Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Two of the dumbest ideas ever in the history of mankind:

1. Allow Mexicans to flood into your country

2. Allow Muslims to come into your country.
Actually number one is - allow whites in.

Sooo, immigration is good for browns, but bad for whites?
Whites have a bad habit of - taking over and slaughtering everyone else.
Whites have a bad habit of - taking over and slaughtering everyone else.

Only whites?

How far back in history do you want to go?




Or are you only talking about the US?

It only bothers him when whites do it.
Being white that makes sense (that I am not about to point the finger at - other races).
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.
I'll alter the - Amish.
Gee, all 1/4 million of them?
I wasn't aware that numbers mattered? How many radical Jihadists is too many?
Numbers do matter in such circumstances. When a separate culture grows to the point of challenging the original culture you're going to have problems. Europe is just starting to learn this.
I can't what to hear, what was the original culture of Europe (and the US)?
The US is the exception, it has always been evolving, from day one. In Europe the French had a distinct culture as did the Germans, Poles, Italians, Hungarians etc.
I can't what to hear, what was the original culture of Europe (and the US)?

What do you think you are doing with that stupid question?
Requiring you to think (for once).

Nice vague answer that did not actually answer the question.

You did mange to work in an insult.

Dodging and insulting instead of actually answering the question.

Man, when you started to think about how to explain the point you were trying to make, it must have sounded really fucking stupid considering the way you are now running from it.
You were asked a question. And you have no answer. Run away now.

Your question was far to simple for a vastly complex issue, and I speak as someone very good at simplifying complex issues.

This should help you.

Culture of the United States - Wikipedia

So, what was your alleged point you were going to make?
You seem to think that America (and Europe) started when the first white dudes stopped for a piss? Didn't happen that way.
Liberals really believe they can fix the way browns and blacks behave
We can fix most whites so, what's the problem?

Doesn't matter, you lefties like the status quo. Any attempt to fix anything is met with massive resistance.
Massive resilience from the right (who wants to turn back the clock and live in the past).

Don't be silly.

You asked what the problem was, when you know that you don't care what the problem is, because the horrible result, ie massive social dysfunction, serves your agenda and so, YOU LIKE THE PROBLEM.

You have a vested interest IN the problem, and will actively work to protect and inflame the problem.
In a nation where I can't get morons like you to assimilate the Muslims (and Amish) are low on the list.


The political resistance of the Right, is more on a concern for you than Muslim terrorism that kills your fellow citizens.

That was the point I was trying to make.

I admit I am surprised that you just, made that point yourself.

I thought you would deny it, because it reveals you to be a vile monster.

But, uh, Thanks.

So, now what?
Two of the dumbest ideas ever in the history of mankind:

1. Allow Mexicans to flood into your country

2. Allow Muslims to come into your country.
Actually number one is - allow whites in.

Sooo, immigration is good for browns, but bad for whites?
Whites have a bad habit of - taking over and slaughtering everyone else.

Tell that to the dead in London.
Being European (therefore much smarter than Americans) they likely knew.
What do you think you are doing with that stupid question?
Requiring you to think (for once).

Nice vague answer that did not actually answer the question.

You did mange to work in an insult.

Dodging and insulting instead of actually answering the question.

Man, when you started to think about how to explain the point you were trying to make, it must have sounded really fucking stupid considering the way you are now running from it.
You were asked a question. And you have no answer. Run away now.

Your question was far to simple for a vastly complex issue, and I speak as someone very good at simplifying complex issues.

This should help you.

Culture of the United States - Wikipedia

So, what was your alleged point you were going to make?
You seem to think that America (and Europe) started when the first white dudes stopped for a piss? Didn't happen that way.

And that was part of the flaw of your question. If you are discussing a change, the situation before the Change is part of the discussion.

The fact that that previous situation was not some sort of pure Eternal State that dates back to Genesis, does not mean that it was not a beginning state for the people that lived there and that they could not A. value their culture and heritage, and B have the Right to work to preserve it.
We can fix most whites so, what's the problem?

Doesn't matter, you lefties like the status quo. Any attempt to fix anything is met with massive resistance.
Massive resilience from the right (who wants to turn back the clock and live in the past).

Don't be silly.

You asked what the problem was, when you know that you don't care what the problem is, because the horrible result, ie massive social dysfunction, serves your agenda and so, YOU LIKE THE PROBLEM.

You have a vested interest IN the problem, and will actively work to protect and inflame the problem.
In a nation where I can't get morons like you to assimilate the Muslims (and Amish) are low on the list.


The political resistance of the Right, is more on a concern for you than Muslim terrorism that kills your fellow citizens.

That was the point I was trying to make.

I admit I am surprised that you just, made that point yourself.

I thought you would deny it, because it reveals you to be a vile monster.

But, uh, Thanks.

So, now what?
The American Taliban (you) will no more assimilate than the real Taliban. Your kind vastly outnumbers them but they should be my big concern? Unlike you - I can do math.
Two of the dumbest ideas ever in the history of mankind:

1. Allow Mexicans to flood into your country

2. Allow Muslims to come into your country.
Actually number one is - allow whites in.

Sooo, immigration is good for browns, but bad for whites?
Whites have a bad habit of - taking over and slaughtering everyone else.

Tell that to the dead in London.
Being European (therefore much smarter than Americans) they likely knew.

I agree, I bet they did "know" that, and that was part of the reason that they keep voting in assholes that flooded their nation with hostile aliens that killed and maimed them.
Requiring you to think (for once).

Nice vague answer that did not actually answer the question.

You did mange to work in an insult.

Dodging and insulting instead of actually answering the question.

Man, when you started to think about how to explain the point you were trying to make, it must have sounded really fucking stupid considering the way you are now running from it.
You were asked a question. And you have no answer. Run away now.

Your question was far to simple for a vastly complex issue, and I speak as someone very good at simplifying complex issues.

This should help you.

Culture of the United States - Wikipedia

So, what was your alleged point you were going to make?
You seem to think that America (and Europe) started when the first white dudes stopped for a piss? Didn't happen that way.

And that was part of the flaw of your question. If you are discussing a change, the situation before the Change is part of the discussion.

The fact that that previous situation was not some sort of pure Eternal State that dates back to Genesis, does not mean that it was not a beginning state for the people that lived there and that they could not A. value their culture and heritage, and B have the Right to work to preserve it.
You and I can't agree that the sky is blue and you think we have a shared culture? Ah, no.
Doesn't matter, you lefties like the status quo. Any attempt to fix anything is met with massive resistance.
Massive resilience from the right (who wants to turn back the clock and live in the past).

Don't be silly.

You asked what the problem was, when you know that you don't care what the problem is, because the horrible result, ie massive social dysfunction, serves your agenda and so, YOU LIKE THE PROBLEM.

You have a vested interest IN the problem, and will actively work to protect and inflame the problem.
In a nation where I can't get morons like you to assimilate the Muslims (and Amish) are low on the list.


The political resistance of the Right, is more on a concern for you than Muslim terrorism that kills your fellow citizens.

That was the point I was trying to make.

I admit I am surprised that you just, made that point yourself.

I thought you would deny it, because it reveals you to be a vile monster.

But, uh, Thanks.

So, now what?
The American Taliban (you) will no more assimilate than the real Taliban. Your kind vastly outnumbers them but they should be my big concern? Unlike you - I can do math.

"My kind" aren't killing you and yours.

But we are resisting your political agenda.

And you consider that more of a problem than the deaths of your fellow citizens.

Which leads us back to you just being a vile monster.

Actually number one is - allow whites in.

World history - not racism.

No, you specifically targeted a race. That pretty well make you a racist.
When speaking of race one tends to mention - race.

Then that pretty well makes you a racist.

Better turn in your card for the Moon Bat Club. They claim not to like racism.
Actually number one is - allow whites in.

Sooo, immigration is good for browns, but bad for whites?
Whites have a bad habit of - taking over and slaughtering everyone else.

Tell that to the dead in London.
Being European (therefore much smarter than Americans) they likely knew.

I agree, I bet they did "know" that, and that was part of the reason that they keep voting in assholes that flooded their nation with hostile aliens that killed and maimed them.
Your desire (to shut the barn doors after all the horses ran away) is noted and rejected. Their mentality needs to be fixed (as does yours). You aren't assimilated - you can't even deal with equals rights for gay people who look and sound just like you do.
How many innocent citizens must DIE horrible deaths so the left can feel warm and cozy about letting radicalized terrorists live among us?

Seriously pick a number, how many must die before even the radical left say enough is enough secure the borders?
Nice vague answer that did not actually answer the question.

You did mange to work in an insult.

Dodging and insulting instead of actually answering the question.

Man, when you started to think about how to explain the point you were trying to make, it must have sounded really fucking stupid considering the way you are now running from it.
You were asked a question. And you have no answer. Run away now.

Your question was far to simple for a vastly complex issue, and I speak as someone very good at simplifying complex issues.

This should help you.

Culture of the United States - Wikipedia

So, what was your alleged point you were going to make?
You seem to think that America (and Europe) started when the first white dudes stopped for a piss? Didn't happen that way.

And that was part of the flaw of your question. If you are discussing a change, the situation before the Change is part of the discussion.

The fact that that previous situation was not some sort of pure Eternal State that dates back to Genesis, does not mean that it was not a beginning state for the people that lived there and that they could not A. value their culture and heritage, and B have the Right to work to preserve it.
You and I can't agree that the sky is blue and you think we have a shared culture? Ah, no.

Disagreeing with someone doesn't mean you are not part of a shared culture.

Do you fit into the framework described in the link? Then we are both Americans.

You are trying to deny that, because you don't want to defend the changes you want based on their merits,

Because you CAN'T.

Because your bullshit is killing people, as per the OP.

Which is why you are spending so much time attacking people personally, instead of defending your political policies and agenda.

ie Multiculturalism.
Why is the radical left okay with American citizens getting their limbs blown off and shot dead by radical Muslims? These libs are blood thirsty, American citizens are nothing more than cannon fodder apparently.
Two of the dumbest ideas ever in the history of mankind:

1. Allow Mexicans to flood into your country

2. Allow Muslims to come into your country.
Actually number one is - allow whites in.

Sooo, immigration is good for browns, but bad for whites?
Whites have a bad habit of - taking over and slaughtering everyone else.
Whites have a bad habit of - taking over and slaughtering everyone else.

Only whites?

How far back in history do you want to go?




Or are you only talking about the US?

It only bothers him when whites do it.
The problem is that you put your "Whiteness" above your Americanism. To you, anyone who doesn't meet the requisite racial social construct called "Whiteness," that person of color is deemed to be less American than you. Yet, as you exemplify, being "White" is no guarantee that one wrapped in it will be a
genius or a person of unquestionable character. All too often the opposite is true. The exceptionalism that you claim for Whiteness does not belong to all of you. Most White people have done nothing to warrant praise for what a few exceptional Whites have done.Much of that praise belongs to exceptional Americans of all colors...from the distant past as well as the present.

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