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Iraq is imploding. Should we lend air support or wash our hands?

Glad you admit you were wrong and you admit they are giving weapons to Islamists. And glad you have the ability to click on a link, now click on the other links and you can learn about the heavy weaponry they were providing to Islamists as well. Even moderate forces admit that most of their weapons end up in the hands of Islamists, and that they are commanded by US/Saudi intelligence to do so. US Intelligence understands Islamists make up the most effective and largest contingent of rebels and don't want our weapons going to waste. They really made a deal with the devil to take out Assad.

You are making progress yet. You are not as big of a retard as I previously thought.

Covert? Who said anything about covert ? Its been so obvious and out in the open to anyone that bothers to look into the issue it is a wonder it took Susan Rice till a couple days ago to admit it. And it was a wonder it took until September 2013 for Wash Post to admit it it was going on long before that. Business Insider did a story in Spring 2013 where unnamed US officials admitted most of the weapons the CIA have bought/transferred are going to Islamists.
CIA Weapons Going To Jihadists in Syria - Business Insider

Your own link, which I quoted!

OK, I got you, well it wasn't covert we were giving weapons to Islamists by the time the Wash Post got to it, and as the Business Insider article shows, Wash Post was about half a year late to the game on breaking that story.
Obviously there is a difference between the light arms the CIA was supplying and the anti-tank, etc. weapons which McCain and Senator Huckleberry Closetcase were pushing for.

Your article dates to last October, yet McCain has been on TV plenty of times since then complaining that Obama is not arming the rebels.
Wow. Obama has ignored all the pleas for help for over a year and now Iran is coming to Iraq's aid?

Unreal. Just unfreaking real.

Once again for the slow readers:

Iraq refused a SOFA. Look it up.

Maliki invited the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to Iraq. Why? Because he and his government are Shiites and so are the Iranians.

Obama was so hell bent for leather to bail out of Iraq he never negotiated to continue to keep a stabilizing force.

Yes the Iraq government has great ties with Iran. Of course they do. But Iraq has been begging the US since last year to please please please help them with ISIS and Levant.

Obama refused. I'm beginning to think he has a genuine hard on against Shiites.

You are very uninformed. We had no choice but to get out of Iraq. They refuse to give US soldiers immunity. If we had stayed, we would have ended up with more US prisoners in Iraq prisons.

ISIS will be beaten, oddly enough by US drones, intelligence and Iranian boots on the ground.
Once again for the slow readers:

Iraq refused a SOFA. Look it up.

Maliki invited the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to Iraq. Why? Because he and his government are Shiites and so are the Iranians.

Obama was so hell bent for leather to bail out of Iraq he never negotiated to continue to keep a stabilizing force.

Yes the Iraq government has great ties with Iran. Of course they do. But Iraq has been begging the US since last year to please please please help them with ISIS and Levant.

Obama refused. I'm beginning to think he has a genuine hard on against Shiites.

You are very uninformed. We had no choice but to get out of Iraq. They refuse to give US soldiers immunity. If we had stayed, we would have ended up with more US prisoners in Iraq prisons.

ISIS will be beaten, oddly enough by US drones, intelligence and Iranian boots on the ground.

Forgot this link...

Yeah. Obama wanted to end this war prematurely, and did. He ran on the fact that he brought the troops home in 2012. So, now he finds himself in a conundrum. Stick to his political rhetoric, or risk angering his base by helping the Iraqis.

All American military forces were mandated to withdraw from Iraqi territory by 31 December 2011 under the terms of a bilateral agreement signed in 2008 by President Bush. The last U.S. troops left Iraq on 18 December 2011.

Neither Bush nor Obama could get the Iraqis to agree to allowing our troops immunity from Iraqi laws. Therefore no extension.
If Bush and CHeney had actually listened to those generals they were so fond of referring to, they would have been told just that.

If Obama had listened to those Generals this could have been prevented. A small special ops force to continue training the Iraqi Army and provide intel to them.

I can hear Joe Biden now when Obama sent him to Iraq to ask for a status of forces agreement allowing that to happen. "You guys don't want the US to keep any troops in Iraq, do you?" "Didn't think so."

The US has kept a military presence in So Korea, Japan, and Germany after major wars. Why not Iraq, if for no other reason than to keep the price of oil stable?

But ultimately, the Iraqis did insist that a new SOFA had to go through their parliament and they would not budge on the immunities issue, which made an extension of U.S. forces there impossible, Jeffrey said. He said the insistence on immunity was uniform inside the Obama administration.

Obama?s Iraq ambassador: I wanted troops to remain in Iraq

Maybe Obama should have forced the Iraq government to go by our rules. No, he's too chickenshit! Obama caves to all muslims.
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We should do our best Pontius Pilate impersonation and wash our hand of the whole middle east.
Iraq had their say and told us to get out. We gave them what they wanted they are seeing the results.
After all the material and training we gave their army they gave up without a fight.
No more American Blood or Money should be wasted in that part of the world.
Just another prediction, when we leave Afghanistan the same thing will happen there too.
Your own link, which I quoted!

OK, I got you, well it wasn't covert we were giving weapons to Islamists by the time the Wash Post got to it, and as the Business Insider article shows, Wash Post was about half a year late to the game on breaking that story.
Obviously there is a difference between the light arms the CIA was supplying and the anti-tank, etc. weapons which McCain and Senator Huckleberry Closetcase were pushing for.

Your article dates to last October, yet McCain has been on TV plenty of times since then complaining that Obama is not arming the rebels.
Well, it is a step in the right direction. first you said they weren't arming weapons, now you are saying, "well there is a difference between small arms and anti-tank weapons, small arms to Islamist terrorists don't count, really!". There is a difference between them, definitely, but they provide both small arms and heavy weaponry(anti-tank as you said)if you bothered reading the links. The TIME, Haaretz, and RT links more specifically.
If Obama had listened to those Generals this could have been prevented. A small special ops force to continue training the Iraqi Army and provide intel to them.

I can hear Joe Biden now when Obama sent him to Iraq to ask for a status of forces agreement allowing that to happen. "You guys don't want the US to keep any troops in Iraq, do you?" "Didn't think so."

The US has kept a military presence in So Korea, Japan, and Germany after major wars. Why not Iraq, if for no other reason than to keep the price of oil stable?

But ultimately, the Iraqis did insist that a new SOFA had to go through their parliament and they would not budge on the immunities issue, which made an extension of U.S. forces there impossible, Jeffrey said. He said the insistence on immunity was uniform inside the Obama administration.

Obama?s Iraq ambassador: I wanted troops to remain in Iraq

Maybe Obama should have forced the Iraq government to go by our rules. No, he's too chickenshit! Obama caves to all muslims.
How would he do that, dope?

Bush turned the sovereignty back to the Iraqis. Which was a mistake while we were still fighting a war. But he wanted all those purple fingers as a publicity and public relations stunt.
I think the consensus is 'wash our hands.' Cut our losses and move on. Iranian Troops are now in Iraq fighting alongside Iraqi Government Troops. And that's pretty disturbing in itself.

So what did the American People get out of the Iraq War?...

Massive Debt, too many funerals, and a more powerful Iran and Al Qaeda.
OK, I got you, well it wasn't covert we were giving weapons to Islamists by the time the Wash Post got to it, and as the Business Insider article shows, Wash Post was about half a year late to the game on breaking that story.
Obviously there is a difference between the light arms the CIA was supplying and the anti-tank, etc. weapons which McCain and Senator Huckleberry Closetcase were pushing for.

Your article dates to last October, yet McCain has been on TV plenty of times since then complaining that Obama is not arming the rebels.
Well, it is a step in the right direction. first you said they weren't arming weapons, now you are saying, "well there is a difference between small arms and anti-tank weapons, small arms to Islamist terrorists don't count, really!". There is a difference between them, definitely, but they provide both small arms and heavy weaponry(anti-tank as you said)if you bothered reading the links. The TIME, Haaretz, and RT links more specifically.

will post the heavy weaponry links again here.

Syrian rebels seen firing U.S.-made weapons raises questions - TIME
U.S. ups aid to Syrian rebels, sending them missiles and guns - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

And yes, you are right, both the democrats and republicans(neo-libs and neo-cons) are complicit in the crimes against Syria.
Funny the left here calls me an uninformed goper because I call the aggressors terrorists. Obama JUST NOW in a pressor called them.......... TERRORISTS

Yes, this group is considered an Al Qaeda-linked Terrorist group. It's connected with other Terrorist groups fighting in Syria. Unfortunately, the same groups our Government has been funding & arming in Syria. This is the Blow Back on that. Obama blew that one. He should have listened to Putin. Assad was the safer play. Putin told him these are not people he should be funding & arming. But for some reason Obama became hell-bent on getting rid of Assad. It is eerily similar to Bush's obsession with getting rid of Hussein.

The fact is, our nation is better off with Assad staying in power. And it would have been better off with Saddam Hussein staying in power as well. The Blow Back for our meddling is much worse. That's being proven right now.
Fucking lie this: "If it weren't for Obama funding and supplying islamists(al nusra and isis) in Syria, this civil war in Iraq would not be occurring." A great part of the problem are the 150 fighters that rejoined the jihadists after Bush released them.

We can't really slow them down, but Iraq is getting assistance and probably some troops very shortly from Iran.

Let's send Bush to The Hague now.

You are the only fucking liar here. You are a fucking hack covering up American Government Crimes and Blunders in the Middle East. Neo-Libs, Neo-Cons you are all the same. You are pricks who think your shit doesn't stink and think you guys are immune to global blowback. You have no conception of cause and effect and no understanding of the region or its history.

And it is well established the US backed these Islamists. With President Nobel Peace Prize backing these guys they would have never gotten in a position to overthrow the government of Iraq.

CIA begins weapons delivery to Syrian rebels - The Washington Post

Syrian rebels seen firing U.S.-made weapons raises questions - TIME

US reportedly starts supplying Syrian rebels with anti-tank weapons ? RT USA

U.S., Britain suspend aid to north Syria after Islamists seize weapons store | Reuters

The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria: Two Arab countries fall apart | The Economist

U.S. providing some lethal aid to Syrian rebels: opposition spokesman | Reuters

» Susan Rice Admits U.S. Giving Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Send Obama to the Hague as well.

From your first link. Didn't bother with the rest.

"The arms shipments, which are limited to light weapons and other munitions that can be tracked..."

"U.S. officials hope that, taken together, the weapons and gear will boost the profile and prowess of rebel fighters in a conflict that started about 2-1 / 2 years ago."

"The delays prompted several senior U.S. lawmakers to chide the Obama administration for not moving more quickly to aid the Syrian opposition after promising lethal assistance in June."

"The latest effort to provide aid is aimed at supporting rebel fighters who are under the command of Gen. Salim Idriss, according to officials, some of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity because part of the initiative is covert. Idriss is the commander of the Supreme Military Council, a faction of the disjointed armed opposition."
Fucking lie this: "If it weren't for Obama funding and supplying islamists(al nusra and isis) in Syria, this civil war in Iraq would not be occurring." A great part of the problem are the 150 fighters that rejoined the jihadists after Bush released them.

We can't really slow them down, but Iraq is getting assistance and probably some troops very shortly from Iran.

Let's send Bush to The Hague now.

You are the only fucking liar here. You are a fucking hack covering up American Government Crimes and Blunders in the Middle East. Neo-Libs, Neo-Cons you are all the same. You are pricks who think your shit doesn't stink and think you guys are immune to global blowback. You have no conception of cause and effect and no understanding of the region or its history.

And it is well established the US backed these Islamists. With President Nobel Peace Prize backing these guys they would have never gotten in a position to overthrow the government of Iraq.

CIA begins weapons delivery to Syrian rebels - The Washington Post

Syrian rebels seen firing U.S.-made weapons raises questions - TIME

US reportedly starts supplying Syrian rebels with anti-tank weapons ? RT USA

U.S., Britain suspend aid to north Syria after Islamists seize weapons store | Reuters

The Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria: Two Arab countries fall apart | The Economist

U.S. providing some lethal aid to Syrian rebels: opposition spokesman | Reuters

» Susan Rice Admits U.S. Giving Arms to Al-Qaeda in Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Send Obama to the Hague as well.

From your first link. Didn't bother with the rest.

"The arms shipments, which are limited to light weapons and other munitions that can be tracked..."

"U.S. officials hope that, taken together, the weapons and gear will boost the profile and prowess of rebel fighters in a conflict that started about 2-1 / 2 years ago."

"The delays prompted several senior U.S. lawmakers to chide the Obama administration for not moving more quickly to aid the Syrian opposition after promising lethal assistance in June."

"The latest effort to provide aid is aimed at supporting rebel fighters who are under the command of Gen. Salim Idriss, according to officials, some of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity because part of the initiative is covert. Idriss is the commander of the Supreme Military Council, a faction of the disjointed armed opposition."

Of course you don't bother with the other links. You just did the same thing synthaholic did. Small arms to islamists don't count as REAL weapons in your deluded mind. Interesting your not bothered by the giving weapons to Islamists part, you are just saying, well it's not as bad as it could be, we could be giving terrorist REAL weapons. And you won't read the other links that challenge your worldview, that things other than small arms(which would count as weapons in your mind) are being given to Islamists.

You are intellectually lazy and dishonest.
The far left wished failure for Iraq and they are getting what they wished for.
The far left wished failure for Iraq and they are getting what they wished for.

I do have to admit there is some truth in your statement. The Left/Democrats have rooted for failure in Iraq all along. Obviously they'll deny it, but they know it's true. It was always about getting their mean ole BOOOOOOOSH Boogeyman. It's always 'Party before Country' for them.
Mercs in trouble.
I wonder if they're Academi?

200 U.S. contractors surrounded by jihadists in Iraq

NEW YORK – About 200 Americans under contract with the Department of Defense at Balad Air Force Base in Iraq are trapped by the al-Qaida-inspired jihadists who have seized control of two cities and are now threatening Baghdad, according to WND sources.

The sources, private contractors who have recently returned to the U.S. from Iraq, said Friday their former colleagues effectively have been abandoned by the U.S. military and are fighting for their lives against an army of jihadists surrounding the base who belong to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS.

The U.S. contractors are at Balad to help the Pentagon prepare the facilities for the delivery of the F-16 aircraft the Obama administration has agreed to provide the Iraqi government.

The surrounded Americans said they currently are under ISIS fire from small arms, AK47s, and rocket propelled grenades, or RPGs.

The contractors so far have been able to hold the base, but those on the scene reported it was only a matter of time before the ISIS terrorists succeed in breaking through the perimeter. They expressed concern that they would be ab

WND has learned from sources that the jihadists have closed down escape routes, and the U.S. Air Force is in a stand-down position. U.S. forces are not assisting even with air cover so a private extradition flight could land for a rescue, the sources said.
Wow. Obama has ignored all the pleas for help for over a year and now Iran is coming to Iraq's aid?

Unreal. Just unfreaking real.

Once again for the slow readers:

Iraq refused a SOFA. Look it up.

Maliki invited the Iranian Revolutionary Guard to Iraq. Why? Because he and his government are Shiites and so are the Iranians.

Obama was so hell bent for leather to bail out of Iraq he never negotiated to continue to keep a stabilizing force.

Yes the Iraq government has great ties with Iran. Of course they do. But Iraq has been begging the US since last year to please please please help them with ISIS and Levant.

Obama refused. I'm beginning to think he has a genuine hard on against Shiites.

Leather and lies.

Jeffrey was a key player on both the Washington and Baghdad sides of the 2011 negotiations that were meant to agree on a follow on force to extend the Bush administration's Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) after it was set to expire last December. Those negotiations ultimately failed. The White House has said the Iraqis refused to grant immunity for U.S. troops in Iraq after 2011 and submit a new SOFA through their own parliament, two things the United States needed to extend the troops' mission.

Obama?s Iraq ambassador: I wanted troops to remain in Iraq
The far left wished failure for Iraq and they are getting what they wished for.
The far left filled the streets of the world with millions of demonstrators opposed to the US invasion of Iraq.

Where were you?:D

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