Is Christmas a Christian (or Catholic) Holiday?

The real fool is the one who doesn't understand the difference between not believing and disbelieving.

What's only your problem - not my problem. I am a Catholic - so my religion (=rebound in god) is very transparent for everyone.
...... It existed Christians hundreds of years before the bible had been written. The bible is only an instrument which we made. And the word "Jehova" is for example a mistake and to use the capital letters which you used is an audacity.
Sometimes it is easy to agree with you. :)
….. you use much more German words in your English than I do so it is not clear for any other English speaker here what you are really speaking about.
When I reply to >you< I want you to understand. 🇩🇪
What's only your problem - not my problem. I am a Catholic - so my religion (=rebound in god) is very transparent for everyone.e made.
I was born and raised a Catholic but I officially left the Catholic Church because it is a cult so it is your problem ... not mine. 🙁
Sometimes it is easy to agree with you. :)

You do not agree with me! You agree with a fact of history - what's somehow stupid to say so. Whether someone agrees with a fact of history or not is not changing this fact.

When I reply to >you< I want you to understand. 🇩🇪

Then don't be an idiot. This here is a public forum.

I was born and raised a Catholic

What I doubt about.

but I officially left the Catholic Church

In Berlin in 1979 so you are a German.

because it is a cult

And this is something what a German never would say.

so it is your problem ... not mine. 🙁

What you believe is your problem. Example: Here was someone very convinced that covid-19 is only a fake - although he had been in an hospital because of covid-19. The day before he died he did not like to be under artificial ventilation because he believed the doctors in the hospital are wrong and he has only a cold.
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Do you think I think you are a Christian because you speak in numbers? What about to say what you like to say? It existed Christians hundreds of years before the bible had been written. The bible is only an instrument which we made. And the word "Jehova" is for example a mistake and to use the capital letters which you used is an audacity.
YHWH is the tetragramoton. In the original writings every spot in the OT where-GOD or LORD all capitols is. Those words of the bible were written by the year 96 ce.
I am 100% confident since Jesus promised to keep making his Fathers name known,( John 17:26) it is Jehovah. And there is no doubt God himself makes it known.
YHWH is the tetragramoton. In the original writings every spot in the OT where-GOD or LORD all capitols is. Those words of the bible were written by the year 96 ce.
I am 100% confident since Jesus promised to keep making his Fathers name known,( John 17:26) it is Jehovah. And there is no doubt God himself makes it known.
no comment

What doesn't mean that you are not far away from any serios logic with your "arguments" latest since 1979. And this are meanwhile more than 40 destructive years. What someone destroyed in 40 years will not be able to be undone in the same time - it will need longer. That's perhaps a form of self-reinforcing atheism, because you are not able to believe in the wonder to be able to change your own mind and god forgives you all the mistakes you made during this long time - specially if this mistakes caused also bad consequenes for others.


What doesn't mean that you are not far away from any serios logic with your "arguments" latest since 1979. And this are meanwhile more than 40 destructive years. What someone destroyed in 40 years will not be able to be undone in the same time - it will need longer. That's perhaps a form of self-reinforcing atheism, because you are not able to believe in the wonder to be able to change your own mind and god forgives you all the mistakes you made during this long time - specially if this mistakes caused also bad consequenes for others.
I do not understand what you are talking about:
1). What has been destroyed in 40 years?
2). What atheism are you talking about?
3). What mistakes have I made during this long time?
4). How do my decisions make bad consequences for others?

Are you verrückt?
I do not understand what you are talking about:
1). What has been destroyed in 40 years?

You destroy since a very long time the belief and trust in god and try to weaken your neighbors instead to try to make them strong.

2). What atheism are you talking about?

Your brutal form of atheism which likes not to understand the own belief nor the spirituality of other people.

3). What mistakes have I made during this long time?

For example do you use logic not like an instrument - you use it like a weapon.

4). How do my decisions make bad consequences for others?

Are you verrückt?

Did you like to say "Are you crazy?" or "Are you mad?" and what is your intention by doing so? Good consequences?

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You destroy since a very long time the belief and trust in god and try to weaken your neighbors instead to try to make them strong.
You should notice that you spread since a ver lng tome the belief and trust in superstition making your neighbours weak and stupid. I gift my neighbours with truth and logic and destroy since a ver lng tome lies and superstition.
Your brutal form of atheism which likes not to understand the own belief nor the spirituality of other people.
My non-brutal form of truth is not „atheism“ and I have just as much freedom to spread truth as you have the freedom to spread lies. I encourage people to seek as much truth as possible and to understand that the bible is a made-made book of fiction written by very primitive men who believed in Hokuspokus & Aberglaube.
For example do you use logic not like an instrument - you use it like a weapon.
Logic supports truth. Superstition supports lies and/or disinformation.
Did you like to say "Are you crazy?" or "Are you mad?" and what is yout intention by doing so? Good consequences?
Mite intention is to find out if you actually believe that expressing truth „makes bad consequences for others.“
You should notice that you spread since a ver lng tome the belief and trust in superstition making your neighbours weak and stupid. I gift my neighbours with truth and logic and destroy since a ver lng tome lies and superstition.

My non-brutal form of truth is not „atheism“

I don't ask you "whatelse" because this is totally clear. Or is Satanism your lifestyle?

and I have just as much freedom to spread truth as you have the freedom to spread lies.

I guess that's one of the best jokes I heard in the last decade.

I encourage people to seek as much truth as possible

Then your self-perception of your own person is totally different from my perception of your person.

and to understand that the bible is a made-made book

It grew not on a wild tree - so it is manmade - like every book about everything. Germans write by the way every year worldwide about 50% of all books about philosophy and 50% of all books about income tax. That's why someone is able to leave a church here with a tax declaration.

of fiction written by very primitive men who believed in Hokuspokus & Aberglaube.

It's your racist superstition (Aberglaube) to think the people in the past were "primitive" ("uneducated, stupid" in your view to the world) only because you use some of their scribbels on electronic paper.

Logic supports truth.

Exactly. That's for example why in the mathematics of nodes 2+2 = 5.

Superstition supports lies and/or disinformation.

Your view into your own mirror - but you don't like to see this.

Mite intention is to find out if you actually believe that expressing truth „makes bad consequences for others.“

No. Truth is the fulfilling of love. But you just simple attack everyone who shares not your form of belief. You don't seek what's true.

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I don't ask you "whatelse" because this is totally clear. Or is Satanism your lifestyle?
I have no idea what you are trying to say.
I guess that's one of the best jokes I heard in the last decade. Fascinating nonsense.
Me spreading the truth is not a joke. You spreading superstitious Scheiße is not a joke either.
Then your self-perception of your own person is totally different from my perception of your person.
That’s because your eyes and ears are closed. Only your mouth is open.
It grew not on a wild tree - so it is manmade - like every book about everything. Germans write by the way every year worldwide about 50% of all books about philosopy and 50% of all books about income tax. Thausn oerhsij a dpeper reason
Thausn oerhsij a dpeper is not any reason.
It's your racist superstition (Aberglaube) to think the people in the past were "primitive" ("uneducated, stupid" in your view to the world) only because you use some of their scribbels on electronic paper.
I write all of my work on papyrus. I give it to students to scribbels on electronic paper.
Exactly. That's for example why in the mathematics of nodes 2+2 = 5.
You have falsche information. 2+3 ≠ 5
Your view into your miriri - but you don't like to see thsi in your own eyes, agigator.
My view into my miriri is clear and earnest but it is true that I don’t like alligators in my eyes.
No. Truth is the fulfilling of love. But you just simple attack everyone who shares not your form of belief. You don't seek what's true.
I offer truth to those I love and even to those I don’t love and I don’t attack anyone. I attack nonsense, superstition, intolerance, and snake-oil salesmen [Scharlatane].
I have no idea what you are trying to say.

Me spreading the truth is not a joke. You spreading superstitious Scheiße is not a joke either.

That’s because your eyes and ears are closed. Only your mouth is open.

Thausn oerhsij a dpeper is not any reason.

I write all of my work on papyrus. I give it to students to scribbels on electronic paper.

You have falsche information. 2+3 ≠ 5

My view into my miriri is clear and earnest but it is true that I don’t like alligators in my eyes.

I offer truth to those I love and even to those I don’t love and I don’t attack anyone. I attack nonsense, superstition, intolerance, and snake-oil salesmen [Scharlatane].
bye bye

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