Is Fox News Brainwashing People?

Notice the finesse of an expert propagandist:

"Breaking tonight: With two weeks til the midterm, we are getting warnings that a new law has opened the door to possible voter fraud in a critical Senate race that could decide the balance of power in Congress. It was roughly sixteen months ago when the Democratic governor of Colorado signed a first of its kind new election law — a set of rules that literally allows residents to print ballots from their home computers, then encourages them to turn ballots over to "collectors" in what appears to be an effort to do away with traditional polling places. What could go wrong?"

Awesome, awesome piece of work to behold. A buried lie carefully crafted into catastrophic consequences for the entire country, while giving themselves a legal out with "possibles" and "coulds". They have propaganda down to a fine art.

Beautiful. Just beautiful.
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[funny I said almost the same thing to you, difference is it was fact when I said it.

So, you were going to fess up that you've never had a thought that wasn't assigned to you by your party? :thup:

I realize that thinking isn't something you do, but why would it be fact when you said it, considering we are saying the same thing?

Comes right out of her mouth.

See, you partisan rubes take advantage of the fact that any jackass can take one second to make a completely bogus claim while it takes some effort to debunk it.

And then as soon as one pile of manufactured bullshit is debunked, you just toss out another one.

Since I have just proven she lied, I guess that's what makes me a hack, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Herr Goebbels, I realize you're a fucking hack with zero integrity, but you DO grasp that she is commenting on a movie, not speaking of actual events, right?

Either you're incredibly fucking stupid, or your just a scumbag.

Meh, you're a hyper-partisan democrat, you're both.
[funny I said almost the same thing to you, difference is it was fact when I said it.

So, you were going to fess up that you've never had a thought that wasn't assigned to you by your party? :thup:

I realize that thinking isn't something you do, but why would it be fact when you said it, considering we are saying the same thing?
again you are copying what I said to you....
unlike yourself, I do think and don't resort to the same lame ploys you consistently use.
like this one.
you've used it countless times and it's crashed and burned just as many times.
[nothing to dodge you've got your ass handed to you in 2 threads today, take a break.
your jingoistic bloviating is monotonous..


You and the other hacks are again spewing hate at Fox, as instructed by your handlers.

The fact that an alternative view that that of the party exists, outrages your party bosses. Because you have the IQ of a stalk of broccoli, you come here with a script shrieking your hatred of Fox.

You may be stupid, but Soros can manipulate your emotions, particularly hate, to get you to do the bidding of the party. :thup:

Comes right out of her mouth.

See, you partisan rubes take advantage of the fact that any jackass can take one second to make a completely bogus claim while it takes some effort to debunk it.

And then as soon as one pile of manufactured bullshit is debunked, you just toss out another one.

Since I have just proven she lied, I guess that's what makes me a hack, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Herr Goebbels, I realize you're a fucking hack with zero integrity, but you DO grasp that she is commenting on a movie, not speaking of actual events, right?

Either you're incredibly fucking stupid, or your just a scumbag.

Meh, you're a hyper-partisan democrat, you're both.
hay ass hat it's a documentary she talking about.
one of those shocking expose types that turns out to be total bullshit.
in you haste to justify and minimize you missed or disregarded that fact.
fucking typical.
[nothing to dodge you've got your ass handed to you in 2 threads today, take a break.
your jingoistic bloviating is monotonous..


You and the other hacks are again spewing hate at Fox, as instructed by your handlers.

The fact that an alternative view that that of the party exists, outrages your party bosses. Because you have the IQ of a stalk of broccoli, you come here with a script shrieking your hatred of Fox.

You may be stupid, but Soros can manipulate your emotions, particularly hate, to get you to do the bidding of the party. :thup:
nice tantrum highly entertaining. totally devoid of fact.
melodrama at its we're doomed best!

A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home and then she invited Michelle Malkin and others to discuss that and a related documentary about it. It is not dishonest to cover the national conversation that is occurring and explore whether it has any validity. Fox News does that a lot and has the courage to cover a whole bunch of topics that the leftwing media won't touch.

And they can't control their dishonest enemies who mischaracterize what they report and how they report it.

Megyn is one of the less far right hosts at Fox and quickly jumped to No. 1 in her time slot because she is willing to disagree with the 'right' when she believes somebody got it wrong and agree with the 'left' when somebody gets it right.
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A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home and then she invited Michelle Malkin and others to discuss that and a related documentary about it. It is not dishonest to cover the national conversation that is occurring and explore whether it has any validity. Fox News does that a lot and has the courage to cover a whole bunch of topics that the leftwing media won't touch.

And they can't control their dishonest enemies who mischaracterize what they report and how they report it.
the award for best rationalizing in a thread goes to...

A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home and then she invited Michelle Malkin and others to discuss that and a related documentary about it. It is not dishonest to cover the national conversation that is occurring and explore whether it has any validity. Fox News does that a lot and has the courage to cover a whole bunch of topics that the leftwing media won't touch.

And they can't control their dishonest enemies who mischaracterize what they report and how they report it.
the award for best rationalizing in a thread goes to...

You can call it rationalizing if you want to and you pretty much have to when you build a dishonest straw man to attack somebody or something.

A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home and then she invited Michelle Malkin and others to discuss that and a related documentary about it. It is not dishonest to cover the national conversation that is occurring and explore whether it has any validity. Fox News does that a lot and has the courage to cover a whole bunch of topics that the leftwing media won't touch.

And they can't control their dishonest enemies who mischaracterize what they report and how they report it.
the award for best rationalizing in a thread goes to...

You can call it rationalizing if you want to and you pretty much have to when you build a dishonest straw man to attack somebody or something.
it's not me doing the rationalizing
A new Gallup poll exposed Fox News for the fraud that it is by finding that instead of being fair and balanced, the cable news leader caters to a viewership that is 94% Republican.

The Gallup poll on where Americans get their news painted the clearest picture yet of why Americans are so under informed, and who is really watching Fox News. Americans still overwhelmingly rely on television for their news. 55% of Americans get their news from television. A majority of those polled didn’t specify one network as their source of news (26%), but Fox News (8%), CNN (7%), and local news (4%) were the top three named sources. (Only 1% of Americans get their news from MSNBC.) The Internet (21%) topped both print media (9%), and radio (6%) to be the second most popular source of news.

Republicans (63%) get more of their news from television than Democrats (54%) because of Fox News. Twenty percent of Republicans listed Fox News as their news source. Democrats divide their loyalties, but CNN not MSNBC is their favored network.

Gallup dug into the demographics to paint a clear picture of who is watching Fox News. Sixty six percent of Fox News viewers are over age 50. Sixty nine percent of them are married. Fox News viewers are more likely than CNN viewers to be white, Protestant, attend church weekly, and earn over $75,000 a year. 66% of core Fox News viewers identified themselves as Republicans, and 94% of Fox viewers identified or leaned Republican.

Fox News’ audience mirrors the Republican Party, because it is the Republican Party.

For years, the mainstream media has been playing along with the lie that Fox News is just like all of the other networks. However, no other media outlet has such a partisan audience profile. An example of how partisan Fox News viewers are can be found in the fact that they gave President Obama a 2% job approval rating in the same Gallup poll.

Fox News has been selling a lie for decades. The network isn’t fair and balanced. Most Americans already knew that Fox was ideologically biased, but FNC has been able to spread its bias because other networks have adopted the Fox News model and talking points. By giving Fox News legitimacy, the rest of the mainstream media legitimized pro-Republican bias in their own reporting.

The media’s willingness to copy what Fox News has done has led to a disconnect between who the media thinks America is, and who America really is. Democrats have won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. The reason why Fox News is the cable news ratings leader isn’t because the country is more Republican. It’s because Republicans as a unified group watch Fox News. If Democrats rallied behind a single news network, that network would be larger than FNC.

Fox News made news partisan by pulling off one of the great frauds of all time.

Fox pretended to be a legitimate news operation when they have always been a tool of the Republican Party that was made by Republicans and for Republican viewers.

The numbers don’t lie. There is nothing fair and balanced about Fox News.

Fair and Balanced Fraud Exposed 94 of Fox News Viewers Are Republicans

A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home and then she invited Michelle Malkin and others to discuss that and a related documentary about it. It is not dishonest to cover the national conversation that is occurring and explore whether it has any validity. Fox News does that a lot and has the courage to cover a whole bunch of topics that the leftwing media won't touch.

And they can't control their dishonest enemies who mischaracterize what they report and how they report it.
the award for best rationalizing in a thread goes to...

You can call it rationalizing if you want to and you pretty much have to when you build a dishonest straw man to attack somebody or something.
it's not me doing the rationalizing

I didn't say you did.

A careful scrutiny of what happened does not have Megyn Kelly saying that. What she did say is that Fox News was receiving reports of voters printing their ballots at home and then she invited Michelle Malkin and others to discuss that and a related documentary about it. It is not dishonest to cover the national conversation that is occurring and explore whether it has any validity. Fox News does that a lot and has the courage to cover a whole bunch of topics that the leftwing media won't touch.

And they can't control their dishonest enemies who mischaracterize what they report and how they report it.
the award for best rationalizing in a thread goes to...

You can call it rationalizing if you want to and you pretty much have to when you build a dishonest straw man to attack somebody or something.
it's not me doing the rationalizing

I didn't say you did.
thanks I didn't think you did.
but other posters would have

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