Inaugural benediction: Pray that “white will embrace what is right”

gee, maybe he could have picked a different benediction.

maybe people could stop reading their own silliness into the man's words and can the victim hood?

oh the poor white man has it so bad because of Al Sharpton and Jesse,.

the "we are victims too" defense is above you isn't it?
Hey, being a negro is not all that bad. Think of the savings on suntan lotion...unfortunately, I spend it all on menthol cigarettes!

are you a profesional asshole, or an inspired amateur?
You know why I don't get all worked up over race? Because it has no impact on my life other than the occasional bigot. Your story sounds bad, in fact it sounds a little too bad. Get over it and move on. Or, go back to Idaho, whichever is applicable. Either way, just stop the race bullshit.

You know why I don't get all worked up over race? Because it has no major impact on my life because I am in the majority. I am white.
maybe people could stop reading their own silliness into the man's words and can the victim hood?

oh the poor white man has it so bad because of Al Sharpton and Jesse,.

the "we are victims too" defense is above you isn't it?

i never claimed i was a victim. that doesn't mean it doesn't piss me off.
your turn.
Dev pull your damn head out black people in this country are in general there own worst enemy other than perhaps Mexican street gangs in South L.A. The primary people mudering a oppressing Black folks today are other black folks and you think I owe someone for lynchings 70 odd years ago? Get lost.
Dev pull your damn head out black people in this country are in general there own worst enemy other than perhaps Mexican street gangs in South L.A. The primary people mudering a oppressing Black folks today are other black folks and you think I owe someone for lynchings 70 odd years ago? Get lost.

was I talking about crime?

fuk off you little twerp. go find chris, he has all the stats
i never claimed i was a victim. that doesn't mean it doesn't piss me off.
your turn.

pissed off? OMFG, del? so sensitive.

what gives? jesus most everyone here is acting like they've been hurt or slandered: victim


the guy was speaking to the better nature of us all, and white people who feel victimized by racial politics (read*PC crap) heard what the man said differently than I did.

but one reality cannot be denied...white people are whining liek stuck pigs because a black guy said something about whites.

how sad is that?

"fall on your knees, oh hear the angel's voices....oh night....divine...sweet whine...oh whine...victim hood!"
pissed off? OMFG, del? so sensitive.

what gives? jesus most everyone here is acting like they've been hurt or slandered: victim


the guy was speaking to the better nature of us all, and white people who feel victimized by racial politics (read*PC crap) heard what the man said differently than I did.

but one reality cannot be denied...white people are whining liek stuck pigs because a black guy said something about whites.

how sad is that?

"fall on your knees, oh hear the angel's voices....oh night....divine...sweet whine...oh whine...victim hood!"

you know, i figured out what you meant before the tenth time you posted it.

i disagree. i'm not claiming victimhood. i'm not whining.

it was a dumbass thing to say, especially in context.

i realize the guy is old; someone should have saved him from himself.
you know, i figured out what you meant before the tenth time you posted it.

i disagree. i'm not claiming victimhood. i'm not whining.

it was a dumbass thing to say, especially in context.

i realize the guy is old; someone should have saved him from himself.

see? the guy said nothing wrong in my opinion.

tell me, do you think others here are whining about what Lowry said?
While the older black generation might have an understanding of what its like to be persecuted for the color of your skin, the younger generation of black people do not. What black people fail to understand is its white people who are persecuted today. We are accused of being racists when we arent, we are held responsible for crimes committed by people we never met, that were dead before we were born. Most black people today have no idea whats its like to be persecuted, but let me tell you, its not fun. Its infuriating in fact, so be thankful you ARE black, and not white. Black people dont have to worry about being in the wrong neighborhood and getting assaulted because of the color of their skin, but its common for white people.'

I think black people will overcome their racist ways, but it will take awhile. Hopefully with Obama as president, they will stop hating white people and embrace a new era of good relations between all the races.
Here's one white guy who doesn't feel persecuted. I've got the cable TV, I'm back in school, I do OK at the bar on the weekends.....I'm all good. No persecution here.
Whites still need to do what's right.

As do blacks, the red man, brown man, multi colored man....does that mean certain sects of each color will do the 'right thing'? Absolutely not, but I won't lump blacks, browns, reds, purples, whites or any other race into one stereotype due to a few idiots in that race.

The comments drove a wedge between the races and defeated the notion of "there is not a black America or a white America only the United States of America".
While the older black generation might have an understanding of what its like to be persecuted for the color of your skin, the younger generation of black people do not.

What black people fail to understand is its white people who are persecuted today.

We are accused of being racists when we arent, we are held responsible for crimes committed by people we never met, that were dead before we were born. Most black people today have no idea whats its like to be persecuted, but let me tell you, its not fun.

Its infuriating in fact, so be thankful you ARE black, and not white. Black people dont have to worry about being in the wrong neighborhood and getting assaulted because of the color of their skin, but its common for white people.'

I think black people will overcome their racist ways, but it will take awhile. Hopefully with Obama as president, they will stop hating white people and embrace a new era of good relations between all the races.

What black people fail to understand is its white people who are persecuted today. thank you :clap2:
Never ceases to amaze me that Liberals actually believe that black people can not be racist and make every excuse in the book for them when they are caught red handed being such.

Of course since most white Liberals are ASHAMED of their race, it makes sense they would make excuses for others and blame themselves.
I am a white Southerner whose family lines in this country go back into the early 1600's.
What does that make me guilty of?
I have ancestors who were,with physical evidence, benevolent slave holders. What am I guilty of? My father was beaten with chains and
sticks during a school riot in the 60's because he was white and didn't run from a mob of black students. He, along with his sister and brother, were forced to stand on the school bus every day even thought the black students who made up the majority were seated one to a seat. He also was cut to the skull with a razor blade because he was trying to defend his sister from a black student on the bus who kept sticking his hand up his little sister's skirt.
On a more recent note, my wife was mugged on Mothers day on the DC Metro by a Black man who said he was going to send her to her mother in a box! Oh, there were plenty of bystanders that could have helped her but my wife was the wrong color so they just sat there and stared all the while calling her white b!$ch.
She tried reporting it to a Black police officer at the metro but was told that she couldn't file a report because it was an isolated incident!
I myself have been in many fights because I was a "white boy" that will not sit quietly while hippocracy strangled our school systems and our community. I have never lynched anyone, I have never made anyone sit at the back of a bus, I have never told anyone "Negroes can't eat here", I have never beat anyone because they were black, I try to live as Christ lived, I treat every man as being created equal in the sight of God, and judge a man only by his character. Is that not what Dr King wanted? What then, am I guilty of? What more can you ask of a man? Rev Lowry, Rev Jackson, Rev Sharpton, Rev Wright...You tell your people that the white man is tired of being pushed! You tell them that this generation is guilty of nothing! You wolves in sheeps clothing, tell your people that their days of implying guilt where there is none are OVER!

Boo fucking Hoo be a man about it you fucking whining baby.

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