IRS watchdog unable to account for 67MILLION missing from ObamaCare slush fund

Obama is. But I'm sure it's just coincidence that they're ALL phony.

Why yes, the president runs over every office in government, not!
Oh, sorry, I forgot. Obama is blameless.


Republicans want every single shitty thing they did to be owned by Obama. Talk about refusing to take responsibility.
Why yes, the president runs over every office in government, not!
Oh, sorry, I forgot. Obama is blameless.


Republicans want every single shitty thing they did to be owned by Obama. Talk about refusing to take responsibility.
Oh, look, another bootlicking toady sycophant desperate to shift attention away from Obama's failures.

Obama didn't inherit anything. HE ASKED FOR THE JOB.

And he's done NOTHING but make it worse.

It's no longer Bush's fault. It's Obama's, you mindless toady.
Oh, sorry, I forgot. Obama is blameless.


Republicans want every single shitty thing they did to be owned by Obama. Talk about refusing to take responsibility.
Oh, look, another bootlicking toady sycophant desperate to shift attention away from Obama's failures.

Obama didn't inherit anything. HE ASKED FOR THE JOB.

And he's done NOTHING but make it worse.

It's no longer Bush's fault. It's Obama's, you mindless toady.

after 8 years his cult members will still blaming BUSH..that is some loyal SUJECTS to the man...
Republicans want every single shitty thing they did to be owned by Obama. Talk about refusing to take responsibility.
Oh, look, another bootlicking toady sycophant desperate to shift attention away from Obama's failures.

Obama didn't inherit anything. HE ASKED FOR THE JOB.

And he's done NOTHING but make it worse.

It's no longer Bush's fault. It's Obama's, you mindless toady.

after 8 years his cult members will still blaming BUSH..that is some loyal SUJECTS to the man...

Right wingers blame Bush's first four years on Clinton and his second four years on Obama. They take responsibility for nothing.
The IRS is unable to account for $67 million spent from a slush fund established for Obamacare implementation, according to a TIGTA report released today.

That's not what that says. It says they didn't take funds from that account (not that funds have disappeared from the account) that they should have. They haven't been cost-allocating parts of their office space and IT expenses to the Obamacare fund, even though part of those should count as health care reform implementation spending for accounting purposes.

TIGTA also found that the IRS did not track all costs associated with implementation of the ACA including costs not charged to the HIRIF. Specifically, the IRS did not account for or attempt to quantify approximately $67 million of indirect ACA costs incurred for Fiscal Years 2010 through 2012. Indirect costs include, for example, providing employees with workspace and information technology support.
In FYs 2010 through 2012, the IRS received funds from the HIRIF for annual direct labor and related benefit costs totaling $162 million cumulatively. However, our review of the IRS’s records indicated that it did not account for or attempt to quantify any indirect costs during FYs 2010 through 2012. Based on the IRS’s own internal cost accounting guidelines, the indirect costs associated with these direct labor charges likely totaled approximately $67 million for FYs 2010 through 2012. The excluded indirect costs relate to providing employees with the workspace, support, and ongoing access to the full range of tools and technology support necessary for the performance of their jobs. For example, while the IRS may have been able to place most new employees hired for the ACA in existing leased space, it still had to pay rent on this space, could not use the space for other purposes, and could not consider the space for inclusion in its ongoing space reduction efforts.

They're underbilling the Obamacare implementation fund, meaning there is $67 million in indirect costs they should have charged to it but didn't. Isn't reading comprehension a prerequisite even for faux journalism anymore?

Hello nutters.

Would any of you like to respond to the post above?
Oh, look, another bootlicking toady sycophant desperate to shift attention away from Obama's failures.

Obama didn't inherit anything. HE ASKED FOR THE JOB.

And he's done NOTHING but make it worse.

It's no longer Bush's fault. It's Obama's, you mindless toady.

after 8 years his cult members will still blaming BUSH..that is some loyal SUJECTS to the man...

Right wingers blame Bush's first four years on Clinton and his second four years on Obama. They take responsibility for nothing.
So that explains your mindless worship of, exactly?

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