Is automatic voter registration Unconstitutional?

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Which is why all 25 states have an opt-out option.

It is hilarious to me that you can’t see the motivation here. Auto-registration coupled with the lack of control at the border, and it should be pretty obvious. Certain cities already give non-citizens the right to vote in local elections(NYC), so this is already affecting these cities. They can auto-register non-citizens(and give them drivers licenses, which they are already doing) and viola, local elections are now affected by non-citizens voting. What don‘t you see here? Do you really believe this won’t matriculate to the federal elections if allowed to continue?
So the US is ”catching up” but we continue to fall behind with regards to voter id. Funny how that works.

Don’t be so naive. The reason the left is so lax about the Southern border is because they have dreams of registering these folks and then putting the onus on Republicans to prove (in mass) that they have done so.
The ONLY presidents and party that actually did this and accomplished this was President Reagan and President GHW Bush and Republicans with their Amnesty program for millions of illegals who entered.

There has been no such thing accomplished by the Democratic Party....regardless of Republicans 40 years of continuous lying about it.
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So the US is ”catching up” but we continue to fall behind with regards to voter id. Funny how that works.

Don’t be so naive. The reason the left is so lax about the Southern border is because they have dreams of registering these folks and then putting the onus on Republicans to prove (in mass) that they have done so.
The ONLY presidents and party that actually did this and accomplished this was President Reagan and President GHW Bush and Republicans with their Amnesty program for millions of illegals who entered.

There has been no such thing accomplished by the Democratic Party....regardless of Republicans 40 years of continuous lying about it.
The ONLY presidents and party that actually did this and accomplished this was President Reagan and President GHW Bush and Republicans with their Amnesty program for millions of illegals who entered.

There has been no such thing accomplished by the Democratic Party....regardless of Republicans 40 years of continuous lying about it.

The sheer ignorance and naïveté of the average Democrat will be this country’s downfall.
It is hilarious to me that you can’t see the motivation here. Auto-registration coupled with the lack of control at the border, and it should be pretty obvious. Certain cities already give non-citizens the right to vote in local elections(NYC), so this is already affecting these cities. They can auto-register non-citizens(and give them drivers licenses, which they are already doing) and viola, local elections are now affected by non-citizens voting. What don‘t you see here? Do you really believe this won’t matriculate to the federal elections if allowed to continue?

I have no problem with cities giving their residents the right to vote in local elections even if they are not US citizens, as long as they are legal residents of the country.
I have no problem with cities giving their residents the right to vote in local elections even if they are not US citizens, as long as they are legal residents of the country.

Wow. Yeah, totally messed up and a super slippery slope. Keep in mind, thousands of people are pouring over the border daily for the promise of free stuff in sanctuary cities. If given their way, Democrats will grant all of them legal residency. There are 8 billion people on this planet. Do you think they can all fit here and we can make these promises? Our nation’s sovereignty is at serious risk due to complacency and globalists ideas.
“The former president’s obsession with spreading lies about our elections is dangerous,” Shapiro’s spokesperson said in a statement. The spokesperson added, “[F]acts matter — and it is abundantly clear this commonsense, nonpartisan step to securely streamline voter registration and enhance election security is within the Governor’s executive authority. The Governor will remain focused on defending our democracy and empowering eligible Pennsylvanians to vote, no matter who they choose to support.”
Wow wait this wasn’t a law passed by the legislature but an executive order? Well, I’m more inclined to think it’s unconstitutional
If I have to opt out that means I was opted in against my will.

If I want to vote I will register myself I don't need the fucking government to do it for me.

Not sure if it's unconstitutional or not, I haven't read the law. I guess it depends, and likely will be litigated.
Are you saying it has not been challenged yet, since 2015 first State enactment? Why not?
There is something called ARR....automatic re-registering....

For those registered voters who move to another county, dropping them in their previous county of habitation to their new county address.
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