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Is another Civil War brewing?

Cons really don't want to kill their fellow Americans

Yet they are the ones making all the hateful remarks.......hmmmm, are you tone deaf?
history is on my side

facts are on my side

assumption is on yours

and really, only cons make hateful remarks, pfft, leftist filth are already making threads about what to do with us once you take over
"IF" they take over. Fights far from done here.
I don't think you understand

The Pres will eventually have his own army of people loyal to him, obama laid the ground work. The military may take no action w/o orders and the Pres will never give those orders.

It's a far cry, but America is dead, the hopes and dreams of our forefathers that came here for freedom and a chance to make it are gone.

Drama queen?
reading comprehension?
memory issues?
early alzheimer?
I seriously doubt it.

Cons really don't want to kill their fellow Americans in spite of the fact leftist would have no qualms doing so.

Yeah, that is why liberals are buying all of the guns. Oh wait.
just check history of leftist filth, hell, American history of leftist filth.

fdr rounded up innocent citizens and put them in camps and used poor blacks as guinea pigs.

'you' wouldn't do it, you're gutless, but you'd cheer as the government did it for you.

history repeats, and leftist murder those that don't side with them

Yeah, Dylan Roof was a leftist....that's why he cherished the Confederate flag, wore a white supremacist emblem on his jacket, was racist, hated Treyvon Martin and was on George Zimmerman's side.......just like most conserevatives on this Forum....you truly are delusional or on denial, or just a plain liar.
leftist in history; stalin, mao, pol pot, the dear leader, and so on
Actually Stalin was a dictator....much like GW Bush....but Hitler and the Nazi's resemble the Republican party and he killed a lot of people.....and so on.

but you have a shit talker I never heard of, so you must be right.
There's a lot of shit talkers......on this thread, on this forum.

your last sentence, that's called projection
Not really......you're making absurd statements without proof....just shit talking, like Dylan Roof.
Stalin was a leftist like you
hitler was a leftist like you
pol pot was a leftist like you

lies, it's all you got and some stray person as your proof.

you're pathetic, truly deeply pathetic
reading comprehension?
memory issues?
early alzheimer?


None of the above, IQ less than her cup size..

Soros treasures her as a faithful moron with an IQ less than DD..

Those fighting to preserve their southern roots are driven by pride, heritage, and southern culture NOT racism or hate. That's your modus operandi - not ours.

You are blind to the truth. The racism continues and the Confederate flag is just another way for southern white trash to try and shove their racist hatred down our throats. It wasn't their "southern roots" they were trying to preserve, it was their "easy way to make money" they were trying to preserve, by having slaves do the dirty work. To this day, those that worship the Confederate flag are most likely black-hating rednecks who hate the government....nothing much has changed....except their political affiliation.

History is written by the victors - Churchill

The flag never represented hate, racism, or bigotry. That didn't come until much later when a few racists hijacked this symbol representing the fighting spirit if the south. Fact: It was a battle flag, not a hate flag. You people are giving racist theives far more credence than they deserve. You people have jumped on this racially fueled bandwagon and have attacked a battle flag. You're feeding a liberal racist movement. You buckle under racially driven hate against proud southerners who fly tho flag proudly, peacefully, and with honor, and you have the audacity to call us racist rednecks? Who's driven by hateful, bigoted, and racist motivation here? YOU are! Those attacking this flag ARE! Still, you call me blind. It's laughable. Damn sad but laughable just the same.

Wake up!

The flag represented the Confederacy........a bunch of states that decided they didn't want the United States telling them what to do. So, they decided to secede and the United States decided to fight them on it. They (Confederates) lost, and their flag still represents them, losers. Just because those who are still racist want to claim that it doesn't represent hate, racism or bigotry doesn't mean it doesn't. Your words are trying to convey what your actions don't. Quit trying to convince those of us of us that know what it means that it has anything to do with fighting spirit....unless you're willing to admit that it was the fighting spirit for the right to own people.......because you're only fooling yourself.

It's a battle flag the confederate army flew in battle. It NEVER represented hate, bigotry, or racism until a few racists hijacked it much later in history. The civil war was fought over a great deal more than slavery. Your focus is in THAT aspect because YOU are racially motivated. The entire lot of those who attack this flag are racially motivated. YOU call us racist rednecks. Who's the real victims here? It damn sure isn't the black community. Slavery is dead! It damn sure isn't those attacking this flag. The confederacy lost the civil war. The victims are those of us YOU label racist for flying this flag. You promote your racist agenda against against US by doing so. You call US racist when the only one's racially driven here are those who view this flag as a symbol of hate.

Other than slavery, exactly what was that war fought over? If you say "states rights", which is the expected answer, exactly which states rights were being limited?
What a bunch of thieves! You unwittingly side with racist bigots.


Old Glory saw the freedom of Americans to equal treatment under the law expanded just last Friday. Old glory stands for expanding the rights and freedoms of those who are denied them by the racists and bigots.

So while Old Glory has some sins in the past it has prevailed over ensuring that all Americans have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Unfortunately the confederate flag never stood for any of those things. Quite the opposite which is why it was co-opted by the racists because they rightly perceived it as a symbol of their white supremacist beliefs. Roof embraced it, and the racist flag of the Apartheid regime, for that very reason.

There is no justification for flying the confederate flag over any government property whatsoever.

That doesn't mean it won't still fly, but those who do fly it now know that they can't deny the racism for which it stands.

You want to live in a society baby-proofed for morons? Or preserve liberty and freedom of expression??
Hell of a lot of work to do to finish the baby -- proofing. Might be easier to subdue the violent morons..

Non sequitur!

Where did I post anything at all about "baby proofing for morons"?
... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?

If what you think will happen, there doesn't need to be a war.

I say let the south go. Have them pay us back the money they've been given through the decades. Have them buy the federal land and buildings and let them pay their own way. For once.

I'm tired of the south sponging off the rest of us while at the same time hating us.

I'm a southerner. I don't hate. I don't sponge and I have no desire to leave the South.

Abraham Lincoln respond this way when asked, "Why not let the South go in peace"?

He responded "I can't let them go. Who would pay for the government?…

... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?

I really hope this country hasn't degenerated to the point where we must resolve our political differences with violence.

it hasn't. they're still angry they lost the civil war and have to share restaurant with people of color and no one has to get up and give them a seat on the bus
... or is that alarmist?
Even the "gay marriage" is aligning South vs. North...or no?

If what you think will happen, there doesn't need to be a war.

I say let the south go. Have them pay us back the money they've been given through the decades. Have them buy the federal land and buildings and let them pay their own way. For once.

I'm tired of the south sponging off the rest of us while at the same time hating us.

I'm a southerner. I don't hate. I don't sponge and I have no desire to leave the South.

Abraham Lincoln respond this way when asked, "Why not let the South go in peace"?

He responded "I can't let them go. Who would pay for the government?…


This is from another message board I'm not allowed to mention - I'll try to find a site that has it:

"Let the South go! where then shall we get our revenue?" (supposed quote)
Lincoln never made such a statement.
"The quote you give is a perturbation of a quote found in John Baldwin's account of his interview with Lincoln, held on April 4, 1861. Baldwin was a member of the Virginia Secession Convention, purportedly a Unionist (although he commanded a Confederate regiment and served in the Confederate Congress). Baldwin wrote his account in 1866, I believe.
Baldwin has Lincoln merely express concern over revenue from the seceded states, and then he (Baldwin) lectures Lincoln on the costs of war.
I find Baldwin's original quote as well as the perturbation unconvincing. Tariff revenue in the years before the war was around $45 million, $42 million of which was collected in the Ports of New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. The South simply did not generate that much in tariff revenue.
The version you find on websites probably comes from the book, "The South Was Right," which sources it to (of all things) Raphael Semmes's memoirs. Something similar is in an article by Robert L. Dabney in the Southern Historical Society Papers, who claims Baldwin made the statement to him. (Dabney wrote this, of course, after Baldwin was dead.) I suspect Semmes took it from Dabney's article."
" If you check the KKK, it still is Southern White Liberal Supremists who believe in the subjugation of colored people" is a lie told by the KKK, the conservatives who want to segregate this nation again.
What a bunch of thieves! You unwittingly side with racist bigots.


Old Glory saw the freedom of Americans to equal treatment under the law expanded just last Friday. Old glory stands for expanding the rights and freedoms of those who are denied them by the racists and bigots.

So while Old Glory has some sins in the past it has prevailed over ensuring that all Americans have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Unfortunately the confederate flag never stood for any of those things. Quite the opposite which is why it was co-opted by the racists because they rightly perceived it as a symbol of their white supremacist beliefs. Roof embraced it, and the racist flag of the Apartheid regime, for that very reason.

There is no justification for flying the confederate flag over any government property whatsoever.

That doesn't mean it won't still fly, but those who do fly it now know that they can't deny the racism for which it stands.

You want to live in a society baby-proofed for morons? Or preserve liberty and freedom of expression??
Hell of a lot of work to do to finish the baby -- proofing. Might be easier to subdue the violent morons..

Non sequitur!

Where did I post anything at all about "baby proofing for morons"?

Moron kid who flunked 9th grade twice -- goes and tries to start a race war by killing 9 innocent people praying.
And America wants to remove Civil War Battle Games from the app store because they show a stars n bars flag. YOU think it stands for morons like Roof -- and NOT a historical symbol invoked by Southerners for a variety of reasons -- including revolts against Federal moonshine taxes..

Baby proofing -- for folks who can't handle symbols of history and State's rights and general Southern pride. It FLIES on State grounds because most of those placess are memorials to war dead.
If this picture makes display of the Confederate flag a symbol of racism because Roof killed 9 black people, then by those standards, Gold's Gym should be branded as racist as well since he's wearing one of their shirts. And aren't those Levis he's wearing? Those racist bastards. Yeah, it's that silly.

YOU think it stands for morons like Roof


Baby proofing -- for folks who can't handle symbols of history and State's rights and general Southern pride. It FLIES on State grounds because most of those placess are memorials to war dead.

Symbols of history belong in museums.

As far as corporate America choosing to "baby proof" their bottom lines from the negative association that all of those proud southerners failed to protect from racist white supremacists by calling them out goes that is on them.

If they had denounced the racists when they used the flag then they would have a case. Since they didn't it now appears as though they tacitly agreed with them.

Whether that is true or not doesn't matter at this point. That they failed to protect their flag when it was being abused for racist purposes means that now they have to live with the consequences of their inaction in the past.
YOU think it stands for morons like Roof

View attachment 43653

Baby proofing -- for folks who can't handle symbols of history and State's rights and general Southern pride. It FLIES on State grounds because most of those placess are memorials to war dead.

Symbols of history belong in museums.

As far as corporate America choosing to "baby proof" their bottom lines from the negative association that all of those proud southerners failed to protect from racist white supremacists by calling them out goes that is on them.

If they had denounced the racists when they used the flag then they would have a case. Since they didn't it now appears as though they tacitly agreed with them.

Whether that is true or not doesn't matter at this point. That they failed to protect their flag when it was being abused for racist purposes means that now they have to live with the consequences of their inaction in the past.

Even the Dukes of Hazzard didn't have a racist bone in their bodies. It was on the General Lee because it's an anti-Federalist statement. Gets in the way of the moonshining biz. NASCAR for freakin; sake came OUT of moonshine running.. You did use Roof as proof of your Modern Day racist theory..
Dukes of Hazzard didn't have a racist bone in their bodies


Hollywood makes a TV show without any racism in it and somehow that is the best you can come up with to defend the failure of those "proud southerners" to denounce the white supremacists using the confederate flag as a symbol for their hatred and racism?
If this picture makes display of the Confederate flag a symbol of racism because Roof killed 9 black people, then by those standards, Gold's Gym should be branded as racist as well since he's wearing one of their shirts. And aren't those Levis he's wearing? Those racist bastards. Yeah, it's that silly.


fallacy of incomparable derivative analogies
YOU think it stands for morons like Roof

View attachment 43653

Baby proofing -- for folks who can't handle symbols of history and State's rights and general Southern pride. It FLIES on State grounds because most of those placess are memorials to war dead.

Symbols of history belong in museums.

As far as corporate America choosing to "baby proof" their bottom lines from the negative association that all of those proud southerners failed to protect from racist white supremacists by calling them out goes that is on them.

If they had denounced the racists when they used the flag then they would have a case. Since they didn't it now appears as though they tacitly agreed with them.

Whether that is true or not doesn't matter at this point. That they failed to protect their flag when it was being abused for racist purposes means that now they have to live with the consequences of their inaction in the past.

You PUT The fact in evidence back a couple posts ago when you said..

Unfortunately the confederate flag never stood for any of those things. Quite the opposite which is why it was co-opted by the racists because they rightly perceived it as a symbol of their white supremacist beliefs. Roof embraced it, and the racist flag of the Apartheid regime, for that very reason.

Roof couldn't tell you who Jefferson Davis was and probably doesn't know M.L. King from B.B. King..
He is a baby moron and you want to use HIM to perform a purge..

If you went 2 miles from where I live, and listened to docents (white and black) relate the stories of the last Civil War -- tears would flow. The land I'm on had battles so violent that witnesses said the sounds of the cannons were occasionally muffled by the sheer mass of bodies attacking them. Those folks didn't die JUST for slavery.

Racism in the South was ended more by THIS guy then by any Government action or symbol or modern day race pimp..


The South now celebrates a very peaceful acceptance of integration and race. More issues with Muslims and illegals than tensions of any major consequence between blacks and whites...
"The South now celebrates a very peaceful acceptance of integration and race" because everyone is aware the minorities and their white allied will fuck up anybody who tries to interfere with it.

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