Is America a Lost Cause?

Can't make a cogent argument, call them a fascist.....or racist....or white supremacist...

Great job at mental midgetry, Corky.
Your avatar tells the story douche.
Yes it does....It tells the story that you are a stupid and uninformed loser.

Yet you insist upon reveling in your stupidity and uninformed-ness....Sucks to be you.
Hey I'm not a pussy that hides behind jokes and clown avatars for what they really are. That's you.

You hide behind a bunny on a bike
Imagine being so stupid you think an avatar of a bike with a wheelie is the same as having an avatar that promotes alt-right fascism. Your not really that stupid, are you?

If my IQ was 50 it'd still be 48 more than you.
Despite fascists that live here like an Odd ball or two most of the United States is fine and we will move past the twitter dumbass president.
Can't make a cogent argument, call them a fascist.....or racist....or white supremacist...

Great job at mental midgetry, Corky.
Your avatar tells the story douche.
Yes it does....It tells the story that you are a stupid and uninformed loser.

Yet you insist upon reveling in your stupidity and uninformed-ness....Sucks to be you.
Hey I'm not a pussy that hides behind jokes and clown avatars for what they really are. That's you.
No, you're a triggered pussy who is too stupid to know that he's been trolled.....Then too intellectually incurious to understand how it happened.

Yup....It does suck to be you.
Sure bud, "Im fake its just to troll people"
Your avatar tells the story douche.
Yes it does....It tells the story that you are a stupid and uninformed loser.

Yet you insist upon reveling in your stupidity and uninformed-ness....Sucks to be you.
Hey I'm not a pussy that hides behind jokes and clown avatars for what they really are. That's you.

You hide behind a bunny on a bike
Imagine being so stupid you think an avatar of a bike with a wheelie is the same as having an avatar that promotes alt-right fascism. Your not really that stupid, are you?

If my IQ was 50 it'd still be 48 more than you.
50 sounds about right, being generous.
Can't make a cogent argument, call them a fascist.....or racist....or white supremacist...

Great job at mental midgetry, Corky.
Your avatar tells the story douche.
Yes it does....It tells the story that you are a stupid and uninformed loser.

Yet you insist upon reveling in your stupidity and uninformed-ness....Sucks to be you.
Hey I'm not a pussy that hides behind jokes and clown avatars for what they really are. That's you.
No, you're a triggered pussy who is too stupid to know that he's been trolled.....Then too intellectually incurious to understand how it happened.

Yup....It does suck to be you.
Sure bud, "Im fake its just to troll people"
Didn't need more evidence that...

Yes it does....It tells the story that you are a stupid and uninformed loser.

Yet you insist upon reveling in your stupidity and uninformed-ness....Sucks to be you.
Hey I'm not a pussy that hides behind jokes and clown avatars for what they really are. That's you.

You hide behind a bunny on a bike
Imagine being so stupid you think an avatar of a bike with a wheelie is the same as having an avatar that promotes alt-right fascism. Your not really that stupid, are you?

If my IQ was 50 it'd still be 48 more than you.
50 sounds about right, being generous.

Not real good with the snappy comeback, are ya...
I should have realized America is a lost cause when after all those kindergarten children were gunned down in their classroom in 2012 in Sandy Hook and Americans still did not take a stand against guns. So why would they do anything about the gun crisis in America now? What kind of disgusting people must you be to do nothing after that?

Pro gun groups encompass the worst in humanity - greed, ignorance, narcissism, antipathy. Even when people and children are dying, they would come on in droves to defend guns. Why do you need a gun to feel like a big man? Why are you impotent? Psychological deficiencies are the cause of impotence. Look into it, get professional help. But don't use guns to compensate for your inadequacy.

It's a lost cause, because people like you. If it was not for people like you, we could stop these murders. But you people don't give a crap about people dying. You don't care. You pretend care, you feign care, you blame others and make yourself feel superior, but in the end you don't give a crap about dead children, or sons and daughters, or mothers and fathers, or anyone.

All you people on the left care about, is taking away people's rights, making people defenseless, and getting your political agenda pushed through.

You are the most evil of all Americans. You dance on the bodies of the dead, to push your grab for power and control. You are disgusting cancer on this country, that without which we could actually deal with crime like this.
"I'm not a fascist it's just a joke bro" Is all you have. You are a pussy that hides behind memes and lies. Sad
And all you have is your willful ignorance....Even sadder.
Hey I'm just doing a public service pointing out what you are/represent for others since you are too much of a pussy to admit it yourself.
You're doing nothing but proving to be an ignoramus on purpose.
"I'm not a fascist it's just a joke bro" Is all you have. You are a pussy that hides behind memes and lies. Sad
And all you have is your willful ignorance....Even sadder.
Hey I'm just doing a public service pointing out what you are/represent for others since you are too much of a pussy to admit it yourself.
You're doing nothing but proving to be an ignoramus on purpose.

On purpose? What makes you think he can help it?
Your avatar tells the story douche.
Yes it does....It tells the story that you are a stupid and uninformed loser.

Yet you insist upon reveling in your stupidity and uninformed-ness....Sucks to be you.
Hey I'm not a pussy that hides behind jokes and clown avatars for what they really are. That's you.
No, you're a triggered pussy who is too stupid to know that he's been trolled.....Then too intellectually incurious to understand how it happened.

Yup....It does suck to be you.
Sure bud, "Im fake its just to troll people"
Didn't need more evidence that...

View attachment 274017

Your avatar tells the story douche.
Yes it does....It tells the story that you are a stupid and uninformed loser.

Yet you insist upon reveling in your stupidity and uninformed-ness....Sucks to be you.
Hey I'm not a pussy that hides behind jokes and clown avatars for what they really are. That's you.
No, you're a triggered pussy who is too stupid to know that he's been trolled.....Then too intellectually incurious to understand how it happened.

Yup....It does suck to be you.
Sure bud, "Im fake its just to troll people"
Didn't need more evidence that...

View attachment 274017
I'm actually of the opinion, most of the left can't meme.

I have friends on the left that are pretty resourceful.

This came from the left. . .


. . . and this. . .

I should have realized America is a lost cause when after all those kindergarten children were gunned down in their classroom in 2012 in Sandy Hook and Americans still did not take a stand against guns. So why would they do anything about the gun crisis in America now? What kind of disgusting people must you be to do nothing after that?

Pro gun groups encompass the worst in humanity - greed, ignorance, narcissism, antipathy. Even when people and children are dying, they would come on in droves to defend guns. Why do you need a gun to feel like a big man? Why are you impotent? Psychological deficiencies are the cause of impotence. Look into it, get professional help. But don't use guns to compensate for your inadequacy.
You seem to have a fixation on the guns. Do you think that mentally ill/Sociopathic people are any part of the problem? Do the guns hop down the street going Pew! Pew! Pew! all by themselves?
I should have realized America is a lost cause when after all those kindergarten children were gunned down in their classroom in 2012 in Sandy Hook and Americans still did not take a stand against guns. So why would they do anything about the gun crisis in America now? What kind of disgusting people must you be to do nothing after that?

Pro gun groups encompass the worst in humanity - greed, ignorance, narcissism, antipathy. Even when people and children are dying, they would come on in droves to defend guns. Why do you need a gun to feel like a big man? Why are you impotent? Psychological deficiencies are the cause of impotence. Look into it, get professional help. But don't use guns to compensate for your inadequacy.

This post has been bought and paid for by;


Everytown for Gun Safety - Wikipedia
Everytown for Gun Safety is largely financed by Michael Bloomberg,[9] who also founded the group.[10]

The real reason Michael Bloomberg cares about guns
OPINION: The real reason Michael Bloomberg cares about guns
I should have realized America is a lost cause when after all those kindergarten children were gunned down in their classroom in 2012 in Sandy Hook and Americans still did not take a stand against guns. So why would they do anything about the gun crisis in America now? What kind of disgusting people must you be to do nothing after that?

Pro gun groups encompass the worst in humanity - greed, ignorance, narcissism, antipathy. Even when people and children are dying, they would come on in droves to defend guns. Why do you need a gun to feel like a big man? Why are you impotent? Psychological deficiencies are the cause of impotence. Look into it, get professional help. But don't use guns to compensate for your inadequacy.
There is no “gun crisis” in America. Your whole premise is wrong. Guess your an Orwellian person that wants a 1984 style totalitarian regime.
I should have realized America is a lost cause when after all those kindergarten children were gunned down in their classroom in 2012 in Sandy Hook and Americans still did not take a stand against guns. So why would they do anything about the gun crisis in America now? What kind of disgusting people must you be to do nothing after that?

Pro gun groups encompass the worst in humanity - greed, ignorance, narcissism, antipathy. Even when people and children are dying, they would come on in droves to defend guns. Why do you need a gun to feel like a big man? Why are you impotent? Psychological deficiencies are the cause of impotence. Look into it, get professional help. But don't use guns to compensate for your inadequacy.

America isn’t lost, the nation will recover from trump. However, the republic party is.
If we survived Obama, Clinton’s, and the 1960’s we can survive just about anything. But critical damage has been done by liberals who have stopped “thinking about tomorrow” and put us on a path that could lead to ruin.
I should have realized America is a lost cause when after all those kindergarten children were gunned down in their classroom in 2012 in Sandy Hook and Americans still did not take a stand against guns. So why would they do anything about the gun crisis in America now? What kind of disgusting people must you be to do nothing after that?

Pro gun groups encompass the worst in humanity - greed, ignorance, narcissism, antipathy. Even when people and children are dying, they would come on in droves to defend guns. Why do you need a gun to feel like a big man? Why are you impotent? Psychological deficiencies are the cause of impotence. Look into it, get professional help. But don't use guns to compensate for your inadequacy.

America isn’t lost, the nation will recover from trump. However, the republic party is.
If we survived Obama, Clinton’s, and the 1960’s we can survive just about anything. But critical damage has been done by liberals who have stopped “thinking about tomorrow” and put us on a path that could lead to ruin.

And just what path is that?

Surely your psychosis can tell us that.

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