Is climate change the new race card ???

Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.

It is scam used by the far left to have more taxes and regulations as many nations they have tapped out their money resources. So they have to create new ones to continue to fund their over bloated social programs.

The AGW movement is nothing more than wealth redistribution!

The Climate will change whether humans exist on this planet or not! Well at least for the next 600 million to 1.2 Billion years..
What's funny about this is you think that I have an interest in supporting higher taxes and more regulations. I dont benefit from either of those. I want low taxes and less government interference. There is a ton of fat that needs cutting. But I'm not going to make an ignorant claim denying the risk and dangers that mans activity poses to our environment. It's called reality

First with climate change stop trying to.force this shit.
How many warning do we get, time Passes and we get another, its boring, its been going on since the 70s.
So do we get another 10 years?

Stop making gpredictions that fail, like superstorms and hurricanes everywhere, then we go into a 10 year low period.

And dont get caught falsifying data like at East anglia and noah.

And if all else fails, those soundingol the alarm need to act like its true,
Live in small houses houses, give up fossil fuels, have a very small footprint.

We just dont buy it, it seems like a scam to make money and to regulate the populace into serfdom.
You use the actions of extremists to label the masses and this is just not fair or truthful. I personally, do not yell climate change at every storm that hits our shores. I'm also not picketing outside oil companies saying that they are bringing on the destruction of the world. But I do believe in respecting our environment and I support changing the course of our country from wasteful and dirty to smart and clean. The actual science of climate change doesn't matter that much to me, being clean and responsible with what we do to our land is simply the right thing to do.

Your side is not making a smart argument. You should come out as supportive of economic initiatives. Show that you support being cleaner and more responsible, but fight needless oversight, taxes and regulations by debating the attributes of the laws. Denying the threat to our environment is just foolish. Kosh likes to call the left "drones" but the left is parroting findings from the scientific community, yall are are parroting the talking points of the energy lobby's...
Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.

I do support science x there is none in climate change, its a bullshit model that use fake data and leave out alot of important factors.

Oh and the fact all the commies are for it and want us to blindly accept it and their remedies( none of which they follow)
Its not blind acceptance there is a tremendous amount of support about climate change in the scientific community... More so than those who deny it. So what resources to do you trust? Where do you get your information?

Do you trust our government intelligence? For example, if the pentagon releases information about something do you trust them?

Most of the ones who support it are getting paid to support it.
Bernie Sanders the moron was on the Sunday news shows today saying global warming is 100% settled and no opposition whatsoever should be tolerated. If science took that approach to any other area of science we'd be living in a world of ignorance. Just in the last 20 years we have found that we were categorically wrong about a great many things in cosmology and physics, things that were mocked and laughed at until proven.

Black holes for example, previously ridiculed, now we know there are billions of them. Some are 30 billion solar masses which has science stumped. The universe is too young to have produced a black hole that large.

Challenging science, peer review, skepticism is good science. The crap this Bernie idiot was spewing today is the polar opposite of good science. Shout down ANY skepticism. Why? Bernie told us, his hatred of fossil fuels which is to say his hatred of corporations who mine fossil fuels and the profits they make and don't share with the mooching class.
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.

No its not why do you people lie? I think we all know why. #eyeroll
Cause and effect dude. Science. Every time you fart it is effecting the environment. That's a fact. What is being studied is how much of an effect it has. To outright deny that it has any effect is just plain ignorant

And all the times 'settled science' was proven wrong? Every so called 'science' attack you people have volleyed at fossil fuels has been proven wrong. Before global warming you people claimed global cooling, proven wrong. Then you claimed fossil fuels were destroying the ozone layer and this was deforming frogs and the end of the world was near. Later proven categorically wrong. You people claimed the polar ice caps would be gone by 2012 well its 2016 and they are still here. Your so called settled science is a joke.
You're right, let's just go nuts and shit all over the world. Fuck it. Party time

First prove we are "shitting all over the world." Why do you image we are obligated to accept your bullshit premises?
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?

Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.

It is scam used by the far left to have more taxes and regulations as many nations they have tapped out their money resources. So they have to create new ones to continue to fund their over bloated social programs.

The AGW movement is nothing more than wealth redistribution!

The Climate will change whether humans exist on this planet or not! Well at least for the next 600 million to 1.2 Billion years..
What's funny about this is you think that I have an interest in supporting higher taxes and more regulations. I dont benefit from either of those. I want low taxes and less government interference. There is a ton of fat that needs cutting. But I'm not going to make an ignorant claim denying the risk and dangers that mans activity poses to our environment. It's called reality

More bullshit. Name one regulation you would like to repeal.
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?

Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.

The so-called "science" is bullshit. It's nothing more than propaganda designed to justify the regulations.
Perhaps, but couldn't I make the same argument about your "the science is bullshit" line?? Nothing more that propaganda from the energy lobby's to cut down on regulations and taxes that are imposed on their businesses? So we have science vs. lobbyists
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.

I do support science x there is none in climate change, its a bullshit model that use fake data and leave out alot of important factors.

Oh and the fact all the commies are for it and want us to blindly accept it and their remedies( none of which they follow)
Its not blind acceptance there is a tremendous amount of support about climate change in the scientific community... More so than those who deny it. So what resources to do you trust? Where do you get your information?

Do you trust our government intelligence? For example, if the pentagon releases information about something do you trust them?

Im skeptical of all of it, I like to corroborante wi th other sources first.

I dont make rush judgements and people that want to hurry me, whether its car salemen or al.gore, will see that i dont play that game.
I'm the same way.
Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.

The so-called "science" is bullshit. It's nothing more than propaganda designed to justify the regulations.
Perhaps, but couldn't I make the same argument about your "the science is bullshit" line?? Nothing more that propaganda from the energy lobby's to cut down on regulations and taxes that are imposed on their businesses? So we have science vs. lobbyists
You and your ilk have been trying for 30 years, but so far it isn't working. The public hasn't been fooled by the AGW hocus-pocus.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.

I do support science x there is none in climate change, its a bullshit model that use fake data and leave out alot of important factors.

Oh and the fact all the commies are for it and want us to blindly accept it and their remedies( none of which they follow)
Its not blind acceptance there is a tremendous amount of support about climate change in the scientific community... More so than those who deny it. So what resources to do you trust? Where do you get your information?

Do you trust our government intelligence? For example, if the pentagon releases information about something do you trust them?

Most of the ones who support it are getting paid to support it.
Thats another talking point from the energy lobby. Has no substance and only points empty skepticism at the motives of the supporters.

We have the majority of scientific studies and our intelligence/defense/security institutions all on the same page recognizing the threats... Not to mention most industrialized countries in the world...

DoD Releases Report on Security Implications of Climate Change > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.

The so-called "science" is bullshit. It's nothing more than propaganda designed to justify the regulations.
Perhaps, but couldn't I make the same argument about your "the science is bullshit" line?? Nothing more that propaganda from the energy lobby's to cut down on regulations and taxes that are imposed on their businesses? So we have science vs. lobbyists
You and your ilk have been trying for 30 years, but so far it isn't working. The public hasn't been fooled by the AGW hocus-pocus.
It has been working, open your eyes...
Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.

The so-called "science" is bullshit. It's nothing more than propaganda designed to justify the regulations.
Perhaps, but couldn't I make the same argument about your "the science is bullshit" line?? Nothing more that propaganda from the energy lobby's to cut down on regulations and taxes that are imposed on their businesses? So we have science vs. lobbyists
You and your ilk have been trying for 30 years, but so far it isn't working. The public hasn't been fooled by the AGW hocus-pocus.
It has been working, open your eyes...
Its like pc, people dont oppose it for fear of retribution, it doesnt mean they believe it.
Bernie Sanders the moron was on the Sunday news shows today saying global warming is 100% settled and no opposition whatsoever should be tolerated. If science took that approach to any other area of science we'd be living in a world of ignorance. Just in the last 20 years we have found that we were categorically wrong about a great many things in cosmology and physics, things that were mocked and laughed at until proven.

Black holes for example, previously ridiculed, now we know there are billions of them. Some are 30 billion solar masses which has science stumped. The universe is too young to have produced a black hole that large.

Challenging science, peer review, skepticism is good science. The crap this Bernie idiot was spewing today is the polar opposite of good science. Shout down ANY skepticism. Why? Bernie told us, his hatred of fossil fuels which is to say his hatred of corporations who mine fossil fuels and the profits they make and don't share with the mooching class.
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.

No its not why do you people lie? I think we all know why. #eyeroll
Cause and effect dude. Science. Every time you fart it is effecting the environment. That's a fact. What is being studied is how much of an effect it has. To outright deny that it has any effect is just plain ignorant

And all the times 'settled science' was proven wrong? Every so called 'science' attack you people have volleyed at fossil fuels has been proven wrong. Before global warming you people claimed global cooling, proven wrong. Then you claimed fossil fuels were destroying the ozone layer and this was deforming frogs and the end of the world was near. Later proven categorically wrong. You people claimed the polar ice caps would be gone by 2012 well its 2016 and they are still here. Your so called settled science is a joke.
You're right, let's just go nuts and shit all over the world. Fuck it. Party time

You libs need to concentrate on the avalanche of pollution spewing out of your Dem run inner cities. You pave over the environment obliterating it. You spill raw human sewage into public waterways. God knows what's in the cloud of pollution hovering over your cities. Just cleaning up your mess will take you decades. OH SNAP!
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.

No its not why do you people lie? I think we all know why. #eyeroll
Cause and effect dude. Science. Every time you fart it is effecting the environment. That's a fact. What is being studied is how much of an effect it has. To outright deny that it has any effect is just plain ignorant

And all the times 'settled science' was proven wrong? Every so called 'science' attack you people have volleyed at fossil fuels has been proven wrong. Before global warming you people claimed global cooling, proven wrong. Then you claimed fossil fuels were destroying the ozone layer and this was deforming frogs and the end of the world was near. Later proven categorically wrong. You people claimed the polar ice caps would be gone by 2012 well its 2016 and they are still here. Your so called settled science is a joke.
You're right, let's just go nuts and shit all over the world. Fuck it. Party time

First prove we are "shitting all over the world." Why do you image we are obligated to accept your bullshit premises?

Typical retard lib response, if you disagree with their global warming BS then you want to kill the planet. Does that sound intelligent? Libs can't help themselves, any disagreement with their world view causes the tops of their heads to explode.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.

The so-called "science" is bullshit. It's nothing more than propaganda designed to justify the regulations.
Perhaps, but couldn't I make the same argument about your "the science is bullshit" line?? Nothing more that propaganda from the energy lobby's to cut down on regulations and taxes that are imposed on their businesses? So we have science vs. lobbyists
You and your ilk have been trying for 30 years, but so far it isn't working. The public hasn't been fooled by the AGW hocus-pocus.
It has been working, open your eyes...
Its like pc, people dont oppose it for fear of retribution, it doesnt mean they believe it.
That's a good comparison. The PC movement has a lot of power because it is on the side of "good" vs "evil". How can you really argue that being offensive is better than being mindful and respectful of others feelings? You can't

But I agree it went too far. People got obsessed with it and got way too reactionary... as a result there was a backlash from people who felt the need to fight against it. It is a perfect example of how bully's on both sides drown out the reasonable/moderates and take the conversation towards a path of division.

It's an ugly thing and I recognize and validate your point where this happens with the climate change issue as well. I just wish we could find a way to silence the bully's and get back to reasonable productive debate and policy making.
The so-called "science" is bullshit. It's nothing more than propaganda designed to justify the regulations.
Perhaps, but couldn't I make the same argument about your "the science is bullshit" line?? Nothing more that propaganda from the energy lobby's to cut down on regulations and taxes that are imposed on their businesses? So we have science vs. lobbyists
You and your ilk have been trying for 30 years, but so far it isn't working. The public hasn't been fooled by the AGW hocus-pocus.
It has been working, open your eyes...
Its like pc, people dont oppose it for fear of retribution, it doesnt mean they believe it.
That's a good comparison. The PC movement has a lot of power because it is on the side of "good" vs "evil". How can you really argue that being offensive is better than being mindful and respectful of others feelings? You can't

But I agree it went too far. People got obsessed with it and got way too reactionary... as a result there was a backlash from people who felt the need to fight against it. It is a perfect example of how bully's on both sides drown out the reasonable/moderates and take the conversation towards a path of division.

It's an ugly thing and I recognize and validate your point where this happens with the climate change issue as well. I just wish we could find a way to silence the bully's and get back to reasonable productive debate and policy making.
Amen to that. O really think.the key is patience and consistently.

I love to save energy and money.

Would I love solar Yep, cant aford it right now
I did get a new HVAC and it works great.
But we have to get rid of these low flush toilets, that was a mistake.
Perhaps, but couldn't I make the same argument about your "the science is bullshit" line?? Nothing more that propaganda from the energy lobby's to cut down on regulations and taxes that are imposed on their businesses? So we have science vs. lobbyists
You and your ilk have been trying for 30 years, but so far it isn't working. The public hasn't been fooled by the AGW hocus-pocus.
It has been working, open your eyes...
Its like pc, people dont oppose it for fear of retribution, it doesnt mean they believe it.
That's a good comparison. The PC movement has a lot of power because it is on the side of "good" vs "evil". How can you really argue that being offensive is better than being mindful and respectful of others feelings? You can't

But I agree it went too far. People got obsessed with it and got way too reactionary... as a result there was a backlash from people who felt the need to fight against it. It is a perfect example of how bully's on both sides drown out the reasonable/moderates and take the conversation towards a path of division.

It's an ugly thing and I recognize and validate your point where this happens with the climate change issue as well. I just wish we could find a way to silence the bully's and get back to reasonable productive debate and policy making.
Amen to that. O really think.the key is patience and consistently.

I love to save energy and money.

Would I love solar Yep, cant aford it right now
I did get a new HVAC and it works great.
But we have to get rid of these low flush toilets, that was a mistake.
I don't know what the issue with low flush toilets is, haven't heard about it or thought about it... I live in a county in California that is always on water conservation as we can not hold enough water to effectively service the area and keep up with growth... There are many many ways for people to conserve water which are inconvenient at first but then become second nature after some time has gone by. In the end it is better for the community. And for a little perspective taking we should all be thanking our lucky stars that we have access to clean water. Many in this world world don't even have that...
You and your ilk have been trying for 30 years, but so far it isn't working. The public hasn't been fooled by the AGW hocus-pocus.
It has been working, open your eyes...
Its like pc, people dont oppose it for fear of retribution, it doesnt mean they believe it.
That's a good comparison. The PC movement has a lot of power because it is on the side of "good" vs "evil". How can you really argue that being offensive is better than being mindful and respectful of others feelings? You can't

But I agree it went too far. People got obsessed with it and got way too reactionary... as a result there was a backlash from people who felt the need to fight against it. It is a perfect example of how bully's on both sides drown out the reasonable/moderates and take the conversation towards a path of division.

It's an ugly thing and I recognize and validate your point where this happens with the climate change issue as well. I just wish we could find a way to silence the bully's and get back to reasonable productive debate and policy making.
Amen to that. O really think.the key is patience and consistently.

I love to save energy and money.

Would I love solar Yep, cant aford it right now
I did get a new HVAC and it works great.
But we have to get rid of these low flush toilets, that was a mistake.
I don't know what the issue with low flush toilets is, haven't heard about it or thought about it... I live in a county in California that is always on water conservation as we can not hold enough water to effectively service the area and keep up with growth... There are many many ways for people to conserve water which are inconvenient at first but then become second nature after some time has gone by. In the end it is better for the community. And for a little perspective taking we should all be thanking our lucky stars that we have access to clean water. Many in this world world don't even have that...

So true, we should.
Carbon tax
Parts accordi
Basically any environmental law passed in the past.2.decades
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?

Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.
It isn't science. It's hocus-pocus and propaganda.
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?

Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.
It isn't science. It's hocus-pocus and propaganda.
Says who?
Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.
It isn't science. It's hocus-pocus and propaganda.
Says who?

Says everyone with the ability to commit logic.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

Well its not proven and the hoax is used to implementing more bullshit regulations, so by fighting it, I AM opposing bad regulation.
You should oppose the regulations then and not the science. People will start associating you with whackos like Kosh.
It isn't science. It's hocus-pocus and propaganda.
Says who?

Says everyone with the ability to commit logic.
Says your energy lobbyists, and why can't you point to some credible sources?? The rest of the thinking world including our pentagon, DOD, and heads of state in most countries in the world all recognize the threat and are taking action. Have you heard of the Paris Summit? Even Nasa points to the 97% consesus amoungst climate scientists stating that man as an effect on climate change.

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence

Survey of 12,000 studies finds strong agreement on climate change

The 97% consensus on global warming

2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference - Wikipedia

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