Investigation confirms Obama funded Al Qaeda with US Tax Dollars.

We have done this at least starting with Reagan.
Reagan funded Al Qaeda?....from the grave I guess.... :abgg2q.jpg:

When Reagan wanted to start the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan, to cost the Soviets in defense spending, he funded the Arab foreign legion, that was even then called, "al Qaeda".
The meaning of "al Qaeda" is "home base", which is how the Arab foreign legion was able to ask directions to their home base of the Mujahedeen if they got lost, They could not speak Pashto.
We have done this at least starting with Reagan.
Reagan funded Al Qaeda?....from the grave I guess.... :abgg2q.jpg:

Yes. Reagan funded them. You know this though.

They weren't even formed until 1988, Stupid. Do you know what years Reagan was President, Dummy?

Al-Qaeda (/ælˈkaɪdə, ˌælkɑːˈiːdə/; Arabic: القاعدة‎ al-Qāʿidah, IPA: [ælqɑːʕɪdɐ], translation: "The Base", "The Foundation", alternatively spelled al-Qaida and al-Qa'ida) is a militant Sunni Islamist multi-national organization founded in 1988[

OK sorry, at least since Carter.

How the U.S. Created Al-Qaeda
Keep digging. :dig:

When were they declared an anti-American terrorist group?

Watch this.............

We funded them. We helped create them. I provided verification for that. These kinds of things always blow up in our faces.
No. The only President to fund the Anti-America terrorist group Al Qeada is Barry HUSSEIN.

That is a fact. Deal with it.

We have been funding and supporting them since Carter.
Hey stupid, I showed you Al Qeada was formed in 1988. Do you know what years Carter was President?

Man, you are really stupid.

How the U.S. Created Al-Qaeda

Did you even read your own link?

"The Mujahideen, whose name roughly translates to “one engaged in Jihad”, went on to evolve into al-Qaeda, the group infamous for perpetrating the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon which killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000."



Al-Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.


They are two very different organizations,
I already tried to educate the moron on that fact.

Didn't take.
We have done this at least starting with Reagan.
Reagan funded Al Qaeda?....from the grave I guess.... :abgg2q.jpg:

Yes. Reagan funded them. You know this though.


It was The Mujahideen he funded in support of their fight against the commie USSR

The reagan administration during this time also traded arms for hostages, illegally funded a terrorist group Nicaragua, and had a cozy relationship with one Saddam Hussein of Iraq.
Totally unrelated to Barry Hussein funding Al Qdada, Halfwit.
Speaking of state sponsored terrorism and the trump regime...donny has sucked up the Russia (never speaking against their international poison team), given cover to the Saudi prince and his murder in American land of a state critic, played big letter buddies with north korea midget leader Kim and seems to like his Turkish dictator for property management.
All you can bring is Dimwit talking points bullshit.

WTF does any of you deflection have to do with Barry Hussein funding Al Qeada, Simoleton?
Al-Qaeda began as a logistical network to support Muslims fighting against the Soviet Union during the Afghan War;

members were recruited throughout the Islamic world. When the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989, the organization dispersed but continued to oppose what its leaders considered corrupt Islamic regimes and foreign (i.e., U.S.) presence in Islamic lands. Based in Sudan for a period in the early 1990s, the group eventually reestablished its headquarters in Afghanistan (c. 1996) under the patronage of the Taliban militia.”
What a disgusting America hating asswipe Barry is.

Whose Barry?
Your Barry.

Okay, I don't have a Barry.

Maybe you're thinking of all those Barry Manilow albums that you cry yourself to sleep too.

Barry Soetoro. The same guy who ate dog meat when he was a kid, sucked men's dicks for crack cocaine, sold drugs when he was in college, and whose mother posed for softcore porn pictures.

Try to keep up.
I don't know anything about a Barry Soetoro.

Is he a guy in your neighborhood or your scout leader?
Thanks for announcing your ignorance, Dummy.
We have done this at least starting with Reagan.
Reagan funded Al Qaeda?....from the grave I guess.... :abgg2q.jpg:

Yes. Reagan funded them. You know this though.

They weren't even formed until 1988, Stupid. Do you know what years Reagan was President, Dummy?

Al-Qaeda (/ælˈkaɪdə, ˌælkɑːˈiːdə/; Arabic: القاعدة‎ al-Qāʿidah, IPA: [ælqɑːʕɪdɐ], translation: "The Base", "The Foundation", alternatively spelled al-Qaida and al-Qa'ida) is a militant Sunni Islamist multi-national organization founded in 1988[

OK sorry, at least since Carter.

How the U.S. Created Al-Qaeda
Keep digging. :dig:

When were they declared an anti-American terrorist group?

Watch this.............

We funded them. We helped create them. I provided verification for that. These kinds of things always blow up in our faces.
No. The only President to fund the Anti-America terrorist group Al Qeada is Barry HUSSEIN.

That is a fact. Deal with it.

We have been funding and supporting them since Carter.
Hey stupid, I showed you Al Qeada was formed in 1988. Do you know what years Carter was President?

Man, you are really stupid.

How the U.S. Created Al-Qaeda

Did you even read your own link?

"The Mujahideen, whose name roughly translates to “one engaged in Jihad”, went on to evolve into al-Qaeda, the group infamous for perpetrating the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon which killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000."



Al-Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.


They are two very different organizations,

All of it is all the same organization. This is why the country is in such lousy shape.

You are hilarious, I gave you the evidence that they are two SEPARATE organizations.

Al-Qaeda didn't exist until 1988 when Bin Laden created it, the word itself doesn't exist before 1988, there is ZERO evidence that the first group became another group, it is true that some of the members the first group became members of the second group, but that doesn't mean the two separate groups are the same one, it just means the second group gained members from OTHER groups at the time.
Al-Qaeda began as a logistical network to support Muslims fighting against the Soviet Union during the Afghan War;

members were recruited throughout the Islamic world. When the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989, the organization dispersed but continued to oppose what its leaders considered corrupt Islamic regimes and foreign (i.e., U.S.) presence in Islamic lands. Based in Sudan for a period in the early 1990s, the group eventually reestablished its headquarters in Afghanistan (c. 1996) under the patronage of the Taliban militia.”

From YOUR link:

, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.

You fail to understand the meaning of the words here. Al-Qaeda by name didn't exist until 1988.
The profound ultra-partisan ignorance of Nostra, JGalt, Rambunctious and other lightweights like them is shown by the Brittanica article I quoted above.

It and the Wiki articles on this period are pro-U.S. and viciously anti-Soviet in their overall view, yet still reveal something of the truth about the utterly reactionary character of the U.S role in Afghanistan in the period ... to a careful, thoughtful, informed and truly objective reader.
We have done this at least starting with Reagan.
Reagan funded Al Qaeda?....from the grave I guess.... :abgg2q.jpg:

Yes. Reagan funded them. You know this though.

They weren't even formed until 1988, Stupid. Do you know what years Reagan was President, Dummy?

Al-Qaeda (/ælˈkaɪdə, ˌælkɑːˈiːdə/; Arabic: القاعدة‎ al-Qāʿidah, IPA: [ælqɑːʕɪdɐ], translation: "The Base", "The Foundation", alternatively spelled al-Qaida and al-Qa'ida) is a militant Sunni Islamist multi-national organization founded in 1988[

OK sorry, at least since Carter.

How the U.S. Created Al-Qaeda
Keep digging. :dig:

When were they declared an anti-American terrorist group?

Watch this.............

We funded them. We helped create them. I provided verification for that. These kinds of things always blow up in our faces.
No. The only President to fund the Anti-America terrorist group Al Qeada is Barry HUSSEIN.

That is a fact. Deal with it.

We have been funding and supporting them since Carter.
Hey stupid, I showed you Al Qeada was formed in 1988. Do you know what years Carter was President?

Man, you are really stupid.

How the U.S. Created Al-Qaeda

Did you even read your own link?

"The Mujahideen, whose name roughly translates to “one engaged in Jihad”, went on to evolve into al-Qaeda, the group infamous for perpetrating the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon which killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000."



Al-Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.


They are two very different organizations,

All of it is all the same organization. This is why the country is in such lousy shape.
Democrats formed the KKK. Using your logic you are a member of the KKK.
The profound ultra-partisan ignorance of Nostra, JGalt, Rambunctious and other lightweights like them is shown by the Brittanica article I quoted above.

It and the Wiki articles on this period are pro-U.S. and viciously anti-Soviet in their overall view, yet still reveal something of the truth about the utterly reactionary character of the U.S role in Afghanistan in the period ... to a careful, thoughtful, informed and truly objective reader.

Don't be an ass, YOUR own link STARTED with this specific statement:

Al-Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.

That is from YOUR LINK!
The profound ultra-partisan ignorance of Nostra, JGalt, Rambunctious and other lightweights like them is shown by the Brittanica article I quoted above.

It and the Wiki articles on this period are pro-U.S. and viciously anti-Soviet in their overall view, yet still reveal something of the truth about the utterly reactionary character of the U.S role in Afghanistan in the period ... to a careful, thoughtful, informed and truly objective reader.

Don't be an ass, YOUR own link STARTED with this specific statement:

Al-Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.

That is from YOUR LINK!
You just want to reduce all my clearly expressed views about the disgraceful and reactionary U.S. role arming and financing the Mujahideen and Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan with stinger missiles and billions in arms .... to a quibble about names of terrorist Sunni Arab fundamentalist organizations. I could care less about your partisan nitpicking or your childish name-calling.

The killing of female school teachers and nurses, the blowing up of schools and technical colleges, the whole reactionary rebellion against city-educated “intellectuals” in Afghanistan was started under Carter & expanded dramatically under Reagan. The Mujahadeen / binLaden Arab terrorist alliance was a reactionary proxy war of the U.S. CIA and the Saudi royals against the USSR that morphed into a Taliban / Al Queda alliance — which brought down the Twin Towers in passing. The ISIS and ISIS-type organizations that grew up in Iraq and Syria were products of policy errors committed by both Democrats and Republicans, in both Congress and the White House. The phony “War on Terror” in the Middle East, Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq, Obama’s mistakes in Libya & Syria, and Trump’s tearing up the JCPOA and adopting an extreme pro-Sunni policy supporting the Saudi butcher MbS in his war in Yemen ... all grow out of the U.S. determination to control the world, which requires U.S. control of Middle East oil.

Last edited:
We have done this at least starting with Reagan.
Reagan funded Al Qaeda?....from the grave I guess.... :abgg2q.jpg:

Yes. Reagan funded them. You know this though.

They weren't even formed until 1988, Stupid. Do you know what years Reagan was President, Dummy?

Al-Qaeda (/ælˈkaɪdə, ˌælkɑːˈiːdə/; Arabic: القاعدة‎ al-Qāʿidah, IPA: [ælqɑːʕɪdɐ], translation: "The Base", "The Foundation", alternatively spelled al-Qaida and al-Qa'ida) is a militant Sunni Islamist multi-national organization founded in 1988[

OK sorry, at least since Carter.

How the U.S. Created Al-Qaeda
Keep digging. :dig:

When were they declared an anti-American terrorist group?

Watch this.............

We funded them. We helped create them. I provided verification for that. These kinds of things always blow up in our faces.
No. The only President to fund the Anti-America terrorist group Al Qeada is Barry HUSSEIN.

That is a fact. Deal with it.

We have been funding and supporting them since Carter.
Hey stupid, I showed you Al Qeada was formed in 1988. Do you know what years Carter was President?

Man, you are really stupid.

How the U.S. Created Al-Qaeda

Did you even read your own link?

"The Mujahideen, whose name roughly translates to “one engaged in Jihad”, went on to evolve into al-Qaeda, the group infamous for perpetrating the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon which killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000."



Al-Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.


They are two very different organizations,

All of it is all the same organization. This is why the country is in such lousy shape.
Democrats formed the KKK. Using your logic you are a member of the KKK.

Only in looney world.
We have done this at least starting with Reagan.
Reagan funded Al Qaeda?....from the grave I guess.... :abgg2q.jpg:

Yes. Reagan funded them. You know this though.

They weren't even formed until 1988, Stupid. Do you know what years Reagan was President, Dummy?

Al-Qaeda (/ælˈkaɪdə, ˌælkɑːˈiːdə/; Arabic: القاعدة‎ al-Qāʿidah, IPA: [ælqɑːʕɪdɐ], translation: "The Base", "The Foundation", alternatively spelled al-Qaida and al-Qa'ida) is a militant Sunni Islamist multi-national organization founded in 1988[

OK sorry, at least since Carter.

How the U.S. Created Al-Qaeda
Keep digging. :dig:

When were they declared an anti-American terrorist group?

Watch this.............

We funded them. We helped create them. I provided verification for that. These kinds of things always blow up in our faces.
No. The only President to fund the Anti-America terrorist group Al Qeada is Barry HUSSEIN.

That is a fact. Deal with it.

We have been funding and supporting them since Carter.
Hey stupid, I showed you Al Qeada was formed in 1988. Do you know what years Carter was President?

Man, you are really stupid.

How the U.S. Created Al-Qaeda

Did you even read your own link?

"The Mujahideen, whose name roughly translates to “one engaged in Jihad”, went on to evolve into al-Qaeda, the group infamous for perpetrating the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon which killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000."



Al-Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.


They are two very different organizations,

All of it is all the same organization. This is why the country is in such lousy shape.
Democrats formed the KKK. Using your logic you are a member of the KKK.

Only in looney world.
Correct. Your logic comes straight from looney world.
glad we can agree on that.
The profound ultra-partisan ignorance of Nostra, JGalt, Rambunctious and other lightweights like them is shown by the Brittanica article I quoted above.

It and the Wiki articles on this period are pro-U.S. and viciously anti-Soviet in their overall view, yet still reveal something of the truth about the utterly reactionary character of the U.S role in Afghanistan in the period ... to a careful, thoughtful, informed and truly objective reader.

Don't be an ass, YOUR own link STARTED with this specific statement:

Al-Qaeda, Arabic al-Qāʿidah (“the Base”), broad-based militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s.

That is from YOUR LINK!
You just want to reduce all my clearly expressed views about the disgraceful and reactionary U.S. role arming and financing the Mujahideen and Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan with stinger missiles and billions in arms .... to a quibble about names of terrorist Sunni Arab fundamentalist organizations. I could care less about your partisan nitpicking or your childish name-calling.

The killing of female school teachers and nurses, the blowing up of schools and technical colleges, the whole reactionary rebellion against city-educated “intellectuals” in Afghanistan was started under Carter & expanded dramatically under Reagan. The Mujahadeen / binLaden Arab terrorist alliance was a reactionary proxy war of the U.S. CIA and the Saudi royals against the USSR that morphed into a Taliban / Al Queda alliance — which brought down the Twin Towers in passing. The ISIS and ISIS-type organizations that grew up in Iraq and Syria were products of policy errors committed by both Democrats and Republicans, in both Congress and the White House. The phony “War on Terror” in the Middle East, Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq, Obama’s mistakes in Libya & Syria, and Trump’s tearing up the JCPOA and adopting an extreme pro-Sunni policy supporting the Saudi butcher MbS in his war in Yemen ... all grow out of the U.S. determination to control the world, which requires U.S. control of Middle East oil.


Ha ha ha......, your surrender is accepted.

Meanwhile I happen to know a bit about the role of the U.S. meddling in other countries, often with unintended results.

America is a paranoid nation spending obscene amounts of money on the military to maintain their unwarranted police posture around the world.
So juvenile, Sunsettommy.

... and the U.S. has been an active promoter of Islamic terrorists in civil war under Democratic and Republican administrations, as in Afghanistan in the Carter and Reagan Administrations, as in Syria under Obama (with Republican support) against Assad, etc.

Can you be specific? Anybody can make general statements praising themselves, as for example: “I happen to know a bit about the role of the U.S. meddling in other countries, often with unintended results.”

Lastly, I don’t give a damn about partisan crap about how one party is supposedly better than the other one, because on international questions they have all been almost identical in practice ... for generations. So where’s your beef?
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I marched against and physically fought with supporters of Reagan-backed Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, among whom of course were prominent Arab fighters like BinLaden. The Soviets were supporting the right side in that civil war. Had the U.S. (starting with Carter) not supported the Mujahadeen, the Mujahadeen and Osama binLaden would have been defeated back then, much to the betterment of the entire region. Similarly, around the same time I also fought against the many Iranian Khomeini supporters on college campuses. That was in the early period before and just after he took power when Khomeini was still seen as a revolutionary anti-imperialist anti-Shah progressive by many. I recall defending campus meetings where Muslim women who had torn off their veils tried to speak about the danger posed by all these crazy Muslim fundamentalists.

Democrats, Republicans, even liberal feminists were too anti-Soviet to see what was at stake then in Afghanistan. The U.S. shamefully boycotted the Olympics over this supposed “Soviet aggression.” The Soviets never wanted to invade. But the Soviet republics bordering Afghanistan and the Soviet Red Army were filled with Uzbeks, Tadzhiks and other nationals whose grandmothers had worn veils and who spoke the tongues and understood something about what was at stake in Afghanistan. The whole war was a mess alright, but more schools were built, more progress made, in that period ... than in any time afterward. U.S. support for the Mujahideen was a disgrace!

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Looks a little like backstage at the Zappa concert.

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