'Instead of Gaza' | How should we name the new city?

Do you like Arab nationalism? How about Christian nationalism or Black nationalism?

Arab nationalism is rare, the mainstream is more Arab imperialism.
Christian and Black nationalism are misnomers.

Isn't "Free Palestine" for Arab imperialism?
Arab nationalism is rare, the mainstream is more Arab imperialism.
Christian and Black nationalism are misnomers.

Isn't "Free Palestine" for Arab imperialism?
“Free Palestine” means wipe Israel out to sea, as in ”from the river to the sea.”
“Free Palestine” means wipe Israel out to sea, as in ”from the river to the sea.”

And what is the result of that?

"Free Bhalestine" is a much broader demand for exclusive Arab domination,
over the entire Middle East and North Africa - decoy for Arab imperialism.

Your so-called “adult” Arabs can’t control the Palestinians. Every nation that accepted any attempt to control or assimilate them has been destabilized by the man on the street Palestinian. The Palestinian’s core beliefs are that Israel stole their land, and are evil sub-human murderers. The only solution the Palestinians see to Israel is the extermination of ALL jews, not just Israelis, but ALL Jews.
And, what do you propose? The Arab countries don't want them anymore. They can't peacefully co-exist with Israel. What is the solution?

BTW, all those Arabs that are Israeli citizens and comprise roughly 30% of the Israeli population are 'Palestinians'?
The only reason the blockade happened was that the Palestinians used their easy access to Israel to commit terrorist murders. So the Israelis blocked off their access. Then they used the international aid supplies to build fortifications, tunnels and bombardment rockets to kill Israeli civilians.
And this blockade hasn't worked out so well, has it?
And, what do you propose? The Arab countries don't want them anymore. They can't peacefully co-exist with Israel. What is the solution?
De-radicalization under strict and constant supervision for a generation or three.
De-radicalization under strict and constant supervision for a generation or three.
In other words, political autonomy (de facto a sovereign state); with Israel, or some international body with Israeli participation, having a leverage over security matters in this 'autonomy'. And of course, lifting all restrictions for movement of people and goods in and out of Gaza (here, Israel can keep its borders closed). Agree completely.
In other words, political autonomy (de facto a sovereign state); with Israel, or some international body with Israeli participation, having a leverage over security matters in this 'autonomy'. And of course, lifting all restrictions for movement of people and goods in and out of Gaza (here, Israel can keep its borders closed). Agree completely.
Meh. I'm not sure that is exactly what I meant.
The Arab countries won't accept an Israeli direct political control over Gaza.
The Arab countries won’t take in Palestinians.

Why the fuck would they give a shit if Israel controls that little strip of land?
The Arab countries won’t take in Palestinians.

Why the fuck would they give a shit if Israel controls that little strip of land?
They should take into account the 'Arab street' sentiments. They can't accept their rivals in the region - Turkey and Iran - being more 'pro-Palestine' than they are. They can't lose face.
The Arab countries won't accept an Israeli direct political control over Gaza.
By "won't accept" you mean, what? That they will pull a 1948, 1967, or 1973 and use military might to take Gaza from Israel? Or do you mean that they will whine and complain in the UN and continue to write resolutions against Israel?
We REALLY need a thread on what constitutes antisemitism. I see the very people who fight against racism, knowing bigotry is wrong, revealing their own bigotry against Jews - via their language and their application of double standards.

Social justice ideology and hypocrisy are inextricably linked.

Not satisfied with a racially blind society, the fashionable idea of equity over equality mandates that one group must be given preference over another in redress of past grievances, real or imagined.

Successful minorities must be subjugated to the less successful and Jews, seen as too Western to be ethnic, will be seen as colonizers even in their own lands.
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I think that to you everything meets the definition of antisemitism, including no tongue while kissing Jewish ass.

None of that until you've brushed those dirty teeth and taken your shots.

Folks like you are just rife with disease.
Dr. Kedar's vision of Emirates is making a comeback...

As a transitional stage, maybe, it depends on
the return of the Jewish community -
won't last without them.


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