IRS Hearing Live Link

Even though it has error above the link is working
May 2010, (Miller) he was aware of targeting of conservatives for audits as well as the scrutiny of conservative apps.

He was also aware of the publishing of donor lists.

Each time referrals were made.

Also knew of release of info to propublica.

Never informed Congress. Says disclosures were inadvertant, one of the people was disciplined.
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(George) release of a companies' structure, he was made aware through, not sure where he got the information.
Found out in newspapers about release of confidential lists. Due to strict rules cannot respond as to more info on it.
(George & Miller) both said their internal investigation did not find any political motivations

Developed critieria by a dept. in Lois Lerner's district, even though that dept not shown on charts

Denies knowing criteria was wrong in June, 2011
said Shulman's testimony March 2012 was incorrect, but maybe not untruthful.
now Miller states they never told Shulman, why it was incorrect.
wow, one Tea Party groups appllicant received at her small business 3 visits from the FBI, ATF, OSHA, and the IRS etc. even though she answered all the intrusive questions, after she applied.

Now Miller is stating he doesn't think that targeting is wrong.
now RAngel is trying to debate the law, rather than question regarding the abuse of the IRS
Ryan calling Miller out on his deceitful answer to them previously.
Miller's answer -by not including all information his answer was truthful.
Progressive was not included as a key word as it is not seen as political.
Back to Congressman not talking about what went wrong, but talking points again.
Miller was aware of a Ms. Rody(sp) whom had stated conservatives would be targeted.

Miller wishy washy on whether he had had contact with propublica. Asked to turn over his phone records, emails, meetings, etc. He said he will talk to his attorney.
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one individual was reassigned, another given verbal warming.
May 2010, (Miller) he was aware of targeting of conservatives for audits as well as the scrutiny of conservative apps.

He was also aware of the publishing of donor lists.

Each time referrals were made.

Also knew of release of info to propublica.

Never informed Congress. Says disclosures were inadvertant, one of the people was disciplined.

Miller testified the IRS did not "target" conservatives.

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