"Investigation ... as stupid as anything I've seen the left try"

Why would any foreign country hack Hillary's emails when she was such an efficient and laudable Secretary of State? She had such a great rapport with them! All of those emails revealed what a criminal she was and what colleagues thought of her...which was devastating.

I love the fact that the DNC never denied those emails were accurate, just that some foreign entity hacked them. It probably was an inside job due to the fact that a DNC manager was strangely mugged and murdered and nothing of value was taken.

A DNC manager was mugged and murdered? You got a credible link to that?

At 4:19 a.m., police patrolling nearby responded to the sound of gunfire in Bloomingdale and found Rich lying mortally wounded at a dark intersection a block and a half from a red-brick row house he shared with friends. He had multiple gunshot wounds in his back. About an hour and 40 minutes later, he died at a local hospital. Police have declined to say whether he was able to describe his assailants.

The cops suspected Rich was a victim of an attempted robbery, one of many that plague the neighborhood. Strangely, however, they found his wallet, credit cards and cellphone on his body. The band of his wristwatch was torn but not broken.

Seth Rich, a normally upbeat and much-loved 27-year-old computer-voting specialist at the DNC, was murdered in July near Bloomingdale, a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood in a once-blighted area of Washington, D.C.SETH RICH

allegation in Sweden, announced he was offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction in the Rich case. He hinted darkly that the slain man had been a source in his organization's recent publication of 30,000 internal DNC emails. The fallout from that embarrassment had led to the firing of several top Democratic Party officials.

Inside the killing of DNC staffer Seth Rich
Assange is a proven thief and liar. Repeating anything he says is not credible proof.
Why would any foreign country hack Hillary's emails when she was such an efficient and laudable Secretary of State? She had such a great rapport with them! All of those emails revealed what a criminal she was and what colleagues thought of her...which was devastating.

I love the fact that the DNC never denied those emails were accurate, just that some foreign entity hacked them. It probably was an inside job due to the fact that a DNC manager was strangely mugged and murdered and nothing of value was taken.

A DNC manager was mugged and murdered? You got a credible link to that?

At 4:19 a.m., police patrolling nearby responded to the sound of gunfire in Bloomingdale and found Rich lying mortally wounded at a dark intersection a block and a half from a red-brick row house he shared with friends. He had multiple gunshot wounds in his back. About an hour and 40 minutes later, he died at a local hospital. Police have declined to say whether he was able to describe his assailants.

The cops suspected Rich was a victim of an attempted robbery, one of many that plague the neighborhood. Strangely, however, they found his wallet, credit cards and cellphone on his body. The band of his wristwatch was torn but not broken.

Seth Rich, a normally upbeat and much-loved 27-year-old computer-voting specialist at the DNC, was murdered in July near Bloomingdale, a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood in a once-blighted area of Washington, D.C.SETH RICH

allegation in Sweden, announced he was offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction in the Rich case. He hinted darkly that the slain man had been a source in his organization's recent publication of 30,000 internal DNC emails. The fallout from that embarrassment had led to the firing of several top Democratic Party officials.

Inside the killing of DNC staffer Seth Rich
Assange is a proven thief and liar. Repeating anything he says is not credible proof.
Julian Assange is a hero. He arranged for all of us to see what was going on in the DNC. The truth was leaked out!
Gingrinch and the right seems to be missing the point of the leftist actions, deeds and words..It's as plain as the 22th amendment on your face...
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Monday that calls for an investigation of claims Russian government actors intervened in the U.S. election were "as stupid as anything I've seen the left try."

"Think about it. Barack Obama’s now saying that his administration was so incompetent that they stood around sucking their thumb while the Russians snuck in and hacked into an American election because of the utter incompetence of the Obama defense system," Gingrich told Fox News' Sean Hannity on 'Hannity'. "Now, I don’t know why one would want to go make that case."

Gingrich went onto say that he did not believe the claims of Russian hacking had any effect on the outcome of the election.

"I don’t believe that the Russians carried Pennsylvania. I think Donald Trump did," the former Speaker said. "I don’t think that the Russians carried Wisconsin ... I don’t think the Russians carried Michigan. Donald Trump did. The problem the left has is they cannot come to grips with the reality that the American people are turning against them, that the American people defeated them, and frankly, if the election were held today, the margin would be even bigger."

Gingrich contrasted the furor over the CIA assessment of Russian interference in the campaign with the coverage of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's email scandal.

"What it does is it trivializes the serious. There were really serious security problems. There would normally be, I think, jail time for things on this scale," he said. "But I think it’s ironic that the New York Times and the Washington Post, they can’t cover the things that are real, so they have to make up junk in order to hide behind the noise."

Gingrich: Furor over CIA report on Russian election meddling 'stupid'


What he said.

Well, golly...if a fat ass Repug lump of shit like Gingrich said this then it must be true.

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