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Is another Civil War brewing?

Nobody's on the Confederate side, you idiot. Defending first amendment and states rights doesn't make him Johnny Reb, you dumb fuck. Damn, you're stupid!
The slavery question did NOT come into play for about two years. The TRUTH is the south had a bumper crop so large the north broke their price agreement with SOUTH CAROLINA. SC the burned cotten on the beach next to the docks. The NORTH then marched down and burned the docks so SC could only ship overland to them.

Try as you may.......Historians have declared that the Civil War's main cause was slavery. And that isn't how you spell cotton, retard.

That flag WAS states RIGHTS and states ability to buy and sell freely. THAT'S the southern heritage that's the southern pride.
Mertex the Moron just refuses to face it.
That flag denotes "slavery" and retard DarkFury refuses to accept it. States rights was just a "key" issue......but the obstinate South didn't want government telling them what to do (they couldn't own slaves.) Much like the conservatives of today.

What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America?
A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery.
In fact,
it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.

A key issue was states' rights.

The Southern states wanted to assert their authority over the federal government so they could abolish federal laws they didn't support, especially laws interfering with the South's right to keep slaves and take them wherever they wished.
Causes Of The Civil War History Detectives PBS

Dude, the North had slaves as well as the South. The total percentage of white who owned slaves was less than ten percent.

Those two facts alone debunks the notion that the war was mainly due to slavery.

As soon as the abolitionist Lincoln was elected the south went into rebellion, that and their constitutions and reasons for succession prove beyond doubt the war was to protect the rich democrat aristocrats state right, of owning slaves.
Who even cares?

It is over, fact is, nobody in the 150 years since the 13th has found a profitable use for illiterate unskilled labor.

Time to address the problems of today, rather than dwell on theories of which cause of the Civil War was the most important one.

Of course, the whole flag and slavery discussion is just a deflection from the failure of Obama to do a thing to better the lower and middle classes.

Me thinks most of the lettuce you eat was picked by low skilled labor. Labor that apparently Obama and the liberals don't think we have enough of.

Denying or ignoring the past is a huge mistake, in my opinion.

If there is no use for unskilled low educated workers we are really in trouble.
You are almost there, freewill. Keep trying. Reach for enlightenment, son.
Why don't you tell me idiot.........and why are you on that side? Because the parties switched in the late 50's?

So, was Lincoln Republican? Was he on the Confederate Side? Are you too stupid to figure it out? Why are you on the Confederate side if you think they were Democrats?
Nobody's on the Confederate side, you idiot. Defending first amendment and states rights doesn't make him Johnny Reb, you dumb fuck. Damn, you're stupid!
The slavery question did NOT come into play for about two years. The TRUTH is the south had a bumper crop so large the north broke their price agreement with SOUTH CAROLINA. SC the burned cotten on the beach next to the docks. The NORTH then marched down and burned the docks so SC could only ship overland to them.

Try as you may.......Historians have declared that the Civil War's main cause was slavery. And that isn't how you spell cotton, retard.

That flag WAS states RIGHTS and states ability to buy and sell freely. THAT'S the southern heritage that's the southern pride.
Mertex the Moron just refuses to face it.
That flag denotes "slavery" and retard DarkFury refuses to accept it. States rights was just a "key" issue......but the obstinate South didn't want government telling them what to do (they couldn't own slaves.) Much like the conservatives of today.

What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America?
A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery.
In fact,
it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.

A key issue was states' rights.

The Southern states wanted to assert their authority over the federal government so they could abolish federal laws they didn't support, especially laws interfering with the South's right to keep slaves and take them wherever they wished.
Causes Of The Civil War History Detectives PBS

Dude, the North had slaves as well as the South. The total percentage of white who owned slaves was less than ten percent.

Those two facts alone debunks the notion that the war was mainly due to slavery.

As soon as the abolitionist Lincoln was elected the south went into rebellion, that and their constitutions and reasons for succession prove beyond doubt the war was to protect the rich democrat aristocrats state right, of owning slaves.

That's right........and those arguing that there was no switching of political views contradict themselves in this very issue. Lincoln, a Republican was against the Confederacy....and now Republicans are defending the Confederacy......the irony.
Nobody's on the Confederate side, you idiot. Defending first amendment and states rights doesn't make him Johnny Reb, you dumb fuck. Damn, you're stupid!
The slavery question did NOT come into play for about two years. The TRUTH is the south had a bumper crop so large the north broke their price agreement with SOUTH CAROLINA. SC the burned cotten on the beach next to the docks. The NORTH then marched down and burned the docks so SC could only ship overland to them.

Try as you may.......Historians have declared that the Civil War's main cause was slavery. And that isn't how you spell cotton, retard.

That flag WAS states RIGHTS and states ability to buy and sell freely. THAT'S the southern heritage that's the southern pride.
Mertex the Moron just refuses to face it.
That flag denotes "slavery" and retard DarkFury refuses to accept it. States rights was just a "key" issue......but the obstinate South didn't want government telling them what to do (they couldn't own slaves.) Much like the conservatives of today.

What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America?
A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery.
In fact,
it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.

A key issue was states' rights.

The Southern states wanted to assert their authority over the federal government so they could abolish federal laws they didn't support, especially laws interfering with the South's right to keep slaves and take them wherever they wished.
Causes Of The Civil War History Detectives PBS

Dude, the North had slaves as well as the South. The total percentage of white who owned slaves was less than ten percent.

Those two facts alone debunks the notion that the war was mainly due to slavery.

Of course the North had slaves as well as the South.....where did anyone say anything different? Slavery wasn't the "only" reason for the Civil War.....nobody said that either....but it was the "Main" reason for the war. The South didn't want the Federal government telling them they couldn't own slaves. They wanted states rights so their states could make up their own rules (mainly about owning slaves.}

You claimed it was the MAIN cause. Which is utter bullshit and anyone that's intellectually honest would tell you that.

It was the Main cause.........those of you who want to insist that it was states rights fail to acknowledge that it was their desire for states to be able to keep their slaves.
It is intellectually dishonest to try and make it seem that slavery was just a side issue.
Nobody's on the Confederate side, you idiot. Defending first amendment and states rights doesn't make him Johnny Reb, you dumb fuck. Damn, you're stupid!
The slavery question did NOT come into play for about two years. The TRUTH is the south had a bumper crop so large the north broke their price agreement with SOUTH CAROLINA. SC the burned cotten on the beach next to the docks. The NORTH then marched down and burned the docks so SC could only ship overland to them.

Try as you may.......Historians have declared that the Civil War's main cause was slavery. And that isn't how you spell cotton, retard.

That flag WAS states RIGHTS and states ability to buy and sell freely. THAT'S the southern heritage that's the southern pride.
Mertex the Moron just refuses to face it.
That flag denotes "slavery" and retard DarkFury refuses to accept it. States rights was just a "key" issue......but the obstinate South didn't want government telling them what to do (they couldn't own slaves.) Much like the conservatives of today.

What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America?
A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery.
In fact,
it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.

A key issue was states' rights.

The Southern states wanted to assert their authority over the federal government so they could abolish federal laws they didn't support, especially laws interfering with the South's right to keep slaves and take them wherever they wished.
Causes Of The Civil War History Detectives PBS

Dude, the North had slaves as well as the South. The total percentage of white who owned slaves was less than ten percent.

Those two facts alone debunks the notion that the war was mainly due to slavery.

Of course the North had slaves as well as the South.....where did anyone say anything different? Slavery wasn't the "only" reason for the Civil War.....nobody said that either....but it was the "Main" reason for the war. The South didn't want the Federal government telling them they couldn't own slaves. They wanted states rights so their states could make up their own rules (mainly about owning slaves.}

You got life all fucked up. Stop reading revisionist history.

Stop putting perfume on your ugly racism......it still stinks.
I hate to say this, but inst the Governor of South Carolina a Republican who started the taking down of the confederate flag? Yes it was. If you check the KKK, it still is Southern White Liberal Supremists who believe in the subjugation of colored people. CONSERVATIVES want every US Citizen to be equal. Why else does the Vagina keep talking about keeping the people of color enslaved to the government? Vote for the Vigina and America will be like Greece, Peurto Rico, Detroit, San Bernadino, and the State of Illinois, "BANKRUPT". Liberalism is all about equality, equally poor and equally miserable(just look at the USSR). Except Warren Buffet(who pays less taxes than his secretary) Bill Gates, Al Gore, Bill Clintons wife, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Barack Hussein Obama, who have millions and billions of dollars.
Those fighting to preserve their southern roots are driven by pride, heritage, and southern culture NOT racism or hate. That's your modus operandi - not ours.

You are blind to the truth. The racism continues and the Confederate flag is just another way for southern white trash to try and shove their racist hatred down our throats. It wasn't their "southern roots" they were trying to preserve, it was their "easy way to make money" they were trying to preserve, by having slaves do the dirty work. To this day, those that worship the Confederate flag are most likely black-hating rednecks who hate the government....nothing much has changed....except their political affiliation.

History is written by the victors - Churchill

The flag never represented hate, racism, or bigotry. That didn't come until much later when a few racists hijacked this symbol representing the fighting spirit if the south. Fact: It was a battle flag, not a hate flag. You people are giving racist theives far more credence than they deserve. You people have jumped on this racially fueled bandwagon and have attacked a battle flag. You're feeding a liberal racist movement. You buckle under racially driven hate against proud southerners who fly tho flag proudly, peacefully, and with honor, and you have the audacity to call us racist rednecks? Who's driven by hateful, bigoted, and racist motivation here? YOU are! Those attacking this flag ARE! Still, you call me blind. It's laughable. Damn sad but laughable just the same.

Wake up!

The flag represented the Confederacy........a bunch of states that decided they didn't want the United States telling them what to do. So, they decided to secede and the United States decided to fight them on it. They (Confederates) lost, and their flag still represents them, losers. Just because those who are still racist want to claim that it doesn't represent hate, racism or bigotry doesn't mean it doesn't. Your words are trying to convey what your actions don't. Quit trying to convince those of us of us that know what it means that it has anything to do with fighting spirit....unless you're willing to admit that it was the fighting spirit for the right to own people.......because you're only fooling yourself.

It's a battle flag the confederate army flew in battle. It NEVER represented hate, bigotry, or racism until a few racists hijacked it much later in history. The civil war was fought over a great deal more than slavery. Your focus is in THAT aspect because YOU are racially motivated. The entire lot of those who attack this flag are racially motivated. YOU call us racist rednecks. Who's the real victims here? It damn sure isn't the black community. Slavery is dead! It damn sure isn't those attacking this flag. The confederacy lost the civil war. The victims are those of us YOU label racist for flying this flag. You promote your racist agenda against against US by doing so. You call US racist when the only one's racially driven here are those who view this flag as a symbol of hate.
Nobody's on the Confederate side, you idiot. Defending first amendment and states rights doesn't make him Johnny Reb, you dumb fuck. Damn, you're stupid!
The slavery question did NOT come into play for about two years. The TRUTH is the south had a bumper crop so large the north broke their price agreement with SOUTH CAROLINA. SC the burned cotten on the beach next to the docks. The NORTH then marched down and burned the docks so SC could only ship overland to them.

Try as you may.......Historians have declared that the Civil War's main cause was slavery. And that isn't how you spell cotton, retard.

That flag WAS states RIGHTS and states ability to buy and sell freely. THAT'S the southern heritage that's the southern pride.
Mertex the Moron just refuses to face it.
That flag denotes "slavery" and retard DarkFury refuses to accept it. States rights was just a "key" issue......but the obstinate South didn't want government telling them what to do (they couldn't own slaves.) Much like the conservatives of today.

What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America?
A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery.
In fact,
it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.

A key issue was states' rights.

The Southern states wanted to assert their authority over the federal government so they could abolish federal laws they didn't support, especially laws interfering with the South's right to keep slaves and take them wherever they wished.
Causes Of The Civil War History Detectives PBS

Dude, the North had slaves as well as the South. The total percentage of white who owned slaves was less than ten percent.

Those two facts alone debunks the notion that the war was mainly due to slavery.

As soon as the abolitionist Lincoln was elected the south went into rebellion, that and their constitutions and reasons for succession prove beyond doubt the war was to protect the rich democrat aristocrats state right, of owning slaves.

That's right........and those arguing that there was no switching of political views contradict themselves in this very issue. Lincoln, a Republican was against the Confederacy....and now Republicans are defending the Confederacy......the irony.

No one is defending the Confederacy, we're setting you clowns straight.
Before Joan Rivers died she went publicly saying that President Obama is a closet homosexual and Michelle Obama is a man.
Obama calls his wife Michael
Joan Rivers died of a routine operation from a doctor that she wasnt supposed to see. He ran in 2008 against homosexual marriage but evolved for it, or was it because he really is a homosexual and tricked the blacks who wouldnt of voted for him if they knew?
Obama inteveiw says he is Muslim
"Barack Obama's home country is KENYA in Africa" says Michelle Obama
With a phone and pen, the Golfer in Chief as totally neglected the "Constitution" he swore to protect. Funny how you have to attack me for calling out your muslim , for what he is, and with America going down the tubes, but the liberal rich are definately getting richer and the poor getting much poorer under Obama, this happens when a country ends up Communist,Socialist, Fascist, Marxist, Liberal, Progressive. When you voted for Obama once, you were misguided, when you voted for Obama twice, you are just a goosestepping, koolaid drinking, mindnumbed, low information, useful idiot.

You guys realize don't you than KGB is who coined the term 'useful idiot?' By using it it's like you're saying you're a covert communist operative. :)
Do you know what genocide is?

The favorite passtime of leftists.


You guys realize don't you than KGB is who coined the term 'useful idiot?' By using it it's like you're saying you're a covert communist operative. :)

Wrong again; it was Vladimir Lenin, referencing Western progressives who supported the Communist agenda.

Learn how to use a search engine.

"Despite often being misattributed to Vladimir Lenin,[1][2][3] in 1987, Grant Harris, senior reference librarian at the Library of Congress, declared that "We have not been able to identify this phrase among [Lenin's] published works."[4][5]

In the Russian language, the equivalent term "useful fools" (полезные дураки, tr. polezniye duraki) was already in use in 1941. It was mockingly used against Russian (anti-communist) 'nihilists' who, for Polish agents, were said to be no more than "useful fools and silly enthusiasts".[6]"
Useful idiot - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You claimed it was the MAIN cause. Which is utter bullshit and anyone that's intellectually honest would tell you that.
So did the VP of the CSA. Read it and weep.
Corner Stone Speech Teaching American History

Does the VP of the US speak for you and every American?
On matters of state, most often yes. Stephens was authorized to speak for the CSA in his office as VP. You aren't.
It was the Main cause.........those of you who want to insist that it was states rights fail to acknowledge that it was their desire for states to be able to keep their slaves.
It is intellectually dishonest to try and make it seem that slavery was just a side issue.

Playtex; do yourself a favor and don't pretend you have an education beyond 3rd grade. There was no action to take slaves from any state and no one was afraid of the abolition of slavery. The core issue the sparked the civil war was the collapse of the Missouri Compromise, which you would have learned about had you made it to 6th grade and had American history. The South demanded that half of all new states admitted to the Union be slave states so that the political balance in Congress be maintained.

Look Playtex, with a cup size greater than your IQ (yes, I am saying your IQ is less than DD;) you have utterly no idea what the issues behind the war were.
Here's the gist of it: A flag is under attack. Those who fly it are labeled racists for doing so. Those attacking us and the flag we fly proudly are racially driven. While a very small percentage of those who defend this flag may be racists, the vast majority are not. The entire lot of those against the flag ARE motivated by race. Southerners, both white and black are either viewed to be racists or ignorant for defending this flag. Fact: No one us defending the confederacy. The confederacy no longer exists. No one is defending slavery. Slavery no longer exists. Those defending this flag are defending an important piece of southern history that NEVER had anything to do with hate, bigotry, or racism until a very small percentage if bigots decided to use it as a symbol of hate. Today these bigots are being honored by those handing this flag over to them. Today, these few bigots are given credence over the vast majority of southerners who defend this flag. The racists are winning folks! Both the racists who use this flag as a symbol of hate and the racists who so willingly hand it over to them by the racially driven agenda against it. Congratulations! You have officially paid homage to racist bigots and invalidated the vast majority if southerners who are not. You must be proud!
The slavery question did NOT come into play for about two years. The TRUTH is the south had a bumper crop so large the north broke their price agreement with SOUTH CAROLINA. SC the burned cotten on the beach next to the docks. The NORTH then marched down and burned the docks so SC could only ship overland to them.

Try as you may.......Historians have declared that the Civil War's main cause was slavery. And that isn't how you spell cotton, retard.

That flag WAS states RIGHTS and states ability to buy and sell freely. THAT'S the southern heritage that's the southern pride.
Mertex the Moron just refuses to face it.
That flag denotes "slavery" and retard DarkFury refuses to accept it. States rights was just a "key" issue......but the obstinate South didn't want government telling them what to do (they couldn't own slaves.) Much like the conservatives of today.

What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America?
A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery.
In fact,
it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.

A key issue was states' rights.

The Southern states wanted to assert their authority over the federal government so they could abolish federal laws they didn't support, especially laws interfering with the South's right to keep slaves and take them wherever they wished.
Causes Of The Civil War History Detectives PBS

Dude, the North had slaves as well as the South. The total percentage of white who owned slaves was less than ten percent.

Those two facts alone debunks the notion that the war was mainly due to slavery.

As soon as the abolitionist Lincoln was elected the south went into rebellion, that and their constitutions and reasons for succession prove beyond doubt the war was to protect the rich democrat aristocrats state right, of owning slaves.
Who even cares?

It is over, fact is, nobody in the 150 years since the 13th has found a profitable use for illiterate unskilled labor.

Time to address the problems of today, rather than dwell on theories of which cause of the Civil War was the most important one.

Of course, the whole flag and slavery discussion is just a deflection from the failure of Obama to do a thing to better the lower and middle classes.

Me thinks most of the lettuce you eat was picked by low skilled labor. Labor that apparently Obama and the liberals don't think we have enough of.

Denying or ignoring the past is a huge mistake, in my opinion.

If there is no use for unskilled low educated workers we are really in trouble.
Let me clarify, there is no economically feasible use for most low skilled AMERICAN labor, as the government pays more not to work
Before Joan Rivers died she went publicly saying that President Obama is a closet homosexual and Michelle Obama is a man.
Obama calls his wife Michael
Joan Rivers died of a routine operation from a doctor that she wasnt supposed to see. He ran in 2008 against homosexual marriage but evolved for it, or was it because he really is a homosexual and tricked the blacks who wouldnt of voted for him if they knew?
Obama inteveiw says he is Muslim
"Barack Obama's home country is KENYA in Africa" says Michelle Obama
With a phone and pen, the Golfer in Chief as totally neglected the "Constitution" he swore to protect. Funny how you have to attack me for calling out your muslim , for what he is, and with America going down the tubes, but the liberal rich are definately getting richer and the poor getting much poorer under Obama, this happens when a country ends up Communist,Socialist, Fascist, Marxist, Liberal, Progressive. When you voted for Obama once, you were misguided, when you voted for Obama twice, you are just a goosestepping, koolaid drinking, mindnumbed, low information, useful idiot.

Joan Rivers was killed by CNN's Fredricka Whitfield, in an intentionally provoke fit of apoplectic outrage; it just took a few weeks for all the preservatives to expire.
The slavery question did NOT come into play for about two years. The TRUTH is the south had a bumper crop so large the north broke their price agreement with SOUTH CAROLINA. SC the burned cotten on the beach next to the docks. The NORTH then marched down and burned the docks so SC could only ship overland to them.

Try as you may.......Historians have declared that the Civil War's main cause was slavery. And that isn't how you spell cotton, retard.

That flag WAS states RIGHTS and states ability to buy and sell freely. THAT'S the southern heritage that's the southern pride.
Mertex the Moron just refuses to face it.
That flag denotes "slavery" and retard DarkFury refuses to accept it. States rights was just a "key" issue......but the obstinate South didn't want government telling them what to do (they couldn't own slaves.) Much like the conservatives of today.

What led to the outbreak of the bloodiest conflict in the history of North America?
A common explanation is that the Civil War was fought over the moral issue of slavery.
In fact,
it was the economics of slavery and political control of that system that was central to the conflict.

A key issue was states' rights.

The Southern states wanted to assert their authority over the federal government so they could abolish federal laws they didn't support, especially laws interfering with the South's right to keep slaves and take them wherever they wished.
Causes Of The Civil War History Detectives PBS

Dude, the North had slaves as well as the South. The total percentage of white who owned slaves was less than ten percent.

Those two facts alone debunks the notion that the war was mainly due to slavery.

As soon as the abolitionist Lincoln was elected the south went into rebellion, that and their constitutions and reasons for succession prove beyond doubt the war was to protect the rich democrat aristocrats state right, of owning slaves.

That's right........and those arguing that there was no switching of political views contradict themselves in this very issue. Lincoln, a Republican was against the Confederacy....and now Republicans are defending the Confederacy......the irony.

No one is defending the Confederacy, we're setting you clowns straight.
There is no Confederacy to defend.

It is long over.

I am a 12th generation American.

My ancestors served the Brits, and later rebelled, served the Americans, rebelled again.

Once they won, once they lost.

When they lost, they came back home, started over, and within a generation, through work and education, were economically well off again, in the sense that they were yeoman farmers living and eating well, from their own labor.

Two generations after the Civil War, most of us were doctors, lawyers, or professional military.

All this flag crap is just provocation, and, distraction from the real problem, the fact that the average person is no better if not worse off than before Obama was elected.

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