Is CNN an arm of the Democrat/Progressive party? They sure appear to be....

"Is CNN an arm of the Democrat/Progressive party? They sure appear to be...."

I don't know how anyone can say there isn't a lean to the left at CNN.

I also think that Trump's open war with them has them retaliating against him intentionally.

While I understand the desire for that, in the context of journalistic integrity, they've only cheapened themselves by doing so, IMO, and pushed further away from actual unbiased reporting into the entertainment area of "news"

Most televised news is a feckin' joke at this point. Set up to appeal to an audience and rake in the moniez.....
CNN’s largest demographic is angry white dudes looking for another reason where they can play the victim.
Just curious CC - why do you support CNN creating faking news? They've been caught now manufacturing fake news stories dozens and dozens of times over the past couple of years.

Nolte: CNN's Jim Acosta Caught on Video Manufacturing Very Fake News

I rarely watch CNN.
I watch cherry picked videos even less.

Why do you watch CNN?
THIS IS CNN: Reporter helps Kamala Harris try on clothes during campaign stop - The American Mirror

Instead of covering the candidate for president they decide to help her shop for clothes. Hard hitting journalism right there folks!

View attachment 246475
THIS IS CNN: Reporter helps Kamala Harris try on clothes during campaign stop - The American Mirror

Instead of covering the candidate for president they decide to help her shop for clothes. Hard hitting journalism right there folks!

View attachment 246475

Last week, for example, we learned that Sarah Isgur Flores, a GOP operative who has never worked as a journalist, will be joining CNN as one of the network’s political editors. The exact contours of Isgur’s role remain unclear ― in part because of CNN’s lack of transparency in discussing her position ― but it appears she will be helping to shape the political coverage of an outlet whose agenda-setting power plays a part in determining which stories receive national attention and how they are covered.

The arguments against CNN’s bizarre move are legion: Isgur is a longtime Republican political operative who most recently served as a spokesperson for former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a position she gained after personally pledging her loyalty to the president. She has no experience in journalism, yet her job will now be helping to guide its production, and she previously denounced the network as the “Clinton News Network.” In her role at the Justice Department, she defended the administration’s war on leakers — and now will be working with reporters who have confidential government sources; her variety of conflicts of interest have forced CNN to silo her off from vast swaths of political news.

For CNN, though, the appeal is simple: It “strongly suggests that the network’s big thinkers — including head honcho Jeff Zucker — are aiming for a kind of false fairness: a defensive, both-sides-are-equal kind of political coverage that inevitably fails to serve the voting public,” The Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan wrote last week.

CNN has consistently failed to grapple with its unique vulnerability to this form of false balance. The coverage favors stories about optics, scandal and the political horse race over policy.
Cable News Learned Nothing From 2016. Sarah Isgur's Hire Is Proof. | HuffPost

Liberal media my ass.
CNN just hired a Trumpist conspiracy theorist to run their election coverage. Why would they do that?
THIS IS CNN: Reporter helps Kamala Harris try on clothes during campaign stop - The American Mirror

Instead of covering the candidate for president they decide to help her shop for clothes. Hard hitting journalism right there folks!

View attachment 246475
THIS IS CNN: Reporter helps Kamala Harris try on clothes during campaign stop - The American Mirror

Instead of covering the candidate for president they decide to help her shop for clothes. Hard hitting journalism right there folks!

View attachment 246475

Last week, for example, we learned that Sarah Isgur Flores, a GOP operative who has never worked as a journalist, will be joining CNN as one of the network’s political editors. The exact contours of Isgur’s role remain unclear ― in part because of CNN’s lack of transparency in discussing her position ― but it appears she will be helping to shape the political coverage of an outlet whose agenda-setting power plays a part in determining which stories receive national attention and how they are covered.

The arguments against CNN’s bizarre move are legion: Isgur is a longtime Republican political operative who most recently served as a spokesperson for former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a position she gained after personally pledging her loyalty to the president. She has no experience in journalism, yet her job will now be helping to guide its production, and she previously denounced the network as the “Clinton News Network.” In her role at the Justice Department, she defended the administration’s war on leakers — and now will be working with reporters who have confidential government sources; her variety of conflicts of interest have forced CNN to silo her off from vast swaths of political news.

For CNN, though, the appeal is simple: It “strongly suggests that the network’s big thinkers — including head honcho Jeff Zucker — are aiming for a kind of false fairness: a defensive, both-sides-are-equal kind of political coverage that inevitably fails to serve the voting public,” The Washington Post’s Margaret Sullivan wrote last week.

CNN has consistently failed to grapple with its unique vulnerability to this form of false balance. The coverage favors stories about optics, scandal and the political horse race over policy.
Cable News Learned Nothing From 2016. Sarah Isgur's Hire Is Proof. | HuffPost

Liberal media my ass.

Great minds......
The three cable teevee "news" networks have each clearly chosen their course.

Advocacy reporting. A contradiction in terms.
Yeah! CNN and MSNBC are exactly like FOX news but from the left. That's absolutely provable. Nobody could argue.
Its not just CNN, remember the 'Journolist' these media outlets coordinate their propaganda and lies.
Damn CNN lies lol
In case you missed it, CNN recently dug up video footage(1999) of GOP Senators Mitch McConnell(KY), Lindsey Graham(SC), and Chuck Grassley(IA) explaining their reasons for supporting President Bill Clinton’s impeachment. Listening to the explanations given by Senators McConnell, Graham and Grassley in support of Clinton’s impeachment in 1999 and considering the fact that all of them are now staunch defenders, even abetters of President Trump who is accused of doing ...
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All MSM (Main Stream Media) an arm of the progressive party.....or communist fascists .....or what we call the Deep State.

Sad but true.

People will have to wake up to the truth now....or later.....

but wake up they must.

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