Is a revolution brewing?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Most of us have been law abiding citizens for our entire lives but there comes a time when blind trust in government must be questioned. When that government leads you into a plague to save itself from a president that was elected on a platform of draining the swamp it becomes chillingly clear that the battle lines are drawn, government against the people. A revolution may be brewing.

The US government swamp led us into this by selling us out to the Chinese, a sinister giant with a Marxist-Leninist fingerprint much more compatible to a globalist one-world government than the United States. The prize the Chinese have their eyes on is to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and releasing a deadly pathogen into the world that indiscriminately kills goes a long way toward quickly and decisively destroying the economic might of America.

Those who study history remember that corrupt nobility is what inspired the French Revolution and the similarities to that event and the FISA corruption of the US government underlying the attempted removal of a US president is undeniable. When a leader is elected by the people promising to clean up government and government reacts unscrupulously, unethically and illegally with no accountability it is a dead giveaway that the people are the victims not the beneficiary of tainted, insular leadership.

Those who side with the dirty status quo against the people belong to every age. They were there before the storming of the Bastille. Today’s Trump haters are like egg-sucking dogs, they can’t be cured. Academia and poisoned media have craftily created a rabidly hateful stooge army of Manchurian Candidates focused on the solution not the problem. Their deranged and delusional outbursts are as Pavlovian as they are predictable. Hitler and Stalin would salivate for this kind of useful idiot support.

If you are a complete fool you may not have noticed that healthcare workers on the front lines are in desperate need of personal protection equipment the government made sure was not manufactured in the United States. You may not realize that the life saving drugs you rely on are in the hands of the Chinese because your government officials in the deep state got rich by giving it to them so they could eventually overthrow your way of life.

That’s what fools are for; that’s why they are not free.
Oh good lord. The OP should consider a job with the RNC- this crap is bigger than the District of Crminals and China.
Follow the money, see the agenda- or, stay loyally blind. It is a personal choice.
Most of us have been law abiding citizens for our entire lives but there comes a time when blind trust in government must be questioned. When that government leads you into a plague to save itself from a president that was elected on a platform of draining the swamp it becomes chillingly clear that the battle lines are drawn, government against the people. A revolution may be brewing.

The US government swamp led us into this by selling us out to the Chinese, a sinister giant with a Marxist-Leninist fingerprint much more compatible to a globalist one-world government than the United States. The prize the Chinese have their eyes on is to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and releasing a deadly pathogen into the world that indiscriminately kills goes a long way toward quickly and decisively destroying the economic might of America.

Those who study history remember that corrupt nobility is what inspired the French Revolution and the similarities to that event and the FISA corruption of the US government underlying the attempted removal of a US president is undeniable. When a leader is elected by the people promising to clean up government and government reacts unscrupulously, unethically and illegally with no accountability it is a dead giveaway that the people are the victims not the beneficiary of tainted, insular leadership.

Those who side with the dirty status quo against the people belong to every age. They were there before the storming of the Bastille. Today’s Trump haters are like egg-sucking dogs, they can’t be cured. Academia and poisoned media have craftily created a rabidly hateful stooge army of Manchurian Candidates focused on the solution not the problem. Their deranged and delusional outbursts are as Pavlovian as they are predictable. Hitler and Stalin would salivate for this kind of useful idiot support.

If you are a complete fool you may not have noticed that healthcare workers on the front lines are in desperate need of personal protection equipment the government made sure was not manufactured in the United States. You may not realize that the life saving drugs you rely on are in the hands of the Chinese because your government officials in the deep state got rich by giving it to them so they could eventually overthrow your way of life.

That’s what fools are for; that’s why they are not free.
Ya, man I know this is hard to swallow but guess what mother nature is still in charge we have not become smarter than the gods. This is not a man made conspircy. This is mother nature reminding us that we are still her bitch. Lose the paranoia, have a coke and a smile. We see all these computers and tech and it leads us to believe this is a different world, the reality is it aint changed much.
Most of us have been law abiding citizens for our entire lives but there comes a time when blind trust in government must be questioned. When that government leads you into a plague to save itself from a president that was elected on a platform of draining the swamp it becomes chillingly clear that the battle lines are drawn, government against the people. A revolution may be brewing.

The US government swamp led us into this by selling us out to the Chinese, a sinister giant with a Marxist-Leninist fingerprint much more compatible to a globalist one-world government than the United States. The prize the Chinese have their eyes on is to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and releasing a deadly pathogen into the world that indiscriminately kills goes a long way toward quickly and decisively destroying the economic might of America.

Those who study history remember that corrupt nobility is what inspired the French Revolution and the similarities to that event and the FISA corruption of the US government underlying the attempted removal of a US president is undeniable. When a leader is elected by the people promising to clean up government and government reacts unscrupulously, unethically and illegally with no accountability it is a dead giveaway that the people are the victims not the beneficiary of tainted, insular leadership.

Those who side with the dirty status quo against the people belong to every age. They were there before the storming of the Bastille. Today’s Trump haters are like egg-sucking dogs, they can’t be cured. Academia and poisoned media have craftily created a rabidly hateful stooge army of Manchurian Candidates focused on the solution not the problem. Their deranged and delusional outbursts are as Pavlovian as they are predictable. Hitler and Stalin would salivate for this kind of useful idiot support.

If you are a complete fool you may not have noticed that healthcare workers on the front lines are in desperate need of personal protection equipment the government made sure was not manufactured in the United States. You may not realize that the life saving drugs you rely on are in the hands of the Chinese because your government officials in the deep state got rich by giving it to them so they could eventually overthrow your way of life.

That’s what fools are for; that’s why they are not free.
Ya, man I know this is hard to swallow but guess what mother nature is still in charge we have not become smarter than the gods. This is not a man made conspircy. This is mother nature reminding us that we are still her bitch. Lose the paranoia, have a coke and a smile. We see all these computers and tech and it leads us to believe this is a different world, the reality is it aint changed much.
This is just another current event that Democrats are trying to take advantage of.
Most of us have been law abiding citizens for our entire lives but there comes a time when blind trust in government must be questioned. When that government leads you into a plague to save itself from a president that was elected on a platform of draining the swamp it becomes chillingly clear that the battle lines are drawn, government against the people. A revolution may be brewing.

The US government swamp led us into this by selling us out to the Chinese, a sinister giant with a Marxist-Leninist fingerprint much more compatible to a globalist one-world government than the United States. The prize the Chinese have their eyes on is to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and releasing a deadly pathogen into the world that indiscriminately kills goes a long way toward quickly and decisively destroying the economic might of America.

Those who study history remember that corrupt nobility is what inspired the French Revolution and the similarities to that event and the FISA corruption of the US government underlying the attempted removal of a US president is undeniable. When a leader is elected by the people promising to clean up government and government reacts unscrupulously, unethically and illegally with no accountability it is a dead giveaway that the people are the victims not the beneficiary of tainted, insular leadership.

Those who side with the dirty status quo against the people belong to every age. They were there before the storming of the Bastille. Today’s Trump haters are like egg-sucking dogs, they can’t be cured. Academia and poisoned media have craftily created a rabidly hateful stooge army of Manchurian Candidates focused on the solution not the problem. Their deranged and delusional outbursts are as Pavlovian as they are predictable. Hitler and Stalin would salivate for this kind of useful idiot support.

If you are a complete fool you may not have noticed that healthcare workers on the front lines are in desperate need of personal protection equipment the government made sure was not manufactured in the United States. You may not realize that the life saving drugs you rely on are in the hands of the Chinese because your government officials in the deep state got rich by giving it to them so they could eventually overthrow your way of life.

That’s what fools are for; that’s why they are not free.
YAY. The patriots will be at the recruiters offices shortly.
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Well, this is all just a fantastic coincidence. Fancy that. It's a very convenient and tailormade coincidence isn't it?
Most of us have been law abiding citizens our entire lives. We woke up one morning to find that politicians playing tyrant have passed laws making it illegal to attend a church service, play ball with our children, talk to a neighbor, walk the wrong way on the street. Teach children at home. We woke up that morning to find the prisons emptied of predators to make room for all those formerly law abiding citizens.

That's when you have a revolution.
It's a very convenient and tailormade coincidence isn't it?

Is it?
International Finance's Anti-China Crusade

For those afraid to read un"official" ideas

Anti-China? Yes. Pro-America? No.

It’s easy to mistake the discourse of China hawks for sincere patriotism. While Donald Trump ran on a platform of bringing American industry home, the Trump administration’s actual policies in recent years have not achieved this.

The Chinese government’s international message, that its nationalistic command economy provides for superior development in comparison to liberal-capitalism, appears self-evidently true. This is a problem for American plutocracy, which tells its own citizens and those of other nations that in fact free trade and liberalization are the path to prosperity.

Rather than copying what works for the Chinese economic model (nationalizing industry, strong regulations against foreign influence, etc), American capital and the Trump administration have worked to win over Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is an advocate for mass privatization, weakening the state, and deregulation, a strategy the phony nationalist refers to as “minimum government, maximum governance.”

In Asia, economic prosperity and stable growth is more compelling than military power, and America’s elites have begun making overtures towards India in hopes of creating a counter-weight to China.

Last year, the US-India Strategic and Partnership Forum announced that 200 American manufacturers were interested in moving their supply chains from China to India, not America. The big barrier appears to be India’s low quality infrastructure and the lack of an existing free trade agreement with the US.

According to reports in Hindu press from two months ago, the Trump administration has gone into talks with the Modi government to develop a new free trade agreement that will produce $500 billion in trade between the US and India. When all these pieces are put together, the end-result will be that the US’ economically disastrous trade deficit with China will simply be shifted to benefit India.

India’s Modi is eager to turn India into a full-blown satellite of the United States. The mass privatization of the country after the fall of the Soviet Union has not significantly bettered the average Indians life and his nation is unstable and dysfunctional. The Belt and Road Initiative threatens to spread the Chinese Corporatist development model all around nations Indian oligarchs see as being rivals or subjects: Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal, etc.

The Belt and Road Initiative is also an existential threat to international Jewish finance. Nations across Asia, Africa, Russia and Europe have signed on or expressed interest in the BRI due to its exclusive focus on real assets and Keynesian infrastructuve-led growth, as opposed to neo-liberal models that impose the primacy of financial “assets” and selling off your country to international corporations.

India has refused to join the BRI, but the nations around it are all on board. If successful, the Belt and Road Initiative will create a counter-weight to Manhattan high-finance, and thus a potential economic partner for nations uncomfortable with the cosmopolitan, hedonistic Jewish values Washington demands its subjects take up in the name of “democracy.”

Donald Trump is trying to curtail the potential liberation of these nation’s from Wall Streets cultural and economic influence by creating the Blue Dot Network, or U.S. Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy (FOIP), which so far only has Australia, Japan, India and America as signatories.

Safe to say, this pact will require more foreign aid and trade deficits, and nothing that will financially benefit the people of America. A national industrial policy that looks to overturn neo-liberal reforms that have turned our economy into an overfinancialized basket case is the medicine we need. Instead, we are being drafted to fight a war to save an increasingly dysfunctional and discredited economic model that benefits only a few.

...we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender- unless you go up stairs or the mobility ramp is blocked.
Back in 2015 USA Today published extensive research relating to the ongoing safety issues in biological laboratories in America and elsewhere. “Vials of bioterror bacteria have gone missing. Lab mice infected with deadly viruses have escaped, and wild rodents have been found making nests with research waste. Cattle infected in a university’s vaccine experiments were repeatedly sent to slaughter and their meat sold for human consumption. Gear meant to protect lab workers from lethal viruses such as Ebola and bird flu has failed, repeatedly.” The American outlet revealed that “hundreds of lab mistakes, safety violations and near-miss incidents have occurred in biological laboratories coast to coast in recent years, putting scientists, their colleagues and sometimes even the public at risk.” Naturally, safety failures in biological laboratories aren’t just an American problem. “A small, deadly outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in China in 2004 was traced to lab workers at the National Institute of Virology in Beijing. In 2007, an outbreak of foot and mouth disease among cattle in England that required herds to be slaughtered was blamed on leaking drainage pipes at a nearby research complex.”

A Viral Pandemic or A Crime Scene?

This causes me to think about 9/11- nearly 3000 murders were committed yet there was NO criminal investigation in a Country (the US) which allegedly prides itself on its Justice system. Why?
Militias and preppers all around the US seceded from the government long ago.

So what?
In about 1995 the company called us all together and announced that pensions would no longer be offered. Those of us at a certain age with long seniority were grandfathered into the pension program but many others were left out in the cold with no pension even though they were hired with the promise of a pension as a benefit. They got a 401k instead. Check your own 401k to see how that worked out. My pension from that company remains unaffected.

After that meeting I stopped a top manager in the hall and asked him what was up with all this outsourcing and the reneging of benefits. His answer was everyone else was doing it and the company would be at a disadvantage not to take part. So, the workers got screwed.

That was many years ago and I don’t remember anyone in Congress standing up in defense of American workers. The only public figure I remember warning us about what would happen was Ross Perot and many just laughed at him.

Now many are dying alone in hospitals because of bad decisions made by American politicians that looked the other way when the government sold the people out. They took the money and got rich. Now we are paying the price.
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...we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender- unless you go up stairs or the mobility ramp is blocked.
There must be some boundaries!
When a leader is elected by the people promising to clean up government and government reacts unscrupulously, unethically and illegally with no accountability it is a dead giveaway that the people are the victims not the beneficiary of tainted, insular leadership.

Turns out it was Trumpybear who's government reacted unscrupulously, unethically and illegally with no accountability. It was a dead give away when he claimed "Blanket Immunity" and the ability to determine the legitimacy of any Congressional investigation. Removal of a corrupt president is not only Constitutional but it is also a responsibility of our representatives. To bad for country now that the Banana Republicans sided with his unscrupulously, unethically and illegally activities and decide on no accountability.
When a leader is elected by the people promising to clean up government and government reacts unscrupulously, unethically and illegally with no accountability it is a dead giveaway that the people are the victims not the beneficiary of tainted, insular leadership.

Turns out it was Trumpybear who's government reacted unscrupulously, unethically and illegally with no accountability. It was a dead give away when he claimed "Blanket Immunity" and the ability to determine the legitimacy of any Congressional investigation. Removal of a corrupt president is not only Constitutional but it is also a responsibility of our representatives. To bad for country now that the Banana Republicans sided with his unscrupulously, unethically and illegally activities and decide on no accountability.
congress has been asleep at the weel for ever now. When was the last time they completed a annual budget? We deserve better from our pres and congress.
Most of us have been law abiding citizens for our entire lives but there comes a time when blind trust in government must be questioned. When that government leads you into a plague to save itself from a president that was elected on a platform of draining the swamp it becomes chillingly clear that the battle lines are drawn, government against the people. A revolution may be brewing.

The US government swamp led us into this by selling us out to the Chinese, a sinister giant with a Marxist-Leninist fingerprint much more compatible to a globalist one-world government than the United States. The prize the Chinese have their eyes on is to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and releasing a deadly pathogen into the world that indiscriminately kills goes a long way toward quickly and decisively destroying the economic might of America.

Those who study history remember that corrupt nobility is what inspired the French Revolution and the similarities to that event and the FISA corruption of the US government underlying the attempted removal of a US president is undeniable. When a leader is elected by the people promising to clean up government and government reacts unscrupulously, unethically and illegally with no accountability it is a dead giveaway that the people are the victims not the beneficiary of tainted, insular leadership.

Those who side with the dirty status quo against the people belong to every age. They were there before the storming of the Bastille. Today’s Trump haters are like egg-sucking dogs, they can’t be cured. Academia and poisoned media have craftily created a rabidly hateful stooge army of Manchurian Candidates focused on the solution not the problem. Their deranged and delusional outbursts are as Pavlovian as they are predictable. Hitler and Stalin would salivate for this kind of useful idiot support.

If you are a complete fool you may not have noticed that healthcare workers on the front lines are in desperate need of personal protection equipment the government made sure was not manufactured in the United States. You may not realize that the life saving drugs you rely on are in the hands of the Chinese because your government officials in the deep state got rich by giving it to them so they could eventually overthrow your way of life.

That’s what fools are for; that’s why they are not free.

Most of us have been law abiding citizens for our entire lives but there comes a time when blind trust in government must be questioned. When that government leads you into a plague to save itself from a president that was elected on a platform of draining the swamp it becomes chillingly clear that the battle lines are drawn, government against the people. A revolution may be brewing.

The US government swamp led us into this by selling us out to the Chinese, a sinister giant with a Marxist-Leninist fingerprint much more compatible to a globalist one-world government than the United States. The prize the Chinese have their eyes on is to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and releasing a deadly pathogen into the world that indiscriminately kills goes a long way toward quickly and decisively destroying the economic might of America.

Those who study history remember that corrupt nobility is what inspired the French Revolution and the similarities to that event and the FISA corruption of the US government underlying the attempted removal of a US president is undeniable. When a leader is elected by the people promising to clean up government and government reacts unscrupulously, unethically and illegally with no accountability it is a dead giveaway that the people are the victims not the beneficiary of tainted, insular leadership.

Those who side with the dirty status quo against the people belong to every age. They were there before the storming of the Bastille. Today’s Trump haters are like egg-sucking dogs, they can’t be cured. Academia and poisoned media have craftily created a rabidly hateful stooge army of Manchurian Candidates focused on the solution not the problem. Their deranged and delusional outbursts are as Pavlovian as they are predictable. Hitler and Stalin would salivate for this kind of useful idiot support.

If you are a complete fool you may not have noticed that healthcare workers on the front lines are in desperate need of personal protection equipment the government made sure was not manufactured in the United States. You may not realize that the life saving drugs you rely on are in the hands of the Chinese because your government officials in the deep state got rich by giving it to them so they could eventually overthrow your way of life.

That’s what fools are for; that’s why they are not free.

I'll say COVID19 is a progressive pipe-dream. With exception of maybe immigration, ask yourself what issues the left has been striving for as ultimate goals. Then ask yourself if the potential for accomplishing those goals can swiftly be achieved under COVID19 and forward. Here are a few, there's many more.

Eliminate middle class. The wealthy gets their cut, and the rest is shared misery.

How is it the wealthiest among us, who are primarily PROGS will become far more rich under COVID19? They're going to devour small business.

One world order and socialism

Climate change

Immediate electronic access to register and vote

Welfare state

Universal healthcare


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