In Two Years

“In two years, you won't be able to find a Chump who supported Trump.”

It will be more like two minutes after Trump loses the election Trump ‘supporters’ will be gone.

Trump will instantly become a ‘RINO,’ with Republicans whining about if only they’d nominated a ‘real’ conservative for president.
True, very true.

We could have had a conservative candidate. Walker, Cruz, Carson. All of them are more conservative than Trump. Even Jeb!
In two years...
Safe spaces will be a thing of the past. Kids will be taught about the real world, and learn how to accept disappointment.

Employers will finally be able to focus more on building their business, with less time being wasted on catering to an easily butthurt liberal employee.
In two years, you won't be able to find a Chump who supported Trump. Just like Romney supporters are now thin on the ground. Bush supporters are completely extinct.

Bush supporters were very passionate. They didn't mind the Constitution being steamrolled. They didn't mind a police state Cabinet-level department being created. They didn't mind Bush spying on Americans, spilling secrets, losing guns in Mexico, getting embassies blown up. They LOVED the Iraq War! No, really! They did! I swear to God on a stack of Bibles, they did.

They enjoyed hand-to-hand combat in the trenches, fighting the non flag pin wearing faggot liberals. For years on end.

Now, you can't find a single one of them.

That's because pseudocons' brains are as smooth as a baby's ass. They have two brain cells. One for Ctrl-C, one for Ctrl-V.

Trump's Chumps are now supporting a guy who was in the liberal trenches, calling for Bush's impeachment, opposing the surge, and calling for us to cut-and-run from Iraq. Isn't that the most amazing thing about this whole year?

They were chortling about Romney's "landslide" right up to and including Election Day 2012. Now they are defacing him at every turn.

So...yeah. Good luck finding someone who will admit to supporting Trump in a couple years.

What's the old line about failure being an orphan???
Try finding a stupid Libtard Moon Bat that will admit to voting for that wacko Al Gore or that jackass John Kerry.

With Obama's failed "Hope and Change" legacy nobody, not even the Negroes, will admit to voting for him him the future.
Gore voters?

You do know (probably not) that Gore DID get more than half a million more votes than Bush......

But, NO, Gore deserved to lose because he was too nice and gave up the fight and allowed Scalia to select GWB.(Scalia is now burning in hell, btw.)
Gore voters?

You do know (probably not) that Gore DID get more than half a million more votes than Bush......

But, NO, Gore deserved to lose because he was too nice and gave up the fight and allowed Scalia to select GWB.(Scalia is now burning in hell, btw.)
You do know (probably not) that the popular vote does NOT determine the winner. Gore lost his home state. What does that tell you?
Gore voters?

You do know (probably not) that Gore DID get more than half a million more votes than Bush......

But, NO, Gore deserved to lose because he was too nice and gave up the fight and allowed Scalia to select GWB.(Scalia is now burning in hell, btw.)

You do know (probably not) that Gore DID get more than half a million more votes than Bush......

and he got his reward

Wrong, dumb fuck. Voted for President Obama twice, and glad of it. I really like to see property values up, unemployment below 5%, the market above 18,000. And it will not be eight years of Trump.
Unemployment's NOT 5%.
stock Market's being artificially propped up by the Fed.

The next president will have a job cleaning up Obamas mess. That's over Hillary's head.
We could have had a conservative candidate. Walker, Cruz, Carson. All of them are more conservative than Trump. Even Jeb!
Jeb supported Illegal Immigration just as much as any Democrat. It is the single most important issue this election.

If Hillary wins, the country will be flooded with tens of millions of new government dependents. Conservatives will never win another election.
They put him in Congress, HOW MANY TIMES?

OK, you want to make this thread about Al Gore??? Fine.

Good ol' Al got in the senate because of daddy's influence......The WH was a bit too much for the TN based KKK.

Now go have another drink.
We could have had a conservative candidate. Walker, Cruz, Carson. All of them are more conservative than Trump. Even Jeb!
Jeb supported Illegal Immigration just as much as any Democrat. It is the single most important issue this election.

If Hillary wins, the country will be flooded with tens of millions of new government dependents. Conservatives will never win another election.

I was born when Harry Truman was President.

In my lifetime we have never had a real Conservative be President.

All the Presidents (including Reagan) increased the size of government and furthered the welfare state to some degree. Some more than others.

Bush 41 had the opportunity to really roll back the size of the Federal government and greatly reduce taxation but he didn't do it. We got a rinky dink little tax cut and that was about it.

Trump will be much better than this Crooked Hillary bitch but at the end of the day he is a big government Liberal who will no nothing of substance to reduce the size of this enormous corrupt oppressive bloated Federal government we have now.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver almost as bad government as the filthy ass Democrats.

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