Is climate change the new race card ???

Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Al Gore uses many emission saving options at his home. Go ahead, do some research & then incorporate those in your own home.

Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?
. And with all those options you list, and with all the progress over the years, then why are the lefties trying to use climate change the same as throwing the race card around willy nilly then ???? Why are you people trying to destroy jobs and industry with the card, even when it shouldn't apply ??? I know why, it's because it will never end with you people that's why. You find something with so much grey area involved in it, and then you use it to transfer wealth, and then you go to the extremes with it.
for example??? can you point to a specific thing to highlight what you are talking about?
You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?
. And with all those options you list, and with all the progress over the years, then why are the lefties trying to use climate change the same as throwing the race card around willy nilly then ???? Why are you people trying to destroy jobs and industry with the card, even when it shouldn't apply ??? I know why, it's because it will never end with you people that's why. You find something with so much grey area involved in it, and then you use it to transfer wealth, and then you go to the extremes with it.
for example??? can you point to a specific thing to highlight what you are talking about?

Carbon tax
Parts accordi
Basically any environmental law passed in the past.2.decades
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?
. And with all those options you list, and with all the progress over the years, then why are the lefties trying to use climate change the same as throwing the race card around willy nilly then ???? Why are you people trying to destroy jobs and industry with the card, even when it shouldn't apply ??? I know why, it's because it will never end with you people that's why. You find something with so much grey area involved in it, and then you use it to transfer wealth, and then you go to the extremes with it.
for example??? can you point to a specific thing to highlight what you are talking about?

Carbon tax
Parts accordi
Basically any environmental law passed in the past.2.decades
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?
Bernie Sanders the moron was on the Sunday news shows today saying global warming is 100% settled and no opposition whatsoever should be tolerated. If science took that approach to any other area of science we'd be living in a world of ignorance. Just in the last 20 years we have found that we were categorically wrong about a great many things in cosmology and physics, things that were mocked and laughed at until proven.

Black holes for example, previously ridiculed, now we know there are billions of them. Some are 30 billion solar masses which has science stumped. The universe is too young to have produced a black hole that large.

Challenging science, peer review, skepticism is good science. The crap this Bernie idiot was spewing today is the polar opposite of good science. Shout down ANY skepticism. Why? Bernie told us, his hatred of fossil fuels which is to say his hatred of corporations who mine fossil fuels and the profits they make and don't share with the mooching class.
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.
You mean MMGW?
Bernie Sanders the moron was on the Sunday news shows today saying global warming is 100% settled and no opposition whatsoever should be tolerated. If science took that approach to any other area of science we'd be living in a world of ignorance. Just in the last 20 years we have found that we were categorically wrong about a great many things in cosmology and physics, things that were mocked and laughed at until proven.

Black holes for example, previously ridiculed, now we know there are billions of them. Some are 30 billion solar masses which has science stumped. The universe is too young to have produced a black hole that large.

Challenging science, peer review, skepticism is good science. The crap this Bernie idiot was spewing today is the polar opposite of good science. Shout down ANY skepticism. Why? Bernie told us, his hatred of fossil fuels which is to say his hatred of corporations who mine fossil fuels and the profits they make and don't share with the mooching class.
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.
You mean MMGW?
I don't give a shit what you call it... just fucking respect the land we live on, pretty simple
Bernie Sanders the moron was on the Sunday news shows today saying global warming is 100% settled and no opposition whatsoever should be tolerated. If science took that approach to any other area of science we'd be living in a world of ignorance. Just in the last 20 years we have found that we were categorically wrong about a great many things in cosmology and physics, things that were mocked and laughed at until proven.

Black holes for example, previously ridiculed, now we know there are billions of them. Some are 30 billion solar masses which has science stumped. The universe is too young to have produced a black hole that large.

Challenging science, peer review, skepticism is good science. The crap this Bernie idiot was spewing today is the polar opposite of good science. Shout down ANY skepticism. Why? Bernie told us, his hatred of fossil fuels which is to say his hatred of corporations who mine fossil fuels and the profits they make and don't share with the mooching class.
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.

No its not why do you people lie? I think we all know why. #eyeroll
QUOTE="Slade3200, post: 16033656, member: 56533"]
And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?
. And with all those options you list, and with all the progress over the years, then why are the lefties trying to use climate change the same as throwing the race card around willy nilly then ???? Why are you people trying to destroy jobs and industry with the card, even when it shouldn't apply ??? I know why, it's because it will never end with you people that's why. You find something with so much grey area involved in it, and then you use it to transfer wealth, and then you go to the extremes with it.
for example??? can you point to a specific thing to highlight what you are talking about?

Carbon tax
Parts accordi
Basically any environmental law passed in the past.2.decades
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless, and no good has come from any of them?
. He said any within the last 2 decades... Is that your definition of every single one of them ?? How about the ones that he listed ?[/QUOTE]
Sure, I was just clarifying to see if he was one of those blind haters of anything environmental of if there were any measures that he supports
Bernie Sanders the moron was on the Sunday news shows today saying global warming is 100% settled and no opposition whatsoever should be tolerated. If science took that approach to any other area of science we'd be living in a world of ignorance. Just in the last 20 years we have found that we were categorically wrong about a great many things in cosmology and physics, things that were mocked and laughed at until proven.

Black holes for example, previously ridiculed, now we know there are billions of them. Some are 30 billion solar masses which has science stumped. The universe is too young to have produced a black hole that large.

Challenging science, peer review, skepticism is good science. The crap this Bernie idiot was spewing today is the polar opposite of good science. Shout down ANY skepticism. Why? Bernie told us, his hatred of fossil fuels which is to say his hatred of corporations who mine fossil fuels and the profits they make and don't share with the mooching class.
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.
You mean MMGW?
I don't give a shit what you call it... just fucking respect the land we live on, pretty simple

You mean the land you libtards paved over with your inner cities obliterating the environment that land? Or the public waterways you libtards spill raw human sewage and go knows what else into because you don't fix your century old sewer systems? Funny how the EPA looks the other way while you libtards wreck the environment. Your Dem run inner cities are toxic pollution mega factories. There's some butthurt for you lib, enough with the lefts hypocrisy.
And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?
. And with all those options you list, and with all the progress over the years, then why are the lefties trying to use climate change the same as throwing the race card around willy nilly then ???? Why are you people trying to destroy jobs and industry with the card, even when it shouldn't apply ??? I know why, it's because it will never end with you people that's why. You find something with so much grey area involved in it, and then you use it to transfer wealth, and then you go to the extremes with it.
for example??? can you point to a specific thing to highlight what you are talking about?

Carbon tax
Parts accordi
Basically any environmental law passed in the past.2.decades
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?
. When you say every single one of them, how far are you going back ?? He went back 2 decades, and listed a few. What do you mean by every single one of them ?
Bernie Sanders the moron was on the Sunday news shows today saying global warming is 100% settled and no opposition whatsoever should be tolerated. If science took that approach to any other area of science we'd be living in a world of ignorance. Just in the last 20 years we have found that we were categorically wrong about a great many things in cosmology and physics, things that were mocked and laughed at until proven.

Black holes for example, previously ridiculed, now we know there are billions of them. Some are 30 billion solar masses which has science stumped. The universe is too young to have produced a black hole that large.

Challenging science, peer review, skepticism is good science. The crap this Bernie idiot was spewing today is the polar opposite of good science. Shout down ANY skepticism. Why? Bernie told us, his hatred of fossil fuels which is to say his hatred of corporations who mine fossil fuels and the profits they make and don't share with the mooching class.
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.

No its not why do you people lie? I think we all know why. #eyeroll
Cause and effect dude. Science. Every time you fart it is effecting the environment. That's a fact. What is being studied is how much of an effect it has. To outright deny that it has any effect is just plain ignorant
Bernie Sanders the moron was on the Sunday news shows today saying global warming is 100% settled and no opposition whatsoever should be tolerated. If science took that approach to any other area of science we'd be living in a world of ignorance. Just in the last 20 years we have found that we were categorically wrong about a great many things in cosmology and physics, things that were mocked and laughed at until proven.

Black holes for example, previously ridiculed, now we know there are billions of them. Some are 30 billion solar masses which has science stumped. The universe is too young to have produced a black hole that large.

Challenging science, peer review, skepticism is good science. The crap this Bernie idiot was spewing today is the polar opposite of good science. Shout down ANY skepticism. Why? Bernie told us, his hatred of fossil fuels which is to say his hatred of corporations who mine fossil fuels and the profits they make and don't share with the mooching class.
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.

No its not why do you people lie? I think we all know why. #eyeroll
Cause and effect dude. Science. Every time you fart it is effecting the environment. That's a fact. What is being studied is how much of an effect it has. To outright deny that it has any effect is just plain ignorant
Yes and the science is unsettled.. But to hear lefties talk, they need billions of dollars shifted, and industry killing regs due to something they aren't even sure about ??? I think it is being used as an excuse to hide & further or push the agenda in which they had going.
And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?
. And with all those options you list, and with all the progress over the years, then why are the lefties trying to use climate change the same as throwing the race card around willy nilly then ???? Why are you people trying to destroy jobs and industry with the card, even when it shouldn't apply ??? I know why, it's because it will never end with you people that's why. You find something with so much grey area involved in it, and then you use it to transfer wealth, and then you go to the extremes with it.
for example??? can you point to a specific thing to highlight what you are talking about?

Carbon tax
Parts accordi
Basically any environmental law passed in the past.2.decades
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?

Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Last edited:
Bernie Sanders the moron was on the Sunday news shows today saying global warming is 100% settled and no opposition whatsoever should be tolerated. If science took that approach to any other area of science we'd be living in a world of ignorance. Just in the last 20 years we have found that we were categorically wrong about a great many things in cosmology and physics, things that were mocked and laughed at until proven.

Black holes for example, previously ridiculed, now we know there are billions of them. Some are 30 billion solar masses which has science stumped. The universe is too young to have produced a black hole that large.

Challenging science, peer review, skepticism is good science. The crap this Bernie idiot was spewing today is the polar opposite of good science. Shout down ANY skepticism. Why? Bernie told us, his hatred of fossil fuels which is to say his hatred of corporations who mine fossil fuels and the profits they make and don't share with the mooching class.
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.

No its not why do you people lie? I think we all know why. #eyeroll
Cause and effect dude. Science. Every time you fart it is effecting the environment. That's a fact. What is being studied is how much of an effect it has. To outright deny that it has any effect is just plain ignorant
Yes and the science is unsettled.. But to hear lefties talk, they need billions of dollars shifted, and industry killing regs due to something they aren't even sure about ??? I think it is being used as an excuse to hide & further or push the agenda in which they had going.
The money and regulation part of it is a fair argument, im not suggesting we give the government a blank check and ability to lock down all of our businesses. I just think those who take the argument to the extreme by denying the fact that our activity has an effect on our environment are just being foolish
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?
. And with all those options you list, and with all the progress over the years, then why are the lefties trying to use climate change the same as throwing the race card around willy nilly then ???? Why are you people trying to destroy jobs and industry with the card, even when it shouldn't apply ??? I know why, it's because it will never end with you people that's why. You find something with so much grey area involved in it, and then you use it to transfer wealth, and then you go to the extremes with it.
for example??? can you point to a specific thing to highlight what you are talking about?

Carbon tax
Parts accordi
Basically any environmental law passed in the past.2.decades
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?

Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.
Bernie Sanders the moron was on the Sunday news shows today saying global warming is 100% settled and no opposition whatsoever should be tolerated. If science took that approach to any other area of science we'd be living in a world of ignorance. Just in the last 20 years we have found that we were categorically wrong about a great many things in cosmology and physics, things that were mocked and laughed at until proven.

Black holes for example, previously ridiculed, now we know there are billions of them. Some are 30 billion solar masses which has science stumped. The universe is too young to have produced a black hole that large.

Challenging science, peer review, skepticism is good science. The crap this Bernie idiot was spewing today is the polar opposite of good science. Shout down ANY skepticism. Why? Bernie told us, his hatred of fossil fuels which is to say his hatred of corporations who mine fossil fuels and the profits they make and don't share with the mooching class.
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.

No its not why do you people lie? I think we all know why. #eyeroll
Cause and effect dude. Science. Every time you fart it is effecting the environment. That's a fact. What is being studied is how much of an effect it has. To outright deny that it has any effect is just plain ignorant
Yes and the science is unsettled.. But to hear lefties talk, they need billions of dollars shifted, and industry killing regs due to something they aren't even sure about ??? I think it is being used as an excuse to hide & further or push the agenda in which they had going.
The money and regulation part of it is a fair argument, im not suggesting we give the government a blank check and ability to lock down all of our businesses. I just think those who take the argument to the extreme by denying the fact that our activity has an effect on our environment are just being foolish

And once again you make the wrong analogy!

Environment does not equal climate!

Admit you are wrong!

Silly far left drone!
. And with all those options you list, and with all the progress over the years, then why are the lefties trying to use climate change the same as throwing the race card around willy nilly then ???? Why are you people trying to destroy jobs and industry with the card, even when it shouldn't apply ??? I know why, it's because it will never end with you people that's why. You find something with so much grey area involved in it, and then you use it to transfer wealth, and then you go to the extremes with it.
for example??? can you point to a specific thing to highlight what you are talking about?

Carbon tax
Parts accordi
Basically any environmental law passed in the past.2.decades
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?

Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

AGW is not science it is a religion..

CO2 Does not control climate never has..

Only a far left drone would make such claims!
It is 100% settled. Mans actions effect our environment. The details are not settled and should be scrutinized and further investigated and discussed, but the fact that what we burn, drill, mine, cut, and kill as an effect on the condition of our environment is without a doubt.

Best case scenario is we contaminate our air and water and food sources in a manageable way where not too many people get sick... Worst case is we are speeding up the timeline to the next ice age and triggering larger environmental events that effect our climate.

Whether it is the worse case (extreme climate change) or the best case (pollution of our environment and depletion of our resources), politically speaking, this issue needs to be considered in the actions of as many earthlings as possible. Those who deny that are delusional and pissing on our future generations.

No its not why do you people lie? I think we all know why. #eyeroll
Cause and effect dude. Science. Every time you fart it is effecting the environment. That's a fact. What is being studied is how much of an effect it has. To outright deny that it has any effect is just plain ignorant
Yes and the science is unsettled.. But to hear lefties talk, they need billions of dollars shifted, and industry killing regs due to something they aren't even sure about ??? I think it is being used as an excuse to hide & further or push the agenda in which they had going.
The money and regulation part of it is a fair argument, im not suggesting we give the government a blank check and ability to lock down all of our businesses. I just think those who take the argument to the extreme by denying the fact that our activity has an effect on our environment are just being foolish

And once again you make the wrong analogy!

Environment does not equal climate!

Admit you are wrong!

Silly far left drone!
Damn, you are so desperate to win an argument... yes environment is different than climate, you win our fake debate as I never claimed they were the same. Congrats! Man mad effects on the environment are easily seen and measured so I hope to God you don't deny that... climate is a larger pattern of weather conditions over a long period of time. Climate changes occur in nature do to the balance of elements in our ecosystem. Mans activity contributes to the elements in our ecosystem. These effects may be insignificant or they could be substantial, that's what the scientific debate is about. Are we on the same page now?
for example??? can you point to a specific thing to highlight what you are talking about?

Carbon tax
Parts accordi
Basically any environmental law passed in the past.2.decades
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?

Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

AGW is not science it is a religion..

CO2 Does not control climate never has..

Only a far left drone would make such claims!
Wiki lays out the situation quite nicely. It's pretty obvious which camp you fall into

Global warming controversy - Wikipedia
No its not why do you people lie? I think we all know why. #eyeroll
Cause and effect dude. Science. Every time you fart it is effecting the environment. That's a fact. What is being studied is how much of an effect it has. To outright deny that it has any effect is just plain ignorant
Yes and the science is unsettled.. But to hear lefties talk, they need billions of dollars shifted, and industry killing regs due to something they aren't even sure about ??? I think it is being used as an excuse to hide & further or push the agenda in which they had going.
The money and regulation part of it is a fair argument, im not suggesting we give the government a blank check and ability to lock down all of our businesses. I just think those who take the argument to the extreme by denying the fact that our activity has an effect on our environment are just being foolish

And once again you make the wrong analogy!

Environment does not equal climate!

Admit you are wrong!

Silly far left drone!
Damn, you are so desperate to win an argument... yes environment is different than climate, you win our fake debate as I never claimed they were the same. Congrats! Man mad effects on the environment are easily seen and measured so I hope to God you don't deny that... climate is a larger pattern of weather conditions over a long period of time. Climate changes occur in nature do to the balance of elements in our ecosystem. Mans activity contributes to the elements in our ecosystem. These effects may be insignificant or they could be substantial, that's what the scientific debate is about. Are we on the same page now?

Yes you did you, but you failed as always!

You got caught pushing an agenda which and nothing to with Climate change. You got caught in lie!

Just like CO2 does not control climate!
Carbon tax
Parts accordi
Basically any environmental law passed in the past.2.decades
You think that every single environmental law and tax is useless and no good has come from any of them?

Where did I say that? Those idiot lefties like to put words in your mouth, so they always confuse some with all.
but laws past in the last 2 decades, maybe more.
The problem is you can pass laws to clean up air and water, then what? They have to come up with more reason to justify getting funding and donations and basically their entire existence, so they make bad regulations.
If it's not obvious why a regulation exists, it's bad.
Then fight the regulations that you disagree with, point out the tremendous waste and inefficiency in government spending... you have much better areas to focus your argument on other than denying the science and calling it a hoax.

AGW is not science it is a religion..

CO2 Does not control climate never has..

Only a far left drone would make such claims!
Wiki lays out the situation quite nicely. It's pretty obvious which camp you fall into

Global warming controversy - Wikipedia

Correlation does not equal science I can prove via correlation that the more the far left drones throws their temper tantrums that more the temperature rises!

After 6- years the AGW religion has never been able to prove that CO2 control climate.

Even the ice core samples show that CO2 has never controlled climate.

Throughout the entire history of the Earth CO2 has never controlled climate, it never has.

And yes you are a far left drone, you are just ashamed to come out of the closet!

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