Iran: Lets Clear Things Up

Blake Allyn

VIP Member
Mar 17, 2017
In 1953 US overthows democratically elected leader of Iran to maintain oil profits.
From then till 1979, US supports murderous Shah who kills tens of thousands incuding the most hideous form of torture you can imagine.

Then US enocurages their ally Sadaam Hussein to invade Iran, supporting him with weapons while he kills half a million Iranianas. When Hussein uses chemical weapons against Iranians during that war US blocks UN from condemning, even denying Hussein has such weapons even though they were given to Iraq in part from the US.

US shoots down Iranian passenger jet and refuses to apologize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. By my count US is complicit in killing nearly one million Iranians.

US then invades Iraq overthrowing old friend Sadaam leading to massive instability on Iranian border and bringing terrorists to their doorstep and refugees.

After 9/11 Iran gives key intelligence to US about terorrists leading to arrests of mostly Saudi(US ally) terrorists.

Iran Offers full peace offer to Bush Admin which is flatly rejected.

On behalf of the US, I apologize Iran.
Wow, sounds like you and Wintw belong together like 2 peas in a pod....
In 1953 US overthows democratically elected leader of Iran to maintain oil profits.
From then till 1979, US supports murderous Shah who kills tens of thousands incuding the most hideous form of torture you can imagine.

Then US enocurages their ally Sadaam Hussein to invade Iran, supporting him with weapons while he kills half a million Iranianas. When Hussein uses chemical weapons against Iranians during that war US blocks UN from condemning, even denying Hussein has such weapons even though they were given to Iraq in part from the US.

US shoots down Iranian passenger jet and refuses to apologize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. By my count US is complicit in killing nearly one million Iranians.

US then invades Iraq overthrowing old friend Sadaam leading to massive instability on Iranian border and bringing terrorists to their doorstep and refugees.

After 9/11 Iran gives key intelligence to US about terorrists leading to arrests of mostly Saudi(US ally) terrorists.

Iran Offers full peace offer to Bush Admin which is flatly rejected.

On behalf of the US, I apologize Iran.
Wow, sounds like you and Wintw belong together like 2 peas in a pod....
In 1953 US overthows democratically elected leader of Iran to maintain oil profits.
From then till 1979, US supports murderous Shah who kills tens of thousands incuding the most hideous form of torture you can imagine.

Then US enocurages their ally Sadaam Hussein to invade Iran, supporting him with weapons while he kills half a million Iranianas. When Hussein uses chemical weapons against Iranians during that war US blocks UN from condemning, even denying Hussein has such weapons even though they were given to Iraq in part from the US.

US shoots down Iranian passenger jet and refuses to apologize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. By my count US is complicit in killing nearly one million Iranians.

US then invades Iraq overthrowing old friend Sadaam leading to massive instability on Iranian border and bringing terrorists to their doorstep and refugees.

After 9/11 Iran gives key intelligence to US about terorrists leading to arrests of mostly Saudi(US ally) terrorists.

Iran Offers full peace offer to Bush Admin which is flatly rejected.

On behalf of the US, I apologize Iran.
Try a response on substance my friend. If you cant respond on substance rethink your thoughts.
Oh, but I did...
Wow, sounds like you and Wintw belong together like 2 peas in a pod....
In 1953 US overthows democratically elected leader of Iran to maintain oil profits.
From then till 1979, US supports murderous Shah who kills tens of thousands incuding the most hideous form of torture you can imagine.

Then US enocurages their ally Sadaam Hussein to invade Iran, supporting him with weapons while he kills half a million Iranianas. When Hussein uses chemical weapons against Iranians during that war US blocks UN from condemning, even denying Hussein has such weapons even though they were given to Iraq in part from the US.

US shoots down Iranian passenger jet and refuses to apologize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. By my count US is complicit in killing nearly one million Iranians.

US then invades Iraq overthrowing old friend Sadaam leading to massive instability on Iranian border and bringing terrorists to their doorstep and refugees.

After 9/11 Iran gives key intelligence to US about terorrists leading to arrests of mostly Saudi(US ally) terrorists.

Iran Offers full peace offer to Bush Admin which is flatly rejected.

On behalf of the US, I apologize Iran.
Try a response on substance my friend. If you cant respond on substance rethink your thoughts.
Oh, but I did...
Wow, sounds like you and Wintw belong together like 2 peas in a pod....
In 1953 US overthows democratically elected leader of Iran to maintain oil profits.
From then till 1979, US supports murderous Shah who kills tens of thousands incuding the most hideous form of torture you can imagine.

Then US enocurages their ally Sadaam Hussein to invade Iran, supporting him with weapons while he kills half a million Iranianas. When Hussein uses chemical weapons against Iranians during that war US blocks UN from condemning, even denying Hussein has such weapons even though they were given to Iraq in part from the US.

US shoots down Iranian passenger jet and refuses to apologize.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. By my count US is complicit in killing nearly one million Iranians.

US then invades Iraq overthrowing old friend Sadaam leading to massive instability on Iranian border and bringing terrorists to their doorstep and refugees.

After 9/11 Iran gives key intelligence to US about terorrists leading to arrests of mostly Saudi(US ally) terrorists.

Iran Offers full peace offer to Bush Admin which is flatly rejected.

On behalf of the US, I apologize Iran.
Try a response on substance my friend. If you cant respond on substance rethink your thoughts.
No. You didn't/ You know why? Its not a bi-partisan issue and thus you have no way to respond and dont even know what to think.

You simply made some odd comparison to someone I dont even know.
so whats your main complaint , i dislike 'gwb; but i am happy that he rejected this supposed 'iranian' offer of 'full peace' Blake .
so whats your main complaint , i dislike 'gwb; but i am happy that he rejected this supposed 'iranian' offer of 'full peace' Blake .
I have no complaint with you at all.

I have a complaint with killing innocdent Iranians as bi-Partisan policy for over a half of century.
you have a complaint of PAST killings of iranians then eh Blake ??
Yes, because they are made to be enemy when we are the ones killing them.

Their deaths dont bother you?

Additionally, plenty of other killings presently happening.
well , iranians have been Americas enemies since 'jimmy carter' and i'm not willing to cut them any slack because USA helped keep the Shah in power. The little i know of that [shah] time period keeping the Shah in power was in Americas interest Blake .
well , iranians have been Americas enemies since 'jimmy carter' and i'm not willing to cut them any slack because USA helped keep the Shah in power. The little i know of that [shah] time period keeping the Shah in power was in Americas interest Blake .
Ah American interests are aboce that of Iranian dead civilians? You vile bast.

And what of supporting Sadaam with chemical weapons while he murdred Iranians?
The shah was bad, cant remember what was going on in late 70-early 80s Anyone have a clear picture.
Then we sell Iran arms using the money to try and do another coup. Iran Contra Affair. Thank Reagan for M13 gang, they are now Americans.
you have a complaint of PAST killings of iranians then eh Blake ??
Yes, because they are made to be enemy when we are the ones killing them.

Their deaths dont bother you?

Additionally, plenty of other killings presently happening.

the US did not invade Iran and did not kill Iranians------The fight between Iran and Iraq has been ongoing for 1400 years. Either you are Iranian-----or know nothing about that history. As to DA SHAH----he was placed in power by Iranian Monarchists------the US did not invade back then either. Based on US and UK interests and INVESTMENTS----the US did support the Monarchists SO?
The shah was bad, cant remember what was going on in late 70-early 80s Anyone have a clear picture.

Yes-----the Shah was ruthless against his political enemies----but not quite so disgusting as was the Baathist pig---Saddam Hussein------who murdered Shiites wholesale, ----and Christians and jews and saw himself as something like DA CALIPH-----something like the Ayatoilets see themselves ----and the ISIS
BAGHDADDY nut and now ASSAD and also ERDOGAN

Da shah did LOTS for the welfare of the Iranian people in the field of education AND
liberalism ------sorta
The shah was bad, cant remember what was going on in late 70-early 80s Anyone have a clear picture.

Yes-----the Shah was ruthless against his political enemies----but not quite so disgusting as was the Baathist pig---Saddam Hussein------who murdered Shiites wholesale, ----and Christians and jews and saw himself as something like DA CALIPH-----something like the Ayatoilets see themselves ----and the ISIS
BAGHDADDY nut and now ASSAD and also ERDOGAN

Da shah did LOTS for the welfare of the Iranian people in the field of education AND
liberalism ------sorta

We gave Saddam the chemical weapons to use on Iran. You hate Iran because of Hezbollah and Israel hates Iran. Israel love the Kurds and SA and hates Assad also. They we took out Saddam under pretense for Israel and Saudi Arabia. We didn't want another twin tower nightmare and beside, lots of OIL in Iraq, is it all going as planned, a bit too slow I'm sure.
Here's an oldie but goodie from the folks at Cato.

"When Iranian revolutionaries entered the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1979 and seized 52 Americans, President Jimmy Carter dismissed reminders of America’s long intervention in Iran as “ancient history.” Carter’s point was not merely that previous U.S. policy could not excuse the hostage taking. His adjective also implied that there was nothing of value to be learned from that history. In his view, dredging up old matters was more than unhelpful; it was also dangerous, presumably because it could only serve the interests of America’s adversaries. Thus, to raise historical issues was at least unpatriotic and maybe worse.[1]

As the United States finds itself in the aftermath of another crisis in the Middle East, it is worth the risk of opprobrium to ask why there should be hostility toward America in that region. Some insight can be gained by surveying official U.S. conduct in the Middle East since the end of World War II. Acknowledged herein is a fundamental, yet deplorably overlooked, distinction between understanding and excusing. The purpose of this survey is not to pardon acts of violence against innocent people but to understand the reasons that drive people to violent political acts.[2] The stubborn and often self-serving notion that the historical record is irrelevant because political violence is inexcusable ensures that Americans will be caught in crises in the Middle East and elsewhere for many years to come."

"Ancient History": U.S. Conduct in the Middle East Since World War II and the Folly of Intervention

And the entire study.

After 70 years of broken Western promises regarding Arab independence, it should not be surprising that the West is viewed with suspicion and hostility by the populations (as opposed to some of the political regimes) of the Middle East.[3] The United States, as the heir to British imperialism in the region, has been a frequent object of suspicion. Since the end of World War II, the United States, like the European colonial powers before it, has been unable to resist becoming entangled in the region’s political conflicts. Driven by a desire to keep the vast oil reserves in hands friendly to the United States, a wish to keep out potential rivals (such as the Soviet Union), opposition to neutrality in the cold war, and domestic political considerations, the United States has compiled a record of tragedy in the Middle East. The most recent part of that record, which includes U.S. alliances with Iraq to counter Iran and then with Iran and Syria to counter Iraq, illustrates a theme that has been played in Washington for the last 45 years.

An examination of the details and consequences of that theme provides a startling object lesson in the pitfalls and conceit of an interventionist foreign policy. The two major components of the theme that are covered in this study are U.S. policy toward Iran and the relations between Israel and the Arabs. Events in which those components overlapped—development of the Carter Doctrine, the Iran-Iraq War, and the Persian Gulf War—will also be examined.

In the aftermath of the most overt and direct U.S. attempt to manage affairs in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf War, it is more important than ever to understand how the United States came to be involved in the region and the disastrous consequences of that involvement. President Bush’s willingness to sacrifice American lives to remove Iraqi forces from Kuwait, to restore the “legitimate” government of that feudal monarchy, and to create a “new world order” proceeds logically from the premises and policies of past administrations. Indeed, there is little new in Bush’s new world order, except the Soviet Union’s assistance. That may mean the new order will be far more dangerous than the old, because it will feature an activist U.S. foreign policy without the inhibitions that were formerly imposed by the superpower rivalry. That bodes ill for the people of the Middle East, as well as for the long-suffering American citizens, who will see their taxes continue to rise, their consumer economy increasingly distorted by military spending, and their blood spilled—all in the name of U.S. leadership.
Cool, someone has read some history and suddenly thinks he's capable of educating everyone else! He thinks no one else in the world is aware of the history regarding the U.S. in Iran. Of course his understanding is somewhat simplistic when it comes to the complex relationship, but hey, what does it matter? Anyone with half a brain knows the relationship extends beyond just the U.S. and Iran...

Oh and Blake, it's not your place to apologize for the whole of the United States. Get over yourself you sanctimonious skidmark.
The shah was bad, cant remember what was going on in late 70-early 80s Anyone have a clear picture.

Yes-----the Shah was ruthless against his political enemies----but not quite so disgusting as was the Baathist pig---Saddam Hussein------who murdered Shiites wholesale, ----and Christians and jews and saw himself as something like DA CALIPH-----something like the Ayatoilets see themselves ----and the ISIS
BAGHDADDY nut and now ASSAD and also ERDOGAN

Da shah did LOTS for the welfare of the Iranian people in the field of education AND
liberalism ------sorta

We gave Saddam the chemical weapons to use on Iran. You hate Iran because of Hezbollah and Israel hates Iran. Israel love the Kurds and SA and hates Assad also. They we took out Saddam under pretense for Israel and Saudi Arabia. We didn't want another twin tower nightmare and beside, lots of OIL in Iraq, is it all going as planned, a bit too slow I'm sure.

I beg to differ with you there. We gave them very little. (Well Ronnie did give him 4 billion in tax payer money but lets not count that, we rubes had to pay for that not the corporations) We sold them a lot. Our allies sold him a lot more too.

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