Is climate change the new race card ???

I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

Having an effect on the environment is one thing. Having an effect on the climate is another.

See what you did there? You posted a sleazy slight-of-hand where you tried to change the subject. That's what leftwing douche bags do when they can't win on the known facts.
Look, dipstick, I did not bring up the subject of pollution.

YEs you did! It is part of your programming, even if you choose not to remember it!
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.

Bingo!!!!!!! Being against most regulations is not being against all of them. The left has to keep making them to.get money and making themselves relevant, why trying to turn us into peasants.........fuck you lefties!
You whiners keep blaming regulations. You've been doing it for at least 40 years.
Yep, and when regulations are curtailed the economy booms. Only morons believe government regulations don't harm economic growth.
Well the funny thing is, he thinks it's a zero sum game all or none. He doesn't have the capacity to see what are good regulations from what are bad ones.

There are no bad regulations in the eyes of douche bag left wingers. That's how you know their dogma is a religion. Their beliefs are not subject to rational argumentation.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

Having an effect on the environment is one thing. Having an effect on the climate is another.

See what you did there? You posted a sleazy slight-of-hand where you tried to change the subject. That's what leftwing douche bags do when they can't win on the known facts.
Look, dipstick, I did not bring up the subject of pollution.
SLADE3200 did.

No it brought up environment vs Climate..

The other drone used pollution and they tried to tie pollution to AGW..
Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Its easy, the people warning us about it dont change the way they live and have much much larger carbon footprints than us.

So when al.l gore and leo live like they say we should, ill take them seriously.

Al Gore uses many emission saving options at his home. Go ahead, do some research & then incorporate those in your own home.

Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?

We wouldn't have a problem with it if we could "opt for it." Unfortunately morons like you insist on ramming it down our throats.

You can all go fuck yourselves. The adults are in charge now. You can sit in the back and shut the fuck up.
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
View attachment 101309

I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate. There is zero doubt about that fact. It may be a minimal insignificant effect that would take a thousand years of accumulation to realize or it could be enough of an effect to cause a chan reaction of events that would be catastrophic to our species in the near future. Regardless, it is absolutely essential for us to be able to research, discuss, analyze and debate this issue with clear eyes. Those who outright deny the possibility that what we do to our land can have an effect on our climate are being moronic.
I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate. There is zero doubt about that fact. It may be a minimal insignificant effect that would take a thousand years of accumulation to realize or it could be enough of an effect to cause a chan reaction of events that would be catastrophic to our species in the near future. Regardless, it is absolutely essential for us to be able to research, discuss, analyze and debate this issue with clear eyes. Those who outright deny the possibility that what we do to our land can have an effect on our climate are being moronic.

Yes far left drones have tried to use that over and over!

Environment does not equal climate!

CO2 does not control climate!

Just like weather does not equal climate!

Just like pollution does not equal AGW..

See the difference far left drone?
I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate. There is zero doubt about that fact. It may be a minimal insignificant effect that would take a thousand years of accumulation to realize or it could be enough of an effect to cause a chan reaction of events that would be catastrophic to our species in the near future. Regardless, it is absolutely essential for us to be able to research, discuss, analyze and debate this issue with clear eyes. Those who outright deny the possibility that what we do to our land can have an effect on our climate are being moronic.
"If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate."

You're syllogism hasn't been demonstrated. It's invalid.

AGW cultists aren't interested in debate. They want to ram their dogma down our throats. That's one way we know it's bullshit. Furthermore, most of the so-called "researchers" are really nothing more than paid propagandists. They were exposed as frauds long ago. Their data is "homogenized." Their predictions have all been wrong.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Al Gore uses many emission saving options at his home. Go ahead, do some research & then incorporate those in your own home.

Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?

We wouldn't have a problem with it if we could "opt for it." Unfortunately morons like you insist on ramming it down our throats.

You can all go fuck yourselves. The adults are in charge now. You can sit in the back and shut the fuck up.
If I could opt that you & your offspring would suffer the effects of MMGW, I would not give a shit what you did.

And I have news, it is not being an adult to deny science that will put your grandchildren at risk. That is being a selfish whiny little crybaby. Man the fuck up & protect your family.
You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?

We wouldn't have a problem with it if we could "opt for it." Unfortunately morons like you insist on ramming it down our throats.

You can all go fuck yourselves. The adults are in charge now. You can sit in the back and shut the fuck up.
If I could opt that you & your offspring would suffer the effects of MMGW, I would not give a shit what you did.

And I have news, it is not being an adult to deny science that will put your grandchildren at risk. That is being a selfish whiny little crybaby. Man the fuck up & protect your family.

Same lame far left drone religious dogma we have seen the past 60 years..

They said the same thing when you were someone's grand child..
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?

We wouldn't have a problem with it if we could "opt for it." Unfortunately morons like you insist on ramming it down our throats.

You can all go fuck yourselves. The adults are in charge now. You can sit in the back and shut the fuck up.
If I could opt that you & your offspring would suffer the effects of MMGW, I would not give a shit what you did.

And I have news, it is not being an adult to deny science that will put your grandchildren at risk. That is being a selfish whiny little crybaby. Man the fuck up & protect your family.

Same lame far left drone religious dogma we have seen the past 60 years..

They said the same thing when you were someone's grand child..
So, you are claiming that there have been no improvements in our environment the past 60 years?
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
View attachment 101309

I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.
. What group don't believe there are consequences to our actions ? Anyone knows there are consequences, causes and effects, but just as the race card had been abused, the climate card is being abused the same way I believe.
Yeah I can see that. Activists take a worst case scenario situation and use fear to rally support. Sometimes implanting a sense of urgency is what people do to get the wheels moving. I understand why that is frustrating for people who see the environment regulations as stifling for business. It's too bad more people can't have rational conversations about the science and best course of action.

The people that take the hardline approach on the opposite side and outright deny the possibility of man made effects in our climate, are being ignorant and dangerous... the ones overplaying the climate card are being manipulative but have the "better safe than sorry" argument along with the virtue of fighting for a cleaner environment on their side.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

Having an effect on the environment is one thing. Having an effect on the climate is another.

See what you did there? You posted a sleazy slight-of-hand where you tried to change the subject. That's what leftwing douche bags do when they can't win on the known facts.
Look, dipstick, I did not bring up the subject of pollution.
SLADE3200 did.
A small part of my point ya dipshit
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate. There is zero doubt about that fact. It may be a minimal insignificant effect that would take a thousand years of accumulation to realize or it could be enough of an effect to cause a chan reaction of events that would be catastrophic to our species in the near future. Regardless, it is absolutely essential for us to be able to research, discuss, analyze and debate this issue with clear eyes. Those who outright deny the possibility that what we do to our land can have an effect on our climate are being moronic.

Yes far left drones have tried to use that over and over!

Environment does not equal climate!

CO2 does not control climate!

Just like weather does not equal climate!

Just like pollution does not equal AGW..

See the difference far left drone?
Yes I see the difference, what's your point?
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate. There is zero doubt about that fact. It may be a minimal insignificant effect that would take a thousand years of accumulation to realize or it could be enough of an effect to cause a chan reaction of events that would be catastrophic to our species in the near future. Regardless, it is absolutely essential for us to be able to research, discuss, analyze and debate this issue with clear eyes. Those who outright deny the possibility that what we do to our land can have an effect on our climate are being moronic.
"If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate."

You're syllogism hasn't been demonstrated. It's invalid.

AGW cultists aren't interested in debate. They want to ram their dogma down our throats. That's one way we know it's bullshit. Furthermore, most of the so-called "researchers" are really nothing more than paid propagandists. They were exposed as frauds long ago. Their data is "homogenized." Their predictions have all been wrong.
You know you are completely full of shit right?

Go get an aquarium and learn how a mini ecosystem works
Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate. There is zero doubt about that fact. It may be a minimal insignificant effect that would take a thousand years of accumulation to realize or it could be enough of an effect to cause a chan reaction of events that would be catastrophic to our species in the near future. Regardless, it is absolutely essential for us to be able to research, discuss, analyze and debate this issue with clear eyes. Those who outright deny the possibility that what we do to our land can have an effect on our climate are being moronic.

Yes far left drones have tried to use that over and over!

Environment does not equal climate!

CO2 does not control climate!

Just like weather does not equal climate!

Just like pollution does not equal AGW..

See the difference far left drone?
Yes I see the difference, what's your point?

That you were wrong like all far left drones!

Just own up and admit you were wrong to make those comments!
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate. There is zero doubt about that fact. It may be a minimal insignificant effect that would take a thousand years of accumulation to realize or it could be enough of an effect to cause a chan reaction of events that would be catastrophic to our species in the near future. Regardless, it is absolutely essential for us to be able to research, discuss, analyze and debate this issue with clear eyes. Those who outright deny the possibility that what we do to our land can have an effect on our climate are being moronic.

Yes far left drones have tried to use that over and over!

Environment does not equal climate!

CO2 does not control climate!

Just like weather does not equal climate!

Just like pollution does not equal AGW..

See the difference far left drone?
Yes I see the difference, what's your point?

That you were wrong like all far left drones!

Just own up and admit you were wrong to make those comments!
Which comments?
You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate. There is zero doubt about that fact. It may be a minimal insignificant effect that would take a thousand years of accumulation to realize or it could be enough of an effect to cause a chan reaction of events that would be catastrophic to our species in the near future. Regardless, it is absolutely essential for us to be able to research, discuss, analyze and debate this issue with clear eyes. Those who outright deny the possibility that what we do to our land can have an effect on our climate are being moronic.

Yes far left drones have tried to use that over and over!

Environment does not equal climate!

CO2 does not control climate!

Just like weather does not equal climate!

Just like pollution does not equal AGW..

See the difference far left drone?
Yes I see the difference, what's your point?

That you were wrong like all far left drones!

Just own up and admit you were wrong to make those comments!
Which comments?

Typical far left drone would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!
If mans actions have an effect on our environment and habitat then they have an effect on our climate. There is zero doubt about that fact. It may be a minimal insignificant effect that would take a thousand years of accumulation to realize or it could be enough of an effect to cause a chan reaction of events that would be catastrophic to our species in the near future. Regardless, it is absolutely essential for us to be able to research, discuss, analyze and debate this issue with clear eyes. Those who outright deny the possibility that what we do to our land can have an effect on our climate are being moronic.

Yes far left drones have tried to use that over and over!

Environment does not equal climate!

CO2 does not control climate!

Just like weather does not equal climate!

Just like pollution does not equal AGW..

See the difference far left drone?
Yes I see the difference, what's your point?

That you were wrong like all far left drones!

Just own up and admit you were wrong to make those comments!
Which comments?

Typical far left drone would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!
I admit when I'm wrong all the time... what comments are you talking about that were wrong?
Yes far left drones have tried to use that over and over!

Environment does not equal climate!

CO2 does not control climate!

Just like weather does not equal climate!

Just like pollution does not equal AGW..

See the difference far left drone?
Yes I see the difference, what's your point?

That you were wrong like all far left drones!

Just own up and admit you were wrong to make those comments!
Which comments?

Typical far left drone would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!
I admit when I'm wrong all the time... what comments are you talking about that were wrong?

They have already been pointed out!

If you choose to ignore it, that is what all far left drones do!

Note: the far left drone finds it funny that they will not admit that they were wrong about their comments!
Yes I see the difference, what's your point?

That you were wrong like all far left drones!

Just own up and admit you were wrong to make those comments!
Which comments?

Typical far left drone would much rather watch the world burn than admit they were wrong!
I admit when I'm wrong all the time... what comments are you talking about that were wrong?

They have already been pointed out!

If you choose to ignore it, that is what all far left drones do!
Haha, yeah right. Nice try lazy ass. If you got a quote of mine that you think is wrong then post it. Otherwise you are just blowing hot air

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