In Two Years

If Hillary wins then it won't take 2 whole years for the "Don't Blame Me - I Voted For Trump" bumper stickers to have gained tremendous popularity.
We could have had a conservative candidate. Walker, Cruz, Carson. All of them are more conservative than Trump. Even Jeb!
Jeb supported Illegal Immigration just as much as any Democrat. It is the single most important issue this election.

If Hillary wins, the country will be flooded with tens of millions of new government dependents. Conservatives will never win another election.

I was born when Harry Truman was President.

In my lifetime we have never had a real Conservative be President.

All the Presidents (including Reagan) increased the size of government and furthered the welfare state to some degree. Some more than others.

Bush 41 had the opportunity to really roll back the size of the Federal government and greatly reduce taxation but he didn't do it. We got a rinky dink little tax cut and that was about it.

Trump will be much better than this Crooked Hillary bitch but at the end of the day he is a big government Liberal who will no nothing of substance to reduce the size of this enormous corrupt oppressive bloated Federal government we have now.

Democrats promise bad government and always deliver bad government.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver almost as bad government as the filthy ass Democrats.

Wow, lets see if I can summarize your litany. ...

Based on your life-experience (since Truman, no less).....we've lived in a pretty badly run country?..

What a sad commentary for your existence.

Based on your life-experience (since Truman, no less).....we've lived in a pretty badly run country?..

What a sad commentary for your existence.

What it says is this country is turning into an European style socialist welfare shithole because nobody has the courage to stop the fiscal irresponsibility of a bloated corrupt oppressive debt ridden out of control government.

The sad thing is that you Moon Bats don't give a shit.

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