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Is another Civil War brewing?

... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?
I seriously doubt it.

Cons really don't want to kill their fellow Americans in spite of the fact leftist would have no qualms doing so.

Yeah, that is why liberals are buying all of the guns. Oh wait.
just check history of leftist filth, hell, American history of leftist filth.

fdr rounded up innocent citizens and put them in camps and used poor blacks as guinea pigs.

'you' wouldn't do it, you're gutless, but you'd cheer as the government did it for you.

history repeats, and leftist murder those that don't side with them

Yeah, Dylan Roof was a leftist....that's why he cherished the Confederate flag, wore a white supremacist emblem on his jacket, was racist, hated Treyvon Martin and was on George Zimmerman's side.......just like most conserevatives on this Forum....you truly are delusional or on denial, or just a plain liar.
leftist in history; stalin, mao, pol pot, the dear leader, and so on

but you have a shit talker I never heard of, so you must be right.

your last sentence, that's called projection
Yet they are the ones making all the hateful remarks.......hmmmm, are you tone deaf?

"All the hateful remarks......" I admire your ability to avoid reading your own posts!

Why don't you quote one of my hateful remarks, if you can find one.

And yeah, here are only a few.......on this thread alone, and they're not libs making these comments....You're one of the worst yourself, accusing democrats of taking pride in killing an infant...you're a sick individual.

Hope so... I hope the whites that are sane win and rebuild as a white ethnic state.

history repeats, and leftist murder those that don't side with them

People as a whole will not be shooting gays. Gays are a side issue on it's best day. People will be shooting democrats.

People WILL be shooting democrats. Greece could start shooting them any time now.

I see nothing wrong in shooting a democrat. We DID have to do that once before you know.

A true Democrat would see that differently if the body were that of an infant, aborted minutes before birth.

In that case the reaction would be much different.

One of pride in achievement!
theres no hate in my remark, it's proven fact and the truth, and as a leftist, you hate the truth.

being so fucked up as you should hurt
Cons really don't want to kill their fellow Americans

Yet they are the ones making all the hateful remarks.......hmmmm, are you tone deaf?
history is on my side

facts are on my side

assumption is on yours

and really, only cons make hateful remarks, pfft, leftist filth are already making threads about what to do with us once you take over
"IF" they take over. Fights far from done here.
... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?
I seriously doubt it.

Cons really don't want to kill their fellow Americans in spite of the fact leftist would have no qualms doing so.

First, there are no Leftist Americans.

Second, if Americans wanted to kill Leftists, there would be no Leftists.

Third, The Left exists in the US today, as a testament to the foolish extremes that Americans will go to, in tolerating the intolerable.

Fourth, Civil War is inevitable.
I'll just let that sink in.

Your photo is a fake. Carter supported Equal Rights. Carter was liked by many blacks.

That's why you need to post the link.

How a Southerner like Carter could attract the strong support of the blacks as he did was a problem that perplexed many a Northern liberal. Black support for Carter in the Florida primary could be explained away as an anti-Wallace vote. However, in other primaries Carter polled a large percentage of the black vote--47.6% in Illinois and 41.5% in Massachusetts. Certain things obviously helped Carter with blacks: his excellent record in the area of race relations while governor; the fact that he had the endorsement of Congressman Andrew Young and Martin Luther King, Sr.; and also that he had about a dozen blacks, some of them in high positions, on his campaign staff.
Jimmy Carter on Civil Rights
Yeah, he wanted the black vote, like LBJ.

Just like Republicans want the black vote, no? Except they are too ignorant...they go about trying to get it the wrong way....by insulting them, wanting to bring back the Jim Crow laws and trying to disenfranchise them. You all can't help your racist roots.

Too bad you can't find the LBJ stuff in an unblemished primary source. In other words, we don't know whether he said it.
Yeah, like the whole world doesn't know Johnson was a racist redneck. Nice try though.

He might very well have been one........back in the 40's and early 50's most white people were racist.......nobody is denying that...but at least LBJ was trying to do something to do away with the nation's racist actions.....you all want to bring those ways back........what a shame.
What POLITICAL party gathered under that flag? Conservative/Liberal is NOT a party. What PARTY gathered under that flag?

You can't deny that the Confederate flag represented those that wanted to secede from the United States and form their own country.....and all because they wanted to be able to keep their slaves.....a shameful thing...so why would anyone want to keep and cherish a reminder of those that fought for a cause that ended up being a lost cause and is looked upon now as repugnant. Yes, owning people is repugnant and the Confederate flag stands for those what wanted to keep owning people.

And sure, we sill have racial profiling, unfair and unequal wages for women and a host of other injustices, but it's still our country, warts and all......and Old Glory represents our country....our ever changing and improving country. It's not a betrayal to our country to fly Old Glory.....it's our flag....the Confederate flag is not our flag, it is the flag of those who wanted to leave this wonderful country because they couldn't own slaves anymore.....so why would anyone want to identify with those losers? If they are our ancestors, we should be ashamed of them....not proud of them. Owning people is not something to be proud of.

I'm a Southerner myself, born and raised in Texas and I have no desire to honor that flag.
That DEMOCRAT flag?

Most of the ones defending the loser's flag happen to be conservative....I can't help that you are myopic.
Afraid to admit? Awe poor fellow. How about you tear this down? Surely it must be evil according to you.

Poor guy......you're always going to have people like that......that don't realize they are being given the shaft.....just because he would fight against his own interests.......was he free? No. If he were alive today he might rethink that.
Can you PROVE he was NOT free? Not ALL Negro's in the south were slaves. SOME were slave OWNERS.

You can't prove that he was free either. But even if he was free, he wasn't thinking of his brothers and sisters that weren't free, he didn't care about them, much like conservatives today don't care about others, just themselves.
Cons really don't want to kill their fellow Americans

Yet they are the ones making all the hateful remarks.......hmmmm, are you tone deaf?
history is on my side

facts are on my side

assumption is on yours

and really, only cons make hateful remarks, pfft, leftist filth are already making threads about what to do with us once you take over
"IF" they take over. Fights far from done here.
I don't think you understand

The Pres will eventually have his own army of people loyal to him, obama laid the ground work. The military may take no action w/o orders and the Pres will never give those orders.

It's a far cry, but America is dead, the hopes and dreams of our forefathers that came here for freedom and a chance to make it are gone.
may be.not civil war properly,,,,but Jay Helm shit ....ugly stuff people :( it's all coming...Fuck the feds...

Your photo is a fake. Carter supported Equal Rights. Carter was liked by many blacks.

That's why you need to post the link.

How a Southerner like Carter could attract the strong support of the blacks as he did was a problem that perplexed many a Northern liberal. Black support for Carter in the Florida primary could be explained away as an anti-Wallace vote. However, in other primaries Carter polled a large percentage of the black vote--47.6% in Illinois and 41.5% in Massachusetts. Certain things obviously helped Carter with blacks: his excellent record in the area of race relations while governor; the fact that he had the endorsement of Congressman Andrew Young and Martin Luther King, Sr.; and also that he had about a dozen blacks, some of them in high positions, on his campaign staff.
Jimmy Carter on Civil Rights
Yeah, he wanted the black vote, like LBJ.

Just like Republicans want the black vote, no? Except they are too ignorant...they go about trying to get it the wrong way....by insulting them, wanting to bring back the Jim Crow laws and trying to disenfranchise them. You all can't help your racist roots.

Too bad you can't find the LBJ stuff in an unblemished primary source. In other words, we don't know whether he said it.
Yeah, like the whole world doesn't know Johnson was a racist redneck. Nice try though.

He might very well have been one........back in the 40's and early 50's most white people were racist.......nobody is denying that...but at least LBJ was trying to do something to do away with the nation's racist actions.....you all want to bring those ways back........what a shame.
What POLITICAL party gathered under that flag? Conservative/Liberal is NOT a party. What PARTY gathered under that flag?

The civil war wasn't a Republican vs Democrat war......it was a "for owning slaves" vs "for freeing slaves" - and men from all states were fighting.

Lincoln was a Republican, so why are Republicans supporting the Confederate flag?
may be.not civil war properly,,,,but Jay Helm shit ....ugly stuff people :( it's all coming...Fuck the feds...

Spoken like a "true" patriot........bwahahaha....conservatives sure lose respect for the country as soon as they don't get their way.

Your photo is a fake. Carter supported Equal Rights. Carter was liked by many blacks.

That's why you need to post the link.

How a Southerner like Carter could attract the strong support of the blacks as he did was a problem that perplexed many a Northern liberal. Black support for Carter in the Florida primary could be explained away as an anti-Wallace vote. However, in other primaries Carter polled a large percentage of the black vote--47.6% in Illinois and 41.5% in Massachusetts. Certain things obviously helped Carter with blacks: his excellent record in the area of race relations while governor; the fact that he had the endorsement of Congressman Andrew Young and Martin Luther King, Sr.; and also that he had about a dozen blacks, some of them in high positions, on his campaign staff.
Jimmy Carter on Civil Rights
Yeah, he wanted the black vote, like LBJ.

Just like Republicans want the black vote, no? Except they are too ignorant...they go about trying to get it the wrong way....by insulting them, wanting to bring back the Jim Crow laws and trying to disenfranchise them. You all can't help your racist roots.

Too bad you can't find the LBJ stuff in an unblemished primary source. In other words, we don't know whether he said it.
Yeah, like the whole world doesn't know Johnson was a racist redneck. Nice try though.

He might very well have been one........back in the 40's and early 50's most white people were racist.......nobody is denying that...but at least LBJ was trying to do something to do away with the nation's racist actions.....you all want to bring those ways back........what a shame.
What POLITICAL party gathered under that flag? Conservative/Liberal is NOT a party. What PARTY gathered under that flag?

That DEMOCRAT flag?

Most of the ones defending the loser's flag happen to be conservative....I can't help that you are myopic.
Afraid to admit? Awe poor fellow. How about you tear this down? Surely it must be evil according to you.

Poor guy......you're always going to have people like that......that don't realize they are being given the shaft.....just because he would fight against his own interests.......was he free? No. If he were alive today he might rethink that.
Can you PROVE he was NOT free? Not ALL Negro's in the south were slaves. SOME were slave OWNERS.

You can't prove that he was free either. But even if he was free, he wasn't thinking of his brothers and sisters that weren't free, he didn't care about them, much like conservatives today don't care about others, just themselves.

YOU evaded the question LIAR. What POLITICAL PARTY gathered under THAT flag? Republican or Democrat?
Mr. DarkFury, Defend slavery all that you want. It only demonstrates your morality. The Confederate Flag was all about slavery. And it does not belong on federal, state, or county property that is supported by all Americans in those places.
I'm NOT defending ANYTHING but truth. ALL about slavery? Really? Then WHY did the ISSUE of slavery come up AFTER almost TWO TEARS of civil war? Like I said AFTER.

You don't know dick about HISTORY do you?

You're the one that doesn't know history.......or trying to change it.
Your photo is a fake. Carter supported Equal Rights. Carter was liked by many blacks.

That's why you need to post the link.

How a Southerner like Carter could attract the strong support of the blacks as he did was a problem that perplexed many a Northern liberal. Black support for Carter in the Florida primary could be explained away as an anti-Wallace vote. However, in other primaries Carter polled a large percentage of the black vote--47.6% in Illinois and 41.5% in Massachusetts. Certain things obviously helped Carter with blacks: his excellent record in the area of race relations while governor; the fact that he had the endorsement of Congressman Andrew Young and Martin Luther King, Sr.; and also that he had about a dozen blacks, some of them in high positions, on his campaign staff.
Jimmy Carter on Civil Rights
Yeah, he wanted the black vote, like LBJ.

Just like Republicans want the black vote, no? Except they are too ignorant...they go about trying to get it the wrong way....by insulting them, wanting to bring back the Jim Crow laws and trying to disenfranchise them. You all can't help your racist roots.

Too bad you can't find the LBJ stuff in an unblemished primary source. In other words, we don't know whether he said it.
Yeah, like the whole world doesn't know Johnson was a racist redneck. Nice try though.

He might very well have been one........back in the 40's and early 50's most white people were racist.......nobody is denying that...but at least LBJ was trying to do something to do away with the nation's racist actions.....you all want to bring those ways back........what a shame.
What POLITICAL party gathered under that flag? Conservative/Liberal is NOT a party. What PARTY gathered under that flag?

Most of the ones defending the loser's flag happen to be conservative....I can't help that you are myopic.
Afraid to admit? Awe poor fellow. How about you tear this down? Surely it must be evil according to you.

Poor guy......you're always going to have people like that......that don't realize they are being given the shaft.....just because he would fight against his own interests.......was he free? No. If he were alive today he might rethink that.
Can you PROVE he was NOT free? Not ALL Negro's in the south were slaves. SOME were slave OWNERS.

You can't prove that he was free either. But even if he was free, he wasn't thinking of his brothers and sisters that weren't free, he didn't care about them, much like conservatives today don't care about others, just themselves.

YOU evaded the question LIAR. What POLITICAL PARTY gathered under THAT flag? Republican or Democrat?

I did answer........why don't you answer my question?

If Lincoln was a Republican, and he was trying to free slaves, why are you on the side of the Confederates? Are you claiming they were Democrats? Are you on the side of Democrats? Bwahahaha, you are so screwed up.
Your photo is a fake. Carter supported Equal Rights. Carter was liked by many blacks.

That's why you need to post the link.

How a Southerner like Carter could attract the strong support of the blacks as he did was a problem that perplexed many a Northern liberal. Black support for Carter in the Florida primary could be explained away as an anti-Wallace vote. However, in other primaries Carter polled a large percentage of the black vote--47.6% in Illinois and 41.5% in Massachusetts. Certain things obviously helped Carter with blacks: his excellent record in the area of race relations while governor; the fact that he had the endorsement of Congressman Andrew Young and Martin Luther King, Sr.; and also that he had about a dozen blacks, some of them in high positions, on his campaign staff.
Jimmy Carter on Civil Rights
Yeah, he wanted the black vote, like LBJ.

Just like Republicans want the black vote, no? Except they are too ignorant...they go about trying to get it the wrong way....by insulting them, wanting to bring back the Jim Crow laws and trying to disenfranchise them. You all can't help your racist roots.

Too bad you can't find the LBJ stuff in an unblemished primary source. In other words, we don't know whether he said it.
Yeah, like the whole world doesn't know Johnson was a racist redneck. Nice try though.

He might very well have been one........back in the 40's and early 50's most white people were racist.......nobody is denying that...but at least LBJ was trying to do something to do away with the nation's racist actions.....you all want to bring those ways back........what a shame.
What POLITICAL party gathered under that flag? Conservative/Liberal is NOT a party. What PARTY gathered under that flag?

Most of the ones defending the loser's flag happen to be conservative....I can't help that you are myopic.
Afraid to admit? Awe poor fellow. How about you tear this down? Surely it must be evil according to you.

Poor guy......you're always going to have people like that......that don't realize they are being given the shaft.....just because he would fight against his own interests.......was he free? No. If he were alive today he might rethink that.
Can you PROVE he was NOT free? Not ALL Negro's in the south were slaves. SOME were slave OWNERS.

You can't prove that he was free either. But even if he was free, he wasn't thinking of his brothers and sisters that weren't free, he didn't care about them, much like conservatives today don't care about others, just themselves.

YOU evaded the question LIAR. What POLITICAL PARTY gathered under THAT flag? Republican or Democrat?

What party was Lincoln? Why are you on the Confederate side if Lincoln is Republican?
Cons really don't want to kill their fellow Americans

Yet they are the ones making all the hateful remarks.......hmmmm, are you tone deaf?
history is on my side

facts are on my side

assumption is on yours

and really, only cons make hateful remarks, pfft, leftist filth are already making threads about what to do with us once you take over
"IF" they take over. Fights far from done here.
I don't think you understand

The Pres will eventually have his own army of people loyal to him, obama laid the ground work. The military may take no action w/o orders and the Pres will never give those orders.

It's a far cry, but America is dead, the hopes and dreams of our forefathers that came here for freedom and a chance to make it are gone.

Drama queen?
Yeah, he wanted the black vote, like LBJ.

Just like Republicans want the black vote, no? Except they are too ignorant...they go about trying to get it the wrong way....by insulting them, wanting to bring back the Jim Crow laws and trying to disenfranchise them. You all can't help your racist roots.

Yeah, like the whole world doesn't know Johnson was a racist redneck. Nice try though.

He might very well have been one........back in the 40's and early 50's most white people were racist.......nobody is denying that...but at least LBJ was trying to do something to do away with the nation's racist actions.....you all want to bring those ways back........what a shame.
What POLITICAL party gathered under that flag? Conservative/Liberal is NOT a party. What PARTY gathered under that flag?

Afraid to admit? Awe poor fellow. How about you tear this down? Surely it must be evil according to you.

Poor guy......you're always going to have people like that......that don't realize they are being given the shaft.....just because he would fight against his own interests.......was he free? No. If he were alive today he might rethink that.
Can you PROVE he was NOT free? Not ALL Negro's in the south were slaves. SOME were slave OWNERS.

You can't prove that he was free either. But even if he was free, he wasn't thinking of his brothers and sisters that weren't free, he didn't care about them, much like conservatives today don't care about others, just themselves.

YOU evaded the question LIAR. What POLITICAL PARTY gathered under THAT flag? Republican or Democrat?

I did answer........why don't you answer my question?

If Lincoln was a Republican, and he was trying to free slaves, why are you on the side of the Confederates? Are you claiming they were Democrats? Are you on the side of Democrats? Bwahahaha, you are so screwed up.

I asked WHAT PARTY? Show the fine members of this board you are NOT to stupid to learn and Google it. WHAT PARTY REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT GATHERED UNDER THAT FLAG?
... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?
I seriously doubt it.

Cons really don't want to kill their fellow Americans in spite of the fact leftist would have no qualms doing so.

Yeah, that is why liberals are buying all of the guns. Oh wait.
just check history of leftist filth, hell, American history of leftist filth.

fdr rounded up innocent citizens and put them in camps and used poor blacks as guinea pigs.

'you' wouldn't do it, you're gutless, but you'd cheer as the government did it for you.

history repeats, and leftist murder those that don't side with them

Yeah, Dylan Roof was a leftist....that's why he cherished the Confederate flag, wore a white supremacist emblem on his jacket, was racist, hated Treyvon Martin and was on George Zimmerman's side.......just like most conserevatives on this Forum....you truly are delusional or on denial, or just a plain liar.
leftist in history; stalin, mao, pol pot, the dear leader, and so on
Actually Stalin was a dictator....much like GW Bush....but Hitler and the Nazi's resemble the Republican party and he killed a lot of people.....and so on.

but you have a shit talker I never heard of, so you must be right.
There's a lot of shit talkers......on this thread, on this forum.

your last sentence, that's called projection
Not really......you're making absurd statements without proof....just shit talking, like Dylan Roof.

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