In the long run, with the #MeToo movement hurt women's careers?

I think it's clear that from now on, men are not going to want women around them in the workplace.
Only those men who don't know how to behave as decent adults around left that part out.'s a bigger problem than that, I think. They don't think they are guilty; they don't think they are doing anything wrong. They think the "compliment" about the, ahem, blouse, is being nice. Reminds me of when an ex of mine complimented a woman at the office about an article of clothing: "That's a nice breast you have on today," he said. He meant vest. Life's little moments. But that goes to show --- it's not a compliment, it's almost always a sex remark. Just stop it.

They think they are being sweet, affirming, affectionate, "I'm just a hugger." That's what the old guy thought and said who was constantly petting, patting, hugging, touching her arm, of a young employee of his. She went to work elsewhere, of course. It never occured to him he was doing anything wrong. And that's going to be a problem.
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If anything this should probably be a wakeup call for men to stop fucking around.

Most of the allegations seem to be true, though some have been overblown (Glenn Thrush).
So if a woman comes on to you and gets you to do the naughty, then 40 years from now accuses you of taking advantage of her, what are you going to do?
Tell her to prove it ...if necessary in a court of law. Why aren't trump and Moore going to court if they REALLY were unjustly maligned?

You can't get blood out of turnip!
Not even to clear their names? remember TailHook, right? I'm getting so many flashbacks of that that aftereffect.

Yeah, we made our sexual harassment instructor cry! She was unprepared for the level of questions we had regarding the topic. They should have never sent her into a room of about 60 Surface Warfare Officers in the days where women were not allowed on combatant ships.
Isn't it funny that they can't seem to see that simple solution?

The only case where I could see this becoming a negative issue are office romances. While usually ill-advised, you spend a lot of time with these people, and a lot of people meet their significant other through work. That is probably going to take a big hit or go away all together. Either that, or women will have to start becoming the initiators, because I think most men with a brain in the head are going to avoid putting themselves at risk, but are equally unlikely to accuse a woman of sexual harassment (unless she is just downright crazy).
I dated guys I met at work, but we did it after hours and we BOTH were doing it willingly.
How that relates to sexual harassment, I don't know.

What if you decided to break it off and he didn't want that? Would you not be opening yourself up for a claim that you were sexually harassing him?
I think a whole lot of you need a sexual harassment training. That's what I think.

I have had more sexual harassment training than I care to mention. It taught me very well how to do it and get away with should I ever want to do that. On the other hand, it showed me how difficult it is to defend one's self against a fraudulent claim also.
Sexual harassment is not a pleasant claim to make in any workplace. There is blowback 100% of the time. You make it sound as if women would make up lies to retaliate against men they are angry at. I see that being a very small # of claims. The other thing is that lies are usually pretty easy to disprove. Look at the quick work they just made of the complaint against Schumer.
You are worrying too much, I think.

If anything this should probably be a wakeup call for men to stop fucking around.

Most of the allegations seem to be true, though some have been overblown (Glenn Thrush).
So if a woman comes on to you and gets you to do the naughty, then 40 years from now accuses you of taking advantage of her, what are you going to do?
Tell her to prove it ...if necessary in a court of law. Why aren't trump and Moore going to court if they REALLY were unjustly maligned?

You can't get blood out of turnip!
Not even to clear their names? remember TailHook, right? I'm getting so many flashbacks of that that aftereffect.

Yeah, we made our sexual harassment instructor cry! She was unprepared for the level of questions we had regarding the topic. They should have never sent her into a room of about 60 Surface Warfare Officers in the days where women were not allowed on combatant ships.
Proud of that, aren't ya?
I think it's clear that from now on, men are not going to want women around them in the workplace.
Only those men who don't know how to behave as decent adults around left that part out.'s a bigger problem than that, I think. They don't think they are guilty; they don't think they are doing anything wrong. They think the "compliment" about the, ahem, blouse, is being nice. Reminds me of when an ex of mine complimented a woman at the office about an article of clothing: "That's a nice breast you have on today," he said. He meant vest. Life's little moments. But that goes to show --- it's not a compliment, it's almost always a sex remark. Just stop it.

They think they are being sweet, affirming, affectionate, "I'm just a hugger." That's what the old guy who was constantly petting, patting, hugging, touching her arm, of a young employee of his. She went to work elsewhere, of course. It never occured to him he was doing anything wrong. And that's going to be a problem.
Anyone who paws women, forces themselves on women, doesn't take NO for an answer are too stupid to live if they "don't think they are doing anything wrong".

If anything this should probably be a wakeup call for men to stop fucking around.

Most of the allegations seem to be true, though some have been overblown (Glenn Thrush).
So if a woman comes on to you and gets you to do the naughty, then 40 years from now accuses you of taking advantage of her, what are you going to do?
Tell her to prove it ...if necessary in a court of law. Why aren't trump and Moore going to court if they REALLY were unjustly maligned?

You can't get blood out of turnip!
Not even to clear their names? remember TailHook, right? I'm getting so many flashbacks of that that aftereffect.

Yeah, we made our sexual harassment instructor cry! She was unprepared for the level of questions we had regarding the topic. They should have never sent her into a room of about 60 Surface Warfare Officers in the days where women were not allowed on combatant ships.
Let me guess.....crossed arms all over the room.

I thought it was appropriate that promotions were held up over that one.
I think moving forward, if you are a woman who looks like a bulldog, a manager is more likely to hire you. If you are a woman who is even pseudo attractive, a male might well pass on you. Well have to have a plate in your head if you are a manager and not paying attention to that these days. Wont matter for an entry level job but any job in business or a profession.........its a whole new ballgame. Yet another thing to thank k00k progressives for!!:bye1:

Most men now view this as the new sport for women.
Summary: It's the women's fault....we must alter our woman-hiring practices. We don't have to change the behavior of men who act like pigs.
See, there you again. Not ALL accusations are about men acting like pigs. Some of them are bullshit.
Look at that chick that accused dustin hoffman. She was ok with it. One day she decides she dont like him anymore. 20 years down the road, she decides to join the sex bandwagon and socially assassinate him over nothing.
Or that one guy from NPR when all he did was touch her back because she was wearing a dress without a back..
Some of these are complete horseshit. It only makes sense to leave some business owners worried..
So if a woman comes on to you and gets you to do the naughty, then 40 years from now accuses you of taking advantage of her, what are you going to do?
Tell her to prove it ...if necessary in a court of law. Why aren't trump and Moore going to court if they REALLY were unjustly maligned?

You can't get blood out of turnip!
Not even to clear their names? remember TailHook, right? I'm getting so many flashbacks of that that aftereffect.

Yeah, we made our sexual harassment instructor cry! She was unprepared for the level of questions we had regarding the topic. They should have never sent her into a room of about 60 Surface Warfare Officers in the days where women were not allowed on combatant ships.
Proud of that, aren't ya?
Apparently he was. IT was an interesting time......a few careers went in the toilet, rightfully, over that one.
So if a woman comes on to you and gets you to do the naughty, then 40 years from now accuses you of taking advantage of her, what are you going to do?
Tell her to prove it ...if necessary in a court of law. Why aren't trump and Moore going to court if they REALLY were unjustly maligned?

You can't get blood out of turnip!
Not even to clear their names? remember TailHook, right? I'm getting so many flashbacks of that that aftereffect.

Yeah, we made our sexual harassment instructor cry! She was unprepared for the level of questions we had regarding the topic. They should have never sent her into a room of about 60 Surface Warfare Officers in the days where women were not allowed on combatant ships.
Proud of that, aren't ya?

We did nothing wrong. She was just completely intimidated.
I think moving forward, if you are a woman who looks like a bulldog, a manager is more likely to hire you. If you are a woman who is even pseudo attractive, a male might well pass on you. Well have to have a plate in your head if you are a manager and not paying attention to that these days. Wont matter for an entry level job but any job in business or a profession.........its a whole new ballgame. Yet another thing to thank k00k progressives for!!:bye1:

Huh. This has been the recipe for women who wanted to hire maids and au pairs and such forever. Hire ugly. Because they all knew their husbands, sons, etc. would not be able to keep their hands off the pretty ones.

And it's why smart women wore glasses, dignified clothes, and so on. To avoid catching their attention, because if we did, we'd be pursued unmercifully, as prey.
I think moving forward, if you are a woman who looks like a bulldog, a manager is more likely to hire you. If you are a woman who is even pseudo attractive, a male might well pass on you. Well have to have a plate in your head if you are a manager and not paying attention to that these days. Wont matter for an entry level job but any job in business or a profession.........its a whole new ballgame. Yet another thing to thank k00k progressives for!!:bye1:

Most men now view this as the new sport for women.
Summary: It's the women's fault....we must alter our woman-hiring practices. We don't have to change the behavior of men who act like pigs.
See, there you again. Not ALL accusations are about men acting like pigs. Some of them are bullshit.
Look at that chick that accused dustin hoffman. She was ok with it. One day she decides she dont like him anymore. 20 years down the road, she decides to join the sex bandwagon and socially assassinate him over nothing.
Or that one guy from NPR when all he did was touch her back because she was wearing a dress without a back..
Some of these are complete horseshit. It only makes sense to leave some business owners worried..
If they are "bullshit" they should be easily disproved. Why can't SOME men just act like adults like most men do?
I think moving forward, if you are a woman who looks like a bulldog, a manager is more likely to hire you. If you are a woman who is even pseudo attractive, a male might well pass on you. Well have to have a plate in your head if you are a manager and not paying attention to that these days. Wont matter for an entry level job but any job in business or a profession.........its a whole new ballgame. Yet another thing to thank k00k progressives for!!:bye1:

Huh. This has been the recipe for women who wanted to hire maids and au pairs and such forever. Hire ugly. Because they all knew their husbands, sons, etc. would not be able to keep their hands off the pretty ones.

And it's why smart women wore glasses, dignified clothes, and so on. To avoid catching their attention, because if we did, we'd be pursued unmercifully, as prey.
How sad to be a wife so distrustful of your husband doing the adult thing. That's a sad story.
I think moving forward, if you are a woman who looks like a bulldog, a manager is more likely to hire you. If you are a woman who is even pseudo attractive, a male might well pass on you. Well have to have a plate in your head if you are a manager and not paying attention to that these days. Wont matter for an entry level job but any job in business or a profession.........its a whole new ballgame. Yet another thing to thank k00k progressives for!!:bye1:

Most men now view this as the new sport for women.
Summary: It's the women's fault....we must alter our woman-hiring practices. We don't have to change the behavior of men who act like pigs.
See, there you again. Not ALL accusations are about men acting like pigs. Some of them are bullshit.
Look at that chick that accused dustin hoffman. She was ok with it. One day she decides she dont like him anymore. 20 years down the road, she decides to join the sex bandwagon and socially assassinate him over nothing.
Or that one guy from NPR when all he did was touch her back because she was wearing a dress without a back..
Some of these are complete horseshit. It only makes sense to leave some business owners worried..
Her blouse was open for some reason. She wasn't wearing a dress without a back. His hand went 6" up her blouse in the back.
I think moving forward, if you are a woman who looks like a bulldog, a manager is more likely to hire you. If you are a woman who is even pseudo attractive, a male might well pass on you. Well have to have a plate in your head if you are a manager and not paying attention to that these days. Wont matter for an entry level job but any job in business or a profession.........its a whole new ballgame. Yet another thing to thank k00k progressives for!!:bye1:

Most men now view this as the new sport for women.
Summary: It's the women's fault....we must alter our woman-hiring practices. We don't have to change the behavior of men who act like pigs.
See, there you again. Not ALL accusations are about men acting like pigs. Some of them are bullshit.
Look at that chick that accused dustin hoffman. She was ok with it. One day she decides she dont like him anymore. 20 years down the road, she decides to join the sex bandwagon and socially assassinate him over nothing.
Or that one guy from NPR when all he did was touch her back because she was wearing a dress without a back..
Some of these are complete horseshit. It only makes sense to leave some business owners worried..
If they are "bullshit" they should be easily disproved. Why can't SOME men just act like adults like most men do?
But the damage was already done..
Sex is an adult thing. Again, look at hoffman...
I think moving forward, if you are a woman who looks like a bulldog, a manager is more likely to hire you. If you are a woman who is even pseudo attractive, a male might well pass on you. Well have to have a plate in your head if you are a manager and not paying attention to that these days. Wont matter for an entry level job but any job in business or a profession.........its a whole new ballgame. Yet another thing to thank k00k progressives for!!:bye1:

Most men now view this as the new sport for women.
Summary: It's the women's fault....we must alter our woman-hiring practices. We don't have to change the behavior of men who act like pigs.
See, there you again. Not ALL accusations are about men acting like pigs. Some of them are bullshit.
Look at that chick that accused dustin hoffman. She was ok with it. One day she decides she dont like him anymore. 20 years down the road, she decides to join the sex bandwagon and socially assassinate him over nothing.
Or that one guy from NPR when all he did was touch her back because she was wearing a dress without a back..
Some of these are complete horseshit. It only makes sense to leave some business owners worried..
Her blouse was open for some reason. She wasn't wearing a dress without a back. His hand went 6" up her blouse in the back.
I think you are correct.
Couldnt that be completely innocent though?

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