In the midst of our supply chain crisis, Biden's Secretary of Transportation has been on vacation since August

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
This is what a country without a leader looks like.


Yup and the lefty loons would be screaming bloody murder about what failure Trump was.

Haven't heard them screaming about what a failure the walking disaster Bidung is.
This clown couldn't fix potholes in the town he was a mayor. No wonder he is in hiding.

It's freaking ridiculous. I didn't get that long off for maternity leave, and I actually gave birth to all three of my kids. My husband got paternity leave for our second child because I was bed-ridden and needed care, and he didn't get that long. What the fuck does Buttigieg need months of leave for?

More to the point, when you accept an appointment to the Cabinet of the President of the United States, you accept having responsibilities that supersede what you might prefer doing, especially in a crisis. Get to work, or resign.
The DUDE is on maternity leave. :auiqs.jpg:

It's called "parental leave" and it applies equally to fathers and mothers. Parental leave is a fixture in every first world country in the world, except the USA.

Your abject ignorance about life in America is appalling. You really need to get out of the basement.
It's called "parental leave" and it applies equally to fathers and mothers. Parental leave is a fixture in every first world country in the world, except the USA.

Your abject ignorance about life in America is appalling. You really need to get out of the basement.

I can't say I've missed your arrogant little "I know so much more about a country I'm not in than the people who are actually there" routine.
It's called "parental leave" and it applies equally to fathers and mothers. Parental leave is a fixture in every first world country in the world, except the USA.

Your abject ignorance about life in America is appalling. You really need to get out of the basement.
We all know who pitches and who catches in that relationship, Stupid.

And he is a member of the Cabinet, not flipping burgers at McDonalds. He should resign if he thinks he needs months off for maternity leave.

And you claiming someone else is ignorant about America has to be the dumbest thing you have ever posted.............and all you do is post stupid shit. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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