican Congress and it didn't get done then either! :bang3: :blahblah:

What crap. I'm not defending anyone. I'm pointing out that the Democrats delivered NOTHING when they had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and didn't even try. That doesn't excuse Republicans, but for you to offer all the blame to Republicans as if Democrats are blameless is just another example of how Democrats offer lip service and do nothing; and why Progressives are disenchanted with them and turning away from them.
How do you think these DACA supporters feel about the sons and daughters of criminals who are sent to prison...who lose everything because their father was a criminal and now they can't go to the college they planned on going because their father lost all of their money....because he was a criminal and sent to they want these kids to keep the money the father stole?
I don't think the kids need to give back the sneakers their dad bought them and I surely don't think they should be kick out of our country for their parents crimes. Bad analogy man, nice try though
So if I rob a bank and give the money to my kids they should be able to keep the money while I go to jail right?
Why not, DACA kids get to profit from their parents crime. Are you discriminating?
No they are completely different situations. I shouldn't have to explain that to you
If their parents violated the law they deserve to be in jail. They're kids should be sent back home, just like my kids would be, without profiting from their parents illegal activities, ie. sent back home to Mexico.
Top priority accomplished, throw out Obama's illegal EO. Second priority deport criminals. Last priority deport good kids that have proven themselves to be good students, workers and citizens.
I don't think the kids need to give back the sneakers their dad bought them and I surely don't think they should be kick out of our country for their parents crimes. Bad analogy man, nice try though
So if I rob a bank and give the money to my kids they should be able to keep the money while I go to jail right?
Why not, DACA kids get to profit from their parents crime. Are you discriminating?
No they are completely different situations. I shouldn't have to explain that to you
If their parents violated the law they deserve to be in jail. They're kids should be sent back home, just like my kids would be, without profiting from their parents illegal activities, ie. sent back home to Mexico.
Not all laws are warrant jailing. For example speeding on the freeway or trespassing on private property... Kids that were brought here then spent the majority of their life here have a home and it is here. If they want to profit and achieve success then they have to work for it. Under DACA the kids aren't eligible for welfare or citizenship, it just allows them to seek education and work without fear of deportation. If you could look at the situation objectively I think you'd understand that.
This DACA situation is different than the average violations of our laws or constitution. For many of these youngsters, USA is the only country they've known. They've come to think like this is their country, and understandably so, since they've been saying the pledge and honoring the stars and stripes most of their lives. We also have years invested in educating them. That's an asset, not a liability.
So if I rob a bank and give the money to my kids they should be able to keep the money while I go to jail right?
Why not, DACA kids get to profit from their parents crime. Are you discriminating?
No they are completely different situations. I shouldn't have to explain that to you
If their parents violated the law they deserve to be in jail. They're kids should be sent back home, just like my kids would be, without profiting from their parents illegal activities, ie. sent back home to Mexico.
Not all laws are warrant jailing. For example speeding on the freeway or trespassing on private property... Kids that were brought here then spent the majority of their life here have a home and it is here. If they want to profit and achieve success then they have to work for it. Under DACA the kids aren't eligible for welfare or citizenship, it just allows them to seek education and work without fear of deportation. If you could look at the situation objectively I think you'd understand that.
If you look at it objectively you'd realize they don't belong here. We limit immigration to a million a year for a reason.

Why not, DACA kids get to profit from their parents crime. Are you discriminating?
No they are completely different situations. I shouldn't have to explain that to you
If their parents violated the law they deserve to be in jail. They're kids should be sent back home, just like my kids would be, without profiting from their parents illegal activities, ie. sent back home to Mexico.
Not all laws are warrant jailing. For example speeding on the freeway or trespassing on private property... Kids that were brought here then spent the majority of their life here have a home and it is here. If they want to profit and achieve success then they have to work for it. Under DACA the kids aren't eligible for welfare or citizenship, it just allows them to seek education and work without fear of deportation. If you could look at the situation objectively I think you'd understand that.
If you look at it objectively you'd realize they don't belong here. We limit immigration to a million a year for a reason.

The dreamers are a group of approx 800k that have been here for 16 years... That is 50K a year in comparison to the 1 Million a year of immigrants that are admitted. That's 5%. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill. Yall are way over blowing this. Have you taken anytime to try and consider this from their perspective? Have you listen to any of their stories? Honestly, have you?
Why not, DACA kids get to profit from their parents crime. Are you discriminating?
No they are completely different situations. I shouldn't have to explain that to you
If their parents violated the law they deserve to be in jail. They're kids should be sent back home, just like my kids would be, without profiting from their parents illegal activities, ie. sent back home to Mexico.
Not all laws are warrant jailing. For example speeding on the freeway or trespassing on private property... Kids that were brought here then spent the majority of their life here have a home and it is here. If they want to profit and achieve success then they have to work for it. Under DACA the kids aren't eligible for welfare or citizenship, it just allows them to seek education and work without fear of deportation. If you could look at the situation objectively I think you'd understand that.
If you look at it objectively you'd realize they don't belong here. We limit immigration to a million a year for a reason.

The dreamers are a group of approx 800k that have been here for 16 years... That is 50K a year in comparison to the 1 Million a year of immigrants that are admitted. That's 5%. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill. Yall are way over blowing this. Have you taken anytime to try and consider this from their perspective? Have you listen to any of their stories? Honestly, have you?

Appeal to emotion.
Why not, DACA kids get to profit from their parents crime. Are you discriminating?
No they are completely different situations. I shouldn't have to explain that to you
If their parents violated the law they deserve to be in jail. They're kids should be sent back home, just like my kids would be, without profiting from their parents illegal activities, ie. sent back home to Mexico.
Not all laws are warrant jailing. For example speeding on the freeway or trespassing on private property... Kids that were brought here then spent the majority of their life here have a home and it is here. If they want to profit and achieve success then they have to work for it. Under DACA the kids aren't eligible for welfare or citizenship, it just allows them to seek education and work without fear of deportation. If you could look at the situation objectively I think you'd understand that.
If you look at it objectively you'd realize they don't belong here. We limit immigration to a million a year for a reason.

The dreamers are a group of approx 800k that have been here for 16 years... That is 50K a year in comparison to the 1 Million a year of immigrants that are admitted. That's 5%. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill. Yall are way over blowing this. Have you taken anytime to try and consider this from their perspective? Have you listen to any of their stories? Honestly, have you?

Let them stay it will issue a message to the rest of the planet. Just be underage to escape America's laws.
No they are completely different situations. I shouldn't have to explain that to you
If their parents violated the law they deserve to be in jail. They're kids should be sent back home, just like my kids would be, without profiting from their parents illegal activities, ie. sent back home to Mexico.
Not all laws are warrant jailing. For example speeding on the freeway or trespassing on private property... Kids that were brought here then spent the majority of their life here have a home and it is here. If they want to profit and achieve success then they have to work for it. Under DACA the kids aren't eligible for welfare or citizenship, it just allows them to seek education and work without fear of deportation. If you could look at the situation objectively I think you'd understand that.
If you look at it objectively you'd realize they don't belong here. We limit immigration to a million a year for a reason.

The dreamers are a group of approx 800k that have been here for 16 years... That is 50K a year in comparison to the 1 Million a year of immigrants that are admitted. That's 5%. Talk about making a mountain out of an anthill. Yall are way over blowing this. Have you taken anytime to try and consider this from their perspective? Have you listen to any of their stories? Honestly, have you?

Appeal to emotion.

Sure, so what? Expose yourself to the entire situation, not just one side

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