Is climate change the new race card ???

Once again another failed post from a far left drone!

Al the evidence proves that the climate does change and CO2 has nothing to do with it! Never has.
So, you are too stupid top read the chares you posted. No surprise there.

Yes we know you would much rather believe your far left/AGW religion than reality and facts!
Most climate scientists agree with me.

Yes most of them get grant money and get 30,0000/lecture at conferences to talk about the subject!

Does not matter as they do not even knw how the climate engine works, so how can you say it is CO2 when you do not know how the engine works?

Many of them have put their reputations on the line and their egos, they are not going to change even though for the past 60 years they have been trying to prove that it is CO2, yet have zero scientific evidence to back up their claims..

Over that time trillions have been poured into the AGW church and only a few hundred million dedicated to actually finding out how the climate engine works..

Silly far left drone!
Let's ignore all science because most research scientists get grants.

Instead, lets believe the scientists on fossil fuels payroll or the receiving end of their grants.

You really are the perfect Trump voter. Dumber than shit & easily duped.

Well show us when those scientists intimidate others, when those scientists change and distort data. Show me the money!
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
View attachment 101309

I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.

Bingo!!!!!!! Being against most regulations is not being against all of them. The left has to keep making them to.get money and making themselves relevant, why trying to turn us into peasants.........fuck you lefties!
You whiners keep blaming regulations. You've been doing it for at least 40 years.
. You lefties keep abusing the issue, and it will soon be over, and we will become a common sense nation again, and thank GOD for it.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Our climate prior to the man made emissions the past 50 years are based on the natural occurring emissions you stupid fuck. How the hell do you feed yourself without poking your eye out with a fork.

Its easy, the people warning us about it dont change the way they live and have much much larger carbon footprints than us.

So when al.l gore and leo live like they say we should, ill take them seriously.

Al Gore uses many emission saving options at his home. Go ahead, do some research & then incorporate those in your own home.

Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?
Once again another failed post from a far left drone!

Al the evidence proves that the climate does change and CO2 has nothing to do with it! Never has.
So, you are too stupid top read the chares you posted. No surprise there.

Yes we know you would much rather believe your far left/AGW religion than reality and facts!
Most climate scientists agree with me.

Yes most of them get grant money and get 30,0000/lecture at conferences to talk about the subject!

Does not matter as they do not even knw how the climate engine works, so how can you say it is CO2 when you do not know how the engine works?

Many of them have put their reputations on the line and their egos, they are not going to change even though for the past 60 years they have been trying to prove that it is CO2, yet have zero scientific evidence to back up their claims..

Over that time trillions have been poured into the AGW church and only a few hundred million dedicated to actually finding out how the climate engine works..

Silly far left drone!
Let's ignore all science because most research scientists get grants.

Instead, lets believe the scientists on fossil fuels payroll or the receiving end of their grants.

You really are the perfect Trump voter. Dumber than shit & easily duped.

Once again the far elf proves they are irony impaired!

Money drives AGW and most of these "scientists" would only make a meager living. The AGW train has helped them buy mansions and fancy cars. They are not going to sabotage their gravy train for facts and actual real science!
I guess you're not keeping up, water vapor is the greatest contributor to the "green house effect", the overloads that are duping you ignore that fact because they have no way of quantifying or regulating it. But hey you're more than willing to buy the crap they sell, Co2 makes up about .0004% of the atmosphere, water vapor is about .04%.
They seem to follow each other really closely.
It is the rise in temperatures that enables more evaporation, etc & more water vapor into the atmosphere which raises the temperature more. The increased CO2 causes warming with increases the amount of water vapor & raises the temps even further. More CO2 => Higher temps => more water vapor => more warming.

So CO2 is the driver.

Furthermore, the CO2 we are pumping into the atmosphere ca stay there for ecades or even centuries

So which came first, Co2 or temps?

View attachment 101507

Tell me, how many coal fired power plants and SUVs did we have 3200 years ago?
I guess you're not keeping up, water vapor is the greatest contributor to the "green house effect", the overloads that are duping you ignore that fact because they have no way of quantifying or regulating it. But hey you're more than willing to buy the crap they sell, Co2 makes up about .0004% of the atmosphere, water vapor is about .04%.

It is the rise in temperatures that enables more evaporation, etc & more water vapor into the atmosphere which raises the temperature more. The increased CO2 causes warming with increases the amount of water vapor & raises the temps even further. More CO2 => Higher temps => more water vapor => more warming.

So CO2 is the driver.

Furthermore, the CO2 we are pumping into the atmosphere ca stay there for ecades or even centuries

So which came first, Co2 or temps?

View attachment 101507

Tell me, how many coal fired power plants and SUVs did we have 3200 years ago?
So SUVs & Coal plants are the only reasons CO2 levels can rise? Not too swift, are you?

Actually I must be smarter than you, you see I don't discount natural occurring emissions the way you do. Your last post just shows you for the freaking brainwashed idiot you are. Temps have been higher several times before the industrial revolution, and they came down, just like they will now, without bankrupting the country. Also neither you or anyone can prove that temps aren't driving natural Co2 emissions, warmer temps, higher humidity cause more rapid plant decay increasing natural Co2.

You really are dumber than shit.

Our current climate is based on those natural emissions. That is not discounting them, it is stating a fact. The natural occurring CO2 is what our climate is based,. Obviously, a change in the natural emissions, such as abnormally large volcanoes or others would have an effect as it did in the past.

Go back & look at the climate during those times of higher CO2 & see how livable that climate was.

If we would have done nothing the past 10-15 years & continued the emissions that we had, the effects would be more than they are now. More severe, longer droughts. Southern pests & diseases moving north, food shortages, etc.

All we need to do to lessen it is clean up our emissions, use cleaner fuels, higher MPG vehicles, better HVAV options.

But you fucking assholes can't do that. Even though it will save you money.

You have been duped by your political party. You ignore science & worship the Limbaughs & Trumps even though you are putting your grandchildren at risk.

Well skippy I guarantee my "carbon foot print" is probably a quarter of yours, also I think the term you were looking for was HVAC. I live in a very small house, cool it with 1 21000 BTU AC, heat it with one 1500 Watt Quartz heater and I own and maintain 4 acres of mature forest. So I most likely have a negative foot print.

But that aside, there have been 87 major volcanic eruptions since 1907 and even more smaller eruptions, so tell the rest of the class what effect those eruptions have on climate compared to the activity of man.
Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Its easy, the people warning us about it dont change the way they live and have much much larger carbon footprints than us.

So when al.l gore and leo live like they say we should, ill take them seriously.

Al Gore uses many emission saving options at his home. Go ahead, do some research & then incorporate those in your own home.

Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?

Cool go ahead shell out sixty grand to put solar on your home, no is stopping you!

Go ahead and follow the example set by this denier:



or you could follow the examples et by AL Gore is trying to head up the Church of AGW..

Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill

And buying carbon offsets, like AL Gore, is not a solution it only makes AL Gore rich!
Once again proving that you believe religious dogma over reality!

Most AGW cult member do as well, since they are the ones that programmed the models!


Here is the tempura records put in context!

However do not worry as in 600 million years the sun will start to run out of fuel and start expanding that it will start to kill off all life on this planet. 1.2 Billion years the sun will be a red giant and expand into the orbit of the earth killing everything on the planet. An dI bet you AGW cult member would still blame humans for it!

Another failed post from an AGW wanna be cult member!

Amazing what can be done by recalibrating an axis.

Effects of temperature rise: Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Effects

It doesn't take much of a rise in ave global temps.

Once again another failed post from a far left drone!

Al the evidence proves that the climate does change and CO2 has nothing to do with it! Never has.
So, you are too stupid top read the chares you posted. No surprise there.

Yes we know you would much rather believe your far left/AGW religion than reality and facts!
Most climate scientists agree with me.

You mean scientist that rely on govt funding for their existence?
Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Its easy, the people warning us about it dont change the way they live and have much much larger carbon footprints than us.

So when al.l gore and leo live like they say we should, ill take them seriously.

Al Gore uses many emission saving options at his home. Go ahead, do some research & then incorporate those in your own home.

Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?

So it's not affordable?
I did get a new HVAC, got a tax credit on it, so thanks bro.
I can buy offsets? Are those carbon credits owned by people who push Global Warming?
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Al Gore uses many emission saving options at his home. Go ahead, do some research & then incorporate those in your own home.

Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?

So it's not affordable?
I did get a new HVAC, got a tax credit on it, so thanks bro.
I can buy offsets? Are those carbon credits owned by people who push Global Warming?

Anyone can setup a carbon offset, and even pay themselves with it..

Even you can setup a carbon offset company!
I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
So why are our rivers still so polluted that the fish are in trouble.

If there is no pollution from corporations, why would regulations affect them?

Pollution and AGW are not the same things, that is why you far left drones fail!

Try to keep up. I was responding to one of you whiner's post.

Spewing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is polluting.
No it isn't, dumbass. If it was, you'd have to kill yourself.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

You are wrong it is mans effect on climate, not environment..

Another far left drone slip!
You just keep being the stupid, uniformed, duped, uneducated denier. I don't care. I bet your grandchildren care.

And you just proven that you have no clue what Climate Change is and have proven that you can only run far left religious dogma!

Environment does not equal climate!

Silly far left drones!
Al Gore uses many emission saving options at his home. Go ahead, do some research & then incorporate those in your own home.

Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.

Wait, so what is this energy? And if.its so.good, why dont we all have it?
You don;t have it because you are a cheap & ignorant.

You can opt for green electricity from your electric company. You can buy offsets, you can opt for energy efficient products, choose geothermal HVAC, put solar panels on your roof, etc

Are you really this stupid?

Cool go ahead shell out sixty grand to put solar on your home, no is stopping you!

Go ahead and follow the example set by this denier:



or you could follow the examples et by AL Gore is trying to head up the Church of AGW..

Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- A $30,000 Utility Bill

And buying carbon offsets, like AL Gore, is not a solution it only makes AL Gore rich!

yep ole Al needs that house for his family of himself. And 30 grand for a month, nice way to keep that footprint down..

Jesus, these stupid idiots follow people like this without question. "shakes head"
Actually, that is fake contributions are bearly even measurable compared to natural sources.....
Our climate prior to the man made emissions the past 50 years are based on the natural occurring emissions you stupid fuck. How the hell do you feed yourself without poking your eye out with a fork.

Its easy, the people warning us about it dont change the way they live and have much much larger carbon footprints than us.

So when al.l gore and leo live like they say we should, ill take them seriously.

Al Gore uses many emission saving options at his home. Go ahead, do some research & then incorporate those in your own home.

Nope.bro,.have you seen his house? Greenjeans want ua to.use bicicletta, live in small.houses, use almost no power and until.he does that, hes a fraud, his house is fucking huuuuuuge. And hes not even married anymore.
Look, genius, if you use renewable, green energy then size doesn't matter.
That's true, because we'll all freeze to death in the dark.

It doesn't matter anyway. The recent geological record shows that the climate isn't affected by the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Once again proving that you believe religious dogma over reality!

Most AGW cult member do as well, since they are the ones that programmed the models!


Here is the tempura records put in context!

However do not worry as in 600 million years the sun will start to run out of fuel and start expanding that it will start to kill off all life on this planet. 1.2 Billion years the sun will be a red giant and expand into the orbit of the earth killing everything on the planet. An dI bet you AGW cult member would still blame humans for it!

Another failed post from an AGW wanna be cult member!

Amazing what can be done by recalibrating an axis.

Effects of temperature rise: Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Effects

It doesn't take much of a rise in ave global temps.

Once again another failed post from a far left drone!

Al the evidence proves that the climate does change and CO2 has nothing to do with it! Never has.
So, you are too stupid top read the chares you posted. No surprise there.

Yes we know you would much rather believe your far left/AGW religion than reality and facts!
Most climate scientists agree with me.

That's what they get paid to do.
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
View attachment 101309

I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

Having an effect on the environment is one thing. Having an effect on the climate is another.

See what you did there? You posted a sleazy slight-of-hand where you tried to change the subject. That's what leftwing douche bags do when they can't win on the known facts.
I mean it seems that these two words are being thrown around as bad as or as hap- hazzardly as the race card is thrown around. The wind blows it's climate change, the wind don't blow it's climate change, the heat wave hit's then it's climate change, the cold wave hit's of course it's climate change, a strong hurricane hit's then it's caused by climate change, and on and on and on it goes. Think about it.. Good grief... I think it's a scam to move money around or it's a wealth redistribution scheme. What say you ??
Well obviously if you allow more pollution, in the short run the cities are going suffer more, not that everyone who lives in the cities is black or everyone that lives in the countryside is white.
Who as "suffering" at the end of the Clinton administration?
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
View attachment 101309

I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.

Bingo!!!!!!! Being against most regulations is not being against all of them. The left has to keep making them to.get money and making themselves relevant, why trying to turn us into peasants.........fuck you lefties!
You whiners keep blaming regulations. You've been doing it for at least 40 years.
Yep, and when regulations are curtailed the economy booms. Only morons believe government regulations don't harm economic growth.
I really don't see what the issue is. Whether you believe the science or not don't we all want clean air, clean water, abundant resources, less waste, less pollution, and less garbage rolling around our world? I really don't understand why simple compromises can't be made so we can work together towards a cleaner more healthy environment. Why would anybody support destroying our habitat? What a shitty thing to do to our future generations.

Do we really want a future that looks like this:
View attachment 101309

I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

Having an effect on the environment is one thing. Having an effect on the climate is another.

See what you did there? You posted a sleazy slight-of-hand where you tried to change the subject. That's what leftwing douche bags do when they can't win on the known facts.
Look, dipstick, I did not bring up the subject of pollution.
I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.

Bingo!!!!!!! Being against most regulations is not being against all of them. The left has to keep making them to.get money and making themselves relevant, why trying to turn us into peasants.........fuck you lefties!
You whiners keep blaming regulations. You've been doing it for at least 40 years.
Yep, and when regulations are curtailed the economy booms. Only morons believe government regulations don't harm economic growth.
Well the funny thing is, he thinks it's a zero sum game all or none. He doesn't have the capacity to see what are good regulations from what are bad ones.
Once again another failed post from a far left drone!

Al the evidence proves that the climate does change and CO2 has nothing to do with it! Never has.
So, you are too stupid top read the chares you posted. No surprise there.

Yes we know you would much rather believe your far left/AGW religion than reality and facts!
Most climate scientists agree with me.

Yes most of them get grant money and get 30,0000/lecture at conferences to talk about the subject!

Does not matter as they do not even knw how the climate engine works, so how can you say it is CO2 when you do not know how the engine works?

Many of them have put their reputations on the line and their egos, they are not going to change even though for the past 60 years they have been trying to prove that it is CO2, yet have zero scientific evidence to back up their claims..

Over that time trillions have been poured into the AGW church and only a few hundred million dedicated to actually finding out how the climate engine works..

Silly far left drone!
Let's ignore all science because most research scientists get grants.

Instead, lets believe the scientists on fossil fuels payroll or the receiving end of their grants.

You really are the perfect Trump voter. Dumber than shit & easily duped.
Douche bags like you are the ones who claim we can't believe what any skeptic of AGW says if they have received even one penny of money from private corporations, but somehow so-called "climate scientists" are immune from such influences.

That's the tactic of a douche bag propagandist, not someone interested in the truth. Furthermore, you're too fucking stupid to recognize when you've been hoisted on your own petard.
I don't really disagree with you....reduce, reuse & recycle and everyone doing their part to keep or maintain the landscape. It's called being a responsible human being.

What I disagree with is when it becomes a political ploy or scheme for profit. Climate change is inevitable, it's a natural occurring cycle and would happen even if the world was empty of human habitation. Yes, we as humans can do more to care for the earth during it's changes, but we're not 100% responsible for every weather anomaly or natural disaster.
I think the urgency gets injected to rally support. I understand why that rubs people the wrong way. I also think the politics of it isn't necessarily about how individuals treat their trash but more so big industry. We've seen the effects of power plant pollution, dumping of hazardous waste, water pollution, oil spills etc etc... the list goes on... I'd hope that we could all rally behind efforts to keep our businesses accountable and responsible for the impact they can have on our environment. I'm all for less regulation but the more wreckless and irresponsible big companies get the more the need to regulate. They did it to themselves

Pollution from corporate America was cleaned up long ago. Everything you listed has been illegal for decades. Now the only thing on the table are so-called "climate change" regulations that have no basis in scientific reality.
Debating the validity and effectiveness of the regulations put forth by the EPA in relation to our economy is a completely fair thing to do. But the heart of this debate falls between a group that believes that mans actions have an effect on our environment and another group that doesn't believe it does.

It is completely ludicrous to think we have no effect on our environment, that's just common sense. Studying and analyzing the magnitude of the effects along with alternative methods should be a goal of anybody regardless of ideology. Instead we waste time arguing over the basic notion of cause and effect that any rational thinker would understand.

Having an effect on the environment is one thing. Having an effect on the climate is another.

See what you did there? You posted a sleazy slight-of-hand where you tried to change the subject. That's what leftwing douche bags do when they can't win on the known facts.
Look, dipstick, I did not bring up the subject of pollution.
SLADE3200 did.

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