Is anyone gonna miss John Boehner?

Will you miss John Boehner?

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"Is anyone gonna miss John Boehner?"

Mainstream and moderate republicans already miss him.

Boehner was of course wrong on most of the issues, as is the case with most republicans; but at least he understood the importance of compromise, that because a given party might be in the majority it doesn't mean they get everything their way 100 percent of the time, and he sought in good faith sound, responsible governance.
do you fault the democrats for thinking they should get every thing 100% of the time even as a minority?

Well, you do have to work to get things passed as neither party has the votes. Somethings need to be passed like maintaining our infrastructure, military, and other things that make this country strong.
and yet if the republicans send up a budget that has all of that in consideration, but fails to fund PP, its ok to veto that budget and hold the country hostage over PP?
Drop the PP provision, and the budget will succeed.
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I will miss him when someone even worse takes over, in a month.
I dont care who it is, you can never get worse than that bitch Pelosi that you all had running the country into the ground.
Just one problem for you, she was actually effective at her job, herding cats.
just one problem for you. She herded them to destruction of the country.
but, I guess since that's exactly what the liberals want, I can see where you might consider her effective
"Is anyone gonna miss John Boehner?"

Mainstream and moderate republicans already miss him.

Boehner was of course wrong on most of the issues, as is the case with most republicans; but at least he understood the importance of compromise, that because a given party might be in the majority it doesn't mean they get everything their way 100 percent of the time, and he sought in good faith sound, responsible governance.
do you fault the democrats for thinking they should get every thing 100% of the time even as a minority?

Well, you do have to work to get things passed as neither party has the votes. Somethings need to be passed like maintaining our infrastructure, military, and other things that make this country strong.
and yet if the republicans send up a budget that has all of that in consideration, but fails to fund PP, its ok to veto that budget and hold the country hostage over PP?
Drop the PP provision, and your budget will succeed.
in other words, give the democrats 100% of what they want.
If the government shuts down over this, it will once again be at the hands of the democrats
I will miss him when someone even worse takes over, in a month.
I dont care who it is, you can never get worse than that bitch Pelosi that you all had running the country into the ground.
Just one problem for you, she was actually effective at her job, herding cats.
just one problem for you. She herded them to destruction of the country.
but, I guess since that's exactly what the liberals want, I can see where you might consider her effective
This is a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals. It is you that doesn't belong here. You are an American in name only so, get out.
John Boehner warns of GOP's "false prophets" in D.C.

Just reading this weasel's parting words; it got me to thinking, is anyone gonna miss this guy? If so, explain.

The person who takes his place as speaker of the house will miss him greatly . The elected Republicans aren't team players. The position of speaker isn't respected. Despising partisan politics is the cool thing now. If you defy the leadership in your party then you have people's loyalty forever. My congressman (Walter Jones) is the worst offender. He is more loyal to God and country than he is to the Republican Party. It is no surprise that Boehner got burnt. The Republican is help bent on being as weak as possible. Who wants to the leader of destructionist morons?

Boehner was ineffective. I'm not sure that can all be credited to him.

Worst offender? More loyal to God and Country than he is to the party. Guess what hero, his oath of office compels him to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, not the republican party. People who put party above country are the problem, not the solution.

Who is your favorite comic book hero?

Democrats didn't use this looking strategy to pass the Affordable Care Act.

This is reality not the comic books where the good guy always wins.

We have team Republican and team Democrat. One will win and one will lose. I don't want it to be my party just because they enjoy reading childish fairy tales.
I will miss him when someone even worse takes over, in a month.
I dont care who it is, you can never get worse than that bitch Pelosi that you all had running the country into the ground.
Just one problem for you, she was actually effective at her job, herding cats.
just one problem for you. She herded them to destruction of the country.
but, I guess since that's exactly what the liberals want, I can see where you might consider her effective
This is a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals. It is you that doesn't belong here. You are an American in name only so, get out.
you should put your towel on your head and come on down to the DC area and throw me out.
I think it would be fun.
and I dont recall all the freebies written into the constitution by the framers of it.
maybe those pages were hidden with the lost scrolls or something?
wasnt until you socialist swine figured out that you could vote yourself a living off of the backs of others that the country started to fail.
so, you should get the hell out and go somewhere a little closer to what you want.
I will miss him when someone even worse takes over, in a month.
I dont care who it is, you can never get worse than that bitch Pelosi that you all had running the country into the ground.
Just one problem for you, she was actually effective at her job, herding cats.
just one problem for you. She herded them to destruction of the country.
but, I guess since that's exactly what the liberals want, I can see where you might consider her effective
This is a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals. It is you that doesn't belong here. You are an American in name only so, get out.
you should put your towel on your head and come on down to the DC area and throw me out.
I think it would be fun.
and I dont recall all the freebies written into the constitution by the framers of it.
maybe those pages were hidden with the lost scrolls or something?
wasnt until you socialist swine figured out that you could vote yourself a living off of the backs of others that the country started to fail.
so, you should get the hell out and go somewhere a little closer to what you want.
What I want is people like you out of my liberal secular nation.
I dont care who it is, you can never get worse than that bitch Pelosi that you all had running the country into the ground.
Just one problem for you, she was actually effective at her job, herding cats.
just one problem for you. She herded them to destruction of the country.
but, I guess since that's exactly what the liberals want, I can see where you might consider her effective
This is a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals. It is you that doesn't belong here. You are an American in name only so, get out.
you should put your towel on your head and come on down to the DC area and throw me out.
I think it would be fun.
and I dont recall all the freebies written into the constitution by the framers of it.
maybe those pages were hidden with the lost scrolls or something?
wasnt until you socialist swine figured out that you could vote yourself a living off of the backs of others that the country started to fail.
so, you should get the hell out and go somewhere a little closer to what you want.
What I want is people like you out of my liberal secular nation.
come throw me out then pussy
The far right of our GOP have to understand that we live in a social democratic market economy and political system.

The marylandpatriots will always fail. That's the way it is.

We will throw them out in the primaries next spring and summer.
I will miss him when someone even worse takes over, in a month.
I dont care who it is, you can never get worse than that bitch Pelosi that you all had running the country into the ground.
Just one problem for you, she was actually effective at her job, herding cats.
just one problem for you. She herded them to destruction of the country.
but, I guess since that's exactly what the liberals want, I can see where you might consider her effective
This is a liberal nation, founded by liberals for liberals. It is you that doesn't belong here. You are an American in name only so, get out.

Excuse me dickhead, liberal doesn't mean communist progressive. That's what you want, move to fuck'n russia.
The far right of our GOP have to understand that we live in a social democratic market economy and political system.

The marylandpatriots will always fail. That's the way it is.

We will throw them out in the primaries next spring and summer.
and was the country founded on those principals?
TeaP Creep legislation will, of course, fail.

They do not have a majority in Congress, and the overwhelming majority of Americans despise them.

But that's not really the problem.

The problem is the wasted time, money, and effort trying to pass that idiotic, wrongheaded legislation, when those efforts could be better spent on addressing real problems the American people care about.
John Boehner warns of GOP's "false prophets" in D.C.

Just reading this weasel's parting words; it got me to thinking, is anyone gonna miss this guy? If so, explain.

The person who takes his place as speaker of the house will miss him greatly . The elected Republicans aren't team players. The position of speaker isn't respected. Despising partisan politics is the cool thing now. If you defy the leadership in your party then you have people's loyalty forever. My congressman (Walter Jones) is the worst offender. He is more loyal to God and country than he is to the Republican Party. It is no surprise that Boehner got burnt. The Republican is help bent on being as weak as possible. Who wants to the leader of destructionist morons?

Boehner was ineffective. I'm not sure that can all be credited to him.

Worst offender? More loyal to God and Country than he is to the party. Guess what hero, his oath of office compels him to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, not the republican party. People who put party above country are the problem, not the solution.

Reading stories about God and country is supposed to provide you with inspiration and encouragement. It isn't supposed to be practical advice for swimming through a world full of sharks. As a matter of record, I think the Bible often shows us that the bad guy usually wins. Even if you read the Bible it doesn't teach you to be childish and unrealistic.

Walter Jones is delusional and has an inflated sense of self importance. A good politician advises his party and votes with them 100% of the time once the final product has been produced. Only a child throws a temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way. Walter Jones isn't the only republican that "votes his conscience". Living in la la land is unbecoming of a grown man with responsibilities. I think we should vote these children out of office and elect some men.

How hard is it to wait for the decision of the party leaders and then agree? It seems simple to win once you have a majority. The hard part is getting all the Republicans elected. The easy part is being loyal to your team.

This seems so f-----ing simple. I must be missing something.

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